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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/20 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, hope life is treating y'all good I just wanted to pop back on here and spread some awareness for this audio and NPC redesign mod for New Vegas, made by the same guy that did NV-Redesigned. It's an extensive recast and re-recording of the audio for many many NPCs. I now a good handful of you still play the old game from time to time, so I thought you'd be interested. It's seriously like playing a new game!
    4 points
  2. Realized our sprint planning sessions should be a human rights violation. 30 issues to review and we spend 5 minutes per issue..
    4 points
  3. Great piece from Vox on policing: We train police to be warriors — and then send them out to be social workers They hit an number of points Gromnir has made and one of my big ones: turn down the pressure on the cops. Take some of this petty BS off their plate. Traffic enforcement is a big one. They all seem to agree how dangerous it is. Random tag checks while in public. I'd put an end to that too. They are busy enough they don't need to go looking for trouble. Interactions between the police and the public are dangerous. We need fewer of them. Welfare checks could easily be done by "social workers". Ditto noise complaints, etc. Traffic enforcement can be done by camera or not at all. But you know municipalities will never give traffic enforcement up. Because the fines are free money to them. And there is nothing the government values more than it's goddamned money. Far more than the lives of it's police and it's citizens.
    3 points
  4. I have never heard of any game developer doing their localization in-house, not in 1999, not in 2020. Every game I've worked on and every company I've ever talked to always outsources their localization. Localization companies specialize in it. There's no reason for even a mid-sized game dev studio to keep a loc staff on hand unless it's a single person doing coordination. And that single person is usually a production role, not a polyglot translator. Even localization companies often outsource one or more languages that their normal staff can't cover. Deadfire shipped in 10 languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Korean (separate SKU), and Simplified Chinese. I have never seen an entirely in-house localization team that covers all of those languages. If they exist, I assume their per-word translation costs are phenomenally high. We do have fluent and native speakers at the studio occasionally play the game to spot check how things are going, but there are hundreds of thousands of words in our games. Even a native speaker working as a game developer does not have time (especially late in the project, when the loc'd versions are close to final) to play through the game entirely in their native language and write up the bugs that they find. I played the game for maybe 5 or 6 hours in German and caught a bunch of bugs that I sent back to the loc team. I also played the game for a couple of hours in French and caught a few bugs (my French is not great but the bugs were really obvious). That's a drop in the bucket, content-wise. And I'm fluent in German, not native. Something that macht Sinn to me might actually klingt falsch to a native speaker. Our audiences have always expected translations to ship "day-and-date" with the English versions. With this volume of text and this number of languages, I have yet to see a time- and cost-feasible solution for not only translating all of the text but comprehensively reviewing it in situ and sending it back for per-string spot-fixing before launch. I know people were disappointed by the German and Italian (at least) translations, but it's not like our company is doing something uniquely weird and stupid.
