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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/20 in all areas

  1. I decided to try making pan seared tuna steak, never tried before: I used maybe a bit too much cayenne, but overall I'd say this was a success.
    5 points
  2. Cool story. Good luck and Godspeed 2nd LT. Idrache. Many thanks!
    4 points
  3. Time for more pictures. Chicken soup: And yes, that actually is rice in the soup. Might seem strange at first, but try it before you knock it. Beats noodles, egg puffs or anything else in chicken soup any day of the week. Rice must be boiled in the soup (obviously) until nice and soft for maximum flavor. You really need to pay attention that you don't accidentially make risotto, the rice is going absorb on a lot of soup. Put too much in and you might as well end with soupy rice insteady of ricey soup. And... some Chicken paprikash. Oh, yes, the colour is off because we do not add sour cream. Makes it look a lot more like goulash with chicken (which it isn't). You don't make goulash with chicken stock and usually with a lot more onions. Heh.
    4 points
  4. Thank you friends! I am indeed back and still have my account!!!
    4 points
  5. I want All-in-Wonder mode.
    3 points
  6. This is where I like the saying from Marques Brownlee, "buy the product for what it offers, not for what it promises to offer in the future," or something close to that.
    3 points
  7. Patinated Plate and the sabre acquired now!
    3 points
  8. Don't listen to him, that hat is ****ing fabulous, and I love it!
    3 points
  9. we got a rather fancy outdoor grill and that is where we cook most o' our fish. as much as we enjoy fish, we don't like for everything to smell like fish. we default to outdoor cooking of fish. am knowing some folks like to use cedar planks and we do so if we got something which ain't gonna fit in our 10" pan, but the cast iron is the workhorse. better to use cast iron than stainless steel on the grill with all the greasy smoke. in the extreme rare scenario we cook a piece o' salmon indoors, perhaps during january or february when is raining, we will break out the steel. HA! Good Fun! ps we make fish stock every four months or so. indoors. is a good thing we live solo 'cause am suspecting is no way a significant other would allow us to make fish stock with a nice, long, aromatic simmer.
    2 points
  10. I really wish they could do that. A message like “we are sorry, but we have to delay the game Further, until the police investigates all of the death threats to the developers. We take security of our employees very seriously, and a release of the game might before thoroughful investigation might impact it negatively.” The world burning after that announcement would be a perfect pinnacle of 2020
    2 points
  11. If there wasn't so much money involved they should say "Hi, because of threats we have decided not to release the game at all. These are the people you can thank for this"
    2 points
  12. No DLSS is a bigger deal than no RTX to be honest.
    2 points
  13. Just pause right when the target circle appears and then abandon the cast of Leap (hit X button). You'll not alert anybody (no noise and no hit rolls) but will land with the usual animation while the game is paused, fully stealthed. Now you can loot everything with 0 points in stealth. The use of Leap is not consumed - you can use it as often as you want. It's obviously hard to time the pause right, so I simply pause before casting Leap, then frantically unpause/pause until I see the circle at the target. A bit hectic but you don't need to do it often.
    2 points
  14. Try to have one guy in full stealth mode, and ready to move in. Use another party member to throw the sparkcracker. IF you time it right, you can move in and steal the item while the others are away. Try to do this at night, for example, since NPCs may be sleeping, in different locations, or there are less of them. Also, if the NPCs' backs are turned, their stealth detection ability is much lower.
    2 points
  15. So sad to see a kid aim so low, he could have at least aspired to be a Marine.
    2 points
  16. "What can change the nature of a dust mote?" - Ravel Puzzlewell, first draft of PST.
    2 points
  17. Goes live in 15 hours, which is 5am NZ time...
    2 points
  18. Blaming company failures on a specific individual is such a tried and true formula isn't it?
    2 points
  19. PoE and Deadfire are different. They are kind of "faux"3D: all the maps, backgrounds, buildings etc. are high-resolution, pre-rendered, handdrawn backgrounds that get enriched with 3D objects such as trees, enemies and the party. That leads to some funny things (try to cast a Rolling Flame up some stairs - that aren't really stairs but it's a flat picture) but imo it looks really beautiful and way better than a complete 3D environment. So there can't ever be a rotating camera whether Unity3D supports it or not. No idea about Pathfinder:Kingmaker. I also don't think it's a shame. Rotating cameras tend to confuse players' sense of direction. I absolutely prefer a fixed one. Being able to zoom in and out is great though.
