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  1. So, being proven wrong after feeling this way is a pretty great thing... A couple of weeks after these posts I picked up my playthrough of Deadfire (Veteran with Berath and Galawain challenges enabled) and went back to the drawing board, respeccing my character and most of the companions, redistributing gear, re-evaluating enchants, crafting a bunch of potions and scrolls, etc. etc. and played through the rest of Forgotten Sanctum. And I loved it. Then I played through Seeker, Slayer, Survivor -- of which I had 0 expectations -- and something clicked. The fights were challenging but fair, some taking many tries and shifts in tactics, but I was able to beat them. Long story short -- the DLC's made me fall in love with Deadfire and, more importantly, respect, admire and truly enjoy its systems in their own right. By the time I finished the final parts of the main game and the story came to a close I found myself satisfied while at the same time wanting to start over right away. With a better character, using a more thought out build, paying more informed attention to gear, enchants, etc. So yeah, I was proven wrong and it's interesting and great. Interesting because I think I wanted Deadfire to be something it wasn't, and great because, once I let go of trying to put it in a box it didn't fit and just enjoyed it on its own terms, it became one of my all-time favorite CRPG's.
    6 points
  2. Greetings fellow spacers, We would like to thank you all for the continued feedback and reports for The Outer Worlds. We have been hard at work doing as much as we can to help improve your gaming experience, and as such we are preparing to release Patch 1.2 to everyone as early as next week for all platforms. There will be a lot going into the game with this patch, but for now we wanted to highlight a few of the changes/fixes being applied to the game when this patch goes live: Top Community Requests: Updated the "Large Text Mode" setting to apply to Examinables Added "Chromatic Aberration" setting to all platforms Added "Controller Aiming Sensitivity" setting to all platforms Added "Head Bobbing" setting to all platforms Added "Field of View" setting to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 platforms Fixed weapons unholstering when interacting with the environment Fixed additional cases of companion quests being marked as Botched incorrectly Additional Changes/Fixes: Fixed audio cutting out when scrolling on the map Added a notification for when companions gain Perks from quests Fixed companions calling the player's attacks ineffective, even if they were dealing appropriate damage Fixed the Prismatic Hammer not benefiting from several melee Skills and Perks Fixed the Prismatic Hammer not benefiting from Critical Hits Increased damage of Handguns Fixed "Pack Mule" Perks not applying while on the Unreliable Fixed Dr. Chartrand attacking the player after she agrees to help them Fixed the "Look Up" and "Look Down" keybindings being swapped Added "Foliage" graphics setting for PC platform Added "Enable Cinematic Kill Camera" setting Updated Vendor UI to show carry weight and encumbrance limit Updated item tooltips to better indicate Pristine items Added item sorting options to the Companion and Workbench screens Added SuperNova survival meters to the Consumables screen We are excited to get this out to everyone and we will have a full list of all the fixes posted when Patch 1.2 is live. To continue to report issues you come across and to share suggestions for the game, please visit the Technical Support forums for The Outer Worlds and search to see if a fellow player has already made a thread about it to help reduce duplicate threads. If you find a thread that matches your issue or suggestion, then please feel free to leave a comment and include any details you would like to share. If you are not able to find a similar thread, then please share it with us on our forums and then visit our publishing partner, Private Division, and share this issue with them through their support website. This will help ensure that your specific issue or suggestion is in their queue and will allow us to prioritize requests to provide the fastest possible turnaround time. Thank you again everyone for your patience and help in reporting issues and feedback, we appreciate everything you have been sharing with us.
    4 points
  3. This game sounds great. Seriously considering breaking my 6-month quarantine rule.
    2 points
  4. As for what that US-style pricing is, I posted a link not long ago. Just repeating it here https://www.aljazeera.com/ajimpact/ranks-1-world-sky-high-cost-vital-medicines-191121224954634.html tl;dr; medication like insulin, blood pressure regulating drugs and heart medicine is between 200% and 2000% more expensive in the US compared to most of the rest of the world (who presumably regulate prices)
    2 points
  5. I had never played a CRPG before POE so I didn't know what to expect. But right when I entered the gilded vale and saw the tree with bodies hanging. I was fully immersed and had to know more. Its hard to say exactly what makes a good town or city, but I always like when things aren't as they appear.(gilded vale is a bad example) dyrford is a good example. There is a lot bellow the surface. Literally and figuratively .