    3 points
  5. Here is the few things I figured out after 20 hours of playing in WOAH! Difficulty Solo and Co-op. Insects: Spiders should be alot fewer and be a more lethal threat: The Orb Weaver's web spit never hit its target, and its bite is really easy to perfect blocks, the same with the Wolf Spider's bite, its jumping attack is a bit more complicated to perfect block and deal alot more damage, that really the only thing that make the Wolf Spider a bigger threat.More patterns should make them more difficult, maybe multi-attacks like the Larvae's one where you need to perfect block each of one to not take damage, an improvement of the web spit which create a AoE in the ground like the Bombardier Beetle that stuck you in the ground if you walk in, there is alot that can be done. Now talking about the number of spiders that can be encountered: too many. I really don't know if a population control like the ant is planned later in the game, but currently you stumble every 5 minutes on a spider. Plus the fact that they are really easy to kill when you have the experience make it only an annoyance, there is maybe just too much spider's den. Bombardier Beetle probably the hardest bug, but not for the good reasons, In short: its acid splash cone AoE attack. Too quick, too lethal, very few cues that it will make it and super hard to dodge, sometimes you only need to strafe around him to dodge it, but most of the times it just lock you and turn during the animation making it impossible to dodge. I don't know if it's intended but it makes this bug a pain in an ass to beat. Plus the fact that its charge attack has almost the same animation make cues that it make this attack really hard to spot in the short amount of time before it make it. Larvae, probably just a bug, but its multi-attacks have difficulties to connect, even when you're really close to it. Inventory management, chests management: Armors and quick bar items should not take places in inventory: To go to the adventure, you need a Armor (Three pieces) some foods, a canteen, bandages, a weapon, a hammer, an axe, maybe a shovel, a bow and arrows (maybe multiples types of arrows), just by stuffing yourself, the third maybe the half of your inventory is taken, I think it's an intended Game Design, it discourage greatly long trips in the wild, and encourage short trips to seek specific things. For the moment it's not hyper bothersome, but when the game will become larger with more differents items to pick, it will become a real problem. Just my 2 cents on this specific thing. It doesn't seem to be enough slot in the quickpouch bar, eight is too few, again you need weapon, tools, drink, foods in it and maybe more in the future, it's not convenient to swap items between hotbar and inventory that often. Also the fact in PC you can't scroll items in your bar to select them (like in minecraft) is really downside to this feature and push mouse and keyboard user to play with the radial menu. It's hard to have the perfect world for this, maybe allow to have 1 or 2 quickbar swappable with a touch, or expend to quick bar to 10 is a solution (solutions which ask heavy UI redesign), or a smart system that switch to the correct tool when you press a button, or a auto feed button. There's a lot of solutions for this I think. It will be cool to have the now famously requested deposit stacks button, but I would also suggest more, like a quick sort (in inventory and chests) , a quick deposit: there's already tag management for containers why not utilise it fully, that would be the caviar of Quality of Life (but maybe a pain in the ass to implement in the game?). Bases and building: In general base building is really intuitive and fun, but when you decide to build on top of a rock or on a soda can and the fun is gone, there is just too much of restriction when it come to clipping stairs, roofs, walls into pre-existing object (rocks, can etc.) and make really hard to come up with fun ideas that work. Regrowth mechanic, don't seems to work or work as expected: cutting down the root of a grass doesn't prevent it to regrow, if it's intended then it restrict base building a big downside. Larvae raids are really too destructive when it come to grounded base, if you can't take them down quickly they destroy your base an chests really to quickly, even if you try to build reinforcement, and if they break a chest with stuff in it, be ready for 3 minutes of diaporama at 1FPS. The mechanic of raids, and having to protect your base in really fun, but there is issues when it comes to bug destroying your chests and lagging the **** out of you when all the items pop off, the fact that it take 2 or 3 hits of a larvae to destroy one is maybe too few. Perfect blocking/armors on WOAH! Difficulty: I think it's a big issues right now, perfect blocks should prevent armors from taking damage, in WOAH! Difficulty and solo, the only defensive option to take down bugs is to perfect blocks, tanking it is just madness, and strafing doesn't seems to work consistently. All of this making you repairing your armor after one fight, maybe it's intended but here's what happen next: I just don't wear armors anymore, and there's no death penalty and most of the bugs are easily manageable with perfect blocking. (Btw Pefect Block feels really good and is a cool mechanic.) Now a thing that is a personal point of view : Death Penalty and Save System. I think Grounded qualify itself as a survival game, but it is in a really bizarre ground: you can manually save the game, and if you die you can re-pickup all of your stuff. There is no real penalty to dying beside making the road to your stuff and try again, and better you can save before taking a combat and reload until you succeed. Once you get that there is not really any tension anymore and the game lose of his "survival" side. It's inherent to a another survival game which I played name Green Hell, where the death penalty is so inexistent that letting you die is the easiest way to cure from sickness, replenish your hunger, sanity, etc. and Grounded is no stranger to that. Miscs: Swimming at 1st person view is a tad broken when it come to swim above the water The blurry depth of field should be configurable, and turned off. You should be able to write feedback like this, in the feedback tab in-game. Hope this insight will help the game, i'm not native English hope it's understandable.
