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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/20 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! We are preparing to push out patch 0.1.1 within a day or two, so be on the lookout as this update includes some changes and fixes that will enhance your gameplay. When it is fully released, you will be prompted to update your game before playing. Changes/fixes that you will see made to the game: MAJOR ISSUES Made changes to make finding, joining, and hosting games with friends more reliable. We adjusted the handling of joining game failure (the game is full, the game no longer exists, etc.). Added a way to allow players to resolve the issue of the game logging the player into the wrong Xbox Live account on PC. Fixed issues with Windows 7 and Windows 8 users crashing when attempting to login. Those users should be able to load into the game after updating. Fixed crash when saving or loading and the "Autosave Count" number in the options is set to 0. We have implemented a fix for players who were getting stuck on the welcome popup screen and unable to move past it. Fixed characters not being saved occasionally in save games. NOT RETROACTIVE: Unfortunately we are not able to bring back lost items, but hopefully this fix will prevent this from occurring in the future. If you still experience this after the update, please contact us directly at support@obsidian.net so we can gather information to continue our investigation. GAME Players will no longer be permanently stuck in spider webs after destroying them. Fixed BURG.L disappearing in some games if you attacked him and saved and loaded. RETROACTIVE: BURG.L will appear in the games he disappeared from, allowing players to interact with him again. Restoring save games that have lost progression state (ex. Oak Tree Lab doors no longer opening for players, Mysterious Machine not allowing players to hit buttons to finish the quest, time being frozen, etc.) RETROACTIVE: After updating the game, players should be able to load into their game and continue to progress. Should this issue happen again, logging out of the save and then loading back in should resolve the issue and allow you to continue playing. Fixed an issue with endless larva spawning over time. Larva were also spawning each time a spike trap was built. This update will not remove the larva that has already spawned into games, but the larva respawn rate has been fixed. Fixed issue where all item durability in your inventory incorrectly shows "full" when loading back into a game as a client. We implemented a fix for an issue where games that were saved before Raw Science started spawning prevented Raw Science from appearing later. It also included an update for a problem with Raw Science spawning after analyzing and having additional players collecting it on join. Due to this, players may notice that the starting Raw Science they previously collected has respawned. Fixed crashes when loading a saved game dealing with ant colonies. Removed kill Mosquito Burg.L quest NOT RETROACTIVE: Players will need to speak with BURG.L to abandon this quest. Then, during the next in-game day, you will be able to talk to BURG.L again to accept a new quest. Fixed spider webs not freeing stuck players when destroyed Found the cause behind the issue where attempting to cook/dry an item slot with no item in it would crash the game. Found a fix for the occasional crash caused by dew drops that have items stuck in them. It also included a fix for dew drops exploding and causing a major FPS drops on clients. Fixed issue where clients dragging items from one slot in a storage basket to another would not reflect on the host causing item desync. Disabled storage baskets and smoothie stations from being able to be interacted with by multiple players at the same time until other desync issues we are working on are resolved. Block Tutorial now only plays once. Tuned Wolf Spider hearing and investigation AI to creep on the player less frequently. UI UI changes made to the SCA.B OS screen. Fixed trail markers not showing up on the map, and an additional fix added to prevent the game crashing if you tried to navigate them in the legend. Reduced screen edge shimmer on Xbox One and Xbox One S under load. Thank you for your reports and your continued support while we further develop the game! We are working to push out updates to enhance your gaming experience continually. If you continue to encounter any of these issues after updating the game or stumble across a new issue, please reach out to us directly at support@obsidian.net for a quicker response, or search the forums here to find a thread with your issue in it to add to that thread.. When you contact us, please include the following: 1. Platform (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Steam). 2. Multiplayer or Single Player Game (if multiplayer, can you let us know how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if you know this) 3. Description of issue. 4. Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable Thank you again, and have fun out in the backyard!
    5 points
  2. Guys, move the political discussion to off-topic. Thanks.
    4 points
  3. Giving away Vampyr because I already have it and its a great game. Also giving away Call of Chtulhu because I already have it and its a horrible game.
