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  1. Is this still ETA this week ? - Ive stopped playing hoping I'll finish the game on the latest patch
    5 points
  2. The thing about the plot - I think there's an oversampling about the gripes about the plot (the loudest voices in the room don't necessarily reflect the audience at large) -- as evidenced by audience scores. JE Sawyer is not exactly the most unbiased participant, but he tends to have a pretty decent self-awareness and self-critical eye. He was more exposed to the community than any of us, and the general sense I got from his writings was that there was at worst minor aggregate disappointment about the plot (either about the actual narrative or how it was structured). If the plot was trash and that could explain sales drop (or even just a significant chunk of it), I think Sawyer would be one of the first to acknowledge it. It would even be great, because then they 'd know precisely what to fix for PoE3!
    3 points
  3. Hmmmm.... my house is paid for. My retirement is paid for. I can grow my own food. I make use of solar power so my utility expenses are minimal. My only entertainment expenses are SiriusXM, my Kindle, and my WiFi. I could totally live on $1k a month and have money left over. You know what? Put me down for some Yang too! If these lazy Millennials want Socialism then God bless them. I'll just quit my job, kick back and let THEM support ME!
    3 points
  4. I'm actually not worried. Just that certain people will latch onto this as... Wait a minute There we go
    2 points
  5. https://variety.com/2019/tv/news/the-witcher-renewed-season-2-netflix-1203403503/ Obviously, the show is good. Hm, will be fun to watch game fans rage over it at least.
    2 points
  6. Im about to say two things that you will probably find hard to believe: 1) I don't have a foe. Im just trying to improve my lot in life. 2) I really really like money and the things that money does for me. In fact, Ive found "the more, the better" to be accurate with regards to money. So with that understanding, I am inclined to vote early and often for a candidate that is offering 1k / per adult / per month in my household.
    2 points
  7. Then the plot wasn't a reason for you to not buy it since you only learned about that after your purchase (correct me if I'm wrong). It then may be a reason for you to not buy a PoE3 in the future, but it doesn't explain why Deadfire didn't sell well.
    2 points
  8. Would you like to buy some bootstraps?
    2 points
  9. I think of Oscar Peterson. (Also, my high school marching band, which used a version of it in its field show in my freshman year.)
    2 points
  10. It certainly has that Russian "survivalist" atmosphere that became prominent in the immediate post Soviet era, however I do not like the steep system requirements, as I can play pretty much everything else on High+ w/o difficulties whilst I have to tone it down to medium on this one. Still worth it though. My favorite part of the game is when they are on the train and Miller orders his crew to shoot the infiltrators and someone (forgot who) responds "Shoot them? What is this, the Reich?" xD good times. Anyway still playing Code Vein, this game has some tough boss battles that's for sure! I do love the character creation though, as I can make myself look like the ultimate Comrade and semi play the part to.
    2 points
  11. Hey it worked for Ned Kelly, didn't it?
    2 points
  12. That's pretty much it. Beat the game not long ago, expected much more. Still a great game but I can't help feeling dissatisfied and disappointed. I imagine there will be more to come of course. But that didn't feel like a full game.
    1 point
  13. So I was playing a bunch yesterday and was having a blast, come evening my partner wanted to try it on her PC so I logged off, she installed it on her PC with my launcher and started a new game. This morning when I get up her cloud save has overwritten mine. From what I can tell online now is that the Epic Launcher does not allow for multiple cloud saves across devices. I have however managed to locate what I believe are my saves on my local disc and I'm wondering how I can recover it? I found it in C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\AppData\Local\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved\Saves\941fce95f1a64ca9a596ec28a4b28502\Rosemallow There are two folders there, Localsavebackup and CloudCache, the Localsavebackup holds 3 quick saves, 3 auto saves and 3 manual saves with contains the screenshots of where it was saved so I know that they're correct. Can I somehow make these active? Thanks.
