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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/21 in all areas

  1. I'm so happy to see that you're still working on this mod (and Elric's mod of course) and still finding ways to improve the game. This is the version of deadfire that people should play, thank you so much!!
    4 points
  2. Really Phenomenum has contacted me with a list of gathered feedback, and we decided to release an update. You have caught us during description update) v2.0.0 files are uploaded now. And here is the list of included changes: It's been awhile. How ya doin Boeroer? I like the idea of scaling bashing shields, and think it should be so from the start. And if you are ok with that, we could include it into a new and separate "MakersPack" sub-mod of CommunityPatch, which we might release in mid-late Spring. Of course: if and only if we will have enough of free time to implement it. --- Also I'd like to double check bash shields stats: The Best Defense: small shield attack time: 0.7s + 4.0s base damage: 7-10 pierce/crush base penetration: 8 doesn't benefit from Transcending Suffering Tuotilo's Palm: small shield attack time: 0.5s + 3.0s base damage: 8-10 crush base penetration: 7 (or 3 with adjustment) does benefit from Transcending Suffering Magran's Blessing: medium shield attack time: 0.7s + 4.0s base damage: 11-15 crush/burn base penetration: 7 doesn't benefit from Transcending Suffering And for reference we have: Regular Mace: attack time: 0.7s + 4.0s base damage: 11-15 crush base penetration: 9 Regular War Hammer: attack time: 0.7s + 4.0s base damage: 11-15 crush/pierce base penetration: 8 Regular Club: attack time: 0.5s + 3.0s base damage: 10-14 crush base penetration: 7 ----- I will need to think about this more; but at the moment The Best Defense shield looks like it could have it's damage increased (to match it's speed); but Penetration lowered by 1. I think it should be hard to "penetrate" or "over-penetrate" with a shield.
    4 points
  3. I loved PoE one (was pretty pissed about the ending though), but I just gotta say Deadfire is a masterpiece. The changes to combat, the character interactions, ships, the graphics. Absolutely A++ work. And you brought Eder back even, everyone's fave, and some how made him better. Xoti's awesome too, hoping to buy her a drink later, see if she's interested in a little reaping. Cheers, and thanks, Monjoie
    3 points
  4. How to Watch Live: NASA Drops Perseverance Rover on Mars. 8:55pm UST tomorrow. Be there or be square.
    3 points
  5. Well, story is a big case of "your mileage may vary". I thought the main story was pretty darn good, just frayed a bit at the endings (imho) because they really wanted to set it up for continuation in a certain way instead of taking it to its logical conclusion. Most of the characters are also very well done, and believable, with motivations that make sense based on what you know about them. An example is the way Jackie, which presents like a typical "mr cool", handles the stress when you're on The Heist. Annoyed the hell out of me, but it was very ... human in a way I feel most characters in The Witcher lack. I'm not generally a fan of having a voiced character, but I have to admit that in this case the voiced main character really helps to put some emotion in some moments that would likely lack such otherwise (at least with the female voice). Will be interesting to see how the male voice does (wasn't too fond of it at first, hence why I started with the female one) The way the game handles choice & consequence is also very well executed, in the sense that it is, in the majority of circumstances, unnoticeable. Many quests have consequences based on how, or even if you do them, but in many cases you'll never notice unless you happen to do something differently (or in a different order) on another playthrough (or because you redo things differently because...bugs ) as many of these consequences can be subtle, and only visible a long way down the road. Many of the side jobs, for example, lead to different results in other side jobs based simply on whether you go non-lethal or lethal (eg. murder everyone, and their friends in a future job won't be amenable to talking, while otherwise you wouldn't have had to fight in said future job, for example. Of course, you could be doing them in a different order, and not even notice the possible interaction at all) There are of course choices that have obvious repercussions, but then again, some things that would seem like they'd obviously have repercussions, don't. Like ... The majority of quests also don't have an obvious good/best outcome. There's quite a few (most?) where you get to pick between bad, and worse. But which is which is then often debatable. Hell, in some of them arguably not getting involved is the better outcome. The main story is fairly linear, but in a way that didn't feel forced. The circumstances are just created in such a way that you don't really have a choice (which I prefer over artificially taking choice away). Though depending on your actions you will only have