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  1. There is There are the following StatusEffects pasives related to engagement: NonEngageableByLowerLevel NonEngageable CannotEngage DisengagementAccuracy DisengagementDamage DisengagementDefense Threatening Presence uses NonEngageableByLowerLevel Grog uses NonEngageable + CannotEngage Valid point) Well there could be the following scenario: an Ascendant/Fighter with Mob Stance is fighting 3 enemies. He steps back - and eats 3 dissengagement attacks -> triggers Offensive Parry and make 3 attacks in an instant. There is no need to use this often and micromanage a lot. He already did 3 splash attacks (which could also potentially trigger Mob Stance), and most likely got to max focus. That's really neat action economy. That's not broken, but pretty strong. Yes, for a character that cannot be engaged Entonia Signet Ring is useless. For tanks that take the hit - absolutely. But for tanks going Legolas style and dodging incoming hit from Doru, by moving in and out, it is a boon)) Most likely will leave it as it is. But one more idea: what if Gipon Prudensco and Nomad's Brigandine were left as they are. But Offensive Parry proc got an internal cooldown of 3-5s?
  2. Also there is one question that I've forgot to add: Q: Immunity to Disengagement attack (Gipon Prudensco and Nomad's Brigandine) Description: This effect allows you to engage, yet be immune to dissengagement attacks Moreover the way it is implemented, incoming dissengagement attack results in a miss. This miss can trigger Riposte and Offensive Parry (from WotEP). The cheese part here: you can run back and forth and trigger a lot of dissengagement attacks that will miss you, and trigger a lot of counter attacks. This can be also abused in Turn-Based mode when there is no turn time limit. Options: Not a cheese. Leave as is Is a cheese. Yet leave as is Is a cheese. Change the effect to "Immunity to Engagement" (NonEngageable + CannotEngage). (this completely aleviates the cheese; but will make it harder to tank) Is a cheese. Change the effect to "-33% damage taken from DIssengagement attacks". Still can be abused with BDD tho Is a cheese. Change the effect to "+30 defenses vs DIssengagement attacks". Still can be abused with BDD tho Is a cheese. Add a small internal cd to Offensive Parry proc (like 3-5s?) Other Have added it to the bottom of the poll
  3. Seems like, apart from increasing Blood Sacrifice recovery will leave it as it is. Interesting that no one has voted for the variant with cooldown. It would not permit to use BS more often than once in 3.8s; but would give free 2s to cast something else in the meantime.
  4. Regarding Resonant Touch: if someone knows how to implement it - I will add it
  5. Am a bit surprised how WotW cost increase votes went. Was thinking majority would want 6-wounds cost) Also am surprised on how divided the Unbending Trunk healing values are. 45% or 75%, and no one have chosen the middle ground. (reminded: it's vanilla tooltip mentions 33%, while in reality it is closer to 53% - 73%) And re implementation: again less votes for the middle ground
  6. Chilling Grave from Grave Calling: so far 6/7 consider it a cheese But everyone is divided on which approach to take: 2/7 - It's a cheese. Limit Chill Fog to proc only when killing hostile vessels. And ignore confuse/charm/dominate when determening party allegiance 1/7 - It's a cheese. Add an internal cooldown of 6s to Chill Fog trigger. 1/7 - It's a cheese. Limit Chill Fog trigger to twice per combat 1/7 - Limit Chill Fog trigger only when enemy vessels are killed 1/7 - If possible, make the Chill Fogs not beconsidered weapon attacks so it can'tchain trigger itself. If not possible, leaveas is I think it's not possible to make the weapon proc to not be considered a weapon attack. And will have to see if it's possible to add a check for "only enemy vessels" (despite of confuse/charm/dominate status). There is also one more approach that have just came to my mind: "Let Chill Fog proc trigger only when killing non-summoned vessels". ----- Re Boltcatchers: majority has voted on it as a cheese. And an additional PEN increase is welcomed to compensate for disabling it's crits. ----- Re Whispers of The Wind: seems like will leave it as it is I remember Elric's argument that it comes late, requires single class is a level 9 ability, and not that efficient vs bosses. Coupled with adjustments to Boltcatchers, Blinding Smoke and Powder Burns, it should aleviate a bit the chain crit with mortars
  7. So, a week has passed for the anti-cheese poll Got 4 responses in the first 3 days, and 3 more in the next 2. So far: 7 At the moment, charts look like this: Majority has voted so far for Elric's approach with damage shield: (Current Approach) Leave "death-prevention" effect on Potion of Final Stand. But change BDD abilities to damage-absorbing-shield, like in BPM Personally I was divided between this ^, and "leaving it as is. But clear on Combat End. And add kind of Forbearance Shield/Weakened Soul debuff (from WoW) for x seconds, which prevents the target from being BDDed again for the duration"
  8. It's possible but, I think this is out of scope for AntiCheese module. Also it's kind of a feature of that spell: revive and get healed for 300, and take 100 damage 15s later.