    1 point
  14. I'm talking about some truly distinct looking armor like the BoS power armor from the Fallout games or the Daedric armor from TES games. I know there are plenty of high level armors in TOW but they're not exactly uncommon to find. In the early Fallout games and Morrowind for example, there were only a few of these armors available in game. They weren't usually available untill late in the game and were often tied to a specific quest. You saw these armors being worn early or mid game, and you really wanted them. When you finally got your hands on it you felt really good. When you got your full set of Daedric armor in Morrowind you knew that you were basically the only one in the game who had one. Same in FO1/FO2/FNV where you had to join the BoS just to be able to wear it. TOW really needs a high level, distinct looking armor set like this
    1 point
  15. Should have done a deal to do a SimAnt game instead.
    1 point
  16. Honestly I'm happy to see Obsidian branching out and working on other genres. This is really not for me though, sadly. I was over the whole survival, crafting genre even before it truly kicked off. That said, I can't fault the style and the quality shown in the trailer, and the fact that it was made by such a small number of people on the team makes it all the more impressive. I will await your next announcement with bated breath.
    1 point
  17. Yes It's not a game for me, but I don't get all the negativity. As with any business that wants to grow, Obs needs to expand its base both financially and creatively. And nothing here says this project is in lieu of some other project that got shelved to make room for this one. New Obsidian is being very aggressively ambitious, and I for one like that. From the bits and pieces of information from a variety of sources I have been able to put together Obsidian currently has five individuals holding the title of project/game director. And, following the state names system Obs has been using for their game projects it seems that there are five state-named projects currently underway. If so, then what's the big deal of one of those projects being this one? It still leaves at least 2-3 other projects currently being worked on that are likely to be true, classic RPGs in the tradition of Obsidian games.
    1 point
  18. This is disappointing. Good luck to the devs, and I hope the game makes money. But, I mean, is this meant for fans of Obsidian? Or is it a shift in priority after acquisition by Microsoft? I was hopeful when Obs got picked up, because I read somewhere Microsoft wanted to widen their RPG catalogue. Not sure cartoony, co-op survival game will attract RPG fans. But, I guess time will tell.
    1 point
  19. Looks cool and fun but definitely not for me. I hope it's just a little game to keep the teams busy while larger projects (RPGs) are in development.
    1 point
  20. In about two hours from now. 20:00 GMT.
    1 point
  21. I'm a simple man. When I see "new posts" icon on a 20-page thread, I run screaming out of the room
    1 point
  22. some london thing (i've never heard of it before, I only know because I pestered OBS again about my ultimate run and schin gave me his schedule for the next two weeks to show how slowly he's able to work through the vids)
    1 point
  23. dang that's a good point. this is why everything is part of a larger franchise these days *sigh* this is also a good point. Yeah, the fig campaign funding stream was shallower and this time around had speculators (due to the presence of fig shares work) instead of some true-believer fans. However, I also saw some (minor) backlash that PoE1 was successful, so why were they reaching out to fans to help fund the sequel? I don't know how much of a factor that could've been (maybe not much).
    1 point
  24. I also pointed to Poland unemployment rates which you "cleverly" omitted because it doesn't fit into your fantasy. 2008 economy crash wasn't due to companies screwing their employees or crash in demand supply chain. It was a banking crisis based on the dumb socialistic in origin notion that everyone should have a house even if they cannot afford one. It was also the failure of the laws and state to just do nothing and allow institutions responsible to fall on their faces and new and better institutions rise up. Instead we got bailout schemes that allowed those institutions to still function and getting back to their old ways. And I have a feeling you were among those who cheered when those institutions got government help to "save jobs". I'm not rebutting of concept of army of unemployed, I even gave you a real life example of how that was a reality for me. It isn't a reality anymore right now thanks to a free market approach. I know what a structural unemployment is and it's an issue worth taking care of, but claiming that all unemployment is structural unemployment or that is a driving force right now is just not true. OSHA recommendations are not basic conditions. Those are as the name suggest recommendations. And I even said that's ok to fight for a better conditions, but it's still a fight for "more comfortable chair" not a fight to structurally change the job market because the employers are screwing us over. I'm a little confused how you can simultaneously claim that my stance is "go change the law" and "stick to the law", those are opposite statement. The first one is my stance, please do so and propose your demands. It's funny because you just said that the employer employee dynamics prevents employees for giving demands and then you give an example of employees doing just that. So which is it? I'm all for better working conditions, but I'm also not willing to pay 10.000$ for shipping so there have to be some place where demands face basic reality of cost efficiency of running a business and you being a know it all in all things business should know this. Depends on how you define "hard work", you yourself gave an example of slaves working in extreme conditions. So I assume you claim that "hard work" means work in extreme conditions. I don't think GD had in mind dragging tons of rocks on your back as a path to success and wealth. I think he had something more in line with putting a good effort into your job, produce results and excel at what you are doing and you will see the profit. So yeah, harder work = better result, but always in comparison to the same work done with less effort. So if you are an electrician putting more work with greater attention to detail and optimizing the electrical lines will get you more than electrician who don't, being a chef giving more time in picking the product, polishing your skills and giving more attention to details will give you more profit than a chef who just flips the pan etc. Nobody is saying that working harder as a chef will give you more money than being a CEO of Bank of America, those are not comparable positions and have different requirements and profit rates. That's life. So you will just not try because you can fail? How are you even able to get out of bed with such attitude? Nothing in life is clear, definite and reliable path. You are born and you die, everything in between have indefinite variables that affect the outcome. I don't see what you are fighting for here as socialism also don't give you clear, definite and reliable path to success but it takes away almost any opportunity. Besides the ruling class there are no winners in socialism as was proven time and time again in history. I'm taking my chances in free market in this case, sorry but not sorry. I don't think I need to give links, just walk out and go around your city you will see hundreds on businesses running and people making their lives and achieving their business success. And while we are talking free market and western countries how is Africa where the laws, values and structure hardly exist? How is western model failing based on things happening outside of it? We again come to the same arguments that capitalism is failing because people not living in capitalism are starving. It's ridiculous notion.