    2 points
  6. What do we think makes a good RPG city? Neketka is often regarded as one of the better parts of Deadfire. I really like the music, amount of quality content, visuals (and diversity of visuals old city etc). In many ways it is the best of all, it has a very unique design. How do you think it compares to these others? Athkatla (BG2) - Probably the highest tier of all RPG cities. Most of the game is actually set here so there is a ton of content. I don't actually like the visuals that much, it's all very sandy looking. But you leave the city and there are forests everywhere. Copper Coronet is a great pub, a good pub is key to RPG cities I think. Neverwinter (NWN2) - This has a decent pub, it's basically the HQ for your party for the first half of the game. The city feels very static though, NPC's basically just stand there the entire game and don't have much to say unless they are a vendor. Baldur's Gate (BG1) - It's a good sized city with a lot of quests. I like it, lots of pubs everywhere. Berlin (Shadowrun Dragonfall) - This is the main hub for the game, i haven't played it in a while now but I have vague memories of liking it. I think there is a coffee shop though, no pub so not as good as the others. Las Vegas (FNV) - I found it a bit disappointing. There are some quality quests though, mainly that one with the white hand society(?). What have I missed? What do you guys like/dislike in an RPG city? I'm just trying to get some good conversation going about RPG's rather than the doom and gloom of those other topics.
    1 point
  7. I've had Felix as a companion as soon as he was available. I've progressed up to the Radio Free Monarch quest, completing almost every possible side quest that is available at this point. I've take Felix exploring on every plant available at this point. It has been multiple hours worth of gameplay. From what I've read, Friendship's Due is supposed to start after questing with Felix for "some" time. However, there seems to be no sign of this quest becoming available...he's never approached me and there's no new dialogue options. I've tried swapping him out with other companions for a few minutes to see if that would reset something. Does anyone have a more accurate estimate of how much time I have to spend with Felix for this quest to become available? Is this a known bug? The only bugs I've read about for this quest take place after the quest has started. I can't get the quest to become available in the first place... Thanks in advance.
    1 point
  8. disagree. from larry tribe's book 'bout impeachment: "Many Americans who voted for Trump view themselves as belonging to a victimized, disenfranchised class that has finally discovered its champion. For some of them, Trump’s appeal is less what he will accomplish programmatically than whom he will attack personally. Were Trump removed from office by political elites in Washington, DC—even based on clear evidence that he had grossly abused power—some of his supporters would surely view the decision as an illegitimate coup. Indeed, some right-wing leaders have already denounced the campaign to remove Trump as a prelude to civil war. This rhetoric, too, escapes reality and indulges pernicious tendencies toward apocalyptic thinking about the impeachment power." hillary, in particular, is a bad example for your example 'cause she were so unpopular at the time of the election. if she beat trump, it woulda' been by skin of teeth and she woulda' had republicans in both house and senate for first two years. trump, 'cause o' 'bove observations, could be impotent for the first thee years o' his term and still hold onto his base. the only reason why republicans in the house and senate is standing by trump is 'cause he has gone from being an unpopular President who even people his own party reviled, to a guy who has a stranglehold on his party in spite of a historical Presidential record o' policy failures as well as abuses o' constitutional law which occur almost daily. is no way hillary develops such a base, and the only reason republicans is willing to overlook the obvious overstep o' this President is 'cause o' the popularity o' trump which complete ignores his accomplishments or any kinda facts. am not seeing democrats putting their own necks on the line for an unpopular hillary. the only way your roles-are-reversed scenario holds is if you got a democrat President who is equal popular with a base, and maybe obama or bill clinton is that guy, and perhaps kennedy, but after he died. consider a different what if scenario. turn back time to september 2016 and tell us that after three years o' Presidency there would be evidence that the President colluded with