access to a subset of endings and there will be variations in how you actually get there (and how they play out). It's also well shorter, but a lot more focused than Witcher 3's story. If you really rush it you can probably be done with CP2077 in a very short amount of time. I wouldn't have minded the main quest chain being longer, as long as it didn't meander like Witcher 3's. Think I'd honestly have preferred more substantial (optional) side content (and more interaction between blocks, see later) over a longer main questline for CP2077. And yeah, they didn't want to lock people out of any endings, so you can basically pick whichever one you want as long as you meet the conditions (I think there's only 2 endings, out of five, that are not missable though). I didn't particularly mind this approach (but, as mentioned, I do have reservations about how some of them play out) Where I do take some issue with the game is how there's basically three "content blocks": there's the main story (intertwined with Johnny's), there's the love interests, and there's "the city" (side quests, NCPD call signs, etc). A fourth is, imho, missing for "V's friends", most of which have really nothing to say, or do, after their "part" is played (since there's only really 2 people, outside of the ones already mentioned, that know "what's up", that's a bit of a shame, but I digress). And fwiw I'm referring to: The problem I have with these "blocks" is that they don't really interact , they feel like entirely separate entities, that are very well done in their own right, but only overlap at very well defined points (if at all). The further into the game I got the more noticeable this became. There's not really any points where helping someone in a side quest ("city"-block) impacts how the main quest goes (not even in minor ways), and vice-versa: for the main quest "the city" feels like just a backdrop. Moreover none of the (possible) LIs ever comment on any of the (major) side quests either (for some of them, like Johnny's, that's a serious bummer), or hell most barely even comment on your "situation". As for gameplay, there's still ways to get around, I got double jump rather late and am seriously regretting that choice. Managed to get into some interesting places with it. But yes, combat is extremely unbalanced, especially hacking ends up being killer since there's not really any level scaling, so if you are level capped before starting the final quests there's not really any challenge to be found (the only reason I didn't one shot the "big bad" was because he has an invulnerability phase). Only way you can die is if some enemy sniper gets lucky with a critical head shot, and that probably wouldn't even happen if some of the attributes actually worked (some of the defensive attributes apparently just don't work). Crafting is also broken as hell in a few ways, on one end you can create stupendously overpowered gear (especially weapons), on the other hand it's ridiculously expensive to upgrade early game gear to keep it relevant in the endgame. So you're sometimes better of trying to do certain things as late as possible, just to avoid the upgrade costs. Not exactly desirable imho (not that you need any of that gear to get by, at least on normal) Another thing that's brought up constantly is the "police system". I played as a mercenary, not a petty thief or a lunatic, and I triggered it not even 5 times in 130hours. There honestly is no reason to ever steal vehicles from innocents at all, aside from "because I can", since you can summon yours whenever, and wherever, and if you can't, there's gangs all over with vehicles that you can grab without repercussions. The focus on this system by gamers, and reviewers alike is a bit baffling (well, CDPR promised, but still), game's not GTA and at this point I feel they would have been better off not adding a police system at all just to get rid of all the GTA comparisons. Now, granted, if actually using cars you'll probably end up killing innocents all over since driving (which is only sort of tolerable with a controller), and traffic AI, suck. The simplest workaround I found is to just use a motorcycle. You get one of the best ones in the game for free early on anyway and it bypasses the majority of the issues with traffic. Stealth, well, I put 3 points in "Cool" (aka Stealth) and managed to sneak my way through pretty much everything with that and a high hacking skill. Can't say I minded, but wouldn't call it balanced Still, the technical, and gameplay, issues are likely to get worked out, the story related stuff, much less likely. Welp, that became a tad longer than I intended (and there's a load more I could cover, but, err, let's not ). Imho the game's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be, and in a lot better shape (at least on PC) than many prior games games that didn't receive this level of flak (looking at you, Fallout: New Vegas), if nothing else I do hope CDPR continues down this road, fixing up the obvious issues (bugs, broken mechanics, balacing) but leaving the things that do work alone (c&c, storytelling,...)
