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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/20 in all areas

  1. I have never heard of any game developer doing their localization in-house, not in 1999, not in 2020. Every game I've worked on and every company I've ever talked to always outsources their localization. Localization companies specialize in it. There's no reason for even a mid-sized game dev studio to keep a loc staff on hand unless it's a single person doing coordination. And that single person is usually a production role, not a polyglot translator. Even localization companies often outsource one or more languages that their normal staff can't cover. Deadfire shipped in 10 languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Korean (separate SKU), and Simplified Chinese. I have never seen an entirely in-house localization team that covers all of those languages. If they exist, I assume their per-word translation costs are phenomenally high. We do have fluent and native speakers at the studio occasionally play the game to spot check how things are going, but there are hundreds of thousands of words in our games. Even a native speaker working as a game developer does not have time (especially late in the project, when the loc'd versions are close to final) to play through the game entirely in their native language and write up the bugs that they find. I played the game for maybe 5 or 6 hours in German and caught a bunch of bugs that I sent back to the loc team. I also played the game for a couple of hours in French and caught a few bugs (my French is not great but the bugs were really obvious). That's a drop in the bucket, content-wise. And I'm fluent in German, not native. Something that macht Sinn to me might actually klingt falsch to a native speaker. Our audiences have always expected translations to ship "day-and-date" with the English versions. With this volume of text and this number of languages, I have yet to see a time- and cost-feasible solution for not only translating all of the text but comprehensively reviewing it in situ and sending it back for per-string spot-fixing before launch. I know people were disappointed by the German and Italian (at least) translations, but it's not like our company is doing something uniquely weird and stupid.
    5 points
  2. Anyone who says anything positive about the Bounty Hunter storyline in TOR is dead to me. I wanted to shoot people for money, not be a reality show contestant chasing around morons, then inviting them to my ship because my companions think the dude being obnoxious means he's useful.
    4 points
  3. Thought I'd try my hand at another one of these. I call this a 5.0 build because it incorporates a lot of metagaming-related stuff that as a community we only really figured out 5.0 or so. Basic build outline: stats Nature Godlike, 18 might/8 con/15 dex/10 perception/19 + 1 intellect (old vailia)/7 resolve. Hardcore min-maxers can tank con and resolve more to increase dex and perception. Classes: helwalker + magran Level-by-level guide (with free spells in brackets, optional picks with asterisk): Swift Strikes | Restore [Fan of Flames] Lesser Wounds* Interdiction* Dance with Death | Iconic Project [Spiritual Weapon] Long Stride Clarity of Agony* Swift Flurry | Watchful Presence [Ray of Fire] Two Weapon Style* Blade Turning* Duality of Mortality | Scion of Flame [Shining Beacon] Enduring Dance Spell Shaping The Long Pain* | Revive the Fallen [Fire Shield] Champion's Boon Rapid Casting Uncanny Luck | Salvation of Time [Pillar of Holy Fire] Tough Turning Wheel* Accurate Empower | Rain of Holy Fire [Torrent of Flame] Penetrating Empower Gear Weapon slot 1: Magran's Core | Weyc's Wand (soulbound to monk, not priest) Weapon slot 2: Chromoprismatic Staff Other items: Ring of Focused Flame, Sonorous Ring, Least Unstable Coil, Necklace of Power, Vithrack Slippers, Firethrower's Gloves, The Maker's Own Power Pet: Otto Starcat! Possible alternatives - Flame Naga or Nemnok or Ooblit. Misc In the alchemy lab in the top-left corner of the map, boost your might permanently. How the build plays For most of the game this is just a glass cannon nuker that uses Dance with Death's generous up to +15 accuracy, Helwalker's up to +10 might (passive stacking) and up to +10 intellect (active, not stacking), and Priest of Magran's nukes to destroy things. Swift strikes and Nature godlike gives you +1 passive PL, and you accumulate various things that make all your fire (and a few evocation-keyworded) abilities more