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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/20 in all areas

  1. *shuffles through a box of my mother's "me-related" stuff I was given when she passed away* (paraphrasing)..."your new daughter was actually brought to Seoul from Pusan, where she was found and assumed to be from." Really? Pusan? Never heard of Pusan. Where's that? *google* ohhhh...it's another spelling for Busan. There's quite a bit of information I wasn't aware of, in all these adoption process papers. It's...interesting.
    4 points
  2. I'm guessing Wasteland 3 is coming out soon because I just got my key.
    3 points
  3. Is there any actual evidence of this? Because something like that is 'said' every single time there's a police brutality incident- the victim is always said to be drugged up andor going for a weapon, even when they are neither; because saying so establishes the initial narrative which is then hard to challenge. It also, of course, poisons the jury pool on the off chance it actually does go to trial.
    2 points
  4. Total War: I offer to join another kingdom in their war against a third faction. They demand I pay them all my resources in exchange for accepting my aid... So I simply declared war on the other faction and laid siege to their city without "helping".
    2 points
  5. This Eco-Friendly Mural Cleans Air Pollution as Much as 780 Trees.
    2 points
  6. Not much to start but I figured I would share
    2 points
  7. I built the framing for the greenhouse today. Didn't take any pics. I will once it's finished though. I kind of suck at carpentry. Particularly figuring angles which is ironic because I was always good at math and even enjoyed Trig. But a sloped roof down the east facing side is part of the plan.
    2 points
  8. On the topic of racism and how indigenous people are treated, apparently the executives ordering the destruction of aboriginal heritage is getting hit where it probably hurt them the most... on their wallets "Rio Tinto bosses lose bonuses over Aboriginal cave destruction" https://www.bbc.com/news/business-53885695
    2 points
  9. I'm cautious building anywhere that's not within the completed map. There's a large area around this before you hit the under construction tape and I'm prepared to lose anything I build here. For example; around the pond, berry bush & toxic area a not completed but not behind the construction tape. Looking at recent dev screenshots I can see something new by the pond that's going to be on top of a friends base, so I guess these area are all risky to build in. For now I'm just going to chill at my hunting lodge on the large flat rock
    2 points
  10. The fire selector on a Big Shoota has 2 settings: Dakka and More Dakka. You can't actually switch to the Dakka setting, it's purely cosmetic, and you wouldn't want to since the answer is always More Dakka.
    2 points
  11. ∆ Ladder -Version 1. Permanent building -Version 2. Portable to get around everywhere with max length ∆ Fireman pole? -Its cool, just saying ∆ World weather -Rain? HIGH GROUND!!! -Windy? READY YOUR REPAIR KIT -Sunny? (Affects stamina and thirst) -Didn't get that far of the game, it might have it already ∆ More insects - More flying insects - Mosquitoes? -Flies? -Insects that ambush or that sets traps - Lol! Nightmare mode! ∆ Mounts (Few insects or rate insects) -Injured ant (We help, now it's a pet) -Having a pet is a great responsibility(Food, Health and stuff) or they will leave ∆ Acorn/Grass board -Boarding downhill is fun! -Getting pulled your pet or friend is cool ∆ Telescope -Is this even necessary? -Clover leave + water dew = good stuff ∆ Rope -Going down -Swinging -Going up -Pet pulling the characters? ∆ Flattener -Good looking base!!! ∆ Freshness level -Yes ∆ Difficulty -Nightmare (Some or few insects can climb!!! ∆ Suit for climbing -Only available in nightmare mode Cages -Harvestable Insect parts?
    1 point
  12. I saw a youtuber suggesting that we should be able to move stuff after building them and I am sure that it will be a feature in the future patches. So I am assuming that we will be able to actually move our storage chests from one place to another. It will be really cool if we can train ladybugs to be able to carry these chests and serve as a caravan that we can travel around and sleep with stuff that we need. This can also be a way to help us move items from camp to camp and be vigilant of what might ambush us on the way. Multiple lady bugs would be nice and the more we have the more bugs will be attacking us as we traverse the backyard. Since we are able to gather ant eggs and actually force them to hatch by just dropping them, there should be a way for us to train them and help us gather stuff on the ground. We can assign these ants to a certain type of container and start gathering stuff that we got lazy to pick up because we are too busy chopping grass planks for our bases, bug parts lying on the ground killed by another bug and arrows that we can no longer see because we died before picking them up. This will also help reduce lag in the game if there is too much stuff on the ground. These ants can also help us pick up the grass planks, clay and other future building materials and bring them back to the storage they are assigned to. I like playing survival games from the start again to actually feel survival aspect of it. Having these two features will encourage me more to start all over again since I do not have to worry about the daunting number of materials I have to gather to make my base on a new location. This will also give me a reason to make large bases to house my trained insects because having a large base does not make any sense to me if its function is only for sleeping and storing stuff. Kudos!
