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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/22 in all areas

  1. ...Ahem. To make up for offtopiccy but fun ****posting above, some interesting translated reads from Meduza: https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/05/05/it-s-a-reference-to-the-ussr-to-its-return - on continuing accelerating soviet renaissance; https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/05/05/everything-here-smells-like-the-dead-now - pensive slice of life type article "from the other side"; https://meduza.io/feature/2022/05/03/rossiyskaya-vneshnyaya-politika-eto-kupanie-pyanogo-vedeveshnika-v-mirovom-fontane - interview with Dmitry Glukhovsky of Metro 33 fame, no translation, but Google does decent enough job. I really liked reading this one. On the Funny Stuff Cantina front today we have a poster from an oncoming Russian film about wartime cameramen in WW2. Naturally it didn't take long for runet denizens foreign agents to notice it totally looks like "Russian soldier is carrying a miniature washing machine out of warzone" (washing machine recently became a memetic symbol of russian army's indiscriminate looting in Ukraine).
    6 points
  2. Russia has lot of issues with EU Russia blocked EU's and Ukraine's cooperation pact in 2013 when Yanukovich was in charge
    4 points
  3. Me watching the NFT market collapse:
    3 points
  4. I'm playing Chaosgate: Daemonhunters and it's good so far. Gameplay is pretty much a well done XCOM: Enemy Unknown clone with some changes. Hit chance is always 100% but the damage dealt fluctuates based on various factors like distance, de/buffs, cover etc. The Chaos corruption you're fighting charges up every round or whenever your units use their psychic powers and causes a random effect when it hits Warp Surge. A debuff area, penalties for your units, reinforcements popping in, random enemies gaining mutations. Won one mission by the skin of my teeth when an enemy patrol, objective-based reinforcements and Warp Surge reinforcements decided to all gang up on me at once. You have a ship as your base that you upgrade similar to Harebrained's Battletech, repair sections to increase your out-of-combat capabilities, research stuff to make your in-combat mojo better. Units are divided into classes, they rank up, have their own upgrade trees with an atrocious UI, etc. Unfortunately there's some bugs that need ironing out, there's two area denial weapon abilities I can't use at all so far. The cinematics are pretty enough, though you can tell they could've use more time working on those. The tutorial was super cheesy, though I enjoyed it. Music is alright so far, the kind of choir chanting and haunting orchestral stuff you'd expect, but it's music that's playing quietly in the background instead of something adrenaline pumping so it doesn't stand out much.
    3 points
  5. So what you're saying is...your memory of Vegas stayed in Vegas? ... ... ... I'll get me coat.
    3 points
  6. My kid took the union plumber test, scored 930.89 / 1000, and was accepted to the union. w00t! Then we went and replumbed the garden hose faucet at the front of the house.
    3 points
  7. Ukraine officialy launched counter-offensive on Kharkiv and Izyum axes yesterday. quote from ISW: "Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Valerii Zalyzhnyi stated on May 5 that Ukrainian forces are transitioning to counteroffensive operations around Kharkiv and Izyum, the first direct Ukrainian military statement of a shift to offensive operations.[13] Ukrainian forces likely intend to push Russian forces out of artillery range of Kharkiv city, force Russian units to redeploy from the Izyum axis, and potentially threaten Russian lines of communication. Ukrainian forces did not make any confirmed advances in the last 24 hours but repelled Russian attempts to regain lost positions. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian forces conducted an unsuccessful assault on Stary Saltiv (approximately 40 kilometers east of Kharkiv City) on May 5, after Ukrainian forces liberated the settlement on May 2.[14] Russian forces also reconnoitered Ukrainian positions and continued to shell Ukrainian positions in the northeastern outskirts of Kharkiv City.[15] Pro-Russian sources claimed that Ukrainian forces blew up a bridge near the occupied settlement of Cherkaski Tishki, approximately 25 kilometers northeast of Kharkiv City, which could indicate an ongoing Ukrainian counterattack in the area targeting the bridge to interdict Russian movements.[16]"
    3 points
  8. There are a lot of indications, that NATO was always a scapegoat, and the primary issue was always EU, especially in Eastern Europe, due to politicians which are elected by democratic means are not as lightly influenced by Russian bribes as autocratic leaders (see Orban). That's why all the funding from Russia to EE is funneled to Neonazis and populists with autocratic tendencies. For a lot of people at Kremlin, the imagination of Ukraine people (which are not a nation in their eyes) having free elections, and the possibility, that their common people getting more wealthy while integrating into EU structures is the direct threat to Russian way of governing and holding their own people on the leash.