    3 points
  6. Returned to work after time off, only made it 5 minutes into daily conference call before urge to kill self returned. Was pretty funny though, seems even after all this time of WFH people still don't know to mute themselves, invest in a cheap headset so there's no massive echo when they speak. People figuring out the way a list works is still an issue, but given up on that (sure Jeff, just join and talk about your item at #14 when we are on #2...). At least no one breathing heavily, on this call.
    2 points
  7. Deal. I doubt that @MaxQuest have any objections. Yes, Max? It's a COMMUNITY Patch after all. I also downloaded and started to use Shields Bash Fix. Only Tuotillo adjustment is questionable: we might gather this shield very early, at lvl. 5-6 and at this moment Tuotilo's Palm looks worse than other bash shields. So i deleted penalties for the moment to play a while without adjustment. Still haven't strong opinion, but maybe penalties is too harsh... don't know.
    2 points
  8. Speakin of... I'd like to see Carnage and Powder Burns Indicators as part of CP. Great and big job (i was too lazy for this) and a must have QoL mod.
    2 points
  9. "It's a birthmark" "What do you mean?" "He was born with it" Best dialogue.
    2 points
  10. Just my 2 cents, but Balance Polishing Mod tweaked Magran's Blessing and Best Offense to align their base damages with Tuotilo's Palm's. Tuotilio's is faster but is based on Unarmed which is also faster than regular 1 hander and requires a specific talent. That leads 7-10 damages 7 PEN for both shields. The only difference is that Tuotilo's scaling is based on Monastic Unarmed Training / Transcendant Suffering while the other 2 is based on (Noqn's) quality scaling. (EDITED because I needed to remind the values and reasoning behind it)
    2 points
  11. Deltro's Cage Helmet shouldn't trigger Deathblows on spells. It will say so in the log (but with every spell done as a Rogue with Deathblows - with or without the helmet iirc) but if you open the hit roll it will not have added damage. Only Assasinate will work. I believe that pre release Deathblows worked with spells like it did in PoE1 - but that it was removed in the release version. They simply forgot to fix the log entry routine maybe. Blade Feast (basically Ghost Blades + healing) from Engolerio on the other hand is a weapon effect and will get the bonus dmg from Deathblows and Sneak Attack, Legendary and so on. The combo of Assassin/Wizard with Deltro's Cage Helmet + Blade Feast is superstrong. But again:
    2 points
  12. My apologies, you are right. Attack filter is used with immunity status-effects.
    2 points
  13. All I'll say is that people thinking I'm nice is largely just because I'm an introvert with no desire to waste my time embroiled in conflict, even over the internet. But I think the only danger I represent is boring something to death. ...I've only met 'net folks a few times (individuals vs. gatherings). It's never what you expect, but it's always interesting.
    2 points
  14. Very true. The really nice thing about forbidden fist builds is that you get your best weapon, the forbidden fist, right at the start of the game, and it gets better and better as you gain PLs. Various other weapons you can get, like Grave Calling and Seeker's Fang, are icing on the cake.
    2 points
  15. This is why it's great that you reach max level fairly early in this game though. When I'm playing a character that wants a SSS item I certainly don't wait until I'm done with 99% of the game. It's more around 70-80% so there's still lots to do with the item. That's why I disagree with the opinion that leveling is too fast in the game. Peaking early means that you get to target endgame gear to use in the rest of the endgame. That said, if your build really relies on one of these items to be good then that's a bummer. Best case scenario is if you have endgame gear that substantially improves your build so you have something to look forward to, as you said.
