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Amentep last won the day on June 6

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  1. Not sure how close they're going to be to suicide squad from a story perspective beyond what is set up in the trailer. In the comics, Creature Commandos are a different program from Task Force X, initially run by the army in WWII, Frankenstein & The Bride work for a government organization named S.H.A.D.E. (Super Human Advanced Defense Executive) and G.I. Robot was a third seperate WWII Era project. So they may be using Waller and the Suicide Squad concept to give a single hook that audiences already know to throw the characters together.
  2. There's a broadcast channel called Buzzr that I watch. Has repeats of Match Game PM, To Tell the Truth & Price is Right. I think they've had Family Feud, but don't think its on currently. But all I watched in their 70s versions, and all fun to revisit occasionally.
  3. Pretty sure they're sending people into the (infected) world to be agents to keep the population sustainable to some degree. Possibly in concert with other area.
  4. Cheng Pei-Pei (Come Drink With Me, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and many others)
  5. John Woo's remake of his own film, THE KILLER now has a trailer -
  6. I do wonder why the show went through so many cast changes. I don't think there is a single character that remained a series regular through the whole thing.
  7. For Earth: Final Conflict - They have a real tough time integrating Renee into the series and they struggle a good bit off and on with Liam too at this point. Also I think because of the cast changes, they sort of forget what their characters goals are, which leads to a lot of back-and-forth character development and some confusing swerves. EDIT: New Trailer:
  8. I'm about to start a re-watch of 6 million dollar man. have watched 2 of the original 3 TV movies. Should watch the third this weekend, then start the series the week after that baring the unexpected. Loved Emergency! as a kid. One of the local channels re-runs it, so I'll sometimes catch an episode here and there.
  9. I liked Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, personally.
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