    3 points
  9. Today seems to be a really good day for some very insightful and informational articles on Ukraine. Here are three that are especially great reads: https://cepa.org/us-lend-lease-russia-gets-nervous/ https://www.institutmontaigne.org/en/blog/ukraine-putins-war-change-world (on Putin's state of mind) https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/05/05/a-heart-to-heart-with-russias-elites-a77587
    3 points
  10. Good news everyone! NFT sales ‘have declined 92% since their peak’
    3 points
  11. Sorry for multiposting, but I have just found this tweet. Please take it with grain of salt, I was not able to get any confirmation about it from sources, which I consider relevant, yet. Though it would be awesome if it is true... edit: Although Peskov has released statement, that he does not know about any Russian ship on fire, which might be considered as a relevant enough source for the sunkage of ships Also 5 more villages freed from Russian occupation in Kharkiv region.
    2 points
  12. Why do you think I'm seeing enemies, and in internet strangers of a nerdy forum in the first place? I don't even post angry and only drunkposted once or twice. Not that I mind, you building me a persona is oddly flattering. Wouldn't dream of it. I wouldn't say I don't like Russians. One particular pathetic waxy excuse of a russian? Hate him like nobody before. Russian foreign and also domestic policy? Guilty as charged. Orcs responsible for Bucha? Absolutely. Russian officials of any sort? Presume everything they say is a lie and will keep on doing so. Random dudes who might come here to post about videogames? Nah I don't think I do. Feel free to come and school me on how it's totally the same thing, though.
    2 points
  13. hard to believe, but not even technical true. is nothing in the Constitution 'bout "voting rights." voting is mentioned, and so the Court observes rights for voting is necessarily implied. worse, the Constitution does specific observe the individual state legislatures is responsible for elections, which is why jim crow laws which created literacy tests and discriminatory limits on voting were deemed Constitutional by the Court until Congress passed legislation to protect voting rights. however, there is nothing in the Constitution which forces or compels Congress to pass laws to protect implied rights. converse, there is a specific right to free exercise o' religion, which would be meaningless if it didn't cover jesus, odin and Gozer The Destructor. likewise, the process for admitting states is described even if the names is not pre established. etc. that said, there is a whole lotta implied rights in the Constitution most o' us take for granted. well of course interracial marriage is a right... isn't it? we mentioned in a linked post how loving is at risk from this Court. right to privacy. miranda rights. right against self incrimination. possible most immediate relevant is the right to die. according to the Court, a person suffering may forgo medical treatment or even take their own life, albeit unassisted. such a right to die as it were is based on much o' the same reasoning as roe. if roe fails, then why would a right to die persist, a right which also has considerable history and tradition which would weigh in favour o' state efforts to criminalize? as should be obvious by now, Gromnir is not a fan o' roe from a legal pov. there has never been a decent consensus Court explanation as to what were the basis for a right to abortion. weak. however, the manner in which J. alito dismantles the abortion protection in his draft opinion is placing numerous other implied fundamental rights w/i reach o' termination with naught but a suspect history and tradition analysis offering any kinda valid argument for their maintenance. abortion is getting all the attention at the moment, but all those misinformed folks who did rage for the past few years 'cause o' how the government, those jack-booted thugs, were trampling on their god given Constitutional rights by requiring patrons to don masks in the local piggly wiggly should be livid with the roe opinion by alito. most o' the rights the maga crowd believes they is entitled to don't actual exist, but the roe opinion puts at risk a whole lotta rights they do in fact enjoy 'cause the namby-pamby activist Justices o' the past created substantive due process rights and implied rights which is nowhere enumerated in the Constitution. is a whole lotta stoopid and misinformation guiding the current debate. any bets on whether fox news corrects the misapprehensions o' their audience? HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  14. I'm like 80+ hours into CP2077. Haven't managed to complete anything but the first round of main jobs. I'm enjoying it quite a bit. But it does seem to have the same problem as literally every other open world game out there -- there's this super urgent main plot to save the world or whatever but you can postpone it indefinitely to go rescue cats from trees with no repercussions. Just finished this side mission about some fool that hires me to do a hit on someone. Scripted shootout sequence after a scripted driving sequence that won't let you save at any point during it once you start. That's after one of the very few convesations in the whole game you can't spacebar through, btw. I read that I'm supposed to basically take my hands off the keyboard and watch the whole thing play itself so I can listen to some deep message about something over a chain of side missions. Yeah, nah. I shot the cop in the face after the script removed his godmode (long sigh) and took my eurodollars. Scripted quest design overriding the game's own rules and player agency can suck a ****.