    1 point
  13. Hi guys, I have a few comments/suggestions that I'm not sure have been posted before: Equipped Armor should not take up inventory space - it should only take up the armor slots when equipped Food should be stackable inventory - I find it pointless to waste inventory slots on having more than 1 of the same piece of food Upgradable backpack maybe? - So you can increase inventory space, and maybe it slows you down a little I also would like to share some bugs/glitches I have encountered: Audio bug - when logging into the game the audio is sometimes scratchy and staticy - not just for a few minutes, but the whole entire time until you restart Building items sometimes disappear when I put them on the ground - they just go right through the ground and I am unable to pick them up after My friends armor disappeared after he died (I didn't take it I swear) - he went back to his backpack and his armor was not in it. I am playing the game preview on my Xbox One console. Those are just some of the things I would like to see and some bugs I have encountered, let me know if these are good suggestions or not.
    1 point
  14. When turned off holding LB would open the wheel and then upon release it would equip or use once what was selected. This would speed things up. Especially when in combat as switching weapons or using heals quickly can give you an advantage.
    1 point
  15. Total War: my fleet is caught mid sea by the enemy fleet. A naval battle ensues. It takes place on a forested hilltop. When you can't see the ocean for all the trees.
    1 point
  16. Fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) would attack and attempt to replace the native ants (maybe use the abandoned anthill as their initial spawn?). Fire ants would ALWAYS be aggressive to players and any insect that disturbs their nest. Nearly the entirety of the colony swarm out to meet threats due to a threat pheromone released by a single ant if the scent is close enough to the mound. A fire ant colony consists of 1 or more queens and the workers (no soldiers are present or needed as the entirety of the worker population have evolved as quite vicious fighters possessing both a bite and venomous sting) . Nurse ants are younger workers that feed, tend to, and move the queen and brood within the hill to maintain optimal developmental temperature. (towards the surface to warm, deeper underground to cool). Older workers serve as reserves to defend the colony, and construct and maintain the mound. The oldest worker ants become foragers. (These are the most likely to be victims of predation and are the most expendable of the colony) Occasionally the fire ants could sortee against the native ants in a swarm and inflict casualties/ capture eggs as food with the goal of causing native ant extinction and if successful colonize the main anthill as well. Edit: I also want to point out the Ant Armor 'Hum-ant' perk would be totally ineffective versus fire ants. Even subtle differences in ant pheromones cause nearby competing fire ant colonies to war incessantly. A strange ant would be viewed as a threat immediately and the resultant defensive swarm would have the bits tucked away in the larder in no time.
    1 point
  17. Nope, they are not. Mortars' AoE is the standard attack and transports all attack effects - such as blind from Blinding Strike, stun from Stunning Surge etc. Even damage over time like from Arterial Strike or Gouging Strike. Only exception: wouding shot (Ranger) does only work for the initial target for some odd reason. Frostseekers crit AoE is a secondary crit which doesn't do that. The effects of a special attack will only apply to the initial target. It has higher base dmg though iirc. I don't remember if their base AoE sizes are similar or not. However, Frostseeker has a much higher range than mortars/bluderbusses. As mortar/bluderbuss user you have to be prepared to get attacked by melee guys every now and then. But some classes have very helpful mobility abilites like Escape, Evasive Roll etc. By the way: a Fighter can use Clear Out with mortars in the main hand if he also wears a melee weapon the the offhand. The result is quite hilarious since it's an AoE*AoE attack then (every AoE hit of Clear Out triggers an AoE attack of the mortar). If you have a Ranger/Fighter with Fire in the Hole you can trigger [AoEClear Out * (AoEFitH + AoEChain Shot + AoEDriving Flight)] hits rolls - which is bonkers.
    1 point
  18. Small correction - or rather addition: there's only a penalty (-35% dmg) if you are executing a Full Attack. Primary- and auto-attacks don't get any penalty.
