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Pidesco last won the day on July 20

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About Pidesco

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    Global Moderator

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    Gothenburg, Sweden
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  1. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1841644041219256496.html A helpful thread.
  2. It has also been established several times that Trump is lying about that and only started lying about that when it became clear project 2025 was deeply unpopular.
  3. I don't think pointing this out will help any, but if one candidate is stating facts, or at least well founded opinions, and the other is just stating bald faced lies, someone saying both candidates need to tone down their rhetoric strikes me as either ignorant or just dishonest. And specifically dishonest in favour of the liar.
  4. My problem with Taylor Swift is that she isn't even bad. Just so bland, generic, nondescript.
  5. A lot of people are just that ignorant of the world around them, and not in the conspiracy rabbit hole sense. They are ignorant of things just because they are for the most part entirely uninterested in things that are consequential.
  6. Don't threaten me with a good time.
  7. He was saying and doing racist things long before he went into politics.
  8. https://www.buzzfeed.com/lollaparooza/crazy-parodies-of-the-last-supper-8s5g?sub=1992906_839049 Article from 2013. Sopranos, Simpsons, South Park, House, Lost, Mash, DC Comics, Battlestar Galactica and more.
  9. Yes, I have to concede that the venal liars said something that they feel is politically expedient, so we have no choice but to believe them. Oh, well.
  10. Whitmer has said she wants to see out her governorship. Buttigieg for that extra wokeness, I guess? I do think the Dems' only play is to draw as much attention as possible to drive up turn out.
  11. It's like the weirdest bit someone has ever committed to.
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