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  1. Seems to be confirmed now (via non official channel, but not denied by Intel) that the damage is permanent once it occurs, and no microcode/ BIOS or other update will fix it.
  2. I'd suspect so as well, and that wouldn't be true for many recent politicians. He's favoured a bit by having Trump as a comparison and so looking a lot more, hmm, normal in pretty much every respect but he seems to have done his best over a very long time period and despite a lot of stuff which would have given others serious issues. He's also one of the few US politicians who seemed pretty genuine rather than just sculpting everything for politics, though that may mean he was just better at sculpting than most. The only major criticism I can think of offhand for his presidency- beyond the institution/ systemic ones they all suffer from- was the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Which had a lot of mitigation given it was a Trump era deal and the failures that lead to that collapse started 20 years earlier but still, having the government not even last up until departure time was Bad even if it was likely inevitable whatever the schedule for leaving.
  3. One hates to be that guy (or do I?) but Sulla actually did resign his Dictatorship too. After rewriting Rome's 'constitution' and slaughtering a bunch of people etc, but he did resign, and retired to his villa to, well, give Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, Commodus and Elagobalus a few ideas for fun ways to pass the time before dying of liver failure; he was after all a well known Conservative politician. The issue wasn't really the office of Dictator, that just gave Sulla (et al) a facade of legality. His authority ultimately descended from the point of a pilum, not from the law. The root issue was that the Marian Reforms had changed the troops in the Roman Army from being small landowners loyal to Rome to being mercenaries loyal to their general. Which had to happen since said small landowners had basically been genocided by a string of impeccably bred incompetents feeding them to various hordes of wandering Germans. In an amazing coincidence a bunch of patricians got to own huge amounts of land after buying up parcels off destitute widows... Anyway, got to give Biden credit for calling it quits; tempered somewhat by it being easier if you're going to lose if you keep running.
  4. The Russians can probably afford the wastage more though. One of those things which you could kind of see why they did it at the time- PR for the counteroffensive's failure, making sure Russian troops were tied down etc- but went on far too long and was far too static. Just sitting there having to supply everything across the Dnieper via boat... it's just dumb. You could probably achieve much the same with cross river hit and run raids, with a much less vulnerable/ static supply line. You can justify Anzio2 if you have the Allies resources and your enemy has 1944 Germany's, not so much if it's the reverse. Not cutting losses when needed has been Ukraine's #1 problem. If you have to withdraw you're going to take a morale/ PR hit, but it's less if you don't look like you've been throwing soldiers' lives away pointlessly, and you still have a bunch of soldiers alive that you can use more productively elsewhere. As always depends a lot on actual casualties and whether KI's translation is accurate for location. If the losses actually are >1000 dead and missing only in the village then it was an unmitigated disaster for Ukraine given they also claim Russian losses as 'only' ~1200. It seems unlikely less than 200 Ukrainians died in the river or in staging areas or in lancet/ UPMK/ artillery strikes on the west bank, and a 1:1 ratio is utterly unsustainable. (also has to be said belatedly, the UkrMoD still claims to be fighting on the east bank as of today and repelled five assaults. Presumably that's Krynky since they don't hold anywhere else on the east bank)
  5. I'd stress I haven't played post update but supposedly they didn't fix many bugs, broke mods that did fix those bugs, introduced new bugs and those bugs it did fix were too often a bit half arsed eg stretching the UI to 'fix' ultrawide.
  6. The next gen version of FO4 was a free update, and has replaced the old version everywhere (except GOG, and maybe roll back option on Steam?). Many people felt ripped off at 0$, if they'd tried charging for it the reaction would have been... grim.
  7. Probably difficult to tell how widespread it is when one of (the?) most common errors for gaming rigs made it look like a video card issue. Very interesting that the issue happens even when locked to 125W by server MBs.
  8. Yeah, that doesn't look faked. Never much realistic chance it was, despite how much some may have wanted it to be. Not what an already highly charged situation needed, at all.
  9. I've only used gamepass with free months, and for that it was great value. We got a cool 32% increase to monthly cost to nearly 30 bucks. Wouldn't effect me much anyway since I only ever sub to services for a month at a time but it will be interesting to see at what point the ubiquitous subscriber network price hikes become unsustainable.
  10. Kind of interesting that we also got 'Vice President Trump' from Biden today as well. If his only issue was mixing up friends' and enemies' names it'd all be a bit of a laugh.
  11. Introducing Zelensky as Putin is a fairly significant gaffe worthy of some sort of coverage. Maybe not 6+ breaking newsbits worth though.
  12. Gothic remake was not done by PB but by 'Alkimia Interactive'. And to paraphrase the great philosopher Ron Paul: it's still happening (so far as we know and though many may wish it wasn't). Indeed, Embracer tried to sell/ spin off PB along with Risen and Elex, but not Gothic.
  13. Don't know if proportional representation would work that well in the UK, certainly not MMP type. It'd probably just result in the libdems getting eviscerated for (not) going into coalition with the wrong people like always happens to the centre party here. They've barely recovered from Clegg's decision and there would be even more pressure to choose under MMP. And it's unfortunately unlikely politicians would ever go for something actually decent like multi member STV since it weakens parties, unlike MMP. In most other circumstances 34% would be a dismal result for Labour and they must still be concerned about the number of people in their traditional heartland who have not come back. It's likely the tories can get a lot of the reform vote back but it may be permanently lost to a Labour party that isn't even chardonnay socialist any more.
  14. Unsurprisingly the Tories have lost the election in Britain. Moderate lols at both Farage and Corbyn winning, and Truss losing. Big lols at Keir Starmer being described as 'left wing' when he's the dictionary definition of milquetoast moderate. Guess at least Rishi Sunak can console himself with the thought that he's still richer than his head of state.
  15. I wish the guy who insisted Russia wouldn't use nukes even if the US nuked Moscow was still around. Or the guy who insisted that Russia's nukes wouldn't work, even if they tried to use them. Would make for an interesting argument.
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