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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/19 in all areas

  1. And the whole discussion made me think of Andrew Ryan. I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a game dev not entitled to the sweat of his brow? No, says the man at Valve. He should be happy if people are willing to buy it at merely 50% off during the Steam Summer sale. No, says the man at Humble. He should be happy if it gets in a $1 Bundle. No, says the man on the torrent site. He should settle for my appreciation. (also, No says melkathi, I'll ask Shady for a key in the Giveaway thread, because people are not grabbing enough of those keys)
    9 points
  2. I will start my actual ultimate run on stream today. (after a couple of days of testing)
    6 points
  3. [minor editorialising] I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Epic Games Store. A vendor where the artist would not fear the distributor's cut; where the publisher would not be bound by petty morality; where the great would not be constrained by GabeN! And with the redistributable binaries of your software and a signed guaranteed minimum sales agreement, EGS can become your store as well.
    6 points
  4. Ok, I think I did them all. If I missed one please let me know. After a last round of feedback I will begin with the corrections/refinement/younameit. I think nobody (except Phenomenum) said anything about the Paladin subclasses yet - or did I miss it?
    4 points
  5. Shady is a veritable saint.
    4 points
  6. I bought a new truck. I went with the GMC Sierra 1500. off road & towing package. I have an appointment tomorrow to get the bed coating and cover put on. Jeez it's expensive to buy a vehicle these days
    3 points
  7. Yes, there is a story and a main quest but there's very little (read: almost zero) guidance. You wake up crucified in a desert literally naked (if you have full nudity on) except for a bracelet on your wrist. Conan comes along, frees you, then wanders off. There are people you can talk to, messages you can find, and mysterious stones with runes on them that will speak to you, giving you exposition and filling in parts of the puzzle of what you should be trying to do. The game never clobbers you over the head with this, though. There's no giant arrow telling you which way to go, no exclamation points on your map showing quest givers, at least not on normal difficulty (maybe on easy the game has some guidance?). When someone tells you about some place, it doesn't magically appear on your map, they may give you a vague direction like "north" or a description of the surrounding landscape, finding the place is up to you. There is story and lore in the game, but the game does very little (read: nearly nothing) to make sure you find said story and lore. Conan Exiles is sort of what Bethesda wanted Fallout 76 to be... and horribly failed at.
    2 points
  8. I'm outside minneapolis with a house/mortgage and everything. Jesus I joined this board 14 years ago. I feel old.
    2 points
  9. The problem in theory is the perceived value of the product. While you are paying less and the publisher/developer getting the same, your expectations of what a good pre-order deal is may be altered. So in the future, when Epic isn't offering that deal anymore, your expectations will be for a better deal than the publisher/developer were prepared to offer.
    2 points
  10. This is pretty much perfect. https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/thin-ice
    2 points
  11. First the Beatles now this!
    2 points
  12. Seconded and thirded—this community patch is the best thing (and I’m including sliced bread)
    2 points
  13. Thanks for al the work guys, when this is finished it will enlighten many generations to come!
    2 points
  14. Green Man gaming did crazy pre-order sales when they started out. I got XCOM 2: war of the chosen in a flash deal ... 35% off on pre-order?
    2 points
  15. I've been playing through Neverwinter Nights 1, 2 and Mask of The Betrayer (but not Storm of Zehir), It's been on my bucket list for a few years and I've tried starting a few times, but never managed to get far - mostly due to the horrible graphics :D But stuck through this time, with a druid in all games - and thoroughly enjoyed it! MoTB was not as spectacular as I remembered (but still great) and NWN2:OC was actually a lot better than I remembered. I think Lord of The Rings and High Fantasy attrition was an issue when it was released. Today everything is pretty grimdark, so the campy style seemed more refreshing.