    2 points
  6. Please separate the game saves from multiplayer and single player have them saved in a separate section as to avoid confusion and when you either save or save on logout they should never be overwritten or deleted unless the user needs wants to only quick save files should be over written. I'm afraid of starting a solo session as it may mess up the multiplayer session I've been in not just for me but my team mates too.
    2 points
  7. Thank You, works fine with my R9 380
    2 points
  8. I did have a joke about trickle down economics. But 99% of you will never get it.
    2 points
  9. I feel the OP is a tad more hardcore than the target demographic of this game. Its promoted as co-op, starring kids, in a backyard. That screams casual fun. Just sayin. i someone who hates survival games in general and doesnt play them, my friend and i are having an absolute BLAST playing this. i hope this remains accessible as it is for us carebears
    2 points
  10. And while people talk about space wizards and stuff, the real question to ask about those other games is this: Can you have an Orc Samurai on your team?
    2 points
  11. Avellone seems like such a b I t c h Dude seems angry at everyone. Any time I hear a statement from him, it's so whiney and putting other people down.
    2 points
  12. So it looks like we agree that a system like Fallout NV combined with the system of Disco Elysium would be good. As Josh said: The Disco Elysium system greatly increases reactivity ( The player feels that his actions have some influence) without the need to create many new outcomes or choice options for a dialogue. It takes some extra efford ( There are only a few things that influence one quest, but there are many quests) but it is much less efford than PoE2, where you have to check every line for several arbitrary tags and you check the reputation of everyone vs everyone else even when it has no effect. I also agree with him that you should track good and bad reputation separately. It feels wrong when you are considered neutral after first helping 20 people and then murdering those 20 people in their sleep.
    2 points
  13. Imperial Agent should be played last, because, a) best story, others might seem kinda lacking in comparison, b) after finishing other stories, you will likely ask yourself "Why and more importantly how a bunch of idiot space wizards with long term planning capabilities of an angry toddler (and tantrum prone like one as well) can make, let alone maintain an empire?" Well, Agent story asks those questions too, so you might be nodding in agreement along the plot. Disagree about Bounty Hunter and Jedi Consular though. Consular's story is kinda disjointed between Act 1 and 2 and the super uninspired voice acting does them disservice, but being a Jedi diplomat was fun, especially compared to that juvenile wish fulfillment fantasy that passes for the Jedi Knight's story. And I loved those catty diplomats who hanged around the ship and offered comments after every mission. (Also I find Shadow/Assassin DPS class very much fun to play). Bounty Hunter I will love always for their habit to disrespect space wizards and their hockey religions all the time. Even their ship looks like it's double flipping the bird:
    2 points
  14. It smells like a future DLC!
    2 points
  15. I believe Avowed is 1st/3rd person game like Grounded. As initially grounded was showed as 1st person on XO19 trailer and later it has the option of playing it also as 3rd person. The only reason it will only be a 1st person if 3rd person gameplay affects the game design which at the moment it doesn't looks a main reason
    1 point
  16. if you fully read my post, you would see that what i'm talking about are minor, capped rewards. Roleplaying games should encourage meaningful choices when roleplaying. Lacking proper reward loops isn't equity in choices, it actively makes certain choices punished because players have to put in more effort than other players for the same net reward; you are in effect punishing certain players for their preferences by a logic that is frequently obscured to them at the outset. Sometimes this lack of equity is meaningful within the narrative itself - like being good means turning down rewards so that "goodness is its own reward." Stuff like that. But I think typically the bigger risk is improper or insufficient reward loops. this is literally a line of argument i also make. (though here i reference far cry's use of generous rewards for being completely stealthy versus going in unseen to basically punish players who don't want to play a stealth game) i'm not actually sure what XP balance problem you're referencing? Again, I'm not talking about varying how much XP we get from quest rewards. That would be design suicide in my book, because then there obviously is a "correct" way to resolve each quest. My examples are the minor, capped "bestiary" rewards from kiling enemies, and the minor, capped "locks & traps" experience from picking locks and disarming traps, and--relevantly for this thread--the extremely minor incidental experience for passing a speech check in F:NV (in the 10s of experience, when quest completions can be on the order of thousands). in the long run these things don't matter at all for character advancement due to the sheer difference in magnitude, but in short bursts they are an acknowledgment that the player did something special, and in the minor instances where they make you level up a hair faster than someone else can feel very satisfying. edit: deadfire adds a lot more special one-off bestiary rewards for many bosses and boss-type enemies. i'm more dubious on that, but it's also still part of a reward loop.
    1 point
  17. America: You drive for four hours. You are still in the same part of the country. UK: You drive for two hours. The local accent has changed twice. Bread rolls have a new name.
    1 point
  18. Edit: I had posted the Trump vs Trump discussion..but I realised someone already had in politics...
    1 point
  19. https://wccftech.com/third-pillars-of-eternity-game-happen-excited/
    1 point
  20. I found this funny glitch where my arrows went up to "normal" size while trying to kill a glitched out Spider.
    1 point
  21. My nickname is Anye and I have a suggestion that is certainly very good! Currently I use Xbox One, there are few games on the market with Local Co-Op, this is very depressing, I would definitely buy a game because it has local Co-Op, so it is a suggestion. The implementation of a Local Co-Op. (I really love this game) Xoxo
    1 point
  22. I agree! I would love to play this with my wife.
    1 point
  23. I heard f2p is less atrocious now than it used to be but that's not much of a praise since it was truly atrocious. Preferred status -- you get it by subbing once or buying something from game shop for real money -- is plenty enough if you don't plan to do end game raids or play Space Barbie by buying grossly overpriced garb from the game market. I'd say you try f2p and see if it works for you, if not then you can sub once for 15$, let the sub run out, then note what annoys you in preferred mode and then click on someone's referral link to get a free subscription week with all the perks so that you could buy missing QoL elements using game's currency. Microtransactions aren't too obnoxious in my improved preferred mode, but I remember ftp being like, *click anywhere* -- "LOL nope, this feature's unavailable to you, El Cheapo, now only if you subscribed..." No idea if they ditched this when remaking the f2p.
    1 point
  24. Everybody, I was working at it all day and I started to think it was the blur effects that were causing the problem. I found a solution on reddit that I thought might work. It absolutely did for me. It isn't setting the game to direct x 11. You're going to have to kill the blur effects in the engine ini itself. This dude here on Reddit posted it, if it works for you be sure to give him an upvote: https://www.reddit.com/r/GroundedGame/comments/i3sbti/howto_remove_the_background_blur/ Press windows key + R enter %localappdata% Go to %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.Maine_XYZ\LocalCache\Local\Maine\Saved\Config\WinAnvil At the end of engine.ini add this: [/script/engine.renderersettings] r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0 r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur=0 To Obsidian, perhaps you can take a look at this specific aspect of the game and it'll point you in a clearer direction as to what's going on. To my fellow R series card users I hope this works for you and gl.
    1 point
  25. I’ve been playing grounded for 2 days straight now and I’ve had a small issue regarding the fact that I can only carry 5 objects on my shoulder. The carry mechanic is perfectly designed and I think that 5 is a good amount. However, when your playing solo you can’t really get a good “chain” in the gathering of grass, stems and logs. An addition of a cart that would allow you to place up to around 15-20 of these items would be perfect as that I will no longer have to rely on tossing my grass at 100mph to get it to where it needs to go. And a constant back and forth cycle won’t be required as often.
