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  1. i made a little house for the stray kitten in my yard. just a cardboard box with a plastic bag to keep it dry and a piece of an old blanket but she seems quite happy with it. she wont come out for any reason except food
    5 points
  2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4-gPlAz-X6apyE2b2tKdlxiNRIqEjMB2 Here it is, full video of my Ultimate run. I hope you do not mind non-English game language, or? Everyone welcome and free to ask, discuss, use, or exploit PS. Class: Contemplative (Helwalker + Skaen priest)
    3 points
  3. From Gorth's "shaky cam" mobile phone... Edit: Yeah, apologies for the terrible audio. You just can't capture stuff like that decently on a phone.
    3 points
  4. =================================== The Valkyrie of Gaun, Ultimate Edition =================================== Difficulty: PotD v5.0.0.0040 -------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Contemplative (Harvester of Gaun + Sister of the Reaping Moon) -------------------------------------------------------------- Race: Meadow-Savannah Human -------------------------------------------------------------- Background: Readceras (Farmer) -------------------------------------------------------------- Stats (char creation, no Berath's Blessings): MIG: 11 CON: 12 DEX: 15 PER: 12 INT: 14 RES: 11 -------------------------------------------------------------- Active Skill: Athletics (!) Passive Skill: Religion (!) -------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Proficiencies: Small Shield (a) Dagger (a) Hatchet (a) Crossbow (a) Quarterstaff War Bow ® Greatsword ® Flail Arbalest -------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities (a=auto, r=recommended, !=important) PL1 Priest Blessed Harvest (a) Restoration (a) Suppress Affliction Monk Swift Strikes (a) Force of Anguish PL2 Priest Withdraw (a) Spiritual Weapon Monk Clarity of Agony Common Two Handed Style ® Weapon and Shield Style PL3 Priest Vile Thorns (a) Consecrated Ground ® Dire Blessing (!) Monk Swift Flurry (!) Efficient Anguish PL4 Priest Circle of Protection (a) Devotions for the Faithful (!) Monk Thunderous Blows ® Duality of Mortal Presence (!) Rooting Pain (!) PL5 Priest Wicked Briars (a) Revive the Fallen ® Barring Death’s Door (!) Practiced Healer ® Monk Enervating Blows PL6 Priest Minor Intercession (a) Salvation of Time (!) Monk Turning Wheel (!) Iron Wheel (!) Common Improved Critical ® PL7 Priest Wall of Thorns (a) Resurrection (!) Cleansing Flame Monk Heartbeat Drumming (!) --------------------------------------------------------------- Items (*=additional enchantments; !=important, r=recommended): Weapon set 1: The Twin Eels (Renewal*!) (!) Weapon set 2: Saint Omaku’s Mercy (Sacrifice of Saints*!, Galawain’s Harry*) (!) Chest: Furrante’s Breastplate (Love of Life*!, Intervention*!) Helmet: Helm of the Falcon ® Amulet: Bone Setter’s Torc (!) Trinket: Waidwen's Sundial Cloak: Nemnok’s Cloak (!) Gloves: Hylea’s Talons ® Ring: Halgot’s Warmth (!) Ring: Voidward ® Belt: The Undying Burden (!) Boots: Footprints of Ahu Taka (!) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Xoti is one of the most maligned Companions in the game for many reasons, not least of which concerns her role in the party. As a Harvester of Gaun, she’s a variation on the Priest of Eothas that doesn’t offer that much of interest compared to Priests of Skaen or Wael; as a Sister of the Reaping Moon, her starting lantern and sickle doesn’t give her enough DPS to take advantage of her subclass’s ability to gain Wounds on kill, and is crippled even further by the increased Wound cost for her Monk abilities. And as a Contemplative, she loses access both to the useful Tier VIII and IX Priest spells, as well as 2 PLs on her Monk fists; with no apparent synergy, a multiclass Xoti can seem to combine the worst parts of both her subclasses. Small wonder then, that most would recommend keeping her either a single-class Priest or Monk. That said, there is a way to make a multiclass Xoti not only viable, but also more effective as a combat support specialist. With this build, Xoti can keep her party members topped up on health while contributing to damage at the same time, generate plenty of Wounds to feed her increased ability costs, and make her party that much tougher simply by being there; in short, she’ll truly fulfill her role as Gaun’s Chooser of the Slain. (Note on “Ultimate Edition” builds: With the release of the Ultimate Edition on PS4 and XBox, there will be many first-time players of Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire who will be searching for builds online, only to find that most available builds were