powerful. Where this build really comes into play is late game, and is why you're not a wizard. Rain of Holy Fire, empowered, plus Weyc's Wand plus Least Unstable Coil = +3 PL (that you extend with Salvation of Time) and almost certainly every single tier 3 inspiration in the game. As far as I can tell, multiclassed wizards can't do this - they need Missile Salvo or Meteor Swarm to pull off the same Least Unstable Coil interaction (there may be another spell that might be able to trigger this interaction that I haven't tested). Priests get salvation of time that they can spam forever if needed thanks to Brilliant, and wizards are limited to a Wall of Draining that has been somewhat nerfed (though there are items you can use to make it consistent, like Jester's Cap). Between Magran's Core, Nature Godlike, Weyc's Wand (again, very important to not soul-bound it to a priest, despite priests getting a unique effect... it's not as good as the default effect), and possibly Otto Starcat and Stone of Power, you get +8 PL to your fire spells, up to +9 PL for Fan of Flames, Ray of Fire, and Torrent of Flame since they are evocation as well. That's an astounding +8 acc, +2 PEN, +40% damage (multiplicative!), +40% duration (multiplicative!). This is on top of any inherent PL scaling you already have, the +75% damage bonus from maxing out might at 35 (18 + 10 helwalker + 5 might inspiration + 1 maker's own power + 1 alchemy lab), +15 accuracy from dance with death, +10 accuracy from ring of focused flame, and a +100% duration bonus from having 30 intellect (20 base + 10 from duality of mortality). Not to mention that compared to a "normal" caster you have an additional +2 PEN on all your spells from either Champion's Boon or a Least Unstable Coil-triggered Energized inspiration. Against fire immune or fire absorbing enemies, you can fall back to be more of a conventional monk using Long Pain to attack safely from a distance and keeping your allies alive with heals. Iconic Projection is a decent heal that happens to also hurt enemies using frost damage, and Watchful Presence effectively gives everyone a death prevention shield with an automatic huge heal (all that PL scaling and might makes for a huge heal instead of death). All the bonus PL you get that is not fire-keyword-limited (from weyc's wand, nature godlike, and necklace of power) will supercharge your monk fists to do tons of damage. Because you have so much intellect, you can probably frequently use spellshaping to shrink your spell aoes for an additional +1 PL with minimal loss in coverage of enemies affected! Possible party members A chanter's old siec chanter will also work with spells cast, making the firedancer able to heal themselves for enormous amounts from spell casts. With shield cracks, a firedancer might be able to get even more damage out due to overpenetration. A paladin with shared flames can buff the firedancer with a +15% fire damage lash on their spells (which means multiplicative, which can also be stretched with salvation of time!). Complement with exalted focus for more damage, though be warned that only the 5% hit to crit will be useful since the +5 will be suppressed by your superior dance with death buff. Possible alternatives If someone discovers a wizard spell at tier 7 or lower that also triggers least unstable coil multiple times, a wizard (especially an evoker or blood mage) could be a viable replacement for the priest half. The only spell I haven't thought to try that might do this is Concelhaut's Crushing Doom. Druids can also do this with good aiming of Twin Stones, Venombloom, and I believe Returning Storm and Relentless Storm. Only problem is that in terms of pure fire damage output I find even a priest can do better than a druid, plus priests (and wizards) have an in-built way of stretching out the duration of Least Unstable Coil and the Weyc's Wand buff. But druids might have a better backup plan against fire immune or fire absorbing enemies compared to an all-in priest of magran. this build is optimized for RTwP, for turn-based mode you'd probalby want to drop dex in favor of perception. Ooblit might be more important so that you hit critical rounding breakpoints to have enough time to wreck as much as you can. edit: early on, when you have fewer spells, i recommend a) resting in the wild mare for +1 spell cast, or bathing in the bathhouse for a similar bonus and b) using quarterstaff, pike, or a ranged weapon so that your dance with death can accumulate you to high accuracy and might in relative safety.