    2 points
  16. I agree almost word for word with what was written here. The game really is not as bad as it's made out to be. I enjoyed a fair amount despite it's flaws. Some of the side missions are amazing pieces of storytelling, more so than the main story (although I liked main story as well).
    2 points
  17. If it doesn't have interpretive dance, it will suck more
    1 point
  18. While the suggestion has merit until anything is done the plant leaf with an associated color can be a temporary solution for plant based raw material. For bugs i use the ant symbol and a matching color for small bugs, and the spider symbol and matching color for larger bugs. For liquids either the tear drop or splatter symbol and a color can work. For rocks you can use the crumb or diamond and a color. The other thing to do is use the tool symbol and a color to represent a resource acquired by the use of that tool ex red shovel would be your clay box.
    1 point
  19. For riposte build, you want to max RES no matter what. Each point invested in is better than the precedent. There is different class combination that work well : Rogue : have a build in riposte (it's better with the community patch) so you don't necessary need WOTEP. Trickster pair really well with a martial class, streetfighter very well with a spellcasting one (easy to get flanked) Blood mage : lot of insta buff with big buff to deviation, can regen spell, making them a must have for long fight if no access to brilliant. Steelgarotte : WOTEP needed, passive health with riposte + endurance aura making it hard to down. Pair extremely well with bloodmage. Cipher : you can buff your defense and massively debuff ennemy's one. regenerative ressource is a must have in long fight. Some fun combination : Steelgarotte/bloodmage with WOTEP; Streetfighter/bloodmage with WOTEP or anything else (i love concelaut draining touch + magran's shield); Trickster/soulblade with WOTEP or anything else (i use WOTEp with it); Trickster/unbroken, you can use fear+disengagement attack fwhen tired of riposte. For liberator it will be less effective as a riposte build, it's more a mobil AOE tower (nature terror + immolation)
    1 point
  20. I like that you brought The Best Defense and Magran's Blessing to the same values. But 7-10 feels a bit low for 0.7 + 4.0 speed. What do you think? That's great) Thank you for your work Noqn) No objections) I think we can add "Carnage and Powder Burns Indicators" to Basic package then. But regarding "Bashing Shields" I need more time to think about numbers. Arguments are welcome.
    1 point
  21. you are being ridiculous and am thinking you have no grasp whatsoever regarding common sense. if people by the thousands were waiting in line to get food, then how likely is it they have a week of food stored for the possible crisis which may or may not happen in a year or ten? "sorry honey. i know you are hungry, but that canned food is for an emergency." be reasonable. without heat in sub-freezing temps, your family of four living in an apartment is not gonna be able to stay warm with your propane tank. the five gallon propane will heat the food you do not have, but it won't provide real heat. 50% o' the country is upside down--they owe more than they have. a large % o' the population is living paycheck to paycheck. the elderly and the disabled and the homeless? how many veterans living on the streets with mental health issues are being ignored during best of times? think they got a propane stove and a week o' food stored somewheres? those who have means should take measures to protect themselves from disasters. reality is that many thousands in texas will not have means. so yeah, whether you admit or not, is a bootstrap lecture and you deserve same recognition as the ex-mayor highlighted recent in this thread. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  22. The way you're framing it certainly is, and the reference to Noah's ark is even more bizarre given the context of that story. You can't really shouldn't store propane tanks indoors which effectively makes them off limits for people in apartments and not everyone has the room for several gallon milk jugs or a week's worth of preserved food to deploy when necessary. Like most bootstraps lectures, it presupposes a set of conditions that aren't universally applicable and eschews systematic analysis of why things got so bad in favor of tut-tutting the people whose lives have just imploded.
