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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/20 in all areas

  1. If I'm not mistaken, the word filter always replaces a bad word with four asterisks, regardless of actual length.
    2 points
  2. You get to be sorry cop if you apologize a lot. So it seems that your US cop has been replaced with Canadian cop.
    2 points
  3. Stick with it! I loved Star Traders. Don't get overwhelmed by the crew. You can really just focus on your officers for the most part.
    2 points
  4. I had few positive things to say about the Obama. Admin. But one thing he got right takes a big step today at 20:33 GMT. He cleared all the hurdles and opened up government facilities for private spaceflight. And today the first manned private space launch will take place. https://phys.org/news/2020-05-spacex-moment-triumph-astronauts-ready.html
    2 points
  5. "But we also try not to use the word " maid ", we always say " domestic worker ". It sounds like one of those ridiculous "politically correct " labels but there is something demeaning about the word maid compared to domestic worker because the latter is a formal type of employment in SA where the person is suppose to get a contract and have work conditions" What's demeaning is thinking that changing the word actually changes the facts. It is all about prettifying language and making one feel a certain way even though it is pure crap. A maid is a maid is a maid. A door(wo)man is a door(wo)man. A wife is just a prostitute. HAHAHA. A husband is just a bank machine. HAHAHA. j/k On the last two... or am I?...
    2 points
  6. Pursuer is one of the more tightly designed bosses of DS2 - with some exceptions, a lot of bosses just feel like they move, attack, and go through their AI routines kind of sloppily (consider the joke that is Flexile Sentry as an example...). Not Pursuer. He was one I had trouble with when I was trying to play with melee because of my struggles with the controls, but like Artorias of DS1, he feels like a boss that once you "understand", it's basically impossible to ever lose against him in the future because everything he does is so consistent and well-defined.
    2 points
  7. That is coming. It's been turned over to the FBI and the State Police.
    2 points
  8. "So did you just assume BruceVC's domestic houseworker's gender, you sexist pig? You fit right in with PM Blackface. Disgusting! " Bruce is a feminist who supports women workers. Why would he hire a man over a woman knowing full well, women are better at everything?
    2 points
  9. Hello, I'm trying to understand how summoned weapons work, to mod them. First, would it be doable to make them scale with power level instead of character level ? I'm also trying to find in gamedatabundles where weapons effects are stored. IE, I'd like to make change to the life stealing effect of the wizard staff. I've found the ability to summon the staff, I've found the item summoned, I've found the attack, but I can't seem to find the life steal. Could someone enlighten me ? Thank you
    1 point
  10. Wrapped up my speedrun of Cold Steel 2. Despite skipping dialog, using turbo mod, and bypassing some fights it still took me 38 hours. CS2 is easily the weakest of the kiseki games but still really good. Mostly it just suffers from a combination of open world syndrome (even though it's not open world; they connected the hubs of the first game with linear paths) and middle book syndrome. I didn't pay enough attention to my resources to make the perfect save game state for my upcoming mega series playthrough but I'm close enough.
    1 point
  11. Summoned Weapons have the ItemMod Scaling_Weapon, which has three StatusEffects: Scaling_Weapon_SE_Accuracy (cb6879e9-e07d-4380-8acc-b698891a8555) Scaling_Weapon_SE_Damage (cf93bd41-47d4-4d0d-90ae-7fd9ef0066cd) Scaling_Weapon_SE_Penetration (31b89607-0914-4453-8f9d-f5a18aa8327f) You want to look at each of their PowerLevelScaling parameter. Here's the specific documentation: https://eternity.obsidian.net/game-data-formats/structures#statuseffectlevelscaling However, touching these values will also affect all non-summoned weapons that use Scaling_Weapon (there's a bunch of them). I'd recommend making a new ItemMod with Scaling_Weapon and its StatusEffects as a template, make it scale with PL, then replace the ItemMod references to Scaling_Weapon with your new ItemMod for all the summoned weapons you want to affect. Quarterstaff_Concelhauts_Parasitic has the ItemMod Draining, which in turn contains Draining_SE_ApplySEByDamageDealt (f6269b2d-6a7a-4956-8894-2b5e76a39089) which you'll find in statuseffects.gamedatabundle!