    3 points
  4. They may call him Merciless, but we all know less is more!
    3 points
  5. Started a world just like any other and everything was normal, but 20 days in the ladybugs just vanished from the garden, can't find them anywhere and they're not spawning, now i'm stuck at quests because i need to analize ladybug parts, is there any workaround for this bug?
    2 points
  6. Hey guys, hope life is treating y'all good I just wanted to pop back on here and spread some awareness for this audio and NPC redesign mod for New Vegas, made by the same guy that did NV-Redesigned. It's an extensive recast and re-recording of the audio for many many NPCs. I now a good handful of you still play the old game from time to time, so I thought you'd be interested. It's seriously like playing a new game!
    2 points
  7. Fired off a bunch of arrows at a wolf spider after it got stuck between several crafted items and rocks that I set up. When I went around gathering my spent arrows I found an interesting one off in the distance. Not sure where I am going to get a bow big enough for it...
    2 points
  8. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/new-york-attorney-general-letitia-james-files-lawsuit-dissolve-nra-n1236009
    2 points
  9. Happy Birthday Bruce. This thread's reminding me of
    2 points
  10. RGB is the best character creation system if done right. It's simple yet complex at the same time. What matters most is the game world and how your character growth interacts with it. Think Witcher 3 but a better more fleshed out Obsidian version. Red Skills Green Skills Blue Skills You pick one on level up and it determines certain attributes and traits. Like picking too much Red and not enough Green or Blue will make your character big and strong but really dumb and poorly resourceful if things get ugly etc. Each color gives subtle augments your character.
    2 points
  11. TOR and Bioware are dead to me when they removed the Smuggler's giggle because Sith players complained about noise pollution.
    2 points
  12. Its my birthday today but the reality of the virus, the closure of certain venues and the fact alcohol has been ridiculously and illogically banned again in SA means my realistic choices to celebrate have been curtailed ....yet I have been able to plan a good week which includes A lunch on Saturday on an open area near the sea at an excellent seafood restaurant, this will be with my Cpt family. My stepmom has kindly offered to pay which translates to " its a good time to order anything you love eating but its normally a little expensive to normally justify paying for yourself " .....I can see meals like Lobster Thermidor , Abalone and imported whole Japanese crab in my future https://www.harbourhouse.co.za/menus/ Then Sunday I have reconnected with a lady friend and we meeting for early dinner to catchup Today I have given myself the day off work and I will be gaming the whole day and will order "birthday celebration" meals for lunch and dinner
    2 points
  13. Which according to google translate means: "Does anyone there know how to tell me that the "grounded" game will come out to playstation4? Tell me yes Please, I wanted to play this wonderful game so much, I await your answer"
    2 points
  14. Incidentally, this thing is releasing in four days' time.
    2 points
  15. At the very least diminishing the warrior BS would help.
    2 points
  16. Brave New World - Ming the Merciless approved! If you can't trust Ming the Merciless, who can you trust?
    2 points
  17. Dude you are the one, my .ini was not excatly where you said, I'm a XGP user AppData\Local\Maine\Saved\Config\WinAnvil Thanks a lot, I can play for ever now. Are there no limits to your generosity ? If you could see my face right now, you'd see a look of gratitude. Thanks for thinking of me; you made my day.
    2 points
  18. I was just thinking of reinstalling New Vegas. If the cool bald man likes it then it's probably good and I'll give it a go.
    2 points
  19. America: You drive for four hours. You are still in the same part of the country. UK: You drive for two hours. The local accent has changed twice. Bread rolls have a new name.
    2 points
  20. https://wccftech.com/third-pillars-of-eternity-game-happen-excited/
    2 points
  21. and yet that's no different than dodging all the time in 3rd person... Blocking with a shield is efficient in Skyrim too. Especially in first person as it's easier to block incoming projectiles, including dragon fire, under that perspective.
