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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/20 in all areas

  1. I'm plugging away at Pathfinder: Kingmaker as I can. Great game. The writers aren't all that great, but they have their moments. Huge game.
    3 points
  2. Because if you hit several enemies at once you deal more damage and get more focus. I recommend Watershaper's Focus especially because I went for Arcane Archer and the weapon has an integrated jump (works with the Blast AoE as well) - and because the Blast modal's big drawback in RTwP (+50% recovery time) is not a problem in TB mode. Also because the Ondra's Wrath proc generates focus and does good dmg.
    2 points
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/asteroid-destroy-earth-election-day-180700146.html giant meteor inbound the day before election! Here comes the real winner of the popular vote!
    2 points
  4. Europa Universalis II for free on GoG nex 90+ hours.
    2 points
  5. All ranger abilities work in melee bar Twinned Shot and Heartpiercer. Concussive and Wounding shots work. Marksman and Driving Flight obviously don't work. Whirling strikes work with a mortar ranged weapon in left hand by the way. Driving Flight even applies to the ranged weapon attack.
    2 points
  6. Aha, so this is where all that research energy has been going into! Fun theme (I was not active much on the forums for PoE 1 so did not see this before). As for megabosses, what I really did was just skim your build and see if you had a chanter and/or a cipher. You have both, so I think you are absolutely set. I've done megabosses a lot. Not on turn-based, but I believe the overall principle will be the same: you can handle any challenge so long as you're willing to get and use the following skills (either on your way up or respeccing just for megabosses): chanter - one dozen stood (chant). this is to persistently resist auranic's terrorizing sigil without relying on something that can be easily cleansed away chanter - blessed was wengrith (chant). you don't need this, but this (or having paladin's zealous charge aura) helps a lot with running around and avoiding dorudugan's fiery death. chanter - called to his bidding (invocation). the fabled animated weapons. they can run lots of interference for you, and when belranga/hauane gets lower defenses the sword can knockdown the megaboss perpetually cipher - ancestor's memory. a recurring source of brilliant will cure all ills cipher - disintegration. massively simplifies hauane o whe fight if you can land it. both the priest and paladin will also offer hugely helpful spells (salvation of time, barring death's door, lay on hands [optionally with a death shield]), but those five abilities up top are central to "easy" attempts at megabosses for myself. do note that turn-based dorudugan and hauane might run counter to some advice about de-prioritizing dex, because it becomes important to be able to have party members have their turns before critical abilities activate (dorudugan's various fiery death options, hauane's attempt at merging if you were unable to land disintegration in its first form). i do not hav ea lot of experience in this realm. edit - warning: i am extremely dubious that turn-based mode megabosses is going to be very enjoyable. even on rtwp they can take a long time. on turn-based they might be an utter slog. i know someone beat the ultimate in turn-based mode, but "possible" and "fun" seem very at odds here.
