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HoonDing last won the day on December 6

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About HoonDing

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  1. Yeh, you really need to be very attentive and search every nook and cranny to find the relics. I don't like the boxing but love the slapstick fights taking down fascists with plungers, brooms and feather dusters.
  2. Seems a huge pain in the ass to find pill bottles/relics in the Vatican, even marking relics on the map doesn't help at all.
  3. Eh, so what's the point of ray tracing exactly? It just halves my fps in exchange for a cartoony look.
  4. It got me <1s loading times in Skyfield and solved all my audio lag issues. Also helped with DirectStorage of Forspoken
  5. My computer is good enough, but recently getting a NVMe SSD really opened my eyes.
  6. Feels like the best time for some Delta Force to claim the bounty on that ISIS scumbag.
  7. I'm sure the populace will fare much better under the greater evil.
  8. If only he were 20" taller. Maybe then he could make "l'état" le sien.
  9. Fate of Atlantis Fists path best path!
  10. Another small step towards the restoration of the Ottoman Empire
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