a foreign state to get elected, but that 'cause there wasn't enough coordination 'tween the foreign power and the President, there weren't criminal conspiracy. same President fired the head of the fbi in part 'cause o' the investigation into election meddling and admitted to such during a televised nbc interview. furthermore, a special counsel who investigated the election meddling found at least ten instances o' possible obstruction of justice by wh and President, but because o' a department memo which states a sitting President cannot be indicted, the special counsel did not decide the merits o' those ten obstruction claims, although more than 1000 former fed prosecutors signed a letter memorializing their belief that anybody but the President would be indicted on obstruction charges. special counsel's report specific states that the President's answers to interrogatories were insufficient, misleading and in multiple instances, untruthful. furthermore, mere months after being cleared of conspiracy (but not cleared of collusion) the same President active solicited help from a foreign power to investigate a political rival, and when a whistleblower brought claims o' such to the inspector general for review, the President tried to bury the whistleblower complaint. at the time you likely believe hillary becomes President, but maybe not. regardless, is there any doubt in your mind such President would be facing impeachment? please. do you realize where we are today? because o' trump, norms has been complete shattered. a Presidential candidate may now active pursue dirt on political opponents with the help o' foreign powers just so long as the coordination 'tween the foreign power and the candidate isn't too excessive. in other words, a politician can accept dirt and need not actual report such to fbi or other authorities. furthermore, if trump gets away with his most recent bit o' wacky, Presidents will have free reign to have foreign powers investigate their political rivals. investigating corruption? HA! investigating "dirt" by its very nature means you is investigating that which is either illegal or embarrassing. every such "dirt" investigation will by necessity have a corruption analogue. oh, and future Presidents will also recognize that a blanket refusal to comply with any and all Congressional oversight related to an impeachment inquiry is a valid tactictic. wtf? many democrats is hypocrites. we listened to 'em defend bill clinton lies. again, weren't the monica lewinsky stuff which bothers us even if it got republicans angry at the time, but lie under oath is a freaking bridge too far. perhaps if democrats had stood up to clinton lies instead o' standing with him we wouldn't be where we are today with a pathological liar in the wh who uses gaslighting and alternative facts with indifference. am not defending democrats. at the same time, this is not simple a if the roles were reversed situation. this is complete unprecedented and as cynical as you are, there is no way three and a half years ago you predict everything which has happened with the trump Presidency w/o assuming impeachment. no way. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  9. You are correct. We should be better and we are not. There is an objectively correct answer to the question "Did the President do something illegal/unethical that justifies impeachment". But right now 99% of the people who answer "yes" would answer "no" if the political party of the President were reversed. And the house Republicans. whose defense of the President has strained logic, would be leading the charge against the Democrat if their roles were reversed.
    1 point
  10. I didnn't even know about this bug. I had solo PotD run with fire godlike monk but I invest mostly in survival skilland didn't bother with Second Wind. I guess it saved my skin
    1 point
  11. Kinda disappointed, that it’s not classical point and click
    1 point
  12. "Sweaty". I know its a typo but it made me lol in conjunction with the average score.
    1 point
  13. You can turn off automatic graphics driver updates in windows, it's just obfuscated. If I don't windows happily installs some ancient Catalyst driver over the top of my shiny new Adrenaline drivers which completely breaks pretty much everything since it doesn't bother uninstalling the Adrenaline drivers first. I doubt that's your problem though and not just because your card is nVidia instead but I'll dig out how to do it later since I don't have time now.
    1 point
  14. i have hated games like FO76 and FF8 but I still put tens of hours into them, in the hopes that they would get better or because I just wanted to finish them and be done with it.