    2 points
  7. What if the video game news was never random? Anyway, here's a trailer:
    2 points
  8. Grim Dawn is like meth mixed with heroin right now for me. I just found some weird item and I am instantly theory crafting my 10th character around it.... i need help
    2 points
  9. As you were all aware voyager one and voyager two are both beyond the Heliopause and out of our solar system. They are both reporting something very interesting now. The farther they get from the effectS of the sun the greater the density of charged particles per cubic centimeter of space has been: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sciencealert.com/for-some-reason-the-density-of-space-is-higher-just-outside-the-solar-system/amp. that seems counterintuitive to me. That there would be a greater amount of charged particles outside of the flu each of the sun then inside of it
    2 points
  10. Hi, I have, after endless theory-crafting, come close to finalizing my roster for a turn-based PoTD game. It will be loosely themed after the Fellowship of the Ring. In fact, some of you guys remember that I had a PoE 1 roster that I put together with all your help on the same theme. Hence, this group will be named the "Fellowship of the Ring II." Now my main question regarding this line-up is whether I can handle mega-bosses - and if not, what modifications I can make to make that possible. I have not played in over two years, so I have no idea how the game has changed, especially in regard to the new turn-based mode. Further, I am also trying two classes I've never tried before in PoE II: Cipher and Priest. I am specifically trying both classes, because I have read a number of people suggesting that both classes are needed for mega-bosses. So this is the rough sketch: 1. Aragorn - front-line melee DPS/off-tank (main character): A Devoted/Monk build inspired by AndreaColombo's Lady of Pain - modified by some of Boerer's suggestions. I always play melee DPS as main character in RPGs, and this is no exception. I struggled the longest time between a Devoted/Monk build and a Devoted/Rogue build based on Haplok's Armorbreaker; and in the end I felt a Monk sub-class gave you a bit more versatility than a Rogue sub-class via AoE damage and hard CC. 2. Boromir - front-line tank: An Unbroken or Devoted/Trickster build who will be a riposte tank. Pretty straightforward. He should be able to get around 200 Deflection without any external buffs by stacking all kinds of Deflection items. 3. Gandalf - mid-line melee or "linebacker": A reach weapon Fighter/Chanter build who will provide passive buffs and clean-up anything that escapes my two front-liners. [Edit: Gandalf will be Priest/Paladin; he will still be a mid-line melee and use reach weapons.] 4. Arwen - mid-line buffer/healer: A Priest/Paladin who will start the fight by buffing the group and then use whatever spells and invocations as needed. I am not sure what weapon I will use with her. In fact, I am not even sure whether she uses a melee or ranged weapon. Suggestions? [Edit 2: Arwen will be a Druid/Chanter; per suggestions below that this group needed more caster DPS.) 5. Legolas - back-line ranged DPS: A Ghost Heart/Cipher build suggested by Kaylon here: This will be mainly a ranged DPS, and I will primarily use the Cipher aspect to utilize Ancestor's Memory when the occasion permits. Unlike Kaylon's suggestion, however, I'd prefer to use Saint Omaku's war bow, rather than Frostseeker. How does this group look overall in turn-based PotD context - especially when it comes to handling mega-bosses? In particular, I am worried that I might be too melee-heavy, given that Aragorn, Boromir, and Gandalf are all melees; and Arwen will be a quasi-melee or in melee range. Further, I am also unsure of what exactly is the Arwen character doing, as hinted. I have a Priest, because I have been told it may be needed for mega-bosses; and I've splashed on Paladin, because I am missing one in this group. How should she be further built as a Priest/Paladin - or should I go with a different multi-class? Any kind of advice would be appreciated, as usual.
    1 point
  11. Yes, Fire in the Hole + Driving Flight + Keeper of the Flame with Whirling Strikes and Edér's armor (prevents hits from Keeper of the Flame which targets reflex and has friendly fire) is so nice. Another really fun build I once did was one-handed Helwalker/Stalker (because they rhyme yo!) with Stalker's Patience (because the game uninstalls itself if you don't use Stalker's Patience with a Stalker). Because Swift Flurry/Heartbeat Drumming procs also can trigger the spear's enchantment which skips recovery (20% of crits) those funny crit chains often lead to 0 recovery. And the Ranger's awesome melee ACC bonuses, paired with the Monk stuff like Stunning Surge and Enduring Dance leads to a lot of crits.
    1 point
  12. From 2008-2010 Democrats wiped the floor in congress...and they did absolutely nothing! If they squander it, yet another Teabag-esque Republican momentum will come in and start the cycle all over again.
    1 point
  13. Delaying actions in this mode is the most lazy and simplistic implementation possible. You simply move to the end of the turn order. Its sadly not possible to effectively use it to interrupt enemy actions.
    1 point
  14. So many supermarkets can't be wrong, frozen pizza is good for you! I've been eating enough antibiotics lately to keep an entire meadow full of dairy cows healthy Another 5 days says the doctor. Ah well. Nom nom nom... At least the ugly red and purple stripes leading from my foot up to my hip has receded, barely visible anymore
    1 point
  15. Nice theme. IMO your party is a bit too caster (nuker) light for a turn-based playtrough. Combats may drag more then they need to. Would be fine in real time. But turn based combat is sometimes painfully slow even with heavy nuking.