    2 points
  22. Happy Birthday @BruceVC! hope it's a good one!
    1 point
  23. The save feature isn't an issue, keep it as just like subnautica. However it would be nice to have one saved game instead of 500 over time.
    1 point
  24. I believe Avowed is 1st/3rd person game like Grounded. As initially grounded was showed as 1st person on XO19 trailer and later it has the option of playing it also as 3rd person. The only reason it will only be a 1st person if 3rd person gameplay affects the game design which at the moment it doesn't looks a main reason
    1 point
  25. I just found it extremely hilarious when you meet the Jedi that are hunting you as a LS Sith Warrior and you can basically tell them that revenge isn't the Jedi way, then they look dumbfounded and start arguing with each other. Had me rolling on the floor for a bit. That and one piece of voice acting from my Imperial Agent on Taris. My agent was someone who was very much pro Empire but, let's say, sceptical of the Sith, the story starts out with the Sith silliness almost ruining your very first assignment after all, and you'll meet a guano-insane one on Taris who talks about fire and her children - meaning the Rakghouls. One of the reply options to this is "You're insane!", and I of course clicked on it, and the IA says in his incredibly awesome voice in an absolute deadpan: You really are Sith, aren't you?
    1 point
  26. Finished Bioshock Infinite. As a game it was fine, entertaining, reasonably challenging on hard (except for the ghost lady, which was genuinely hard), pretty engaging plot and nice aesthetics. Had the same basic problem Bioshock original had with its meta plot; it's difficult to do a compelling plot featuring determinism and pointing out all the 'but thou must' s inherent in games without then doing something different with it to subvert its expectations. It's only a bit different having someone say stuff has to happen because quantum theory says it's always happened and having someone say it has to happen because you've been programmed to obey a phrase by a sociopathic Korean. It's simply the nature of written works that they follow the script so there isn't much point pointing it out unless you're going to do something other than just point it out. Burial at Sea kind of had the same problem. I would say it was extremely high quality in every respect for a DLC and had a lot of very obvious work put into it with new (for B: I) systems etc, but you can't avoid the fact that everything that happened happened because it had to. In a vacuum, your 'choice' may have ended up doing some good but also got a lot of people killed; but that's excused because narratively it had to happen. It's the inverse of the very common trope in pseudo 'deep' games (lately, TLOU2 is a good example) where the game forces you to do a bad thing to progress the plot, then berates you for how bad you are for doing the thing you had to do to progress the plot- in BaS you're actively excused for getting a bunch of people killed because it had already happened.
    1 point
  27. Funnily enough, It was the Ant set I placed in there as well, I didnt try another set so idk if just the Ant set that was the issue. I made a new save file (My other save was lost) so if thats true i'll def try it out again, hope it fixes it. Cuz I liked the idea of an armor stand. Cheers mate thanks for the info
    1 point
  28. I did have a joke about trickle down economics. But 99% of you will never get it.
    1 point
  29. Nah, it's essentially the same thing nowadays. Still need to be a subscriber to have uncapped credits, access to artifact equipment, hotbars, ability to use a mount, quicktravel, number of crew skills, access to ops and warzones and so on and so forth. They even added a new sidebar in the latest update that puts microtransactions literally in your face at least once every week, regardless of subscriber status. Thankfully, none of that is really necessary to just play through the base stories. And yeah, a Double XP event is probably the best time to do it because I'm not sure but I suspect F2P players also earn less XP.
    1 point
  30. ok, better example - benweth in deadfire. if you take the violent path you get some pretty rough (at least at the recommended level) fights and the loot is still pretty standard fare/minimal. out of all my runs, i did it twice. now i just always rig the piano to blow up.
