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About socylad

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. Since 1.1 my dew collector has stopped working and I haven't found any dew on leaves or grass blades. I've also did my first dive into an ant hill that should have eggs and have found no eggs at all.
  2. Fired off a bunch of arrows at a wolf spider after it got stuck between several crafted items and rocks that I set up. When I went around gathering my spent arrows I found an interesting one off in the distance. Not sure where I am going to get a bow big enough for it...
  3. This has happened to me. I've tried to recycle a grass plank palette twice and crashed both times. Cool game though.
  4. I'm hoping that different options for dialogue and quests may change from one class or race to another one and that the overall narrative will be different depending on the character's class and race along with actions made along the way. This is important for replayability in my mind, and just makes sense.
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