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5 points
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3 points
the transparent after-the-fact rationalization where we are s'posed to pretend we has never read a previous oro post is kinda insulting given how little effort goes into the attempt to "clothe (his) naked villany." ... as to the indigenous peoples and civil war alliances am gonna once again observe how the gross overgeneralizations is misleading. don't rely on wikipedia. very few indigenous peoples aligned with the south during the civil war when one compares to total number o' such cultures. more than did the north? depends on how you count such. that being said, is kinda red herring material. identify the flaws and even evils o' numerous native populations... does not in any way change the fact the US government, in its numerous incarnations, has endeavoured to (and successful achieved on more than one occasion) the genocide o' native cultures. sure, am guessing there is a couple boardies who need little convincing that a particular indigenous people (or perhaps all o' them) deserved to be erased from existence. you folks know who you are and most o' the rest o' us know who you are too. *shrug* personal, we has been able to take some comfort in the fact the law tends to ignore the morality question altogether. instead we may focus on treaty violations and the way in which the US violated its own due process standards and rules to bring 'bout the cold-blooded demise o' entire cultures. unfortunate, can't even get aunty's justice for most native peoples. all too often, prove US broke a deal is the easy part. HA! Good Fun!3 points
the Shrek inspired sexual fantasy is inverse. he should be in the donkey costume and she in the dragon costume3 points
I've entertained the view and found it to be stupid. Between the attempts to excuse and deny genocide, the crying over whites being unfairly treated, and trying to redpill about the jews commies subverting this is stale **** I've seen a hundred times. You guys need to get new material instead of making inforgraphs and merchant edits.3 points
Good idea, will try this. But have had a good streak of getting back into the habit of getting out, logging on so they think I started work early and then going to play with the dogs or read a bit. Do also get a chance to start work which is nice as my work day is punctuated a lot by people bothering me for help (dire days when I am the person to help others )2 points
Yes, I considered adding that too. But that's an invitation to go down the utilitarian vs deontological "good" rabbit hole, which I thought was best avoided... Eh, don't mind me. Middle age crisis hitting early or something.2 points
Yes .. this is a Fantastic Tutorial Idea .... it would be wonderful for a Tutorial step through of building a simple structure with descriptions of how the pieces were designed to connect together2 points
Sure is, but we're making the best of a SonicMage117 StupidSeal troll thread. So there's that...2 points
2 points
I was thinking Halloween candy in the yard or we would see Halloween decorations in the yard and on the house2 points
2 points
@Hurlshot in terms of resources, i can list two just from the top of my head, which should speak to your localization Affordable housing, which will not make you cost and arm and a leg and possibly a kidney Electric grid and electricity As for the others and other points, I could write an essay. People evaluating with feels instead of hard numbers and cause and effect logic chains, usually make bad decisions. When it comes to immigrants covering for growth rate, ask yourself, what is the cause for the low natural growth rate in the first place. High costs of living and shrinking middle class, the hookup culture, late marriages and unstable marriages, first kid decision delayed on average by 6-10 years comparing to 70 urs ago2 points
I went to the ant hill , made a lure trap and put spikes in front of it. Then shot gas arrows in the groups. Maxed out the mutation very fast.2 points
Legal immigration makes sense as most countries require certain skills that immigrants can hep address , no one should object to that but arriving at any border or immigrating without papers is not sustainable and cannot be just accepted2 points
This Reddit post shows a DM from Obsidian (Mikey Dowling) explaining Third Person wouldn't be in The Outer Worlds, but its something they know is in demand and will look into for future games (Grounded was given as an example). This was posted well before Avowed was revealed, and given that game will have Microsoft's full backing, I'd say the chances are pretty likely Avowed will have a third person mode.2 points
2 points
Hey everybody, brand new to the site, so I haven’t had time to look through all the threads yet. I’m sure this has been discussed ad nauseum, but I’d like to hear some ideas for future enemies. I know things like hornets, bees, water striders, and leeches are coming in the near future, but I’m thinking more along the lines of some raid bosses. Examples: the crow, maybe a mouse or rat, baby/small snake, black widows, praying mantis, etc. What do yall think?1 point