    1 point
  16. I always pick the upgrade with aoe Resolve inspiration. Getting Concentration ticks on my entire party is pretty sweet.
    1 point
  17. Ah, I see that this is the fruit of all your recent post, Lampros. While I might be inclined to quibble with the idea of Gandalf as a warcaller, it looks like a solid party with a nice blend of strong melee DPS with support from spell casters. Too bad you can have a sixth party member, like POE1, to add "Gimli." Since paladins are pretty tanky I'd be inclined to have "Arwen" be primarily melee. As for Gandalf, you might consider making him an ancient/troubador theurge, a staff wielder, naturally. That would fit better thematically I think, and might add more to the party.
    1 point
  18. Dreamland Chronicles was the real cancelled Xcom game. Blizzard had another MMO in development that became Overwatch. I would have liked to see that. This whole crowdfunding age has really given me one more crack at the favorites. Lori and Corey Cole got to make a decent Quest for Glory type game and Julian Gollop got to make a decent Xcom type game. Now I just need Ian Currie to make a decent Jagged Alliance type game.
    1 point
  19. Exactly. Everything wants to follow a geodesic (a straight line in curved space) and Earth is pulling your geodesic inside it. I think this is the best explanation I've seen so far:
    1 point
  20. When the world needs a true detective, who do they call? A N D R E A
    1 point
  21. This is a cool suggestion, and I'll forward it to the team for consideration!
    1 point
  22. Got called in to work extra. Instead of starting at 11.45 to 21, I'm workin 10 to 21. (In 9½ hours.) Now I'm not going to get any proper sleep, I'm going to be worried about oversleeping. Edit; Also, I remembered that I forgot my pizza and soda in the car. *Looks at thermometer* So that'll be ice and cold. /bow
    1 point
  23. I reached out to the dev team, and they confirmed that buildings are preventing those resources from respawning. It was to prevent them from growing into your structures. That being said, I'll forward your suggestion of a radius around blueprints for consideration.
    1 point
  24. whats with that boring thread title? I am disappointed...
    1 point
  25. Oh god yes. Absolute pet peeve of mine. It's in the name people, an RPG is Rocket Propelled; something like a Panzerfaust or PIAT is not Rocket Propelled so it's not an RPG.
    1 point
  26. 2. It's the only one that's only available in the older style, officially; there's a fan project that did a VGA version of it.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. define fascism. may not be as easy as you believe. umberto eco has a list o' fourteen qualities, and none o' those qualities is gonna be relevant to the political ideological spectrum. to be fair, fascism is not ez to define and the imagination gravity o' nazi germany with all its lurid images and anecdotes has made efforts to define fascism even more problematic. is impossible to not think o' nazis when one thinks o' fascism, yes? aside... the aca does not provide universal health care. misconception or simple ignorance? who can say what causes the continuing belief there is universal health care in the US? obamacare forces employers to provide health insurance for full time employees, so particular during/post recession, many businesses switched to a model where they replaced full-time positions with multiple part-time workers or redefined employees as contract workers. predictable outcome. if you got no income whatsoever, you can indeed get help o' the government in covering your health care, but what if like so many americans you have an income which has you bare able to pay for food, utilities and rent? cut your individual health insurance from $500 per month to $250 is a huge savings, but it not change fact many americans need decide 'tween food, rent, housing and health insurance. in such a situation, many people understandable choose to forgo healthcare. not need reference maslow's hierarchy o' needs to be making same decision. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/what-these-new-york-emts-are-seeing-as-they-respond-to-covid-19-cases "The average salary for an EMT in New York state, doing what we're doing through all of this, is about $37,000 a year." something near 40% o' nyc emt did not have health insurance at the beginning o' the year. pandemic hit and these men and women were essential workers who continued to save lives in spite o' fact they could not afford personal health insurance. is some serious gaps in the aca and the US does not by any stretch o' the imagination have uhc. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  29. If sequels count, Dungeon Keeper 3. Not that I expected it would become a favorite of that series, but you never know and I wanted the chance to find out. Other than that, nothing. I don't tend to look for or keep track of developing games - often I don't even know about a game until after release. The few I did look forward to and took years to find a release form, so far did all release.
