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MaxQuest last won the day on June 8 2019

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About MaxQuest

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    WebDev, Game Mechanics and Balance


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  1. Hi @NCarver, If you are interested in incorporating the fixes from UPMod, you can find the project source code: here The fixes themselves are contained in UPMOD/mod_xxxx.cs files between the lines: // PATCH START // PATCH END ----- I also think that doing something about Flickering Tooltip and Psychic Backlash is worth adding to the new patch. Some of possible solutions for Psychic Backlash could be: make it proc only once per minute (per cipher) after an enemy is stunned by Psychic Backlash he gains immunity to it for 50s make it proc only 2 times per combat. This limit is reset after cipher reaches max focus the first time in that combat make it proc only 1 time per combat. This limit is reset after cipher spends 200 focus
  2. Could the justification be that these animal companions presumably use claw attacks and thus two paws? Meanwhile: boar is more adept at tripping charge and using his tusks. antilope uses her hooves (?) stag uses his hooves (?) and antlers Although this still leaves lion, who should also get the same DW bonus as cat/wolf. ------- On the other hand, predators also have fangs, so there are bite attacks. But in any case that DW bonus is not listed anywhere, so it's kinda slightly unfair as is.
  3. Do you know if it is possible to add an ability via status effect? I.e: character A uses an ability X that applies a status effect XS on character B and grants that character B an ability Y. Possible scenarios: character drinks a potion and gains a talent character A targets character B and gives him an aura ability
  4. So... I have managed to make a cipher trinket that drains his Focus while he has no Concentration with HasStatusEffectType check on GenericAbilityGameData. And it seems to work even if effect that gave Concentration (like Hands of Light) has expired: "ActivationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [ { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean HasStatusEffectType(Guid, StatusEffectType)", "Parameters": [ "7d150000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Concentration" ], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 0, "ParameterHash": 0 }, "Not": true, "Operator": 0 } ] } }, But when I do a very similar thing on Psion (I want his focus gen to stop when taking a plain hit if he has no Concentration, and viceversa to continue if he has Concentration), it just doesn't work. Have anyone met situations when ActivationPrerequisites, ApplicationPrerequisites and InclusionConditions are just ignored? As if conditions were not there?
  5. I have also took a quick look into voice/music modding... But quickly nopped out of there. It's just ugh...
  6. Thank you for suggestion Noqn!, that's a good idea) I have tested this now. But unfortunately it doesn't work.
  7. I want to add a StatusEffect that is only active while character is not under effect of Concentration. At the moment I am doing something like this: "ApplicationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [ { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean HasStatusEffectWithKeyword(Guid, Guid)", "Parameters": [ "011111e9-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "985dd0c0-7487-4f0d-a60a-28d071960a6b" ], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 0, "ParameterHash": 0 }, "Not": true, "Operator": 0 } ] } }, but it doesn't work. And neither is HasKeyword(). Unfortunately, Concentration is not a status effect with it's own id, but is StatusEffectType. Does anyone have a clue how this can be checked?
  8. This would require rising their Burn AR to be higher than their Pierce AR. Could be both ------ Combining the suggestions made in this thread, I am inclined to make the following changes: remove elemental-weapon keywords that were added in CP.Keywords 2.0 give weapons that already have an elemental KW, phys/elem damage type as proposed by Noqn (and lower their PEN, if they had only 1 damage type before that) remove creature immunities vs elem keywords. And adjust their elem AR / immunity vs damage type accordingly. Thoughts?
  9. I am looking at this topic again. And also at the enemies that are healed when taking Burn damage: Right now, attaking a Greater Flame Blight with Firebrand would deal Pierce damage. While, attacking a Naga or Fire Drake, would heal them. Would you expect the same result/behaviour, or it's ok (as we can mouseover check their AR)?
  10. I have uploaded Navy of Deadfire and Crew of Deadfire mods to nexus
  11. Hmm, Do you have a save when you meet them? or are in the same scene? If yes, give "findobject "<name>" a try. ----- P.S. Also it could be a problem with name variation. It's kinda weird that spawn ids sometimes differ from CharacterStatsGameData's id. E.g: CHA_CRE_Skeleton_Steelspine_Berserker -> SpawnPrefabAtMouse CRE_Skeleton_Steelspine_Berserker CHA_CRE_Skeletal_Fighter -> SpawnPrefabAtMouse CRE_Skeleton_Fighter * the second creature ^ is "skeletal" but uses "skeleton" to be spawned..
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