    1 point
  31. I heard f2p is less atrocious now than it used to be but that's not much of a praise since it was truly atrocious. Preferred status -- you get it by subbing once or buying something from game shop for real money -- is plenty enough if you don't plan to do end game raids or play Space Barbie by buying grossly overpriced garb from the game market. I'd say you try f2p and see if it works for you, if not then you can sub once for 15$, let the sub run out, then note what annoys you in preferred mode and then click on someone's referral link to get a free subscription week with all the perks so that you could buy missing QoL elements using game's currency. Microtransactions aren't too obnoxious in my improved preferred mode, but I remember ftp being like, *click anywhere* -- "LOL nope, this feature's unavailable to you, El Cheapo, now only if you subscribed..." No idea if they ditched this when remaking the f2p.
    1 point
  32. First, because Obsidian has been pretty open about their desire of making a Skyrim-like game on POE's universe: Obsidian CEO: “I’d love to turn Eternity into more like a Skyrim product” Then Chris Avellone said on Codex that after the Microsoft purchase Chris Parker could finally make his "shallow take" on Skyrim: Finally, several job offers suggested that Obsidian's new game would be an open-world, with day-night cycles and an emphasis on first person melee combat.
    1 point
  33. So a cartoonist was dropped from about 120 newspapers for a BLM comic because it generated a ton of complaints. At first I'm thinking, alright, I get that the comic page is not really the place for major political statements. But then I saw the comic and I was like, that's it? That's all it takes to get a bunch of complaints? So weird. The people complaining about this comic are probably the same complaining about the cancel culture.
    1 point
  34. The game is great! I'm having a blast, awesome work, nicely done!! Here some suggestions: 1) Block attack button should draw back the arrow from the bow 2) Resources tab under crafting should be listed alphabetically 3) Filter option to show Trail Markers on the map 4) Larva Blade is tier I, so it should show first in the Workbench Tools tab Here some other things that would be great! 1) If we could create a dedicated server and have more than 4 people playing together 2) More character options, skins, clothes, etc. 3) Pets! Besides that, I would like to suggest some changes to combat, so far you don't have much chance against spiders in melee combat, and is kind of forced to "cheese" the combat by jumping some place or bug the spider someplace where it can't pass.
    1 point
  35. Imperial Agent should be played last, because, a) best story, others might seem kinda lacking in comparison, b) after finishing other stories, you will likely ask yourself "Why and more importantly how a bunch of idiot space wizards with long term planning capabilities of an angry toddler (and tantrum prone like one as well) can make, let alone maintain an empire?" Well, Agent story asks those questions too, so you might be nodding in agreement along the plot. Disagree about Bounty Hunter and Jedi Consular though. Consular's story is kinda disjointed between Act 1 and 2 and the super uninspired voice acting does them disservice, but being a Jedi diplomat was fun, especially compared to that juvenile wish fulfillment fantasy that passes for the Jedi Knight's story. And I loved those catty diplomats who hanged around the ship and offered comments after every mission. (Also I find Shadow/Assassin DPS class very much fun to play). Bounty Hunter I will love always for their habit to disrespect space wizards and their hockey religions all the time. Even their ship looks like it's double flipping the bird:
    1 point
  36. Just play it on supernova, the game is too easy otherwise anyway
    1 point
  37. Yeah, the Garmin attack was pretty massive. It seems a bit silly to hold a bunch of people's workout data hostage for $10 million, but people were freaking out. Why exercise if we aren't going to get our digital accolades?!?
    1 point
  38. As some of the board regulars will be feeling soon no doubt...
    1 point
  39. You've got it backwards. It's Pillars 3 in name only. It's being advertised as a first person shooter. Pillars 1 and 2 were isometric "spiritual successors to Baldur's Gate". In my opinion, this is a money grab that is just trying to cash in on the Pillars name.
    1 point
  40. Lunch (crumbled meat is ground turkey) Snacks. To keep the sweet and snack cravings in control fruit is great. And a couple large tablespoons of vanilla ice cream, softened and mixed with lots o berries works well as a tiny treat. I may not be that impressed with "FOUR CAMERAS" in the phone but it does take better pics than the tablet at least.
    1 point
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