    1 point
  30. The ancient Egyptians knew cats had a deep connection to the Gods, maybe Bastet brought them here. Mainstream acheaology would claim that cats were worshipped in Egypt because they protected their granaries and temples from vermin but them showing up as a geoglyph in Nazca clearly suggests that cats were a gift of the aliens.
    1 point
  31. The Man in the High Castle is a special case. The first season is, let's say "mixed", the middle parts really drag on. It pays off to keep watching. If only to experience the strangeness of rooting for SS Obergruppenführer John Smith (played magnificently by Josh E. Sawyer Rufus Sewell) as he uncovers - and tries to foil - a conspiracy with the goal of assassinating Hitler. Makes more sense in context. edit: And John Smith's Japanese secret police counterpart Kido (played by Lt. Wang from Space Above and Beyond) is pretty good as well. They're terrible people doing terrible things, yet you can't help hoping they'll succeed. The show's pretty good at painting the alternative as even worse. Well at least that was my impression. There's also the rebel movement but they're all boring in addition to being terrible people.
    1 point
  32. curious, the author o' the article didn't listen to albert. gravity don't "pull" or "force." need change your pov if you are gonna understand general relativity. earth is not pulling you down, but rather is rushing up towards you. is why you feel (and are) weightless if you, for example, jump off the roof o' a multi-storied building. *shrug* is extreme difficult to change pov if even the science writers is explaining using newtonian nomenclature. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  33. I mean, yeah, but why the hell do I need a coffee maker app on my phone? Maybe it's just me, but I loath it so hard how much apps are spamming me with messages already now. I had to disable everything on my phone, because I felt like there won't be 10 minutes of peace without anything trying to notify me about whatever unimportant stuff. Just waiting for my toilet seat to get its own app as well.
    1 point
  34. Here is what I wonder: WHY is it necessary to connect the coffee maker to the internet in the first place? It's like ... you can't buy anything anymore without having to register it somewhere and give it wifi access. It's crazy, and highly annoying.
    1 point
  35. I would go for a Garden of Words, if you think Your Name is not your cup of tea. It's from the same studio and from what you wrote it would suit your tastes better. I omitted Neon Genesis Evangelion on purpose, that one is...hmmm...how do I put this...a full on anime. The story is convoluted and beneath all the actions it deals with individuals and humanity as a whole, but it can really be a **** show. I like it, and would certainly put it in my top ten Anime, but I don't think I would recommend it to someone who is not in to Anime. edit: Oh, also Ghost in the Shell (the movie not the tv show) if you want to see what inspired The Matrix. I don't know how to fell about this. Should I get tested? I like Bleach, I should probably get tested.
    1 point
  36. Physicists keep trying to break the rules of gravity but this supermassive black hole just said 'no'.
    1 point
  37. Jeff Goldblum decided to share an image of himself on set of Jurassic World: Dominion...
    1 point
  38. you do realize the game is still in testing? bugs are to be expected, we're here playing the preview to find and report them. pretty childish to write a bad review because a game in testing has bugs... 2-3 in game days is the timer on my dandelion and weed stem respawns, they'll spawn back if you cut the stump down or not, doesn't seem to matter with them. Grass is not growing back for me in some areas leaving the stumps. I'm building a base by the rake handle, there's a small puddle to the west of that, and about 150cm south of the west ant hill, on the edge of the cracked earth area where the stink bugs hang out. it has a few clovers, some sprigs and a dozen or so blades of grass. I've cut all the grass there, left most with the stumps, a few stumps cut down to get fiber, and I get no grass regrowth there.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. I can't do watercolors, but if all you need is regular portraits then sure
    1 point
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