    1 point
  12. Breaking the Vodyani blockade at Ghykra: Bomber squadron on attack run on Vodyani Ark in the Sirius system: Invading Dursay to force the Lumeris to pull back from the invasion of Hissho space: The Vodyani trying to break through at Rigel: The battle marked the end of Vodyani significance, as they were left with two small colonies hidden in Lumeris space.
    1 point
  13. "Just to be a contrarian ass"? I thought from the get-go that he said he did it to protest the oppression and police brutality against blacks in the US? Image seems relevant if so. Edit: Haha, thought ass was the censored word. Need to learn to count letters.
    1 point
  14. Desperados 3 and System Shock remake got a demo. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2020/05/27/play-demos-for-desperados-3-and-system-shock-right-now-via-gog/ I can't imagine they are exclusive to the platform, but they are featured on the front page of GOG current sale. Perhaps timed exclusive? It is still 3 weeks until Desperados release (guess who is counting!) so plenty of time to bring it to steam as well. EDIT: Yup, Desperados is pretty much a higher budget Shadow Tactics, and that's all I wanted. The pausing Showdown Mode does make things a bit easier, but that might mean I might try to fight a way out instead of immediately reloading. The Demo consist of tutorial, first mission (half tutorial half genuine mission) and a taste of mission no. 3. Runs great, looks great plays great. I love the end-mission detailed replay, and customizable difficulty settings. Can't wait for the release. Mocap improves presentation a lot (as well as more detail and some nice little visual touches), though it is somewhat at odds with lack of facial detail, and blocky hands.
    1 point
  15. Obscure Job titles are good Like for example I call myself coder, but my job title is senior software architect, I still mainly code but my monthly salary is 10k € higher than those whose job title is coder EDIT: I mean which sound that they earn more money maid or senior domestic maintenance officer
    1 point
  16. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/05/trump-threatens-to-close-down-social-media-companies-if-they-dont-stop-fact-checking-his-tweets/ Maybe not quite as explicitly as the story says, but he only started saying it after Twitter added fact-checking points to some of his tweets...
    1 point
  17. You also have to distinguish between early, mid and late game. Saying "XY is best" when only looking at the late game isn't really a wholesome assessment (I still thing Priest is best because there's so much impact for a party even at low levels - see Inspiring Radiance but also mid game stuff like Devotions, Prayers and so on). Per-rest casters in PoE feel a lot weaker in the early game - because they have so few spell uses per rest compared to the endgame (where they have an overbundance of spells). A lvl-1 per-rest caster can cast two spells (especially if you took pretty lame spells as a Wizard to begin with) and then it's auto-attacking with suboptimal stats. Of course that feels weak - hence the claims of "uselessness". Fighters and Rogues (and Monks as well) feel stronger in the early game of PoE because they start with higher stats (for example compare the starting ACC of Fighter: 30 with the starting ACC of a Priest or Wizard: 20) and are somewaht "frontloaded" with nice abilities like Sneak Attack, Constant Recovery and such. Hence so many new players sworde that Rogue is the strongest class at first. Same reason why so many players thought that Barbarians were bad: they just didn't play them long enough. Barbs started with low ACC and deflection - of course they felt weak in the early game. Especially because Carnage couldn't hit anything with the low starting ACC and the -10 malus on top. And the 36% damage malus felt really bad in the absence of other dmg bonuses. It's written nowhere in the game that Carnage gets +1 ACC per char level. You had to find out yourself which was only possible if you didn't give up on the Barb (or read the forums ;)). In the end you could have a really great Barbarian - but you wouldn't have guessed from the first impressions.
    1 point
  18. "For example in SA people , including domestic workers, often refer to themselves as " maids or servants " but I dont because domestic worker is just a better term to describe an important job " So.. the very people you claim to 'defend' because of bad words are saying clearly they are not offended by it. It is a job description. That's it. P.S. The Carlin video is exactly what I was getting at it.
