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Pidesco last won the day on February 4

Pidesco had the most liked content!


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About Pidesco

  • Rank
    Global Moderator

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  • Location
    Gothenburg, Sweden
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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  • Lords of the Eastern Reach Backer Badge
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  1. Not yet. For dialogue, at least, someone will come up with a mod, eventually.
  2. You should only get attribute points every other level after level 10.
  3. It should work now. The Steelbook keys were set to only work with the advanced release time.
  4. No existe informaciĆ³n sobre Avowed y la ps5, de momento. Solo puedes esperar. _____ There's no information about Avowed on PS5, at the moment. The only thing you can do is wait.
  5. It's exactly what is happening and it is barely being reported.
  6. A new god, perhaps. Also, you are a godlike and there's this:
  7. https://streamable.com/swzeiw Some combat footage with only the fight sounds. Looks great, especially for a first person RPG.
      • 2
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  8. How do you mean, the board software is excellent, the best there is.
  9. And Trump already laid some significant groundwork 4 years ago.
  10. https://harpers.org/archive/1941/08/who-goes-nazi/ This is insightful and might be helpful in the near future. From 1941.
  11. Fortunately Nazi Germany is the one and only example ever of a strongman getting elected and turning a country into an authoritarian state, so it's fine.
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