    3 points
  4. I believe you mean "The Return of the Living Dead", "Night of the Living Dead" is the '68 original.
    3 points
  5. Hello Tom! I know there are some issues with things not respawning due to the freezing time issue, so I'm not sure if that is the case in your game. There is also the issue of tier 2 weeds not respawning properly. Clay, Dandelions, Grass, and Quartzite should all respawn after 72 hours pass and then sleeping at a lean-to, but the Quartzite at the mite cave will not respawn. Sorry for a lack of presence on the forums as we are very short handed and are trying to get more help here soon. If you have any issues to report or feedback to provide, please let us know at support@obsidian.net as we will likely get to that sooner. Thanks for the awesome question Tom!
    3 points
  6. Been my "place I'd want to live most assuming I could still make a living there" for many years. Beautiful, remote, of little strategic importance and therefore unlikely to face threats anytime in the future(?), weather's pretty close to what I'd consider ideal (despite its name, it's apparently not even as cold on average as Minnesota!), low population, very low crime, a little more Freedom(TM)-loving than most other European countries (look at them guns - politely and responsibly used unlike much of the U.S., too!), a little funny-sounding but nice enough language, high standard of living... But they'll probably never let us riffraff in for fear of us ruining it all.
    2 points
  7. A bad day in the USA can still be pretty s----y. Not like we are all universally nice to each other here. But if I had to live anywhere else I'd pick Iceland.
    2 points
  8. ^ I hope it's better than the movie. Given the image, I guess they're going to try to kill Superman.
    2 points
  9. Depends on the setting and rules, but if we talk origin then Ghouls are from Arabic folklore and they eat corpses, Zombies are from Haiti (?) and they are eating the living. So basically they differ in diet.
    2 points
  10. "The less the CCP is involved in Western game makers/vendors business the better. " As well as the US
    2 points
  11. Earlier this year I did the carnivore diet for a little over 2 months and wound up losing 20 lbs. I am happy to report that a bit over 3 months after stopping the diet and going back to eating more balanced I have not gained a single pound back. I think the main factor is that I have stayed away from refined sugar like the plague. Refined sugar is enemy #1.
    2 points
  12. I should probably note that the first lecture I give in class at the beginning of the year is about trusting sources. Basically I tell them not to trust any source. Do not trust the internet, do not trust the textbook, and do not trust the teacher. Even be wary of the many primary sources that I throw at them over the course of the year. Instead, weigh as much evidence as you can find and think critically about them all. Identify bias and come to your own conclusions. It's not my job to tell you what is right or wrong, it is my job to help you develop the skills to make your own judgements. Of course, after watching that video, I'm re-thinking my Mansa Musa activity I do where the students choose a persona to go on the Hajj and journal about it. I'm not saying I am going to remove the slave option, but maybe have a bigger discussion about what that might mean. edit: Also I couldn't imagine teaching the 'worst day in America is better than the best day in other countries' when a good chunk of my kids are from other countries.
    2 points
  13. https://www.voanews.com/south-central-asia/tibetan-re-education-camp-journal-tells-chinas-tactics-now-used-uighurs (hint: That's fascism)
    2 points
  14. Because the CCP make rotten turds seem apetizing? Because they're facist murderous filth that ruins peoples lives, imprisons people in "reeducation camps" to just name a few things, chuvak.
    2 points
  15. The "Revolutionary Communist Party" of the US has endorsed Joe Biden: https://revcom.us/index.html Wow. Did you guys know the US has more than one Communist Party? I didn't. Well, the CPUSA, the REAL US Communist Party endorsed Barack Obama.... twice. For whatever that's worth. They did not endorse Clinton and I would be somewhat surprised if Biden gets a nod. But.... never know. This news is a bit of a nothing burger. Just posting as a curiosity.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Making one from scratch is a lot more difficult and time consuming. Translation is one of those unfortunate jobs that is difficult to do well but where errors are fairly easy to spot if you have reasonable knowledge of both language and context. So, correcting a faulty translation is a lot easier and quicker than making one from scratch -- and this, by the way, is precisely the reason why publishing houses have editors and proofreaders whose job is extremely important. I personally want my editor to be as harsh and nitpicky as possible, because although the criticism I receive may not feel nice, it will certainly make the finished work a lot better. The extra work done by those dedicated guys you mention probably falls somewhere between editing and translating, i.e. they were doing some of both.