Another post got me thinking about this. I've already posted somewhere here about crafting a bike. lets flesh that out a bit more. Bike Wheels/Tires 4 twigs 2 tier 2 armor glue 6 thistle needles 1 weed stem 2 rubber The idea here is to take 2 twigs and form a circle, held together with the armor glue. weed stem for the axle, needles for the spokes, and rubber for the tires. Frame/Seat 3 weed stems 4 twigs 5 mite fuzz 1 berry leather 1 rubber use the weed stems for the frame, twigs for the forks, handlebars, and pedals (along with a chunk of stem). Leather and fuzz for the seat and rubber for hand grips on the twig handlebars. Through the magic of our crafting we'd have gears to pedal and stem tube in the frame to allow us to steer with the handlebars. Raft Pretty simple. We should have the ability to create a raft. Lash together weed stems (they'd have to make them float first) use the crude rope for that. then add twigs on the raft for a storage area to transport items. This could also be used as a cart, add wheels like in the bike above and handles to tow it around. #NoTaming I'd hate to see it attached to bugs.1 point
It'd be great to be able to make clay/pebblet walls, doors, windows, and floors (for second levels, foundations aren't do-able).1 point
1 point
*catches up on thread* Trump is a bottomless-well of buffoonery and that's all I have to say about that.1 point
we suppose belated congratulations are in order. had no idea math and science challenged pro police state midwesterners had moved ahead o' at-risk populations insofar as vaccine priority is concerned. you never know who has a powerful lobby until times such as these, eh? if otherwise healthy people is genuine concerned 'bout the health o' rando old people they will never meet or know, then we applaud meaningful efforts to help. however, such would result in behaviours opposite than expressed. the more people who take the vaccine, the safer will be those rando old people. the doctors and scientists need to do a better job o' communicating vaccine facts, 'cause there is enduring and pervasive misunderstanding 'bout who should take and why. that said, the fda and cdc have done substantial harm to their credibility. sure, too many o' the folks who is most vocal 'bout vaccine safety concerns were equal reluctant in february of 2020 as they is today. is not as if the politicizing o' covid-19 has had any impact on their behaviours. the complicity o' hahn, redfield and others has done little save legitimize the fears o' the government conspiracy crowd. the process implemented and the speed o' the trials is not something to be feared. speed o' the trials is misunderstood, 'cause no single aspect o' the trials is being rushed. same steps were implemented for covid-19 as previous vaccine trials, but multiple steps were taken simultaneous as 'posed to linear. no loss o' safety results from such implementation but there is enormous monetary costs involved particular if any individual vaccine trial fails. however, there is reason to be concerned the administration will follow through with the process implemented. in more than one instance the science has been massaged to better match the President's message. we got a President who is indifferent to the welfare and safety o' even his own constituency. trust has evaporated. am personal thinking the fears o' vaccine safety is overblown, but such fears is increasing reasonable as the US government appears to be doing as much as is possible to undermine their credibility with a public that were increasing inclined towards conspiracy and clear science challenged from the start. every effort shoulda' been taken to reassure the public by making the integrity o' the process unassailable. opposite. the government has attacked its own scientists and science, played fast and loose with facts, and indulged in unrepentant gaslighting. is now too late to rehabilitate fda and cdc reputation. concerns 'bout the vaccine might be overblown, but they is reasonable given government behaviours. HA! Good Fun!1 point
The DLC is definitely cosmetic, but given that the best part of the game is building awesome fortresses, those cosmetics are pretty nice. But don't rush into buying anything, if you are just starting you have plenty to explore. They've been releasing content updates for free since launch though. The newest DLC is really the first content you have to purchase to get access to more than cosmetics. But it is a brand new map and starting point, so that makes sense.1 point
1 point
Well you can do Watcher's Keep fresh out of Chateau Irenicus (at least up to the Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization, farther if you don't mind cheese and rest spamming), and Kundane/Belm is available fairly early. Even with only the normal haste and prior to the final attack per round bonus you can trounce everything and it only gets better from there, and a party size of three or four characters makes sure you dip into HLA level... well, well before the Underdark. Fighter/Mages are better, sure. Whether it is your old buddy Koveras or a home made Kensai/Mage dual class, or even a plain old F/M MC. But an F/T is in my opinion the only way to play a thief character in BG2 without gimping yourself compared to everything else that's available. Except maybe single class clerics. Ugh. I'd rather waste time laying traps