    1 point
  19. "Trump's victory in '16 has given us a lot of bad actors in government and a lot of, well, Trump. That was bad. But suppose Clinton won facing a Republican held Congress. What would be different? Anyone who thinks Clinton was on the up and up hasn't been watching the news for the last 30 years. There would be plenty of bad actors and power abuses in that administration. Maybe not so brazen and ham fisted but you are still hip deep in roaches even if they are hiding. " i dunno mehbe there wouldn't be 170,000+ dead Amerikans
    1 point
  20. Pathfinder characters and writing drove me crazy. Pretty much every character is a cliche. I forget the dudes name but your rival at the start was just awful. It felt like a JRPG minus the charm. Was very cartoony but the setting was trying to be gloom and doom. I never thought it was done tongue in cheek. Could have been... But it wasn't over the top cheesy... Just felt bad
    1 point
  21. Even leaving aside that a defendant would have to be nuts to accept such a "deal" that involved harsher punishment than what's prescribed by the Code for the offense in question, I was under the impression that prosecutors aren't at liberty to "offer" worse terms than maximum sentencing either in fines or imprisonment time. Different punishment, yes -- one could agree to plead guilty to a misdemeanor rather than facing felony charges in a dubious jury trial. Worse, no.
    1 point
  22. Playing NieR Automata, almost done with the first "chapter" but got trashed by, what I can only assume, is the last boss (of ending A, anyway). At least my hands aren't hurting yet, unlike with Remember Me, which I just gave up on as that game physically hurt my hands. I'd like to think I'm getting used to controllers more, but given that I avoid them except for racing games I can't really fathom when that would have happened...
    1 point
  23. My understanding is that like D:OS2, BG3 is turn-based only, which is enough for me: I won't buy it. The turn-based approach in D:OS2 was a huge turn-off and I won't be playing games that only use it.
    1 point
  24. Try loading an earlier save when this happens it means you're game has reset unfortunately.
    1 point
  25. @Skazz my advice is to never procrastinate and do not multi-task. I learned a long time ago multi-tasking is a wonderful opportunity to screw up multiple things simultaneously. Plus when mutli-tasking four one hour jobs you will not complete them in one hour. You won't een complete them in four. Next thing you know half the day is gone and you still haven't gotten anything done. Frustration will rise, that leads to anxiety which leads to more frustration. Whatever task you are on focus on 100% until completion. If I have one skill it's the ability to laser focus on one thing at a time and shut everything else out.
    1 point
  26. the topic were silly from the get go, so am not feeling guilty 'bout going all hic sunt dracones. had a low opinion o' the US educational system right up until we taught university classes in spain and uk. a little real world perspective went a long way towards dispelling our preconceptions. were not so much our opinion o' US education improved once we taught and studied in europe, but we did realize the gap we imagined 'tween US and the world were based on a$$hat academics at US universities convincing us o' a "fact" which were in reality little more than a shared gross assumption. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  27. So this case is causing another set of burning and looting? This is why i hate the instastory culture and outrage culture so prelevant now in countries, which should know better, and apply correct due process before using that for political battering. Same story with mr. Floyd. Some flash of the whole situation gets viral, and burning and looting in name of some criminal happens. Was the police without fault? No. The cop should have a bit cooler head, and open for some ventilation assistance as guy crashed on drugs and asked them for help from the beginnig of the arrest. It would probably be easier for police to assist correctly if those people had no extenaive criminal records before those unfortunate events. It would probably easier if US streets wouldn't be littered with illegal guns. Perhaps, if people valued more scientists, businessman, doctors, property and family, etc. instead of artists with dubious past shouting about voilence, sexual activities and drugs, then things would go better in communities, which struggle.