    2 points
  15. I was thinking you could add a huge underground tunnel system made by moles. The creatures that could inhabit the tunnels are: American Shrew Moles, Cicadas, Cicada Nymphs, Thread Snakes, and Earwigs. (Or other some other creatures if not these.) The tunnel system could have roots that you can harvest to make thick ropes for crafting stuff like Grappling Hooks or other items. You can also find Cicada Shed around the tunnels that you can harvest or hide in from enemies. Around the place you can find mud that you can collecta ND smelt to make mud bricks for building. For a landmark a time capsule could be found underground and can be entered. Also, an underground lab can be found. For climbing you can be able to climb up structures but need Climbing Gear. You will also have a stamina meter for climbing. You can use a grapple hook for climbing up high structures. A new smoothie could be added for climbing speed or stamina. There can also be more structures found around the yard that is specifically for climbing. If Worms are added, they could drop worm compost that can be used for making fertilizer for crops. Two new structures (greenhouse and aquatic terruiam.) could be added for growing flora. Spider Mites could be added to be another nuisance by destroying crops and resetting the growth time, but a way to repel them is Spider Mite Repellent. They can also weaken base structures. All of the creatures I mentioned can give parts to make the following gear: Spider Mite Repellent, Cicada Shed Shield, Noisemakers, Cicada Nymph Daggers, Shrew Fur Armor, (if there is a cold biome added.) Shrew Battle Axe, Shrew Claw Shovel, Worm Fertilizer, Earwig Armor, Earwig Sword, Snake Scale Armor, Scale Shield, and Crow Lure. (For luring the crow to locations to drop crow feathers on the location you put the lure.) That's pretty much all I can think of for this topic.
    1 point
  16. They definitely made money off of Tomb Raider (and Deus Ex, to a lesser extent) but not as much as they wanted, and not as fast as they wanted. IIRC the only title using a 'classic' Eidos IP to actually lose money semi recently was Thief. Of course, SE's solution to the studios not being profitable enough was licensed Marvel games that they somehow contrived to lose- apparently- $200 million on.
    1 point
  17. I agree with you deeply and I know what you mean. But I would like to point out that this sentence at face value makes very little sense Seriously though Dampener + Drug Crash is a long-known, very annoying quirk. Besides very high Will, your best tools to avoid it are invisibility and mobility.
    1 point
  18. The point of my post is that no one is going to super strongly advocate for this repeal without the hope that changes actually occur. Their claims that "ultimately nothing will change" are at best naive, but frankly just feel like disingenuous lies. Especially given that many states already have legislation in the works (or literally already passed legislation that has a trigger condition if the repeal happens). Claiming nothing will change is grossly incorrect when you have literally passed laws that have a condition of going active if Roe v. Wade is repealed.
    1 point
  19. Two minute Photoshop just for you: I will say that her appearance suits her character.
    1 point
  20. Had to guess at BA so assumed Business Analysist. "Perform quality control on data files to ensure that we operate with the highest level of data confidence prior to distribution to appropriate parties for analysis" Or if you want buzzwords "Do a value added deep dive for quality control on data files to ensure best in class data is available to our analysts for use in their action plan to bring to the table customer centric counsel." Sorry, I got no clue what you actually do.