    1 point
  15. for a couple o' years we were nominal in charge o' personnel decisions at a firm. the thing which made our job easier is current employees were often satisfied to take what they were given-- little need to negotiate to keep good employees. likely unnecessary recommendation: decide what you want and then ask for it. the different company made you an offer, but it don't stop you from making a counter proposal. worst that happens is they say, "no." decide what it would take to get you to move, then ask for it. get current employer involved as well. give'em a chance to meet or beat offer. am guessing shady knows such stuff and Gromnir advice sounds patronizing, but we were always shocked by how willing those we employed were to just take what were put in front o' them. didn't wanna bother with hassle or risk friction with current employer or whatever other reasons came to mind. for a good employee in demand, focus shouldn't be what is offered, but rather what you want. doesn't hurt to ask for what you want. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  16. just saw this, so sorry for long delay in response. josh leaving had nothing to do with the boards getting friendlier. what made board friendlier is release of poe. particular during the beta of poe, threads were often long and nasty. dozens o' issues had clear us v. them divides and when josh would jump into the fray to comment, predictable half of the community would be disappointed. this happened over and over and over again. deadfire community were/is a smaller and far more homogenized group than we had with poe. the folks enraged everytime they heard josh were advocating for a pivot away from bg2 were no longer posting at the obsidian boards once poe were released and it became apparent deadfire were gonna be even less like the game they wanted. josh leaving were incidental to friendliness o' deadfire fan feedback compared to poe development. yet another example o' obsidian making a causation v. correlation error? josh also let slip how he liked smaller and more limited sa boards with its registration requirements. less toxic. while his main claim were that he were allowing obsidian debates to unfold organic w/o the polarizing impact o' direct developer intrusion (ignoring fact we got a thread on this board dedicated to reposting every relevant josh post from sa and tumblr and twitter and wherever anyways,) were clear he were fatigued by toxicity o' obsidian board feedback, and he admitted as much while making seem like a secondary issue. oh, and while is gauche to quote self, am too lazy to essential repeat self, so... "our suggestion were too late, or too difficult to add... and the obsidian folks weren't bothering to read the obsidian board feedback anyway, which were made clear when josh noted how he were unaware 'til almost release o' deadfire the way in which might were affecting damage calculations in spite o' such being one o' the more common repeated concerns from the hardcore number crunchers routine posting in the deadfire feedback section o' obsidian's own freaking message board since almost firstest week o' the beta. reality o' pointlessness o' board feedback were utter mind blowing and complete disheartening... not that obsidian indifference annoyed us or anything o' the sort. not like am still bitter. nope." wouldn't have minded obsidian developers posting here less if they had been at least been paying attention to the board beyond bug-hunt sections... and the it-just-won't-#$@%ing-die ydwin threads where the artists were defending their aesthetic decisions. the problem is if @Hieronymous Alloy did not post an obsidian board concern at somethingawful, then there were a good chance the obsidian developers would never hear the board concern. am thinking the developers were admitted busy developing deadfire and far too enamoured o' their new telemetry toy to realize just what they were missing by avoiding their own boards. dunno. regardless, am thinking developers avoiding their own boards is a mistake on multiple levels and such avoidance had no impact on the relative civility o' the boards. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  17. A lot of crosstalk on whether or not the impeachment fracas was entirely political. I can prove to everyone it is. ENTIRELY political. Ready? Watch this: Consider for a moment an alternate timeline. For this timeline: Assume for a moment everything is true. Well, because it is. The President did everything they got caught doing. Assume the Congress was made up exactly the same way in the alternate 2019. Same leaders, committee chairs, power splits, etc. Now assume the President is Hillary Clinton. Are we talking about impeachment right now? Of course we are not. In fact I'd be mildly surprised if the Zelensky call even made the news. So... you see? At the end of the day it has nothing to do with what the President did and everything to do with who controls what in Congress. That the President abused his office does not matter that much. Sometimes I think we are not worth the sacrifices that people have made to this country.
    1 point
  18. mechwarrior 5 mercenaries is the one to wait for I think
    1 point
  19. Whichever way you go it's more than a little cool there is such a demand for your services. Kudos to you sir!
    1 point
  20. My favorite aspect of Witcher 3 is the character leveling system. One of my favorite of all times with the color coding scheme spiced with mutagens. It may seem simple but believe me your color traits define you spiritually. What bothered me most about TW3 was that I couldn't marry Keira Metz. I mean I got to sleep with her, which is dandy and all but still, she runs off with Lambert Yes, Witcher 3 is so great that they've actually managed to karma bitch smack me for criticizing the silly xenophilic romance **** from Bioware in the past xD Yes, it's very obvious at this point that CDPR sees Rockstar as their business model as they are copying lots of what they do. Sometime after GTA Vice City Rockstar declared that making games drag on for an eternity whilst upgrading the turbo realism was the way to go. Not necessarily a horrible thing but sometime halfway through GTA4 I was thinking "Now let's wrap this up with a grand finale and go home" only to have more copy paste missions thrown at me with more quirky dialogue (which is always good, but still).