    1 point
  28. Australia still has some serious issues with racism, but this clip was too funny to not share. Life as a racist in Australia is getting harder and harder! Warning! Video contains Australian Humour Edit: Not as bad as the CU in the NT tourist campaign
    1 point
  29. I can understand why you would raise this point, you believe that there is far too much attention on violence committed during some protests when in fact most protests are not violent. Ostensibly that is true but it also doesn't help or address the problems that are ongoing in certain US cities like Portland. And the violence and damage to property and people is real. Its societal impact and how ubiquitous the " violent protests " are get used by both the left and right to feed political aspirations with normal citizens caught in the middle But since most of us dont want another 4 years of Trump I am more concerned how his campaign will embellish this violence and use this to gain votes Trump is obviously going to focus on similar sentiment to what you expressed as an example of " Democrats dont care about anarchy and lawlessness .....Democrats hate oil .....Democrats hate God.....Democrats want to take away your guns " ( despite the fact a person could quite possibly not be a Democrat but share some of theses views in a constructive way ) Two things can be true at the same time in life and I honesty believe this applies to this general debate and we should call them out, so for example The majority of protests are not violent There is real violence committed by Antifa and other anarchist groups at some protests that needs to be dealt with effectively So in summary for people who have there livelihoods and lives directly impacted and irrevocably changed by violence in protests the last thing they want to hear is someone making a well meaning comment like " not all the protests are violent or disruptive " .....all this does is feed the Trump narrative of " the left dont care about lawlessness " and could add unintentional support to his campaign
    1 point
  30. so far the biggest fail o' the rnc has been trump. oh sure, we expected gaslighting and conspiracy theories and weird genuflection 'fore the altar o' trumpism, but we were actual a bit surprised by the attempt to make trump a figure o' empathy with numerous stories/fables o' his compassion... which trump managed to complete undermine multiple times by speaking other than from a script. Trump praises Erdoğan during convention segment with freed hostages ... we couldn't invent that kinda batcrap crazy and yet we saw it happen. even worse is fact the segment were pre recorded. you know every news outlet other than state media is gonna go rabid over that bit... not to mention amnesty international and pretty much every human rights organization on the planet. given how lindsey graham feels 'bout erdogan and trump's betrayal o' the kurds, we would enjoy hearing the senator's explanation o' trump defending erdogan to a hostage. ... another tone deaf moment were the custodian exchange. trump didn't seem to know what a custodian job entailed 'cause he had to ask the post office custodian what is the job o' a custodian. "that profession will never be out of business," were the President's response? ... the gaslighting, alternative facts, conspiracy theories and snake oil salesmanship is gonna continue, but am suspecting nobody has the guts to minimize the single biggest problem for the republicans at the rnc: trump. oh and just for fun, our personal low effort award o' the week goes to the rnc... and is only monday. am aware there won't be a way to top this: is some stiff competition for the award, but adopting the 2016 platform w/o any changes whatsoever woulda' been epic akcja$$ lazy and stoopid even if it didn't result in the kinda comic self immolation we see from the linked tweet. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  31. The Funnening - Improved Fighter Not much technical about it, but there's over 30 new abilities so it my be good for giving you guys ideas. The New Skills ----------------------------- 1 - Finesse - Primary Attack, +15 Accuracy -20% damage  • +5 Reflex 8s 1 - Sieze - 0.5m distance ray that stuns you and opponent up to 6s, costs 0 Discipline 1 - Safety Swap - Fighter exchanges position with ally in close range 1 - Muscle Memory - passive - +Accuracy vs Fortitude when dealing damage vs fortitude (10% conversion rate, stacking) for 30s 1 - Contesting Command - passive - +5 Accuracy for you (or anyone with this ability) vs foes engaged by you 1 - Piercing Blows - passive - +1 penetration with proficient weapons 2 - Feint - increase targets recovery time after their next attack 3 - Heavy Blow - Your next weapon attack deals +50% damage, but takes 3.33x longer to perform. 