    2 points
  20. Yeah, it's a fair bit behind a 3080 whichever card it is, but If you said that any AMD card would have ~20% better raytracing performance than a 2080Ti 6 months ago most people would have thought you were licking toads or something. Best case scenario is probably that it's 6800XT, and if the AIBs can really get the clocks up to 2.4Ghz as some of the leaked benchmarks suggest that would make up a lot of the deficit to 3080 in raytracing (assuming clockspeed is the limiting factor, of course).
    1 point
  21. To make an effective Frostseeker build you should crit a lot which means very high accuracy. The cipher can debuff deflection by 20 (Phantom Foes+Psychovampiric Shield) and buff his own accuracy by 25 (Borrowed Instinct + Tactical Meld). The helwalker is a good combo for most ranged builds but his accuracy isn't that great (a better combo is helwalker/rogue with dual mortars/the Red Hand). For the cipher I recommend the ascendant subclass for the 40% dmg bonus (Biting Whip + Ascended). For the ranger I usually recommend Ghost Heart, however for Frostseeker I would go with the Arcane Archer because of the great synergy with Imbue: Eora (the only Imbue worth using at high lvl).
    1 point
  22. It's pretty much biscuit dough (the US kind, more of a bread than a sweet treat) that gets cooked in the soup. It's sort of like Matzo Ball soup, but often has some kind of cream or roux or something added to make the broth thicker like a gravy.
    1 point
  23. Our Oak Tree Base. Will be opening up the game to visitors soon. Gamertag: Stonedprophet
    1 point
  24. I think I'd go for Ghost Heart. None of the suggested multiclass options has a summon (besides Monk) that would clash with the Spirit Animal Companion, you won't suffer Bonded Grief which you really don't want to experience when aiming for crits (because -10 ACC, ouch). Also you can often drop the AC directly in front of the enemy you want to shoot at, immediately getting the ACC bonus from Stalker's Link. And if the enemies are too far away at least you can drop the AC off behind the enemy lines which makes it less of a hassle to reach the enemies. As a multiclass there's usually lots of great abilites to pick from so it's maybe nice if you don't have to invest into the AC too much. A Sharpshooter may have 15% crit conversion from >4m distance (which isn't bad at all) but also +10% recovery time - which means that while you are more likely to crit per shot you are also shooting more slowly which in turn means less crits in a given time. Also you'd have to invest more passives into the AC in order to make it more sturdy or heal/revive it so you don't suffer Bonded Grief. But I'm sure both would be fine.
    1 point
  25. Frostseeker is absolutely viable. You want to generate as many crits as possible to tight groups of enemies (like pulled together by Pull of Eora or assembled around a tank. Helwalker will work (Lightning Strikes, Duality:INT, MIG, Enduring Dance), Cipher (Borrowed Instincts, Phantom Foes, Eyestrike), Rogue, too (the crit AoE profits from Sneak Attack and Deathblows). Even Fighter (Devoted, Disciplined Strikes) is doable. Paladin will get +20 ACC on Flames of Devotion with the Ring of Focused Flames which will also help with crits (and Zealous Focus, too). Eternal Devotion also works with the Frostseeker AoE I believe. An Arcane Archer can pull crowds together by himself (Imbue:Eora) but it's maybe best to leave that part to a wizard who can cast simultaneously and just keep firing arrows. Also Frostseeker will omit two of the three projectiles if used with Imbue shots which is a bit lame imo. Even a SC Ranger is nice. With Twinned Shots and Driving Flight you are producing up to 12 hit rolls per shot which is pretty great in combination with Avenging Storm (from Heaven's Cacophony or scroll). Highest ACC you'll get with Ranger/Cipher if I'm not mistaken. The frost AoE also generates a lot of focus.