    1 point
  26. It's not a good idea to have plans that involve kidnapping, much less high profile elected officials, unless you want a visit from the feds. Really though, all of that doesn't address the systematic issues with the US political and social systems that result in choosing which mentally ill old white man with questionable ties to industry and robber barons who may have sexually assaulted someone you want in charge every four years. We've got to work outside of electoral politics and get back into strategies employed by labor and civil rights movements if we want to get the goods instead of hoping we can push the Democrats away from being irl versions of Bruce by coming from their left flank. A lot of media channels strive to appear unbiased to a comical degree, if you read MLKs Letter from Birmingham Jail the white moderates has been consistently accurate in describing such behavior. Moreover, the cancel culture panic is just media figures being mad the filthy peasants have the gall to mock them for being awful people. I can't recall any of them who have destroyed careers, most of them are actually getting a higher profile when they go on talk shows or get applauded by their peers.
    1 point
  27. It's F2P for the base game and the first two expansions, so levels 1-60. But there's such a huge gulf in quality between the base game and the expansions that it may as well not matter: you go from eight fairly well-defined stories, to all classes being funneled into the same story, one for each faction (so two overall). You want the 1-50 experience for each class, then if you still want more of the game (I didn't), just continue onto the expansions with one of them. The details of the F2P restrictions have changed a bit since I last played, but the basic idea is that you have three tiers of players: subscribers, "preferred" players, and pure F2P players. Preferred status is given to anyone who has spent money on the game at any point, whether that be in the form of a lapsed subscription, or microtransactions. I remember the pure F2P mode being incredibly restrictive, with something as basic as having enough hotbars available for all your skills being locked out, a hard limit on the number of active characters you could have, and the various forms of Quick Travel had much longer cooldowns. Back then I would definitely have said that being Preferred was essential just to make the game playable for me. They've since added, uh, one extra hotbar, but I don't know if that'd be enough. EDIT: Subscribing for a month would be the best way to get Preferred status, because it gives you access to all expansions currently released, and access is kept after the subscription lapses.
    1 point
  28. Hey, i noticed this on one of my stands. It had an Ant armour set on it, and when i returned to base it was missing. I had tones of ant parts in my chests so i thought i'd make a new set to free up some room and put it back on the stand. When i equipped the armour onto the stand, the original pieces ended up going into my bag. I know they were the original pieces and not some sort of duping method because the durability had damage (as they were nearly broken when i placed them originally) TLDR: It seems the pieces are still on the stand, but they're invisible. If you have this happen to you, try placing other armour pieces onto the stand to see if you retrieve the invisible ones.
    1 point
  29. I gotta give props to the Kroger in southern Columbus, Ohio. I'm picking up a load in Columbus tomorrow morning, so after dropping my trailer at a nearby truck stop I bobtailed over to Kroger to do some shopping. I scooped up some spicy tuna rolls and this is probably the best supermarket sushi I've ever gotten.
    1 point
  30. So a cartoonist was dropped from about 120 newspapers for a BLM comic because it generated a ton of complaints. At first I'm thinking, alright, I get that the comic page is not really the place for major political statements. But then I saw the comic and I was like, that's it? That's all it takes to get a bunch of complaints? So weird. The people complaining about this comic are probably the same complaining about the cancel culture.
    1 point
  31. I like how this has become a nice place with ideas so I will add a couple I had. New creatures suggestion - Earwig (It`s parts can be used to craft a tool that can be used to grab items out of the water like weed stems) - Woodlice (might be a cool armor that blocks when Crouching) - Silverfish - Stick \ Leaf bug - Salamander - Cater pillar - Butterfly (using butterfly wings might act as defense for earlier suggestion of birds) - Dragonfly (parts are needed for the earlier mention grabbing tool - Praying mantis - Crickets - Frog - Caterpillars - Moths - Oak processionary - Silk worm Carnivorous plants - Sundew - Bladderworts (water plant) Other plants found in perhaps a new area that can be created. Fruit an vegetable garden - Sunflower - Tomato - Lettuce - Bell pepper - Carrot - Radish - Strawberry - Mint - Garlic - Pepper plant - Lemon grass - Rosemary https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pest-repelling_plants
