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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/22 in all areas

  1. J. Rhenquist, back in the 1992, penned a dissent to a case which upheld the right o' the hare krishnas to handout flyers at airports. one aspect o' the former chief Justice's argument were relating to the public forum doctrine-- Rhenquist curious suggested that analogizing airports to 18th century shipping ports were a mistake. airports did not exist in 1789, so the founders could not possible have recognized 'em as public fora. serious. now obvious most o' the originalist Justices, 'cept maybe clarence thomas, ain't so obtuse as Rhenquist were pretending to be. after all, take such ridiculous logic to its obvious conclusion and semi-automatic rifles and handguns would be excluded from Second Amendment protections, and those originalists didn't wanna extend the syllogism that far, yes? minieball weapons woulda' been beyond the scope o' founder's imagination. regardless, the not-activist members o' the Court have situational been doing the silliness represented in your cartoon since at least the 1980s... which would actual be ok if they were 100% consistent. sure, the comical if it didn't exist in 1789 bit is extreme, but we got no problem with limiting fundamental rights to what is described in the Constitution and its Amendments, 'cause otherwise you got the most undemocratic collection in the federal government deciding which rights is gonna be bootstrapped to Constitutionality based on little more than a public policy analysis... which is exact what Congress exists to do. the Court is not fit for such value judgements. the problem we got is the current history and tradition analysis advanced by Alito and thomas is selective insofar as questioning whether a right were recognized in 1789... or 1868. is complicated 'cause 1868 is when you got fourteenth amendment adoption. (an admitted not helpful link to incorporation provided.) regardless, Alito and thomas is playing fast and loose with law and history to the advantage o' those who were the majority o' the electorate in 1789 and 1868-- white, male, christian, etc. worse, the new Court majority is being transparent with its intellectual dishonesty, applying originalism in absolutist terms when doing so favours current gop values, but ignoring when such an analysis would achieve less than favourable conclusions. 'tween the shadow docket excesses we has lamented previous and the new brand o' weaponized originalism adopted by the majority, am hardly recognizing the s'posed not- activist members o' the Court. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  2. I bet, you are just one of the many, especially in the East In other news, three more warehouses were blown up this night, and if I count right, 3-5 warehouses made kaboom day before I really hope US would unlock the maximum range for HIMARS sooner or later, to allow Ukrainians to make some strategical adjustments to Kerch Bridge Oh and to everybody else, if you are into confirmed statistics, and how it correlates to the numbers provided to medias, I have found yesterday one very interesting analytic from Iceland. Looks like Russian casualties spiked to almost double the amount after the capture of Lysychansk... The visually confirmed losses have risen to 4.4 : 1 in 30 day average, up from 3.8 : 1 in all time average. The 7 day average is currently at 4.9 : 1
    2 points
  3. She rarely lives long enough to cast much though. Inconvenience of being the only DPS in a squad of tanks under surprise attack...
    2 points
  4. Hehe. All I'll say is this: Based on the Drake Equation and the number of Goldilocks exoplanets we've already been able to identify, the statistical odds that we would be alone in the universe are ridiculously improbably low. But given the vastness of the universe, there's a huge difference between intelligent alien life existing out there versus intelligent alien life visiting earth. Beyond this I'd be willing to go only after I retire in about five years from now or space aliens reveal themselves to us, whichever comes first.
    2 points
  5. The skeleton are numerous and they have engagement. So that alone will stop enemies right in their tracks (because movement stops when getting engaged). Their weapons don't scale with level so their damage will be absolutely pathetic at some point. But they count as allies and vessels which can be used to your advantage. For example: every killed skeleton in the party gives a single class Paladin with Devine Retribution 2 points of Zeal. And with Ancient Brittle Bones you can summon a lot of skeletons... You can also kill them yourself with the sabre Grave Calling and either create imps from them or produce a foe-only Chillfop (depending on the enchantment route).
    1 point
  6. The phantom is definitely not the uber spell it was in PoE 1 (because phantoms aren't uber). I do believe the skellies are better. Not so much for their damage as for the fact that you need to kill them six nine times (with Ancient Brittle Bones). The AI can waste a lot of attention on them.
    1 point
  7. I strongly recommend that you invest in Reny Daret's Ghost Spake, "I'll Catch You, Ben Fidel" and it's upgrade. Being able to frighten foes and debuff all their defenses is fantastic. While At the Sound of His Voice is great for the paralysis debuff, there's no point investing in the upgrade if you're also going to get the former invocation.
    1 point
  8. Have you opened twitter lately? Because that isn't true in anyway. In case of Musk, it seem that he has multiple time breached his contract with twitter and according to Musk breaching contracts is one of the worst offence people can do. Although I think for him this and his political tweets lately have just been form of marketing as he is building his image as person who stands against leftist, so that people who have vowed that they will never buy electric car and see fossil fuels as way of future are now switching their cars to Tesla in order to own liberals. I mean conservatives are one of the biggest untapped market for electric cars in USA and Musk seems that found way to get millions of them buy Tesla as their next car.
    1 point
  9. Every Chinese has memorized ARt of War and is a master of kung fu. They will wreck up your **** good
    1 point
  10. I think you see it more often with upscaling turned on, since at their base level they can't cast a lot of these spells. One of the more fun scenarios I had was where I had even more upscaling than usual modded in (up to 10 levels upscaling), then visited Poko Kahara at a high level. In the mass skeleton fight all of the skeleton archers started spamming Ranger's Binding Roots on me. I was not expecting my entire party being immobilized.