    1 point
  21. Still better to spent 100 hours on one CP2077, than 100 hours on 10 EA games
    1 point
  22. From my point of view, it seems fairly simplistic to think that big cities are inherently better or worse than small cities. It's a question of content, balance and the quality of writing. Most things can be done well, but in fact most things are done in a fairly average way, simply because it is really quite difficult to do things well. Let's look at the question of cities in CRPGs. They're already a trope, almost a cliche: there has to be this one big major city in a game, the bustling place where you get the majority of your important quests and which acts as the central hub. Now, things definitely can work this way, no question, but nothing about this scenario is necessary. I think the fact that the "big city" idea has become a cliche in CPRGs suggests two things: 1) game developers tend not to be very creative, and 2) players are incredibly conservative and want the same thing over and over again, as long as it looks new and is updated for the newest graphics. I like pop songs. I like metal. I like challenging and polyrhythmic prog epics. I like piano pieces. I like symphonies. I even like enormous operas like Wagner's Ring. I like extremely simple folk songs. The bottom line is always: is it done well? Is it imaginative? The vast majority of everything is not, and CRPGs are not an exception.
    1 point
  23. I had send team 2 (in a damaged Manticore) to defend an Anu Haven in Scandinavia, while team 1 was wrapping up a mission in Northern America. Before team 2 even reached the Anu, and while team 1 was on the long way back to the main base in Northeast Asia, to recuperate, a Jericho Haven on the Iberian Peninsula got under attack. So after defending the Anu Haven, team 2, without rest rushed over there. They got there in the nick of the nick of time, just as the Haven was about to get overrun (defense had just ticked down to 0). Then the team figured out why the Jericho havens in this area have been going dark. They gathered the civilians and guided them away from the fighting (you get control of the civilians if you go near them). And the pandorans shelled the evac zone. But luckily it was the one time their artillery missed. Giving all civilians time to evacuate the area. (We won. Barely. Everyone is alive. And we won because the Chiron that had been bombarding us from afar retreated) And on a different note: a backer who may possibly have liked a certain TV series:
    1 point
  24. Indeed. Max MIG, CON, PER and INT Fire Godlike with Veteran's Recovery, Shod-in-Faith, Fulvano's Amulet and 12 survival for the healing bonus and all that. A Ring of Focused Flames + Vulnerable Attack + getting bloodied. Cast Combusting Wounds on the guys. Once Blooded kicked in: Heart of Fury. Remainder got killed by Battle Forged + Blood Thirst. It worked ok but I had to drink quite a lot of Infuse wVE potions. What killed me at lvl 16 in some unimportant fight in Noonfrost was a bug with Battle Forged + Second Wind (Athletics): if you use Second Wind while Battle Forged is active you will hit yourself with the fire retaliation. I was low on endurance and forgot about it - and Battle Forged dmg is preeetty high at lvl 16...
    1 point
  25. I like spending more time in one place in a game. A good city is the one which has you coming back to it. It should be a fairly save, populated space, with a dark underbelly. Quests should weave through it. A decent choice of companions recruitable for adventures. On a most basic level it can be just a hub you come back to: shops, companions, NPC to talk to, stuff to store. Ankathla is great, as unlike PoEs don't have a mobile keep - you are likely to have a keep there, and companions will return to tavern. Cities are also a convenient way of delivering multiple quests - be it by giving a wide choice to start with, or setting scripted encounters as Devs know you will come back to it. I prefer if we get to the city early on, with stuff we can't afford, and possibly not all districts welcoming the newcomer. A city can be a nice reflection of our progress throught the game as we move from doing jobs for randoms in the tavern, to dealing with kings.
    1 point
  26. Athkatla and Sigil are probably my favorites. What I like about them is that they feel "down to earth". They get the feel right, the density, the ambience. And there's a feeling of danger to them. You get the feeling of "city life". As a sidenote, and nostalgia talking here, but one of my strongest memories of the Baldur's Gate games is the feeling of... relative safety when nearing an inn in the middle of the night, seeing the light spill out and hearing the tavern music play from within. You'd survived the wilderness, finally the safety of an inn... but, you still never knew what could happen. It really vibed with my pen and paper experiences at the time, as well as reading stuff like the Prancing Pony segment of Lord of the Rings. Huge nostalgia. But anyways, I think Neketaka was fantastic overall. I liked the districts, I think they felt nice and different. I liked that there was something like the little scripted interaction bit (The Narrows I think it was called?). I liked that you could get "stuck" if you take the elevator down to the old city. And locations like the Luminous Bathhouse were just cool, though I wish some of the locations had been used more and more "in-depth". But yeah, it was superfun to explore. I don't think it really nailed the "city atmosphere" personally. I think part of it is the music in those areas. I like the PoE soundtracks, and I liked the town tracks on their own, but they never really sold the idea of a city in my mind. I wish Neketaka's music had just a bit more tension to it, and with something connecting it to the culture and people of Neketaka. The tracks feel a bit lacking in identity for me. Anyways, another city I loved was Vizima in the Witcher. That whole game oozes atmosphere and the various parts of Vizima are no exception. I know lots of people like Novigrad from Witcher 3 but Vizima in the first game is where it's at for me.