    1 point
  23. I wouldn't trust what some of yall eat. I just assume everyone is a creep one way or another.
    1 point
  24. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/539408-at-least-36-deaths-now-attributed-to-severe-winter-weather-in-texas-other Not everyone has ability to get prepared for any disaster that may happen, and this goes beyond just monetary issues. I prepared well and came out alright (only about 36 hours without power), but a lot of people I know who prepared as best they could are looking at their living spaces needing extensive work before they can have running water or reliable heat. A bootstraps lecture in response to collapsing infrastructure seems like asking for an ass kicking.
    1 point
  25. Greatsword do best out of Slash or Pierce base damage. That means it isn't useless when you meet pierce or slash immune enemies No, no you have to have it equiped. However you can switch to it before casting soul shock or something. Just sayin'
    1 point
  26. Survival influences the height of the autohit-AoE debuff of Ngati's Tusk. With Survival 20 it will reduce all defenses in 2.5m base radius by 10 (iirc) without any hit roll or immunity.
    1 point
  27. Tidefall's wounding scales with MIG. It's the weapon with the highest potential dps in the game. Inspiring Radiance should be used at the start of the encounter in order to more reliably land an impactful CC/debuffing spell. Afflictions in PoE are very potent - and often making sure to land those right at the start of battle can already decide it.
    1 point
  28. I haven’t worked out firm numbers on material cost. I have made inquiries on what the bulk purchase rate for required equipment will be. I have worked out permitting, inspection, and other administrative costs as well as labor cost. I’m looking at a price point of between $1000-$1200 for a full system.
    1 point
  29. One problem - Tidefall and BotEP are in different weapon classes. Firebrand is universal so it get ACC bonus from Weapon Focus: Adventurer while Tidefall need Weapon Focus: Soldier. You either want Poleaxe, Firebrand of soulbound twohander as secondary weapon to get max out of your weapon focus Reposite is full attack IIRC. Reflection trigger only on graze, hit or crit. Also don't forget about main problematic part of DoC - she can't eat and drink. Very problematic for serious dragon fights For range weapon I LOVE blunderbuss from WM2(Silver Flash). I mean, divine mark on hit on crit + cone of blind...
    1 point
  30. There is some merit to the fact, that you can't rely 100% on 'green' energy (the methods of production, getting resources, and longevity&waste of used elements put that green to a question mark) If you have a blizzard for 5-10 days with -20C then your solar panels, and largely wind turbines, and sweet water turbines are very inefficient in producing power vs consumption to maintain them somewhat operational. The best green energy we can hope for is a nucler fusion reactors, which then could be supported by solar and turbine based energy creators (to secure and diversify sources) In EU you had countries already buying energy and CO2 permissions from other countries, where electricty is mostly fossil fuel or nucleal based, just because the green energy production suffered during this winter. I can't say I'm surprised though, to see any crisis being used to bash each other and oversimplifing causes and exaggerating impact of these simplified causes. Note: there was a snowfall even on Sahara this winter.
    1 point
  31. Still impressive what they've done with the budget they had at the time. The score in the scene is perfect. edit: The ending wasn't a dream, you might confuse that with Lost, a similarily hated ending that was at least thematically much better and fit the setting, it just, uhm, subverted expectations (in a really, really bad way) where everyone was dead already and it was revealed that the entire final season played in a weird Hindu version of purgatory before the characters come together to finally pass on to nirvana (or insert any other afterlife you might like, the show drew heavily from many religions). HIMYM's last season was about Barney marrying Robin, with the actual wedding ceremony being the second to last episode. The final episode made Ted find the love of his life (finally, after nine years!) only to kill her off in a flash-forward five minutes later, quickly coughed up Barney and Robin's divorce and had Ted get approval by his kids to get back together with "Auntie" Robin. That was actually the scene they had prepared for the end earlier, when the kids were still young. Seinfeld is something I never got into though. I don't know, something about it made it entirely unappealing. I thought about giving it another chance some time. Ah, so much to do, so little time. edit 2: The use of honorifics in Sailor Stars is super confusing. It might not be when you're more familiar with the system, but from my limited understanding...