    1 point
  32. Or maybe the possibility to rename your safe game?
    1 point
  33. Or if playing alone, nearly impossible to get your backpack back.
    1 point
  34. I dont know ,we all know its Early Access , I have had so much fun with Grounded more them 30 hrs , thats more then some full games that you paid £50 or £70 for so I'm happy with the game and to know that there is more to come ,I can't wait for the updates , as it is I'm building big base that is more fun so as it is there is more time left in game AS IT IS , now I have ladybug armour and lvl 3 wep I can kill 3 orbs and 2 stinkbugs AT the same time in a head to head and 6 heal pots so I happy with the game and Obsidian
    1 point
  35. @The_Partisan_Spy Thanks! This will be a huge help
    1 point
  36. I don't know if anyone feels this way, but the health reset feels really unfair sometimes. I was hiding in a can fighting three spiders, popping in and out shooting them with my bow. I eventually realized they were resetting every time I went back into the can. I even got one stuck in the can after it followed me in. I unloaded about 50 arrows, then started stabbing it. It's health reset after I moved around the can to try and stab it's legs which were protruding through. I understand that the enemy bug are supposed to be difficult, but they become near impossible when they require so much damage to kill AND reset their health if you try to recuperate. I was really looking forward to this game and enjoy a lot of the other aspects, but right now the combat is just way too punishing and my attacks feel ridiculously weak.
    1 point
  37. yeah, i missed je sawyer's reputation stream earlier so i just watched it now, and hearing him talk about the general approach to disco elysium got me excited about the possibilities, precisely for what you are talking about. i imagined a hypothetical world where you were trying to convince the bardattos and valeras to negotiate in deadfire, and you'd hover over the threshold indicator and see you getting like +1 because of diplomacy skill, -1 for resolving a quest badly, -1 because you're a goody two-shoes Benevolent and valeras hate that, +1 for keeping the duelists alive earlier, etc. i think an indirect benefit to a system like that is that designers and writers can focus their attention a lot more on specific mechanical checks and how things feed into that and really get the balancing right, versus a more abstracted system. so you get greater reactivity out of a few important impactful checks, rather than a diffuse, easy to max out system that sometimes seems a bit arbitrary or low-impact.
    1 point
  38. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-08-03/blizzard-workers-share-salaries-in-revolt-over-wage-disparities?srnd=technology-vp Based on the last decade of Blizzard greed in World of Warcraft, this doesn't surprise me at all. I guess it's similar to the top restaurants in the world where so many people will apply, and want to work there that they can justify paying such low wages. Still feels rotten though. @Keyrock Crusader Kings 2 is probably my most played singleplayer game of all time. I keep finding new ways to challenge myself in it. I just hope CK3 won't require tons of patches and DLCs to be as good.
    1 point
  39. WOLF SPIDER! I jumped so quickly that my puppy on my lap got startled and jumped onto my desk and spilled my soda. Wolf spiders are the real deal!
    1 point
  40. I would like to see separate save files. One file for single player and one file for multiplayer.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. I don't think manual saves should be removed, you can just avoid saving, this way the game is more accessible for everyone. Regarding the threats in the game i think you had a rather peculiar experience, i'm also playing on Woah difficulty and more often than not the only chance you have is to run. Thank god we can do that. It's also a matter of "realism", since we are self-conscious and more self-aware than animals it makes sense for us to be able to outsmart them. It's in early access so is still a work in progress.
    1 point
  43. The game came out in October of last year on PC, so I'm guessing that is when we can expect it on Steam. IIRC the exclusivity was for one year to Epic Games Store.
    1 point
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