    1 point
  27. Early on I preferred Baldur's Gate (B1) to Athkatla, because it was "seamless", like it was literally one large fort town divided into nine maps, so the city felt "truly" big. Over time, Athkatla has sort of become my gold standard because of how dense each area is - I remember going into random houses and being surprised at interactivity I could find (like that whole Katana sword thing in the Temple District, or the items in one of the random nondescript-yet-heavily-trapped houses in the Bridge District). I don't think any game has met that high bar since; PoE1 and Deadfire were kinda there, but I basically have no incentive to go into random houses in these games, just the ones attached to a task/quest or ones that initiate a task/quest. Though I think Deadfire did the best job (of any of the mentioned games so far) of giving me an incentive to go to random districts, because they didn't concentrate all the best magic items on one vendor. Can be a little annoying, but I like the wandering. Other contenders I'd like to include: Imperial City (Oblivion), really felt legit huge, even though I mostly just spend time where the stores are DC, all of it (Fallout 3). Not just the small pockets of settlers and merchants, but the entire ruins. I thought this was and is an absolute blast to experience. And there's a real "they made art through adversity" feel here, because the game engine couldn't handle large outdoor areas, they had to break up DC by sections of metro tunnels that connected them, but I ended up loving this aspect of it, made it feel like a real city with real transport routes; whereas Boston in FO4's subway stations went nowhere and were just self-contained mini-dungeons, you could actually study the metro map in FO3 and get out at certain points to different parts of DC (or the DC suburbs).
    1 point
  28. I dislike if it's too big. Like... all the ones you mentioned.
    1 point
  29. I'd reckon there would be a way to disable/skip it for the benefit of game testers. If there is still a way to do so I haven't had much luck with figuring this out on my end. Tried the usual "-skipintro" at the end of launch options, but no joy. Only references I can find in the modding documentation is an audio event called "CorporateLogoSkip". Which is likely just to do with fading the title screen music into the main menu music after the skip button is pressed. As well as a Maptype called "CompanyIntro". Of which there is only the one entry in worldmap.gamedatabundle, but I don't really see anything in there that refers to disabling it. Looked through movies.unity3d and a few other .unity3d files in the assetbundles folder, but if it is there I can't see it. So yeah I don't know if that is in anyway helpful, but maybe you or some else can see something in there that I am missing?
    1 point
  30. I need a pick me up today. Time to go with a tried and tested jam that never fails to put a smile on my face: Bonus points to Dschinghis Khan for doing a proto-Stanky Leg decades early.
    1 point
  31. Hey, don't know if you are still interested (or on this forum anymore?), but I've figured out a simple way to create such a mod! The following has Photoshop in mind, but this should be doable in GIMP or Photopea as well. Create a new image with a height of 1280 pixels and a width of 2048 pixels. Resized your desired image to fit this. Without changing the width, increase the image height (Image/Image size...) to 1704px. Deadfire stretches out the loadscreen images (likely to scale the image to different sized monitors), so this is necessary to avoid your image looking odd in game. Next increase the canvas height (Image/Canvas Size...) to match the width of 2048px. Fill in the empty space at the top and bottom of your image with black. You should now have a squashed/streched image that is 2048px by 2048px. Save your image somewhere as a .png with the name "generic_load_bg". Make a folder for your mod in the override folder. Inside of the new folder create 2 more folders: One called "gui" and the other "loadscreens". Put your image inside the loadscreens folder, and then place the loadscreens folder inside the gui folder. The default loadscreen should now be replaced by your image. If you want to replace a DLC's loadscreen, name the .png one of the following: Seeker, Slayer, Survivor: “lax01_sss_load_bg" Beast of Winter: “lax02_bow_load_bg” The Forgotten Sanctum: “lax03_fs_load_bg”
    1 point
  32. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/472952-trump-calls-trudeau-two-faced Truly a tedious scandal.