    2 points
  16. I skipped the last Season of True Blood and while I liked the Psych ending I didn't think it stuck the landing well enough. Castle is another show I watched to completion but didn't really like the end of but in that case, I believe they shot different endings in case the show got renewed. I didn't like the Voyager, House, or the X-Files finales either and I'm now realizing I've just dropped a few other shows before the end came like with Scrubs, Babylon 5, and the aforementioned True Blood. Elementary is ending after the upcoming season so we'll see how that goes. I don't remember the end of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air even though I'm sure I've seen it
    1 point
  17. Not at all, without spoiling anything I thought it was great they had a definite ending without the need to chase down every loose end.
    1 point
  18. The only episode of GoT I liked this season was episode 2. Bryan Cogman should've written far more episodes, it's pretty obvious he's the only one of them who really likes the books. I think the characters endings will be similar in the books (if they're ever written), but with far better character development, and buildup. When it comes to shows ending well I have Breaking Bad, The Wire and The Sopranos as the holy trinity.
    1 point
  19. So... been gone a while. Lost my job last month, have an offer letter for a new job (about 7k less per year). Added another cat to my family and am examining my options for the future. Have four more interviews this week that I'm hoping turn into something, and I need to replace my 20 year old acrua integra with something newer. Hopefully the interview with a dealership for an Ops Administrator will get me some traction.
    1 point
  20. Nope. I was forced to implement additional condition scripts to make it work stable in our CP.
    1 point
  21. Go for the composition, you are attracted to / want to It is more important to like the party)
    1 point
  22. I did like TNG final episode. And the Psych one. Best ending for a series for me has to go to Newhart though.
    1 point
  23. ^ You can PM me, Phenomenum, or post them here) I was initially imagining paladin icons in a different way. But those ideas were vague. So I gave it a few days. But you know, now after a fresh look, your paladin icons started to grow on me.
    1 point
  24. Is there any right wing stooge that isn't a Putin puppet?
    1 point
  25. Fresh Prince of Bel Air had great ending.
    1 point
  26. Continuing to have a Nights Watch after the Wall is breached and the very thing it was supposed to do is no longer needed is like hiring a security guard AFTER the bank burned to the ground. And that isn't even the most nonsensical thing about the way it ended.
    1 point
  27. Hating the Agile way of thinking at work. Okay, unfair. But essentially is this https://blog.frankel.ch/agile-cargo-cult/
    1 point
  28. ESO with Elsweyr expansion. Made a new character (necromancer, the new class). So far, its fun. Can see a dragon flying around on the map. Think he's supposed to be a group boss. Haven't tried anything with him yet. One thing I don't like about the ESO expansions is that they automatically plop you down in the latest expansion even though they happen in chronological order. They need a legacy mode where you start out in the Coldharbour like the game originally had it. As it is you don't know about the civil war, the planemeld, or Molag Bal because for all intents and purposes those things have already happened even though for a new character you haven't even stared them.
    1 point
  29. Paladin subclasses: great, Boeroer. Makes me want to play a Kind Wayfarer instead of good old Goldpact Knight.
    1 point
  30. Traveling Order of Pain, 5 x helwalker . 5x WotW could end all encounters. And 5 x resonant touch
    1 point
  31. There is always more cats in dark alleys and at the bottom of a dungeon if you need em ... just don't go looking for them on Gorecci Street.
    1 point
  32. I've been playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I was really enjoying it until after the troll lair. Now... I'm not really sure what to do? Am I just waiting for the next curse event? Feeling pretty directionless, wandering around just filling in gaps in the roads. Really killing my interest in the game, like it just ground to a halt. By the time the story picks up again I fear I'll forget what I'm supposed to care about. Also doing some Choice of Games stuff from my backlog. A Study in Steampunk was decent enough. On to Versus: The Lost Ones, from the guy who did the rather excellent Heroes Rise series.