    1 point
  25. I actually live in Spain, which has a 14% unemployment rate now, down from ~26% in 2013-14. It's sadly not an exception in Europe. Honestly, the way you talk reminds me a lot of the tune many business owners would sing, before the economy crashed in 2008. The fact that you may not see the reserve army of labor now is not a rebuttal of the concept, much like not being currently electrocuted does not mean that electricity is a fiction. Your reference to the nominally low US unemployment rate betrays, as if on cue, your ignorance of the underemployment rate, and what it means. And again, the fact that you are using your inability to find employees for your company shows that you do not understand what structural unemployment is. Educate yourself a bit -- you know, what you keep saying people should do to find a job? In the US, there is unsurprisingly a higher temp limit which should not to be exceeded as per the OSHA. So yeah, basic conditions. Similar recommendations exist across Europe, and yet somehow I'm not surprised you're unaware of this. Obviously, that is not prescribed by law, because If it were, Amazon's employees wouldn't have to strike when they could just sue, duh. I'm not surprised that your stance is "well go change the law then because they are sticking perfectly to it!", even though a large part of worker-employer relationships are not handled by labor law, but collective bargaining. It's also baffling how attached you are to the letter of the law, while also bemoaning taxation, which is fundamentally the basis of any lawmaking. It was actually Guard Dog, to whom I was originally replying. Then you moved the goalposts: You can't seriously expect me to walk you through your own comments all the time. The discussion was about how greed supposedly motivates people to work hard, and therefore achieve results. So harder work = better results. Seems simple enough. You do not need to explicitly say something, something may be directly derived from what you have said by following its implications. This is called deductive reasoning. I'd also suggest you read up on black swan theory, and how it relates to the large numbers of businesses that not only do not make billionaires of their owners, but simply fail (~50% make it to their fifth year, and about one in three survives past ten) and land people in debt. It's not that it's "billions or bust", but if you cannot provide a clear, definite, and reliable path from zero to billionaire within your lifetime and without inheritance, by detailing exactly what "working smart and efficient" means, you are just blowing hot air. To use an easy to understand analogy. If I say that all I need to read your mind is "focus" and just happen to guess what you are thinking, am I really reading your mind? Let's of course discard the many tries when I failed, and only consider the one lucky guess when I actually did it, as "proof" that mind-reading is possible and all that's needed is "focus". That's magical thinking. Also read up on it. No, you just made up a story that may or may not be true because you didn't give any hard figures or sources. Even your ballpark figures do not support your conclusion if you take into consideration what should be basic concepts for a business owner, e.g. running costs and loan interest payments. You don't need to write a dissertation, just a link or two should be enough. See, I'd be more inclined to take you at your word of it if you hadn't consistently displayed a glaring detachment from reality and ignorance or misunderstanding of basic facts. And while there are indeed millions of people starting up small businesses, the difficulties facing starting a co-op mine in Africa by former slave miners who just happened to get a small loan of ten million dollars are so insurmountable that the few that exist are sadly far from the norm.
    1 point
  26. Hadn't even heard of it but looks interesting and promising. Thanks. Looks like I still have Divinity OS installed, so I'll probably try to get into it again next.