3 - Hinder Swipe - Primary Attack, +35% Recovery Time to target for 12s  • +5% Pierce damage resistance 8s 3 - Deflecting Maneuver - Primary Attack, -10 Accuracy vs Deflection vs you for 12s • +5 Deflection 8s 3 - Assertive Prowess - passive - +5 accuracy, negated if hit by a hostile crit and refreshed every time a 15s interval ticks 3 - Free Reign - passive - +15% attack speed, negated if hit by a hostile crit and refreshed every time a 15s interval ticks 4 - Tackle - Upgraded from Charge. Pull in and knock prone an area around the target you charge to. 4 - Jeopardize - Primary Attack, +25% damage vs target for 12s  • +5 Fortitude 8s 4 - Harrow - Primary Attack, -25% damage to target for 12s  • +5 Will 8s 4 - Jarring Stroke - Primary Attack, -10 Deflection, -7 Reflex to target for 12s  • +10 Fortitude vs Spells 8s 4 - En Garde - 75% chance to parry up to three melee weapon attacks for 15s 4 - Pointed Defense - passive - +1 armor vs slash, crush 5 - Impeding Blow - Primary Attack, -20% Attack Speed to target for 12s  • +5% Slash damage resistance 8s 5 - Blindside - Primary Attack, -10 Accuracy to target for 12s • +5 defenses vs AoE attacks 5 - Breaching Talent - passive - +1 penetration to all attacks 6 - Counter Attack - passive - 30% chance to counter melee weapon attacks when hit 7 - Disarm - Remove whatever a silly kith or wilder has in each hand, for a short time. 7 - Hero of the Day - passive - +20 defense vs AOE 7 - Invasive Opener - Primary Attack, +35% Attack Speed vs target for 12s  • +5% Crush damage resistance 8s 8 - Dismember - primary attack vs fortitude, reduces max HP by 15% 8 - Destroy Armor - primary attack (vs Reflex) does -armor, -Deflection as a % of damage dealt (upgraded from Sundering Blow) 8 - Outclass - Full attack vs will, deals -Reflex and -Melee Damage as a % of damage dealt 8 - Flow State - +100% attack speed, -50% recovery with your proficient weapon for 30s 8 - Thick of Battle - +50 Will versus ranged attacks for 60s 8 - Imperium - Increased melee attack range, increased engagement radius, increase engagement limit by 10, +3 Accuracy per engaged, -10 Accuracy to engaged foes 9 - Moment of Truth - When an enemy is about to attack you, leap straight into them for up to +500% damage if you're at your lowest health and the enemy is at his highest. With my Fighter Augmented mod, I change existing skills: Changes to Existing Abilities ----------------------------------- 1 - Penetrating Strike - +20% damage-->+0%, +3 penetration-->+4, demoted 2 levels to level 1 2 - Charge - Cost 2-->1 Discipline, Stun 4-->6s, demoted 2 levels to level 2 2 - Into the Fray - Cost 2-->1 Discipline, Daze 5s-->Stagger 10s, Hobbled for 6s - Accuracy vs Reflex-->Fortitude (+20 bonus accuracy) - Affliction Accuracy vs Fortitude-->Reflex - Afflictions will upgrade on crit or downgrade on graze 2 - Mule Kick - demoted one level to level 2 3 - Lower Their Guard - Cost 2-->1, Daze 5s-->6s, -5 Reflex for 6s, -10 Armor for 5-->6s, demoted one level to level 3 - Afflictions will upgrade on crit or downgrade on graze 3 - Out of Fire - Cost 2-->1, Daze 5-->10s, -5 Reflex for 10s, demoted one level to level 3 - Keeps the +20 bonus accuracy from Into the Fray - Afflictions will upgrade on crit or downgrade on graze 3 - Power Strike - Cost 4-->1, only does +50% damage, can use for non-melee weapons, demoted four levels to level 3 5 - Sundering Blow - Cost 2-->1 Discipline, +3 penetration-->+0, (just Armor -4 now), demoted four levels to level 5 6 - Inspired Strike - Cost 4-->1, only does +100% damage, can use for non-melee weapons, demoted three levels to level 6 6 - Reaping the Whirlwind - passive - +1 Discipline-->+4 7 - Weapon Mastery - passive - +5% damage-->10% with proficient weapons 8 - Clear the Path - Now gives hobbled and dazed afflictions vs. fortitude, which are upgraded one affliction level if it crits, or downgraded if it grazes - Afflictions will upgrade on crit or downgrade on graze 8 - Clean Sweep- Also gives +5 Deflection per enemy hit for 8s 8 - Inspired Discipline - Cost 3-->2 The only one I'm really proud of is Imperium but it's not a technical achievement. Hopefully I can get through Priest and Paladin pretty easily, then I'm close to finishing overhauls for almost every class. Cheers mates!!
    1 point
  32. ...Should I tell you that Korn gets covered as a classic too or do you want to keep blissfully ignorant?
