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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/19 in all areas

  1. Just got a PM from @MaxQuest: he's alive and kicking. Just some huge pile of RL stuff that needed attention.
    4 points
  2. Why does it have to be an isometric game? Can't we just assume they're working on a sequel to Pathfinder Adventures?
    3 points
  3. I'm fine guys Sorry for radio silence) It's been a busy summer, and still is an ongoing pile of RL stuff that requires my time and attention. @Phenomenum, You mentioned you have a list of tweaks for CP. PM the details, and I could upload them to Nexus.
    2 points
  4. From the same folks that made Tower of Time.
    2 points
  5. You have to save and reload your game for potion and boounty to stack, it's a bug.
    2 points
  6. New Mgla joint coming up:
    2 points
  7. Oh, no, she was dead already from a couple of years back. Well...yes...but no. He was the most major factor in driving her to suicide (her words in the what I guess you could consider a suicide note she texted minutes before her death). I'm not sure if that qualifies as "killing her". Suicide is usually more complex than being able to just blame one person's actions for it, so that's probably not completely fair to him...but on the other hand, I thought he was a psychopath for years and now he's actually a bonafide murderer, so I'm not feeling exactly charitable towards the guy right now. @Malcador : Don't worry about it, I'm horribly flippant and irreverent about these things myself...most of the time. It's how I deal, but of course, that approach doesn't work for everyone, . I've made lots of quips about both my dad's and sister's suicides to friends and family (...though not generally to the faces of those most sensitive to them). @TrueNeutral : Yes, but am now having to deal with my other sister, who is a diagnosed bipolar schizophrenic, lawyering up and trying to sue for custody of them because she has some sick, twisted delusions about being their "mommy" (???). I am pretty sure it's not going to go anywhere because there's literal years and years of evidence that paint her as a totally unstable individual completely unfit for childcare, but it's something I'd rather not be dealing with right now. @LadyCrimson & all: Thanks for the sympathies!
    2 points
  8. Kakistocracy in action. ...I'm fairly certain that my browser thought "kakistocracy" wasn't a word a year or two ago, and now it does. Hmm.
    2 points
  9. Yeah! Just got his PM too. "He's ali-i-i-ve" (c)
    2 points
  10. https://www.obsidian.net/jobs/open-positions/programming/1130-unity-programmer
    1 point
  11. For those of you who've been missing a steampunk-like cRPG: https://venturebeat.com/2019/08/06/dark-envoy-is-the-next-rpg-from-tower-of-time-studio-event-horizon/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/945770/Dark_Envoy/ Looks quite interesting to me even though it's not quite my usual preference for a game.
    1 point
  12. Maybe this is common knowledge, but this extends to all resting buffs in the game as far as I can tell; they count as active bonuses until you save/load, then they count as passive bonuses. For example, Candied Nuts Dexterity bonus stacks with Alacrity after a save/load cycle. Spaghetti code.
    1 point
  13. 13 hours in two days. Game must be doing something right.
    1 point
  14. Very psychedelic. It would feel right at home on Pink Floyd's Saucerful of Secrets or Umma Gumma.
    1 point
  15. Big ups, homie. IIRC, there was some talk about changing Farcasting from a 20% range bonus to a flat +2m. Did that idea make its way anywhere?
