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melkathi last won the day on December 1

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About melkathi

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    Teddy Bear Adventurer of the Obsidian Order

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    melkathi interests many people. Not many of them interest melkathi.


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  1. Luckily I was able to return the coat. I don't need to make an onlyfans account after all.
  2. I was very tired. I haven't really slept through a night this week. Yesterday night the phone rang after 3AM, because a neighbour in Greece neither knew or cared I was out of the country in a different timezone. So when I didn't answer and simply texted that I was unavailable out of the country, he spammed me with text messages. As a result I was exhausted all day. Saw a nice coat. Opened XE to check the price in Euro and left out a zero. As a result I accidentally bought a coat at 950€ instead of 95... I so hope I can return it in the morning. That is not really my budget.
  3. So many rules. I am trying to implement a new one: If you want to buy a new game, play one you own but haven't played yet first.
  4. So that was rule number 1. I always mix this one up with your rule number 2: if there are mods that improve your gaming experience, use them.
  5. Stop over at Shanghai airport. Friend I am traveling with went for a smoke and missed boarding. Tried getting around Tokyo with two huge suitcases and both our carry on. People were quite amused. As one lady said: "You must have a lot of kids" probably thinking I was carrying presents for all of the little rascals. I knew passive smoking was bad.
  6. I find that is a general problem with writers. You even see it in shows like Walking Dead. The protagonist, Whatshishame sheriff in all the Karl memes, had as sole personality trait "protagonist". Writers seem to think audiences will care for the protagonist just because they are supposed to, then wonder why the supporting cast gets all the fans. Then as series progress, often you see secondary characters come to the forefront, because for those some interesting idea was used somewhere on an episode to justify the episode. Think BSG, where nobody cares all that much about the admiral's son, but everyone wanted to know what happened to the guy who gave up his spot to evacuate the scientist - to the extent he got written back into the show.
  7. The result is the same though: Neither of us could use 20m3D@y2Y0uG37Th3K@thh0und@nd20m3D@y2Th3K@thh0undG3t2Y0u as a password
  8. I just kept typing, but since I had hit the limit, it cut off at the same point in both the password and the confirmation so everything was fine.
  9. Logged in. Remembered that 3 out of 5 characters didn't have names since the first server merger. Logged out.
  10. So pretty much like most big titles these days.
  11. Yeah, same for me with the EU server merger. I think half my characters lost their names.
  12. Just got the email that if I do not log in, I'll lose my character names
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