  9. This changes things. And I was wrong regarding how high it was possible to increase the healing coefficient for Unbending. (cc @Kaylon) It is +30/40% not +100+%: That said, your implementation is 75% of damage taken (sans DoTs) healed over 12s. Have you played with it? How did it feel? ----- I have assembled a list of points on which have received controversial feedback, and put them into a poll. For anyone interested, it would be great to express your view here: link to google forms poll
  10. It will last 15s. And if Fighter will use Tactical Barrage again, the new one will last 18.75s
  11. Iirc it was my idea, but your implementation)) Btw, I haven't had the chance to have a full playthrough with it. How does it feel? Have you ever wanted it to be 4/7/9 instead of 3/6/9? I think this is mainly related to FF monk With an AI behaviour you can quick switch really fast (around 10 times per second?), so having hostile effects quickly expire on your whole team is handy Ok If it feels legit despite multiple reloads/recoveries with ranged weapons, I am fine with it I was mostly thinking about: hit/crit loop chains how can fighter instantly reload his mortar when surrounded by enemies, shoot and instantly repeat, up to several times Although in practice it rarely happens. So can discard this as small cheese Mm, how about: - Blood Sacrifice cast/recovery changed from 0.8/0s to 1/1s - After using Blood Sacrifice, wizard gets a 5% penalty to HealingTaken for 60s (fixed) (staking up to 20 times), and cannot use Blood Sacrifice again for 3s ? or - After using Blood Sacrifice, wizard gets a -1 CON penalty for 30s (fixed), and cannot use Blood Sacrifice again for 3s. Blood Sacrifice cannot be used wizard has 3 or less CON Exactly) I was thinking about adding the following check: IsMeleeWeaponEquippedInPrimarySlot AND not IsRangedWeaponEquippedInSecondarySlot Btw: Whirling Strikes: activate when user has meleeWeapon in MH or OH; and have.. no disactivation condition Riposte: activates when user has meleeWeapon in MH or OH; and disactivates when there is no melee weapon in neither MH or OH
  12. Got into that 1 out of 10 it seems )) Good idea. And I didn't so yesterday! But forgot today... How does 7 wounds cost feel during actual gameplay? Isn't it a bit high? On the other hand I feel that WotW shouldn't be usable back to back --- Btw, I was also thinking about something like this: (for CP.Extra, or as a trinket effect): fighter's Power Strike: discipline cost decreased from 4 to 3, but it costs 1 more for 12s after use fighter's Charge: discipline cost decreased from 2 to 1, but it costs 2 more for 12s after use barbarian's Heart of Fury: rage cost decreased from 4 to 3, but it costs 1 more for 12s after use ranger's Twin Shot: bond cost decreased from 2 to 1, but it costs 1 more for 12s after use A minor bonus to run slower out of resources (unless you spam the same thing) It feels a bit cheesy that you can apply Brand Enemy/Gouging Strike/True Love's Kiss, go outside, come back few hours later and kill the boss in that non-interactive way. I am totally ok for the DoTs to be infinite, but let it be an active fight, no? You mean that if the second point works (and can no longer prolong self-buffs by draining infinite effects on enemies) there is no need for that first change? How does the following sound?: - instead of draining 1s and extending buffs on self by 1s per tick; wall will now drain 2s from enemy, and extend buffs on self by 1s per tick (per affected enemy) That's an idea But still, being able to cast stolen spells unlimitedly till the end of combat is kinda strong Most likely I'll just ignore the issue, except for what was already done: "removing Grimoire Imprints from those grimoires". And since that change is not retro-active it will only affect new playthroughs. And players will be able to learn those spells on level up
  13. @Mods there is a recuring problem with long replies. I have just wrote a looong reply (with ~10 quotes), submitted it, and BAM, nothing No error, but no new post in the thread either
  14. Judging by official patch notes, none of the fixes from UpMod were included. I haven't played PoE1 for few years, and haven't tried the last version of the game with CommunityPatch mod. It will either load and work fine, or will crash instantly or soon enough. I am not sure yet if I'll have the time for that. If it will be enough to recompile - then maybe. But no promises
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