than that. Talking about the game is the only way I play it since Ascension came out. Combat being a chore is why my player characters usually end up having fighter levels and never venturing out with a full party of 6. DC or MC... doesn't matter that much. But that's also true for IWD. Start the game with three fighters that DC into a thief, a mage and a cleric (or druid if you feel lucky but that stat roll needed, whew) at level 9. Liberally rest until healed and just walk over traps until you can DC. The proceed to destroy everything a lot easier than it would have been otherwise. The IWD EE and IWD2 being exceptions of course. Bringing a sorcerer in IWD is just ridiculous enough to merit it's inclusion every time (bring a paladin, sorcerer and fighter/druid playing on Insane. Cheese yourself through the beginning and enjoy) and IWD2 is a whole different can of worms.1 point
Halloween Candy maybe a Carved Pumpkin on the porch !, Christmas Lights, Plastic Easter Eggs, New Years Eve Confetti ... and Fireworks in the sky ... these are the only holidays I can think of that you would be able to see and find leftover debris and trash in the backyard in what I suspect is Northern California Tho ..... if we ever get other locations ..... having those holidays change to fit that locale would be AWESOME1 point
Sure. So if the answer is 'nobody really knows', we might as well be the good guys and give immigrants the chance to be successful. You know, instead of kids in cages, hysterectomies, and other clearly terrible ways of treating human beings.1 point
Some reviews are up on the 3080. Seems like a 4K champ https://www.tomshardware.com/news/nvidia-geforce-rtx-3080-review1 point
I have made the difficult decision to save the first, and possibly second, dose of the vaccine for some rando oldster, as they tend to have multiple health conditions.1 point
Your children will be adults by then with lives of their own. If those lives are in CA you won't want to move far. Fortunately for you Arizona & Nevada are close by!1 point
Have enlisted a legion of screaming goats in WL2. We shall see what use they are. Not very good for minefield clearing though.1 point
The Isle of Siptah, on a normal day This time you end up stranded There's definitely something not right here... Not sure if an Island should be doing stuff like...that...1 point
Shoot, just reloading the many times I do for almost every chat with someone makes me understand people’s problem with the loading and speed of vehicle. i guess I’m a bit biased in that with the amount of fun I’m having with this game after not having this amount of enjoyment since I’m guessing shadow runs game came out. The load times aren’t bothering me as much because my annoyance turns to enjoyment as soon as it’s done loading and I’m able to play lol.1 point
I have jerky rack. Never bothered to make any as 4 acorns keep hunger away for a day. I'll have to try it. As you mentioned, jerky comes later in the game. By that time players should have canteens, dew collectors and maybe water storage. No need to purify water or drink dirty water then eat. I'm just saying beginning players can eat food to offset the negative of drinking dirty water. Dirty water can be found everywhere. Acorn nuts can be found very early in game. Using this system means no need to purify the water (unless it gave a buff or fully filled thirst in 1 slurp) Truth is I still drink dirty water then eat even tho I have canteen+ made and filled. It's just easier and less effort on survival.1 point
Yeah, they know it's a well loved feature, and that it helps some people with e.g. motion sickness or what have you for more people than just being able to adjust FOV. The issue with third person for TOW was budgetary, animations for all the various weapons would have to be polished, armor clipping and so on might necessitate changes to assets and so on. I can't see any reason they wouldn't have designed Avowed to use Third Person, since they were much earlier in development and had a publisher who would be more likely to fund a less svelte game design. TOW was trying to escape the "buggy" reputation Obsidian has (personally I think that they get too much flak for that, since they might launch buggy but are rapidly patched.) Cutting "luxury" features, and even entire planets out of the game kept the game trim and easier to maintain. Anything with tens of thousands of lines of dialog among hundreds of characters and a crazy amount of potential quest states is going to have some undiscovered interactions at launch. Once you start coding something more complex than hello world you're gonna have some bugs. Microsoft's QA assistance will help even a more robust game design reach a relatively bug free state at launch I think. And of course, other than graphical glitches, third person cameras don't generally cause bugs per se.1 point
1 point