    2 points
  18. Nice one - but using a Nature Godlike for a fire nuker build def. gets you an unpleasant record with the Federal Bureau of Stylification. Unless you name it "the Black Tree" of course...
    2 points
  19. sound quality o' video is such we cannot recognize national origin o' the would-be plumber/rocketeers. we wanna assume it is australians, or possibly muppets. thanks to years o' farscape viewing, we don't see much difference 'tween muppets and australians. when looking for the farmer's commercial, we discovered the following: HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  20. I'm thinking you'd probably be completely safe from zombies depending on how far from shore that place is. Just basing that on bodies decaying at about twice the speed in water. I think Gromnir is probably correct about the only possible concern being a floater and even then who knows what condition it'd even arrive in. Suggestion, flush twice.
    2 points
  21. while me and my buddy were exploring in creative for the first time tonight (54 days and counting in normal mode), we came across this random section.. You can't jump down to it, you just fall to your death..which takes a while haha.. There are 3 drawings in total, not sure of the relevance though
    1 point
  22. While I have thoroughly enjoyed Grounded as a concept and in gameplay, I noticed something off while playing it. If the game is supposed to be set in the 1990s in North America, then stinkbugs shouldn't exist. This is because they are actually an invasive species native to China, Japan, and Korea, known as Brown marmorated stink bugs, that didn't make it to the US until 1998 where one was spotted in a small town in Pennsylvania. While this really isn't a big deal, in a game about bugs, you would expect a little closer detail. It would be interesting if the game would provide a reason for their appearance, either the setting being in Pennsylvania or maybe they are brought there by the lab and scientists in the game.
    1 point
  23. Dear Obsidian, It would be nice if the multiplayer savegame could be stored in the cloud and accessible by the partymembers that created the game. As me and my friends cannot always play together due to lack of time or other obligations, it would be nice if everybody would be able to play; e.g. somebody has a hour of time and wants to build a bit around the base. Another day maybe someone else want to play a bit. Now I am the host and nobody else from the party can access the multiplayer savegame. Therefore please implement (if possible) the feature to be able to store all savegames in the cloud and for the entire party to be able to access it. Thanks and best regards, Mike
    1 point
  24. Blizzard caught on to my stealth rezzing shenanigans back in 2006, so they took their sweet time on that. Still, good times, good times.
    1 point
  25. This is interesting: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200805-ex-israel-mk-declares-lebanon-blast-as-gift-from-god/amp/
    1 point
  26. So in the end, localization of text heavy games is an unsolved problem currently. Such is life, I guess. Obsidian also chose to release the game despite knowing for sure there were still many bugs left. But what can you do? Taking five more years to make the game perfect isn't ideal either.
    1 point
  27. Taking a break from Rammstein. *Sigh* they just don't make bands like they used to anymore
    1 point
  28. Look. A new racist sexist term/phrase that is found acceptable by people who cry about 'racism' and 'sexism'. LMAO Then again, I'm not surprised, you support the old white racist man Biden. Gromnir and Others: trump is bad man. He mean and racist. Biden; Says racist trash like 'if you vote Trump you ain't black' or 'all black people are the same' Gromnir and others: Trump is racist. Biden will save us because he has experience in politics that span decades... experience that shows his racism. Trump is a toolbag. So are anti Trumpers. They deserve each other. As for 'victimization anxiety'... that's funny sicne that is what these riots are about. White police who kill blacks are tiny% of blacks killed in the US yet that is what people are rioting about - not the black man murdered by a white man because he dared to wear a Trumptard hat. Or the black girl studying in her room who gets murdered. People like Grom don't think those lives matter. But, the lfie of someone who stuck a gun into a pregnant woman's stomach is more important than theirs (the cop was wrong; that fact doesn't change). P.S. I have no 'victim anxiety'. I'm no victim. Only cowards let themselves be that kind of mental victim. You know, people who get 'despression' in their million dollar mansion. LMAO
    1 point
  29. Out of curiosity, did you watch A Night In Sickbay and if so, what did you think of it?
    1 point
  30. Well maybe US should disband this thousands of law enforcement agencies and create one stable police force like a sane country would do? Just a thought. I don't think you realize how ridiculous and bizarre your talk about "escalation" is to people outside the US. We had last year 111 thousand drunk drivers pulled over, you know how many escalated to violence and someone being injured or killed? Zero, null, nada. I like the police force, I support them, but man US need to get it together in that department.