    1 point
  26. I use my All-Clad for fish.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. i think it's doable, but you'd miss out on what i think the absolute best meta for an sc monk is ajumaat + whispers of the wind. i would not call that even "pseudo" tanking, though, because there is still a delay between each jump and uptime and stun duration can vary, which can be a massive opening for enemies to overrun your party if you don't have any other tanks. you can also end up in odd places depending on your final jump (and not enough wounds to start up again possibly), which can leave your party SoL if you don't have an actual tank. max res forbidden fist is indeed a likely better choice, but for mirke honestly a brawler adds so much utility for a tank role that i'd be hard pressed to go with sc monk for a tank.
    1 point
  29. "I don't care about RT" is a very weird stance. Sure, you may not play games that have RT implementations, and that probably is a lot of people, but then the intersection of those people and people that will spend more than $400 on a GPU is not many. It's like being in the 90's and saying I don't care about glide, or I don't care about hardware T&L. Some people probably didn't, as they were playing sprite based RTS, but then they probably weren't interested in GPUs in general. GN Steve reported from AMD that these GPU won't support RTX games without a rewrite. I'm not even sure there's going to be meaningful RT games for AMD this generation. My impression from what he was saying was that AMD does not have a DLSS equivalent. Perhaps AMD features will be good, like their super sampling, dynamic resolution, sharpening etc... we'll have to wait and see. My first ATI card was a Rage Fury. It was an angry GPU.
    1 point
  30. My favorite new marketing buzz word from AMD is RAGE MODE
    1 point
  31. Nah, these who are angry are paying customers who are OK with mct.
    1 point
  32. After this, I want CDPR to put micro-transactions in CP2077, just to enhance the pain.
    1 point
  33. Thats a healthy meal and tasty as well
    1 point
  34. Turns out the Infiniy Cache rumors were true. 128 MB of cache is, quite frankly, ludicrous, but it's real. The 6800XT sounds great... ... Must resist urge to buy 6900XT... Must resist...
    1 point
  35. 6900XT beating the 3090 in most games... Is this the year I go red??
    1 point
  36. Nah. Everything that I cook looks suspiciously like take out or instant noodles/ramen. My mother made that.
    1 point
  37. scripting blade turning runs into an AI issue that someone else found a short while back - the AI decides on the next action as soon as the current action is completed, regardless of recovery, so even short cooldowns might in practice result in poor uptime because the AI script (at least by default) has no way to examine the current existence of blade turning and its duration, relative to recovery. in practice i found it really hard to find an AI script that got me decent uptime while still allowing me to do other actions, especially once reality (with interrupts and things like disorienting/blinding) comes into play. in fact, i had this AI script gated by mirke health AND being actively threatened by more than 1 enemy in melee range, simply because it was so annoying at higher health levels that it didn't feel justified until i knew mirke was in danger AND basically guaranteed to have streetfighter enabled. i'm sure there exists a more interesting build (ooblit would help a lot, basically a free +20 intellect on something like blade turning. being on a non-tank who can afford to be close to naked without being slaughtered by spells or arrows would also help). but mirke in particular was not a compelling or interesting one. that being said, like i said earlier, cheese still exists. mirke was king tank against dorudugan.
    1 point
    1 point
  39. I dig everything about that picture except for the Scotch.
    1 point
  40. @GromnirI was a little put off by the automatic assumption on how ACB was going to rule on cases she had not even heard yet. Even the regularly "liberal" justices are all over the map when it comes to applying law in decisions. The only two you could absolutely count on to be predictable were Ginsburg and Alito. Ginsurg once said something to the effect of "decide on the outcome you want and start your reasoning from there". That is exactly the opposite of what they should be doing I'd think. They should follow the text of the law wherever it leads not grab it by the ear and drag it where they want it to go. I think, with a few exceptions, they do a better job of that than they get credit for.
    1 point
  41. Green puppy born - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-54650901
    1 point
  42. Value, schamlue, the only thing that matters is higher numbers always look smexy. Kind of like all that pointless lightsaber spinning.
    1 point
  43. The 3090 is right there, it's got 2.4X the VRAM for only 2X the price. Think of the value!
    1 point
  44. Try sticking to things that exist
    1 point
  45. What if I make a Star Citizen joke instead?
    1 point
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