    1 point
  19. Claiming mages are weak in Deadfire... that's a very low effort trolling bait.
    1 point
  20. I think weapon damage counts. I remember leveling it up was trivial. As a Druid, you can stack the +3 PL from Voulge with +2 PL from Deltro's cage fullplate for a hefty +5 PL for lightning spells. Edit: Eh, Ninja'd by Boreorer. Again. Btw. the Voulge is a VERY cool weapon, one of my favorite style-wise, however it does suffer from enchantment capped at Superb. Meanwhile other weapons scale to Legendary or even to Mythic with end game stuff.
    1 point
  21. Hmm, yeah. I noticed that there are no receptionists around anymore, they all got replaced by client liaisons. Still doing the same job though Edit: Same thing with Stewardess and Flight Attendant come to think of it. Rebranding of old roles. Edit2: Completely unrelated to Corona virus (me going out on a tangent here), the subject of gender typical roles sounds more like something for the politics thread.
    1 point
  22. Funny you mention this but it has some truth to it, in SA I have never ever come across a male domestic worker and I wouldnt hire one on principle ...men do other jobs in SA But we also try not to use the word " maid ", we always say " domestic worker ". It sounds like one of those ridiculous "politically correct " labels but there is something demeaning about the word maid compared to domestic worker because the latter is a formal type of employment in SA where the person is suppose to get a contract and have work conditions
    1 point
  23. Ah, so sorry GD. Also sorry for Sunny, we lost one then another 6 months after and he was also upset missing his buddy. Good way to look at it though, not at what you've lost but at what you had.
    1 point
  24. The Pursuer does require either good timing for parries or patience. Still, it is a victory and I look forward to your next video.
    1 point
  25. Been playing more ESO with some Civ6 mixed in. I started just doing Dark Brotherhood missions almost non stop and only other quests if they are nearby or on the way, quest log is too small to pick up a bunch of quests at once. I went to log in just now and I got a login queue with a wait time of 25 minutes. Now I think I'm finally done with this game, not going to wait in line to play.
    1 point
  26. I'll give you guys the exact reply I got from obsidian when I submitted the run. "I just wanted to let you know it may take us a bit of time to review all of the footage as we have a couple others we are going through right now as well, but rest assured we will get to it and let you know when that process has been completed" So, I'm guessing a lot of people , like me, had tons of extra time during the quarantine period and did this challenge, so I'm not even sure if I'll make it on to the honor roll, maybe just a badge So expect frequent updates on the newer hall of fame in the coming days
    1 point
  27. Even worse than a Nazi...Bruce is a T'au!
    1 point
  28. My problem is your approach to this discussion if that wasn't obvious. Anyway, I think I made my points. Future readers may decide who made reasonable arguments and if "trash", "garbage" and such were the right terms to describe the caster classes and their abilites in Deadfire. In comparison to PoE or whatever you want to compare it to.
    1 point
  29. It should say "slain". Slayed is rapidly gaining popularity, but there are still enough of us around who know that to slay is an irregular verb. You had a quest to slay the monster. You slew the monster. The monster was slain.
    1 point
  30. TB first person shooter
    1 point
  31. This thread's missing a little something, something... The sandstorm stays impressive... Been mostly just hammering away at the pyramid, of and on. Now that thralls level up I should probably start training some and take on that new dungeon...
    1 point
  32. Been playing Generation Zero for a while now. I know, I know, the game was blasted by reviewers and players for being repetitive, empty and dull. And it kinda is. But I bought it on the recommendation of one of my cousins and it didn't click for me for a year or so (I only tried it a handful of times). But recently I decided to start it up again and it has grown on me. It's still repetitive and empty, but for some reason I'm having fun with it. It's more a walking simulator than a shooter though. Anyhow, I just thought the views in this game can be kinda pretty. It's a good representation of Sweden in the eighties.
    1 point
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