    1 point
  16. Yes, it does. It is actually the best reason to go Single Class Paladin.
    1 point
  17. Have you guys caught Joe Rogan's two stand up comedies on Netflix? Hes pretty funny.
    1 point
  18. So this is probably actually one great advantage of a tactician over being cloak-reliant. Most fights as tactician/skaen you don't need the cloak (so far I've penciled in a few times where it's really advantageous/required to do so <water dragon, fire dragon, and maybe to only have to do the big buffing once or twice for BoW>; I might pencil in a few more), so you don't need to worry about losing brilliant because you won't actually have it during most fights - you just have it while you buff. If for some reason I need to buff again, all I have to do is Shadowing Beyond+Withdraw and that basically resets Brilliant (this is actually very important for the fights that I need the cloak, because I don't have a fire wall to self-trigger the cloak; I literally just buff a bit, stand there with a stopwatch while enemies attack me, and if I haven't triggered cloak brilliant when my timer goes off I invis, reset, buff again, rinse and repeat until I get the cloak to proc). So I only need to be concerned for the fights where I need the brilliant from the cloak, and I need to avoid getting the tactician shaken/confused debuff from being flanked which will ordinarily dispell Brilliant, which Svef is good enough to prevent (it's not even a factor for the fire dragon fight because none of the magma oozes can actually flank me because they're ranged). (edit - not having brilliant active during a fight may contribute to tactician/skaen being slower than a bloodmage/skaen since I can't spam most abilities during fights, i'm only left with auto attack. With good timing I can do some mule kick spamming but that's about it until there's just a couple of enemies left that I can manually trigger flanked on and trigger tactician brilliant. At level 19 with my practice char now should be less of a concern since I'm hoping I can Storm of Holy Fire -> escape, brilliant, wait -> Storm of Holy Fire -> etc spam for the non-boss fights) Not directly related, but with solo tactician, the way it interacts with charm/dominate, is that as soon as you get charm/dominated, the tactician brilliant bonus kicks in and immediately dispels the charm/dominate (verified behavior from practicing FS which features lots of charm/dominate). I guess Vela doesn't count as an "enemy" for checking who's been flanked or not.
    1 point
  19. That is terrible Bart, but it sounds like the kids are young enough to still have a shot at a normal life, hopefully with you.
    1 point
  20. You can use rakhan field boots + essence interrupter+blunting belt to trigger deltro, but that's quite a challange for pathing the run.
    1 point
  21. Sounds like it is a valid strat. Also you can forget doing bounties and start doing bosses earlier than you reach level 16.
    1 point
  22. That's what I exactly started to play yesterday. =D I am currently at Concelhaut. Tbh, it's not quite bad, but I thought the PL 8+9 are alot stronger. A little underwhelming, imo. The damage is ok, but not that crazy in contrast to Wizard, which both of us played before. Reason for the lower damage is obviously the missing PL you easily get from BM buff and the Hit to Crit buff. You could craft the potions of course, but really annoying. Haven't found that many Reptilian Eyes for Perfect Aim potion, maybe just unlucky. Not sure. From my experience so far, I should maybe mention some great things about SC priest: - allows technically earlier fights, because you get SoT very early - symbols are all really strong (PL8) - Symbol of Skaen targets Deflection => does a ton of damage to various type of enemies - Symbols do "stack", with alot of INT they last for 30+ seconds which allows you to stack easily 5+ symbols onto each other Some disadvantages: - priest of skaen is must have (because of invis .... no clue how you should beat, sigilmaster or nemnok without invis) - needs constant use of potions to deal really good damage - has no access to self damaging lightning spells to trigger Deltro's => needs arcana 3 for crackling bolt against a wall which does not deal that much damage => arcana 9 for chain lightning for the really dope 100+ rolls
    1 point
  23. Pretty good analysis: https://lobelog.com/tulsi-gabbard-and-the-military/
    1 point
  24. Wow... I thought you would take a rest from Deadfire after the Ultimate ) I've bought PoE1 on Switch Coming back to Dyrwood.