    1 point
  11. Yes but most effective armies need experience in warfare. What wars have the Chinese been involved in in the last 30 years or so, battle experience matters. Thats one of the reasons the US is the worlds most powerful military, its not just the funding. Its the 20 years of the War on Terror and how the US has learnt lessons and refined its military strategies These new US missiles, whatever you call them, supplied to the Ukrainians are doing some damage to the Ruskies. Artillery matters in this war
    1 point
  12. You clever people, of course illegal aliens are real, everyone knows this ....stop trying to fool us Most of the men in both my UK and SA family are committed atheists\agnostics and my dad doesnt believe in anything unless science can prove it and what science cant prove he says one day they will. So their is no room in his world view for ghosts, faeries and supernatural events But my parents were divorced and my mom raised us and my mom was more " well maybe aliens exist, you never know " My dad had this bad habit of using extreme logic and investment banker thinking to dismiss things we use to ask him and I remember asking him questions like " how do you know aliens arent true, what about all these sightings " And he would respond with something like " why would an intelligent form of life capable of traveling and somehow bypassing the known laws of light and speed come to our planet and only appear in front of Farmer Joe in his corn field in Wyoming ....do you know how ridiculous that sounds " My dads never really understood or appreciated fantasy
    1 point
  13. Tales from Earthsea (2006). Hey, maybe it's not as bad as I thought it was when I watched it, time to go into it with a clean slate once again. ...Or maybe I just wanted to watch Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind last out of these lot, so I could end on a high note, . "I sense the Light dimming, Your Majesty." "The Light?" "The Light of the Balance that sustains the world." Four and a half minutes in, and I already know this isn't going to go well because of these lines. It's not just because of how dumb it sounds, but the context of it as well: this is the wise king talking to his loyal archmage, and "The Light" and "The Balance" sure sound like important concepts in this world...that apparently the king has never even heard of. There are ways to introduce these concepts (even as boilerplate as they are) to the viewer, and using the king and his archmage just ain't it. Once again, at least I'm watching in Japanese so I don't have to actually hear this stuff out loud. The Byzantine-ish fashion of the royalty looks nice, though...not that they stick around for long, what with Prince Patricide running the show.
    1 point
  14. Looks like Elon Musk isn't buying Twitter any more. Not exactly surprising, it has to be the most overvalued entity on the planet. Though ironically Tesla would be one of its main rivals for that position.
    1 point
  15. This looks kinda awful. At the rate they're making these Middle Earth games I can't wait to play as Tom Bombadilo in a harem visual novel in 2030. "I remember the first acorn," is probably his go-to pickup line.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. visual are very fancy gameplay sounds very boring
    1 point
  18. Surprise – Again! NASA Spacecraft Reveals Asteroid Bennu Is Not What It Seemed
    1 point
  19. Was is it not Staling who was ally to Hitler? Didn't Russia attacked Poland first? I might have missed something in school...
    1 point
  20. Excellent point. If oil and gas sales were all it took to have a great economy, Venezuela would be a paradise.
    1 point
  21. Rude. Kazakhstan is a pretty nice looking place. And they don't just live in mud huts either.
    1 point
  22. I had some Ginja that some friends brought back from their trip to Lisbon
    1 point
  23. I like post apocalyptic still. But I agree, if this game was post apocalyptic AND retro futurism, it would be just a fallout clone. Better to switch it up a little
    1 point
  24. We need to get you a show on the History Channel. Edit: Some context for our non-American forumites: The History Channel is a TV channel whose content is largely comprised of shows talking about crackpot conspiracy theories. I'm not gonna lie, I find some of those shows highly entertaining, but I watch them with a shipping container full of grains of salt.
    1 point
  25. Beauty: Beast: You're a bobblehead on the "overworld" map bits. Also, I like my hat. "Well that's rather random."
    1 point
  26. Things started going wrong for me with XCOM 2 when as a rookie in the very first mission, the hit chance against a standard enemy at point blank range was less than 100%. Very much unlike the first game. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty else I ended up disliking about the game, but the net result: - XCOM 1: four-digit hours invested. - XCOM 2: one campaign for under 50 hours played. So it was very much a conscious decision on Jake's part to increase the RNG in the sequel (and then wonder why everyone just used explosives instead of guns). Oh god, they're going to make 50% the hard cap in that Marvel game aren't they?
    1 point
  27. Here's how I created my very own ship of the damned. First, I only took sailors with bad traits (greedy, murderous, cruel, etc.) and put them on the biggest ship they could barely handle so they all had to work double shifts. Then I blew all my gold so I couldn't pay them. Then I threw all the food and water overboard. Then I kept sailing into storms and choosing all the stupidest things, "let's open all the windows", "sure let's eat this barrel of rotten fish", etc. I also removed all of my companions in case the sailors were intimidated by them. Then we just sailed back and forth across the map until eventually one of them killed the cook and I chose an Intimidation check that I knew I'd fail. Then I felt bad and reloaded.
    1 point
  28. Samurai Champloo 15 After getting more money than they are used to have, Jin and Mugen decide to spend the night in a place Fuu can’t go. They end up getting more than they paid for. Samurai Champloo 16-17 The three part ways again after another attempt at discussing the sunflower samurai. Fuu meets with a mysterious guy, while Jin and Mugen get busy with other people in the area, all of which seem to want somebody dead.
    0 points
  29. True. That's what makes me like it even more. That sort of setting has more potential since post apoc has been done to death at this point.
    0 points
  30. Stalker 2 is up for preorder at GOG. Apart from the obviously placeholder release date of Dec31 2023 it means it's gone from being a DRM infested NFT delivery system to not having DRM at all in... 6 months?
    0 points
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