    1 point
  21. I think they need to put her eyes even further apart
    1 point
  22. Cast and Crew of Original ‘Star Trek’ Pilot Reunite for Virtual Set Recreation by Otoy
    1 point
  23. I've been to Vegas once. All I remember is the (early) 3D theater IMAX we saw (these heavy duty headpiece/glasses you had to wear), this cheap hotel we were in (we weren't "well off" then) and that hubby fell sick with a bad flu while there. Maybe we went to some show but I can't remember. I think we liked the outlying desert areas more than the city itself. Not surprising with who we are. I do like slot machines tho. Well, the ones before they turned digital and all of that, anyway. And the nickel, maybe quarter ones at max, so you didn't lose a fortune in 5 minutes. I'll stick to slots in something like Borderlands, it's cheaper.
    1 point
  24. Some cool ideas there, I'd love to see a scorpion that could then drop a stinger part to craft a tier 3 spear with poison effect. This could also give mithridatism another use as the scorpion could have a poison attack.
    1 point
  25. I'm normally not much into corporate history of food manufacturers (apart from hating Nestle with a passion), but Coca Cola as a product and a company has an interesting origin history.
    1 point
  26. It didn't match any expectations at all even after your description of it, and no, I did not watch that other anime. I just saw this is one that started to air fairly recently, one of these where I have to wonder why this is even a thing. Baffling.
    1 point
  27. Great reads, especially https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/05/05/a-heart-to-heart-with-russias-elites-a77587 Interesting quote from the link The government's economic section has a special position today. Technocrats are in high demand because they are supposedly saving the economy from the endless stream of new sanctions. In actual fact, their task is hopeless. About 70% of goods manufactured in Russia have imported components, and it is impossible to replace them. There are endless meetings in the government, says a well-known financier and former high-ranking official. The director of a factory that makes Russian aircraft comes in. He’s got a problem: his engines are imported. He promises that he will build his own — if they give him money and lots of it. Then he can make it in two years — if he can make it. A financier tells me, "I haven’t met anyone [in the economic section of the federal government] who supports it [the war in Ukraine]. They all know it’s a catastrophe. But they are all trying to figure out how to comply.” "Where can I go?" says another top-ranking bureaucrat, also horrified by what is happening, and one of the few who is not yet under sanctions. "They won’t let me leave."
    1 point
  28. I dont know, I have never lived in a Federal system and in SA our Constitution applies to all our provinces. So for example LGBT marriage and the right to choose to have an abortion is national and thats how I prefer it But their are lots of Americans who prefer individual states to decide most laws and regulations so when the point gets made " its up to the states to decide " its not disingenuous but rather exactly the design of the US political system and for me its exactly what American Democracy is about because its up to the citizens of each state to decide what political party they want in charge when they vote and that vote should be based on the political policies\views the party espouses And it goes both ways ideologically, for example in Democrat controlled states you have these "sanctuary cities" which many people see as encouraging illegal immigration. But these cities exist because the Democrats believe in them and people in California, for example, continue to ensure the Dems stay in power So in closing, if the citizens of any state are opposed to any law or regulation then they need to vote for a party that represents their political views. But if the majority of people dont support your views then you have to accept it because that is the will of the people in a particular state
    1 point
  29. It's B. There are some AoE-attacks like for example Heart of Fury, Whirling Strikes or Whispers of the Wind which don't use the standard firing/reload animation. With them you would just use both weapons with no reload time/animation in between. Doesn't matter if you shot before or not. But for all "normally" executed abilities like Strike the Bell and so on you will see B. The game will not make you run anywhere into melee if you have a ranged weapon equipped - unless you a very close (but not quite there yet).
    1 point
  30. am embarrassed to reveal the joke were ruined 'cause we were aware hellman's as a commercial product got its start in 1913 ny. guy named hellman were a german (austrian?) immigrant working in a manhattan deli when he came up with his mayo recipe/formula. the hellamans brand didn't make it to the uk until the 1960s btw, though we don't know the exact year. what kinda person remembers the origins o' a popular US mayo brand? ... we can also tell you why hellman's is sold as best foods brand west o' the rockies. *sigh* HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  31. Fed the squirrels. Fed myself. (Edit: cauliflower, broccoli, mushroom, onions, sausage/hamburger crumbled mix, chicken stock/sour cream sauce/cheese) Boredom breeds vanity selfies. Although less vanity and more "should I cut my hair off again and F it's so grey now". Some people pay a lot of money for thin highlight streaking. When you age, you get it for free! Edit: and yes, while you can barely tell, that's another cat nightshirt.