    1 point
  27. I don't mind dialogues not being executed as skill checks as I feel that could promote a more save-scummy playstyle and so on... But as with the [Dumb] dialogue options I wouldn't mind also seeing dialogue options for other stat deficiencies, like [Weak] or [Clumsy] or [Unperceptive] or [Emotional] or the likes.
    1 point
  28. One thing I don't see many people mention. It's a sequel. To a dense classic crpg. Which demands lots of reading, and strategic understanding. People apt to get it are likely older, whose time is limited. Where the first game satiated their fix and other things are now more important. Where the new comers choose to play the first in belief they'll go on to purchase the second, but never even finish the first game. The fig campaign raised almost as much funding, with half of the funders. I think that is evidence that the series is largely cared for by a niche of a niche, and it's the whales coming out to bolster the numbers. Fig always seemed a bit like writing on the wall to me, as if you know you're going to play it. It's cheaper and you likely get more if you back early. So a lot of people didn't even find that compelling this time around. They knew if they would ever get the game, it would be in a deep holiday sale on steam or gog years down the road when maybe they've finally beaten the first game.
    1 point
  29. I getcha, don't worry. English isn't my native tongue either, I'm from Argentina myself. No judgement passed on my part. I can understand a preference for the first game's dialogue, I think it fits a particular mood the first game is able to capture really well, in terms of it being a grimmer, more desolate experience, finding yourself in a setting that is trying to cope with the loss of an entire generation and possibly of all kith in an eventual future. It's an atmosphere of hopelessness, of desperation, of deep existential turmoil manifesting into social unrest. The dialogue is flatter, more muted, more ponderous, but it largely fits that context and story. I certainly love it, I just wouldn't call it more "stylish", if you catch my drift (I would hesitate to call it "better" either, but I wouldn't oppose an argument in favour of it necessarily either). However, I think we're missing the point here. The question isn't why one would prefer the first game over the sequel, but rather why the sequel didn't sell as well. For the sequel to not have sold as well these thoughts and opinions have to transcend mere personal taste, and I don't think they do with enough frequency so as to affect public prejudice towards Deadfire, and thus its sales. More on this point here... This is very true, nowadays people get informed by video reviews, streamers and influencers, and even engage with games differently than they did in the past. Nowadays *watching* games is as much a means of enjoying a game as is *playing* it, and I reckon Deadfire and CRPGs in general fail inasmuch as they don't provide very good "backseat gaming" experiences the way games like Fortnite or League of Legends might - or even World of Warcraft or Skyrim or The Outer Worlds (whose sales are exceeding expectations) for that matter. But more on this later. The issue I have with this point is that I too like to consume a fair bit of YouTube channels, Twitch streams and the likes and see how other people play these games and what their thoughts on them are. See, Cohh himself played Deadfire at the time of release... And he loved it. He thought it was an excellent game, praised the writing, praised the setting and quest design and so on. Other channels and reviewers like Worth a Buy, gameranx, ACG et al. also reviewed the game and praised it to high heavens, in part for all these elements. Even channels and streamers like Stratedgy or Lorerunner, who were less enthused by the first game, expressed very positive opinions for the sequel. Working from memory the only two that seem less enthused by Deadfire overall seem to be Super Bunnyhop - who did find the game to feel shallower and so on, as you did too - and NeverKnowsBest - who was also pretty negative on the first game to begin with. In this regard, I think we can safely say that opinions were once again generally quite positive. Word of mouth, in general, was positive, so again, it couldn't possibly have acted as a deterrant. However, the issue here stands with those people who *didn't* cover the sequel when they did so the first game. Angry Joe, Jim Sterling, The Escapist, and others who reviewed and spoke in depth about the first game didn't cover Deadfire. Why? Did they not enjoy the game? Did they not play it whatsoever? Silence is an even bigger killer than negative reception in the end - at the very least a negative review reminds the reader that the game exists. All in all, whilst it's certainly true that word of mouth will affect sales, and bad games that ride on the success of their franchise or else will drop off sooner rather than later - but one's own opinions aren't necessarily shared by the wider audience out there, and again, there's nothing in the reviews and user scores we have that indicate word of mouth for Deadfire was anything less than positive. Finally, a small bit on this... I'm not a computer engineer or a programmer of any sort, so I'll approach this as a layman. @thelee makes an interesting point bringing up Pathfinder: Kingmaker, a game that allegedly sold better whilst being absolutely, undeniably broken on release. I'd also suggest some other games here too: Fallout: New Vegas was itself a buggy, broken mess upon release, and yet remains Obsidian's greatest hit. KOTOR 2, similarly broken. These games are so broken they even require mods and fan-made patches to be properly enjoyable in this day and age. In comparison to these games Deadfire was nowhere as buggy or broken - I myself was able to finish the game on release with only a few issues here or there, which didn't really affect my overall perception of the game at the end of the day. The issue present with all the above examples is that they all belong to far bigger and more established IPs as well. Pathfinder: Kingmaker may have been a rather average and completely bugged game, but it was still a Pathfinder CRPG, the *first* Pathfinder CRPG as far as I'm aware. Fallout and STAAAR WAAARS (/Rich Evans) are likewise massive IPs. Pillars, in comparison, far less so.