Immigration is a net positive on the economy. Children of immigrants show tremendous upward mobility. Your entire premise is flawed. https://www.nap.edu/read/23550/chapter/13#424 Sure, it is the morally right thing to do to take care of these children. It is also the economically smart choice. You are buying into a politically driven narrative here. What exactly are our limited resources? They won't assimilate! They will become criminals! These are stupid conservative talking points that mean nothing. Also, automation? We can't take in these kids because robots are taking their potential jobs? What kind of logic is that? Why don't we just offer them decent educational opportunities? Here's the thing, that isn't a new idea. We've done it before and it has been successful, but for some reason we have to keep arguing it because politicians need their conservative talking points. So yeah, immigration is good. I already spend my life in education trying to help people reach a better future. I'd gladly take on a couple immigrant children if I thought it would solve the problem, but that would just be a drop in the bucket. We need systematic changes and policies that treat immigration as the economic boon that it really is.1 point
yep that was my bad, i got confused i've gotten 2 from the west ant hill now. I thinks its a 72 hour (real time) respawn, i got one Monday night, and the previous one was on Friday i believe. after the last patch when i broke the ones in the mint container the one at the door and the farthest one in both left the mint pieces on top of the container. So check there if you break it and get nothing at your feet. I wouldn't have seen that except a few pieces from the farthest one in rolled off the top on the ground in front of me.1 point
1 point
if you're not talking exclusively about single-class, many of the tricks that other classes get to speed up can also apply to priests: frenzy from barbarian, swift strikes from monks, and DaOM from wizard. the base cast time also matters - wizards can feel real fast because they have almost an entire school of instant cast spells, but priests have very little of that and a lot of their good buffs are in the "slow" category--4.5s. Not only is that slow, but some of the big tricks only shave off recovery time, so won't affect that long cast time. (And a couple spells even fall into the "very slow" category of having 6s). i had a priest that was basically as fast as one could get naturally (scordeo pistol, scordeo sabre, almost 30 dex when buffed, rapid casting) and even then 4.5s and 6s spells definitely still feel slower. i think it's just the price you have pay to have some extremely powerful buffs and other late-game effects which you might not notice as well when doing solo (devotions for the faithful is good but may not feel like it earns its 4.5s cast time unless you're in a situation where you're buffing an entire party). basically what i'm saying is that if you want to feel faster, you can also try to focus on 3s cast time effects or mix more of them in, which absolutely do feel quick compared to 4.5s. there are some pretty good ones in there (triumph of the crusaders, iconic projection, consecrated ground, despondent blows, etc.). as a plus, due to how spell casting times work, "faster" spells also have larger recovery times, which means the various recovery time buffs mentioned upthread (scordeo's, miscreant's leather, etc.) have a greater impact on the fast spells.1 point
To add more fuel to the US Government fire: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/8800-migrant-children-have-been-expelled-under-pandemic-border-policy-per-court-documents/ We are definitely the bad guys here. They are children. It shouldn't matter where they come from, who the parents were, what their citizenship status is, etc. We should be taking care of them to the best of our ability.1 point
Shroud of phantasm: +10% action speed with spell while under INT inspiration). Squid grasp rapier : +20% action speed while threatened by 3 or more. Scoredeo pistol. -5% recovery on hit, stackable. Scordeo sabre: blade cascade 0 recovery Both of them abusable by SoT or lil'ooze pet outside combat,1 point
With solo you mean single class I guess. You can wear/use everything that gives you action speed and recovery time bonuses. For example certain food but also Fast Caster (ability). An armor like Miscreant's Leather with a pet that reduces armor pentalty. Because the action speed buff of the armor will be higher than the recovery pentalty then, giving you an overall speed bonus essentially. There are weapons that can speed up your casting. I didn't check Dragon's Dowry, but Scordeo's Edge's Blade Cascade works universally, removing recovery from weapon attack as well as from stealth (you can prolong it with Salvation of Time). Allies can speed you up. A Paladin can make Priests faster with Hastening Exhortation for example. A Furyshaper can drop a Frenzy Ward. Stuff like that. Spells done from stealth profit from a 80% reduced recovery time. Besides that there's not so much one can do as single class priest. The most effective approaches to speed up your casting include multiclassing - like with a Barbarian (Frenzy + Bloodlust + Blood Thirst, maybe even Frenzy Ward) or a Streetfighter (Heating Up when flanked). What really makes a difference in perceived casting length is moving the combat speed slider all to the right. Of course this is only a superficial fix, but it's astonishing how much it helps to remove the feeling of drag.1 point
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Having a workaround is okay, but the whole mechanism should be reworked and fixed.1 point