    1 point
  33. Real life is one thing. People are getting tired of this stuff being included in video games, something people do to escape the real world. Social media has made it a thing and it's a "hot topic" in the forums that discuss said games as well, so there's really no getting away from it. I think a lot of people go along with it for fear of being called out. It's one thing to address these issues, but I for one would like to see them not come up or be incorporated into video games I play. There's absolutely no reason to include every single demographic into a video game and the fact that game companies and some people that play them do is kind of scary. Just make games that are fun and fun to play, keep politics and this stuff out of them.
    1 point
  34. It seems my wife is unintentionally trying to prepare me for the sleepless nights we are going to face by snoring louder than I thought humanly possible. That baby better pop out soon. Due on the 6th so any minute now. Constant vigilance!
    1 point
  35. Why does sexuality have to be forced onto video games? So what if there's no characters in the game that "blur the lines"? There aren't a lot of NPCs in the game. People that "blur the lines" in real life are not standing on every street. In fact,unless you live in a big city that has areas or communities where these people "hang out", for lack of a better term, you'd be hard pressed to see these "gender-blurring", people. And if you live in the country like I do, you would probably never see such a person. Forcing sexuality upon a game like this makes no sense, and is completely unnecessary. What about wheel-chair bound people? Or people with prosthetic limbs? Or blind people walking down the street using a walking stick, or an assistance dog? Complaining that you don't see "gender bending" people in a video game is actually very selfish. There are many,many demographics that are not represented in the game. Such as the ones I mentioned. And there are far more people walking around with prosthetic limbs in the world, than there are "cross-dressers", or "gender-benders", or those that "blur the lines" as you called it. This is a sci-fy game. It's not a a game based on sexuality. This is ridiculous....
    1 point
  36. The most important part was left out in all of the media coverage. What is the project name aka which state was Grounded called before it got the official name?
    1 point
  37. Having supernova labelled as normal would hurt the game. Whats easy to one person isn't easy for everyone. Most people, myself included ignore easy mode in games and go straight to normal or hard. If supernova was labelled as normal it would put a lot of people off because they would rage quit when they find the game too hard. Also consumables are not pointless. I used them a lot on my first playthough which was in hard mode.
    1 point
  38. I believe Parker's project was started before Missouri. What throws me off, is the Grounded's Maine project name. Maybe they didn't hand out that name until very recently? At least one of the "Mississippi", "Illinois" and "Alabama" projects is cancelled. Twitter handle (?) Rand Al'Thor said that Grounded isn't the project that got Microsoft interested in acquiring Obsidian. Neither was The Outer Worlds. So there is a project that has been in the works quite some time now and made Microsoft buy the company.
    1 point
  39. I've already completed VIcar's questline, I even had Felix with me at the time. No dice.
    1 point
  40. ^^ This 100% Bethesda's single player Fallout 3 & 4 = 20% LINEAR STORY LINE with ZERO PLAYER CHOICE, FORCED character builds, shallow MQ/side quests + 80% pew pew in an open world sand box. Obsidian's single player Outer Worlds = 80% NON LINEAR RP with 100% PLAYER CHOICE, CUSTOMIZED character build (that can change as story progresses) + deep MQ/side quests + 20% pew pew. In a world constrained by loading screens.
    1 point
  41. Riot Games announces RiotForge, a new subsidiary dedicated to single-player games, which will be unveiling a new "story-driven game" next week at the Game Awards. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/the-game-awards-will-include-around-10-new-game-reveals/ https://riotforgegames.com/
    0 points
  42. Hmm, Yet another account that is created, creates a thread then doesn't log back in.
    0 points
  43. Maine. That implies there are three other projects (Mississippi, Illinois, and Alabama) potentially under consideration. Check it out. Grab a copy of the video loop from https://grounded.obsidian.net --->> https://d1079ywfijtdjs.cloudfront.net/images/grounded/videos/grounded-looping-video.mp4 Parse it for strings, and you'll find: <creatorAtom:windowsAtom creatorAtom:extension=".prproj" creatorAtom:invocationFlags="/L" creatorAtom:uncProjectPath="\\?\C:\Users\mmiranda\Documents\Adobe\Premiere Pro\13.0\Maine 15 Sec Loop.prproj"/>
    0 points
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