    1 point
  32. Correct about Dethblows on spell lash. It only displays that. And sure, the build is cheesy as hell in TB mode. Less so in Real Time IMO, where its quite fragile and its action economy is far worse. Although I guess you can still use typical Wizard cheese, such as Potion of Last Stand / BDD + Wall of Draining.
    1 point
  33. Yeah, we had all the shows on TV dubbed, and unlike yours (subjective impression here), the German dubbing studios are generally high quality. Hilarity like your first Sailor Moon dub usually don't happen and there's usually also a lot less censoring going on. There was a dip in quality recently due to security and time constraints. Dubbing studios used to hold meeting where everyone involved would watch the original material and discuss the mood, their line delivery and all that. This no longer happens because they're really paranoid about losing contracts due to "piracy" (and it doesn't stop piracy anyway). I can see how that is an issue when talking about best of 80ies anime when you can't stand Japanese voice acting. You could learn German just for that, but... that seems like a lot of effort for comparatively little gain.
    1 point
  34. Wind turbines seem to work fine here in -23 degrees of Celsius (-9.4 degrees Fahrenheit), also Gas, Coal and Nuclear plants work, so I would guess that Texas' problems are caused them saving in cold resistance of their infrastructure
    1 point
  35. Yes, you are right. In any case, adding Frost kw directly to ability will be bad decision, even with hostile only, because i doubt, that ST was designed to counter anything).
    1 point
  36. I don't think I could do it either TBH
    1 point
  37. Sorry, just a typo. It's indeed a bit weird for RTwP mode with a full party, but as I understood players like @Haplokwho played such a character that's not quite the case in TB mode since you have to micro every character seperately one after the other anyway.
    1 point
  38. Well...if enemies weren't constantly surprised and distracted by his roses most of the time (as opposed to, you know, just ignoring them because they're freaking roses), he'd be a hell of a lot more ineffective, .
    1 point
  39. Oh my God I thought you were jokingOh my God I thought you were joking
    1 point
  40. the talk o' home values reminds us how much we don't wanna continue being a landlord. overall, housing prices were flat in our county in 2020, but in our specific area there were marked increases. seems that living in a relative remote bit o' civilization far from the maddening crowd sudden had appeal during the pandemic. go figure. the couple local rental properties we own saw significant increases in value this last year, but as a landlord there is always something to worry 'bout. am tired o' the headaches. am more motivated to sell. if hurl doesn't mind a +1.5 hour commute, we can likely get him into a nice 1-story, 3br/2ba, 1800sqft which backs up to greenbelt in a gated community a bit east o' sacramento. available this may. other than the prohibitive commute, downside is you would be living literal a couple hundred meters away from Gromnir. am always shocked by just how many people in our neighborhood make the commute to the bay area for work. our morning jaunts to the office were only in the +40 minute range depending on traffic. soul sucking. however, the shift to telecommuting is making it much more viable to live somewhere not the bay area even if that is where is your job... though not for hurl we s'pose. 'course the sac valley/foothills summer heat and predictable wildfires is also becoming unbearable. can't get away from it. we know a bunch o' folks who moved from ca to tx the last couple years. tx were just so much cheaper. a couple such persons never quite recovered from the great recession and retirement were gonna be either texas or mexico. other acquaintances moved to tx specific for the tax situation. am recalling one ca ex-pat bragging to us 'bout how much cheaper were their utility costs w/o the rolling summer blackouts. am a smud customer, so we didn't have any blackouts. regardless, am thinking we give it a month or two before we remind our friend o' his utility boast. probable a too soon faux pas if we needle today. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  41. "Not only will America go to your country and kill all your people. But they'll come back 20 years later and make a movie game about how killing your people made their soldiers feel sad" Be interesting to see if the game starts with some neanderthal from the 82nd using a .50 cal for crowd control, somehow I doubt it.
    1 point
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