    1 point
  31. It is also good to remember that you could kill Gault originally, but people complained about thier actions having consequences, so Bioware took the decisions out of players hands.
    1 point
  32. Oh, the sound is still there. Just a lot... and really, A LOT less than it was at launch. Smugglers and Agents where essentially laughing maniacs depending on their specs. Scoundrels and Operatives were also capable of stunlock/instagibbing anyone regardless of tankiness from stealth while giggling like that. People complained. A lot. And so Bioware toned down the laughter and nerfed the stealth burst, removing the one thing that melee Smugglers/Agents excelled at, leaving them playing healers or bringing their team down in PVP for a long while. Well, for as long as I played., not sure how the balancing is right now. edit: The melee spec of the class was pretty useless in PVP outside of the stealth stun/burst, and that had a cooldown of two minutes. They never recovered from that nerf in the years that I played. Bioware managed to fix the class for PVE though - as much as you can fix a melee spec in a world of MMOs where every boss encounter seems to have been designed with the prime goal to make melees as useless and difficult to play as possible in mind. If it weren't for Bloodthirst we'd have gladly dropped our Marauder. Nice guy, sure, decent player even, but eh. Yeah...
    1 point
  33. Deadfire also made it clear that, when the Engwithans decided to retcon the universe, they incorporated existing divine legends into the gods they manifested, or that the new gods absorbed or claimed existing legends as their own. It's a pretty neat fantasy explanation for syncretism, which was a common real-world phenomenon.
    1 point
  34. If Avowed will be FP only, as currently advertised, it is possible it will still allow to view your character model like in Outer Worlds.
    1 point
  35. first episode of lower deck are pretty funny dialogue are a little too fast to follow
    1 point
  36. I thought them talking about something they actually love, especially when it's Star Trek, would be really boring (...by RLM standards, that is), but this was actually probably the most fun thing they've done since the coronavirus episodes ended.
    1 point
  37. WOLF SPIDER! I jumped so quickly that my puppy on my lap got startled and jumped onto my desk and spilled my soda. Wolf spiders are the real deal!
    1 point
  38. I agree with some of the issues, but the saves and building your home on safe high ground I don't agree with. Let the possibility be there, it's optional for you to use.
    1 point
  39. We have a name for the second expansion - Murder on Eridanos: https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2020/07/30/the-outer-worlds-peril-on-gorgon-expansion/ Seems like Obsidian were in the mood for mystery-themed expansions.
    1 point
  40. I think a lot of good points are made—weather like early morning fog, rain and it’s consequences should be added. If a character dies at the very least ants would totally dig around and take some things if it took too long to recover the backpack. While I personally like the fuzzy house and surroundings in the distance(my character’s eye strength is proportionate to their size) I understand how that could mess with other people’s eyes and there should be a feature to unblur them. Armor shouldn’t remain in backpack when equipped. But I don’t think we should assume this is supposed to be a hardcore or even a heavy survival game like Ark or Subnautica. It feels like an interesting survival game through the filter of a story rpg-lite game. A game that falls between Genres in a niche that hasn’t really been explored yet by developers. I could be wrong but that’s the vibe given off to me and my friends. Also the OP must be a lot better than me cus I still haven’t managed to kill enemies from high ground with a spear, gnats being the lone exception
    1 point
  41. I don't think manual saves should be removed, you can just avoid saving, this way the game is more accessible for everyone. Regarding the threats in the game i think you had a rather peculiar experience, i'm also playing on Woah difficulty and more often than not the only chance you have is to run. Thank god we can do that. It's also a matter of "realism", since we are self-conscious and more self-aware than animals it makes sense for us to be able to outsmart them. It's in early access so is still a work in progress.
    1 point
  42. that bar looks promising still waiting for casino
    1 point
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