    1 point
  25. I thought Hylea + Adra stacking is common knowledge. I am using it in my run aswell. For everyone who is wondering how it's going for me with SC monk, I am thinking about throwing in the towel. I managed to beat everything EXCEPT SSS. All these arena fights are so impossible, no clue what to do. You probably think: "There are so many enemies! Should be awesome with WotW spamm!" Yea well, that's what I thought initially aswell. Some of the fights on their own are already quite tough. Every second you are not in your WotW animation, you are getting so insanely much damage + you need to cast withdraw on Vela from time to time. The recovery time you need after casting a withdraw will almost always kill me. I went with Helwalker and I have 422Hp. I wish I went with Napalzca and maxing Alchemy, that's what I would recommend for everyone who wants to try it.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. I come here just to say gz to all of you that put so much effort into poe2. PoE1 leaved me kinda burnout so joining poe2 only after all the balance patches has been my choice to avoid balance burnout once again, but I do regret to have missed the opportunity to contribute this great community achievement. I know how many hours I have sinked into a simple 3crown poe1 run with both my paladin and my priest, so GZ to all of you who theorycrafted for the ultimate, and ofc to @Decadency and @Tenray for the actual clear. Well done guys!! I hope that many others will join the club asap
    1 point
  28. ****in hell... my sympathies man, it's an awful situation you're in.
    1 point
  29. OK, just found this funny as hell because I have chickens
    1 point
  30. I was going to come in here and make a usual flippant/unimportant bloggity post but yeah, wow. I don't know what to say, except that's a horrific situation and can't imagine having to go through it, and I will join you in hoping he gets that long prison sentence.
    1 point
  31. Absolutely extraordinary band.
    1 point
  32. At least the kids are away from him now, right?
    1 point
  33. Pretty cool jazz-rock record with strong Canterbury/krautrock influences.
    1 point
  34. Well, you have my sympathies, suppose I should not have been so flippant in my post so apologies for that.
    1 point
  35. I’m under no illusion that I am staking out any legal or moral high ground here. The moment I touch a firearm in response to the lawful action of authorities I have crossed the Rubicon. “Here have I abandoned peace and desecrated law”. No going back. But how far must we bend in acquiescence to the State? If any right, any liberty, any material possessions, even our very lives can be demanded of us by the state with the blessing of the legislature and support of the majority of our fellow citizens are we ever safe? Do we own the State or does it own us? At some point we reach for the “higher law” as John Brown called it and say NO. That is really what we are talking about here. I will and do pay my taxes. I “render unto Caesar “ but there is a line up to which I will comply peacefully. This far and no farther. That is something every one should agree on IMO even if those lines are drawn in different places. Imagine some late day Herod demanding families give up their male children to the State with the blessings of the legislature. How far do we submit? Many of the worst acts done in the history of this country were legal and supported by the majority of the people. Would you tell Red Cloud he was wrong? Would you tell John Brown he was wrong. At some point we have to say no. I am 100% in favor of civil disobedience. But for me, civil ends at my front door. Anyway we have beaten that to death. Reply if you like. I am always interested in your opinion. That is my closing argument
    1 point
  36. O M G. I finally made it aswell. Currently uploading my files to youtube, but it may take a while because I only have like 1.5 Mbit upload. #Feelsbadman I f***ed up so hard in the end at Guardian of Ukaizo but still made it. Also my Deltro's Cage Helmet somehow bugged out and did nothing for the last part of my playthrough. Didn't work for Auranic, Ukaizo. No clue why. For the last part I was drinking some beer with a friend because I thought it will be easy anyways. But Guardian of Ukaizo was actually tanky as hell with the Megaboss Buff, almost died to a storm aswell like a noob.... You'll see it all when I am done uploading. I hope Obsidian will approve my run when I am done with the uploading.
    1 point
  37. Ok guys. Obsidian approved my run so I'll start publishing it from tomorrow
    1 point
  38. I beleive you can reliably resist it with around 190 will which you can get to from gear and buffs. That still won't let you resist Arcane Cleanse, sadly (its largely unresistable). However interrupts work on mobs trying to cast Damper, and frankly Slicken is the bees knees for this (incluing all the mobs at Concelhaut, Fampyrs too). Or you can try to watch individual mobs for the cast icon and interrupt it with Thrust of Tattered Veils or other single target interrupts.
    1 point
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