    1 point
  30. @Skarpen: it would be very nice if you didn't add "bonkers" to points and comparisons you make. We neither belittle your arguments nor you as a person and you don't need to belittle us and our arguments to make a point. If your reasoning is solid it will get acknowledged. Calling people names will just lead to the opposite. The points that were made by the others are not bonkers in any ways but brought forth in a decent manner. Maybe they are wrong, maybe not. But bonkers? Hardly... Not everything or everyone one doesn't agree with is bonkers. Concerning advertising games with Josh Sawyer: I don't have any numbers but I guess there are at least as many gamers that would call Sawyer a game developer "legend" as there are Avellone fans. And I also think there's a significant overlap. Josh may have lost some followers because he's quite outspoken when it comes to his political views though. But anyways: several things alleviate your argument that Avellone's departure caused a significant sales drop - or that the participation of Avellone automatically means that sales will go up tremendously: Preorders of Deadfire were higher than those of PoE. User reviews were great in general. If there would have been massive disappointment about Avellone leaving it would have had an impact on user reviews. I read a lot of the negative reviews on Steam and I don't recall any that said something about Avellone. They might exist but I doubt there are many. Projects in which Avellone participated didn't experience a massive sales surge that comes near the sales drop of PoE-->Deadfire. In some cases the follow-up game with Avellone sold worse than the first one. Example: FTL (Avellone only participated in the free Enhanced Edition) --> Into the Breach. Obviously those are quite different games on several levels. But if the theory that Avellone's name alone has so much impact it shouldn't matter if the games are different (as long as they are comparably good). I saw nobody on Twitter or in Discord addressing Obsidian developers or Obsidian themselves with that theory. Where one might read such a theory and where it might get fostered is the RPGCodex. But that's just a fraction of potential CRPG players and its views and opinions as a collective doesn't necessarily represent those of the majority. All in all, lookig at all the known facts and numbers (good reviews both from users and critics, improved gameplay, incorporated player feedback etc.) I get the impression that deep disappointment or anger or frustration with Deadfire are not the cause. It rather seems that a lot of potential players (aka target audience) didn't really care about a PoE2. But those who cared mostly liked it.
    1 point
  31. If you want to follow Diablo4, apparently they're going to be dropping info etc regularly: https://us.diablo3.com/en/blog/23220969/a-letter-from-our-game-director-blizzcon-2019-11-13-2019
    1 point
  32. The magic of Kojima games is that they are simultaneously great and exceedingly dumb.
    1 point
  33. I haven't played Planescape Torment, and the only work by Avellone I know is Durance and Grieving Mother. And I couldn't stand them, because of the excessive writing. Especially the introduction of Grieving Mother was awful. It was so long and there wasn't an option to say "Goodbye", I had to click on "Continue" again and again and the thing went on and on. So for me Avellone is associated with pretentious writing, because when you write for a game you have to consider your audience is there to play a game, not sit and read your novels. Nobody thinks movies should be filled with hours of monologues, why should this happen in games. Incidentally, this is one of the ways in which PoE disappointed those 600k players that didn't buy Deadfire (just my opinion, of course ).
    1 point
  34. Shield can be good for the early game, while it shouldn't be necessary with a party at all. Late game however (level 15+) there is 0 need for any defense on any of your party except your tank because of mindweb. Just max defenses on your tank (my pala had 170 deflection and 160+ in all other defenses, will was smth like 200), give the soulbound ranged weapon to one of your cipher that fires two shots before reloading, shoot it twice at combat start and then cast mindweb on tank, switch to melee weapons. Even for the early game I would try and find a way to either dual wield or use a ranged weapon, as Boeroer said a cipher is only as good as the amount of focus they can build. There is many strategies to make squishy melees survive a fight, mainly about engaging with the tank first and making sure all enemies actually attack him before attacking with the squishy melees. With the cipher you have the additional option to charm from stealth before engaging and also always keep enough focus to charm if some enemy switches targets.