    1 point
  33. i'll bet that without fleshmender or a blackjacket you'll still run out of weapon slots. there's a lot of damage to do (except for maybe sigilmater auranic). in one of my test boss fights i completely destroyed a weapon slot with a legendary weapon in it, and that's basically 2 exceptional weapon slots (i'm assuming a linear decay rate). remember that when i have bad RNG my scordeo's edge will accumulate 2 broken levels from legendary just from trying to proc blade cascade on a spiritual ally, and that's not a lot compared to a megaboss.
    1 point
  34. Yeah, running out of cats is always bad. Little chance of that happening in Deadfire.
    1 point
  35. Nope, Brujah. I having lots of fun punching people into bloody pulps. Dance moves of the century
    1 point
  36. Am I the only one who didn't find the final episode bad? Yes, there was lot of room for improvement, but I still enjoyed it. Same goes for the whole last season. In the end I still think it was good television show.
    1 point
  37. My Death Star Fortress is starting to come together: I intended to have it come to a smooth point, but the limitations of how far out I could build from the cliff wall and not being able to flip corner ramp pieces upside down forced me to alter the design a bit. From above: On the side closer you can see the vertical elevator that is the main means of entry. On the far side is a placeholder horizontal elevator that will connect to a future structure. I may need to move it a bit since I doubt I'll be able to build that far out, but we'll see. The bottom floor immediately after stepping off the elevator: All the floors in my fortress are double height. Here I'm standing on what will be the top covered floor: The area above will be an open rooftop terrace with a tower and likely some awnings for shade. Once I finish the main building, before I begin on the tower, I'll likely set building aside for a while and go on an adventuring/exploration run. Between my Flawless Hykarian Raider Armor, Flawless Heater Shield, and Flawless Cimmerian Steel War Axe, I'm armed and armored to the teeth and ready for action. As an aside, the building pieces are from the Treasures of Turan DLC, the one DLC I purchased for the game. I got it because they're the most opulent looking building pieces. I'm living oil sheik style, except in my kingdom men & women have equal rights. And by equal rights, I mean the right to do as I command. My national motto is "Work Hard. Orgy Harder."
    1 point
  38. It sure got to be the only episode of the series that had me checking news on my phone while it was running. The entire season felt like a recent Zack Snyder movie. Visually bleak and undersaturated while both far too long and missing too many important scenes and events to make sense. That was Batman v Superman level of impressive. In all the wrong ways. I'd give it half a Mass Effect.
    1 point
  39. I just tried it out: 6 stacks: -24% 15 stacks: -44% 20 stacks: -51% You get the picture... Even with Gunner (-20%), Heating Up (-50%), Rushed Reload (-50%) and 20 stacks of Opening Barrage active at the same time (-51%) I'm not even close to 0 seconds reload. Those stacks don't simply get added - but are all seperate recovery time reductions that also run out individually. You need to be able to shoot really fast, have a lot of INT or abuse SoT or Draining Wall in order to even get to 20 stacks.
    1 point
  40. How many Losts was that episode?
    1 point
  41. Someone already did a full run of the ultimate:
    1 point
  42. I swear I remember seeing Sagani as a pale elf somewhere else, but I couldn't find anything searching for it ... oh well! Here is one:
    1 point
  43. I'm still unable to test things, so I can't test this myself, but: Rakhan field boots can be used on yourself, out of combat, and are per-encounter, meaning they recharge after a second. I don't believe Woedica's challenge should change that, because it only applies to the character abilities as far as I know and not abilities from equipment. So Rakhan field boots + shroud of the phantasm + salvation of time could be a way to get long brilliant without either using tactician or wall of draining. Apologies if someone already brought this up, I skimmed the thread and didn't see it.
    1 point
  44. Well, her action in POE "betrayed" the ducs and the republic. She was disowned and lost everything that mattered to her. I would almost have expected her to pull an Alistair and become a drunkard. Then they take her back. No wonder she becomes even more dedicated. She's not gonna let the ducs down again.
    1 point
  45. Before a ship raid - "Die quickly, so I have time to bed your mother." Ouuuch. The fight was over before it begain. Rock Stomper, you employ a mean crew.
    1 point
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