    1 point
  33. I think I would prefer sticking to non-scaling bonuses tbh. Several of the best hats in the game can be purchased/liberated the moment you leave Port Maje: Acina's Tricorn Death's Maw Deltro's Cage Helm Heaven's Cacophony Helm of the Falcon Rekvu's Fractured Casque Thaos' Headdress Whitewitch Mask So I don't think it would serve a purpose since hat progression isn't linear either. It would be inconsistent with the other racial abilities, too. Death Godlike hit a sweet spot in vanilla imo, but I'm all in favor of buffing the others. The P&P adaption gives each of the godlikes a unique daily ability, though pretty mundane ones. Some are inspiring though: How about giving Moon Godlikes a per-encounter Pull of Eora? Though instead of a Pulsing Hazard it'd just fire once and have a smaller AoE for balance. Maybe call it "Pull of Belafa"
    1 point
  34. Nalvi's Resolve effect is the part of the Pet bonus that only applies to the character that has the Pet equipped. (It's the effect that is specified in StatusEffectOnEquipIDs.) It is completely separated from the Party Wide Ability (Armor Recovery) which is specified in AbilitiesOnEquipIDs. However in Nalvi's case (and maybe all pets), the Party Wide Ability's tooltip description also describes the "Owner"-exclusive effect, even though it is actually defined elsewhere. If you want to change Pumpkin's "Owner"-exclusive effect specifically to Nalvi's Resolve Bonus, change the ItemMod's StatusEffectOnEquipIDs parameter to 13587cb0-b4a9-42f4-b185-4ec4efca6216, which is the Guid of Mod_Pet_BACKER_SE_Resolve. If you want the AoE bonus effect, then it would be ab2ec447-f3b9-4263-87fd-d98caeb576d1 (Mod_Pet_BACKER_SE_AoESize)
    1 point
  35. not gonna answer direct, so bear with us. am a fifty-one year old burnout who managed to make enough money to retire at fifty. ... we got almost no advice 'cause in spite o' fact our story, on paper, looks like a horatio alger success tale, it were similar improbable. almost no advice. don't try to fix your life. start small. pick three small things you know you should do daily, but don't. hell, pick one task to start. something as small as making your bead in the morning. make routine. is a seeming inconsequential achievement, but get in the habit o' doing and succeeding every day. am knowing it sounds silly and cliché, but success is a habit. if you are trying to change direction/trajectory o' your life, start by choosing to make success routine and predictable. whenever we face a big problem, one which is visible insurmountable, we take one small part we know we are able to address and then work on that part. am not gonna lie; some problems is indeed insurmountable. nevertheless, you always got a fighting chance if you believe you can succeed ('cause success became a habit) and if you manage to stay in the game long enough to find solutions. worry up a small corner o' the problem and work on it even if it seems like doing so is a waste o' effort. am knowing such pith sounds like f'ing self help nonsense which feels patronizing and asinine when problems is big... twenty and thirty year problems. how the heck do you get a career and start building towards retirement by making your bed every morning? Gromnir is obvious an idiot, no? am also gonna once again admit how we quite happily retired at a relative early age 'cause what we were doing and how we were doing became soul numbing. perhaps not a great model to follow. gl HA! Good Fun! ps perhaps the best bit o' advice, but one we never managed to take, is to not be afraid to ask coworkers and friends for help, advice and criticism. not money. don't ask friends for money. however, advice and aid and criticism is gonna be useful. if you don't have friends, pretend as if coworkers and acquaintances is friends and chances are they will be soon enough.
    1 point
  36. i think there's some minor bugginess because the game assumes some knowledge about the main quest i think in some quest updates. i think something similar happened in poe1 where companions might mention thaos or woedica before you even knew what was going on. but you definitely should not know more about eothas's ultimate plans yet, just where he's trying to go and the immediate effects of his actions. there are also some dialogues that are triggered by rest (xoti in particular, since she needs to have nightmares) - but it should be pretty early on, so unless you've been abstaining from all rest, it seems suspect. edit - just noticed that you mentioned you rested for hte first time, so yeah, you're going to get hit with a lot of dialogue. you should rest more, if only because it means you should be using empower more and getting rest bonuses.
    1 point
  37. I dont know how often if at all this is suggested but Im too lazy to search. Have you guys ever considered adding a local / splitscreen mode of multiplayer? I just thought it would be cool to be able to play with friends on the same couch kind of like minecraft.
    1 point
  38. YES that is pure genius I would love to able to play with a friend when they come over, I absolutely adore this game and that would make this game all the better so please developers do that. It would mean the world to me!
    1 point
  39. Hey all, Yeah we do have this logged as a big issue for our xbox players. We are trying to look for fixes now, but in the meantime would you be able to let us know your gamer tags, and if you havent which Xbox series you are playing on? This info is helpful for us to look into this problem. Thanks!
    1 point
  40. He-Man gave me unrealistic body expectations. My head never got that big no matter how much I worked out. The fur chonies, on the other hand, were money well spent
    1 point
  41. I'd hope they step away from the PoE system and instead, whilst going fo open classes still. Where you have an advantage if you build your character according to your class choice; where you can build a potent fighter even if you are druid, but put those limitations on how far skills (actual skills, none of that PoE "specialization" stuff) can advance. And move on from there.
    1 point
  42. Tuned Wolf Spider hearing and investigation AI to creep on the player less frequently.
    1 point
  43. Curious what was actually nerfed, their first attack takes like 95% of your health. Am I missing something?
    1 point
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