    1 point
  35. You mean Hearth Orlan I guess. Ciphers need to deal dmg in order to generate focus. Using a shield does indeed increase your survivability, but it also reduces your damage output. Two Ciphers are actually pretty neat since they can cast certain "Ally only" powers onto each other. A single Cipher can't profit from Cipher buffs, two can. Especially Reaping Knives, cast on each other, is very good (basically doubles your two Ciphers' focus generation). You can achieve a compromise with two hatchets: you'll get +10 deflection but still be able to dual wield weapons (which raises your dps significantly compared to weapon & shield). This is nice when you want to skill your characters for Reaping Knives (with Two Weapon Style). However, if you like the idea of weapon & shield then that's totally fine as well. Armor is important in the early game. There I'd recommend wearing the thickest one you can get (plate, brigandine). Later it doesn't matter much because DR doesn't scale as steeply as enemies' damage and your health/endurance pools do. Pick the one with the best enchantments. You can usually tell where the sweet spot is (too low: you lose too much health too quickly and have to rest too often - too high: your focus generation feels really slow). Also you will have access to Borrowed Instinct and Pain Block. Generally speed weapons are the best pick for a Cipher's focus generation (I mean weapons with the speed enchantment).
    1 point
  36. New stuff on tumblr: https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/189033149681/why-did-you-and-the-team-decide-on-deadfire-for https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/189033278221/why-blame-the-relative-failure-of-poe2-on-already https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/189033409996/its-a-shame-deadfire-did-worse-the-poe-1-it-had https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/189033619441/in-an-imaginary-world-where-an-eccentric
    1 point
  37. Rammstein live...at least one thing both Russians and Germans seems to agreed on appreciating Someone mentioned Cyndi Lauper. What can I say, the first half of the 80's holds a lot of nostalgic value for me.
    1 point
  38. got unseasonal gorgeous weather here in norcal. am gonna enjoy outdoors... outdoors away from our home. we got an enormous carob tree in our backyard which provides admirable shade and doesn't need much water. enormous is kinda understatement. current sounds as if we are living under power lines 'cause o' all the bees pollinating the carob. is perfect kinda foliage save for one small detail: it stinks. when the carob is in bloom, it has a genuine foul odor. what kinda tree blooms in autumn anyways? *shrug* if you are curious, you may google what stink carob is often compared. chances are you wouldn't believe us. regardless, we need to put some distance 'tween our self and casa de Gromnir during daylight hours for as long as temps are nice, 'cause am not gonna wanna open our windows at back of the house for the next week or so. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  39. Average completion time for JUST the main quest of Fallout 3 was around 24 hours. Outer Worlds isn't even half that. It's a short story by any standards
    1 point
  40. My point is that Fallout 4/76 being bad games does not automatically make TOW better. Obsidian was always known for a flawed but interesting games. TOW is direct opposite: 1) Very safe and unimaginative writing. Every NPC is talking-head joke dispenser at steady rate of 5 smartass comment/minute. 2) Tons of fetch quests, more and more as the game progress. 3) All conflicts boil down to corporation vs just one another rebellious group. It is Skyrim level of faction nuance. 4) Enemy variety is bad, generic marauders everywhere and outnumber peaceful population 3 to 1. 5) Perks are boring, skill system is bare-bones and gun/melee skills detract from game play more than add to it. People completed the game with 20 in gun skill by shooting everyone in the face. I oneshotted whole starting location on Hard after finding plasma rifle with level 2 char. But it is polished, pretty, bug-free, easy to get into and just plain easy. Generic user-friendly RPG/FPS with Whedon-style writing and Borderlands/Bioshock looks for a people who hate gaas, mtx and Fallout 76.
    1 point
  41. Fixed it through the help of other save problem threads, different issues but had the info I needed. I've just tossed in my backup saves to C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\The Outer Worlds\ Saved me a lot of time... And this is yet another reason why people don't like the incomplete Epic Launcher. Please make it user friendly, shocking that you can't just play a game within the family, bring back CD/DVD's...
    1 point
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