    1 point
  32. Our hometown Seattle Sounders became the first MLS team to win the CCL Championship, beating Liga MX side Pumas UNAM with a 5-2 aggregate. In so doing they set a CCL attendance record with 68,741 in attendance at Lumen field. I know it's not much by European standards, but it's still something for us. It's also an indication that the MLS team salaries are becoming competitive with the Liga MX teams, at least compared to where they were ten years ago. It should be interesting to see how well the revamped Leagues Cup goes in 2023. Leagues Cup
    1 point
  33. I think here we see another example of how Putin's strategic gamble has completely failed, so far: Europe has rarely been more united than it is now, and it's happened in the past two+ months and it's against Russia. Yes, I know the conflict is not over, hence the "so far".
    1 point
  34. I bet @Amentep never read THIS one!
    1 point
  35. I know at least one Danish scientist who is not going to get a job at Pfizer...
    1 point
  36. I suppose I just do not find them interesting. Once done once, I feel no need to do them again. They have minimal gameplay, and offer little or no reward. As I said, without doing much I have over 1000k at all times. Camp got fully upgrated within first or second camp, and weapons are few, they are cheap, and honestly all feel the same to use so outside. Also have an elite horse, that everyone complements me on (and don't feel much improvement from my good, old Whiskey). I am not familiar with typical Rockstar games - I am just disappointed how little there is to it as their games are hailed as "sandbox" - it's just a lot of pretty window dressing. EDIT: Googled Zero Punctuation as I was curious what Yahtzee thought. 100% on point as usual. Also slaps me on the wrist for still not playing Obra Dim. Why didn't I play it yet? It's made by a guy whose previous game I adored, all reviewers I follow loved it, and I had a strong recommendation from a trusty colleague. I am the problem.
    1 point
  37. There is some pushback against homework nowadays, but there are still a fair amount of teachers that rely on it heavily. We have plenty of evidence and studies that show it isn't a great tool, but the tradition stands. Oddly enough, gym class has become more academic since the days of Grommie pummeling his classmates in dodgeball. I'm not anti-homework, but I find that it is too often just busywork. As a parent I'm also very aware that these kids have little time during the week to get homework done. My daughter is often up after we've gone to bed finishing French homework. I'd rather her get to bed.
    1 point
  38. the charcoal canteen has durability? hard pass on that then. having plenty of dew catchers and two canteen+ is good enough and i don't have to bother fixing them.
    1 point
  39. Oh my god, I just learned that Square Enix sold its studios to invest into crypto/NFT crap. What makes it even more stupid is that the NFT market is collapsing right now.
    1 point
  40. I agree with the insect invasion. I spent more time repairing my base and having to create many more spike traps & had to turn off the invasions until I was ready for more attacks. With invasions, I'd also like to see more rewards. Perhaps some sort of help with repairs?
    1 point
  41. Started playing Stranger Of Sword City. I may not be the target audience for this. The loot is ranked F,E,D,C,B,A and probably S. You hunt boss monsters all over the place. There is unique equipment. Which you can feed to a Mimic named Mumic so the item gets removed from your inventory and returned into the loot table with new stats. You probably are supposed to farm for hours. Definitely not the target audience for this game. But you can import custom images for your party, so I could theoretically have a whole party of Teddy Bears...
    1 point
  42. I think I start to understand why you like BG3 and why I don't.
    1 point
  43. Judging by all the LGBTQ content they put in their games I can't imagine they toe the official Russian line. Obviously everyone can and should decide for themselves but I'll continue to support them until they do something I find objectionable.
    1 point
  44. Humble Bundle Ukraine Package https://www.humblebundle.com/stand-with-ukraine-bundle?hmb_source=humble_home&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_2_layout_index_2_layout_type_carousel_tile_index_1_c_ukrainecharitybundle_bundle Interesting games: Metro Exodus, Max Payne 3, Back 4 Blood, Satisfactory, Metro Exodus, & Fable Anniversary, Quantum Brake, Endless Space 2, Tooth and Tails. And some more. Individuals could be more exited with 112 than any of it, sometimes simple games are more exiting than best sellers. Cost 37€
    1 point
  45. Hurlsnot: "I was in love with Monica Seles." Gorth: "She was *the* grunter!"
    1 point
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