created for earlier versions of the game. While many of those are still viable even in the final version of Deadfire, this would not be apparent to new players; thus, builds such as this will be tagged as “Ultimate Edition” to indicate that they’ve been tested for version 5.0.0 of Deadfire, including all DLCs.) Xoti, the Reaping Most people who note the ability of Xoti’s Monk subclass to gain Wounds on Kill seem to think that she has to be built as a DPS to make use of it, and thus are left disappointed when Xoti’s Sickle inevitably fails to make the cut as a weapon capable of dealing sufficient damage. And while letting her rely on her Monk fists lets her do decent DPS, it only works best for her as a single-class Monk; making her a Contemplative makes her Monk fists less effective due to the loss of PL. That’s why her sickle as well as Xoti’s Lantern are usually seen as trap choices for Xoti DPS builds; it would be a different story if her lantern could be used as a bashing shield, and both it and the sickle scaled with Monk levels like Tuotilo’s Palm, but there’s no accounting for the dev’s design choices. That said, I feel that’s the wrong way to look at it. To make use of her Wound gain on kill ability, I don’t think Xoti has to be a DPS. She doesn’t have to deliver that much damage, nor throw as many attacks as Monks tend to do. All she needs to do is throw one good hit. Specifically, the last one. With that in mind, the sickle and lantern still isn’t going to cut it; she needs a weapon that can help her killsteal her own party members as reliably as possible. Ideally, the weapon would; - Have high base damage so Xoti can land the one good hit for the kill; that pretty much means a 2H weapon. - Has enchantments that helps with maximising the damage per hit as much as possible, and - Comes with an on-kill effect to further incentivise Xoti making the kill. Now, if you’re anything like me, you probably max’d out Xoti’s Religion passive skill as a reflection of her… evangelistic tendencies. That said, doing so makes one weapon in particular hit all three points above; specifically, The Twin Eels Greatsword. The offensive potential of The Twin Eels lies in its Death’s Embrace enchantment, a Hit-to-Crit percentage that scales with Religion; in other words, perfect for Xoti who’s likely to have the most Religion in the party. This can be boosted with an additional Hit-to-Crit roll from the Bone Setter’s Torc Amulet, increased attack speed thanks to the Helm of the Falcon, and complemented with the Swift Flurry-Heartbeat Drumming Monk combo. And the fact that Xoti can gain Wounds for each kill means that she can access a synergy specific to her alone; it turns Rooting Pain from a retaliatory passive into an offensive one, since Xoti earning 3 Wounds per kill also means she gets 3 rolls of the dice to activate it on enemies unlucky enough to be in the vicinity. And when all of this comes together, it can look like this; Also, there are a number of weapons with on-kill effects in the game, but only The Twin Eels has a Heal-on-kill that also scales with Xoti’s Religion skill. With max Religion, plus healing boosts from the Love of Life enchantment on Furrante's Breastplate, Bone Setter’s Torc, Footprints of Ahu Taka and Practiced Healer, the Health that Xoti can heal with each killsteal can add up to a pretty decent amount indeed; With this setup, Xoti is best played not as a DPS per se, but positioned just behind the frontline doing Priest things such as healing and buffing… until her party members have reduced an enemy to Near Death, at which point she becomes an opportunistic killstealer charging in to deliver the final blow, gaining Wounds and healing her party members when she lands it. This let's Xoti contribute to the fight while not neglecting her healing duties, making the best of both her subclasses. Xoti, the Sacrificing With Furrante’s Breastplate, Xoti makes her party members that much tougher thanks to the Bodyguard enchantment, which makes them take 10% less damage as long as she sticks close to them. This comes with the flipside that Xoti herself takes 15% more damage from all sources, making her squishier than usual. This would be bad in most cases, but as a Monk, it also helps to fuel her Wound generation as well, making it a win-win proposition. She can double down on that with the Intervention enchantment, which gives her access to the Take the Hit ability usually reserved for single-classed Fighters. This makes her party members even tougher for a short period of time, at the cost of causing more damage to Xoti herself… fueling her Wound generation even further. And at times when a party member is close to dying and desperately needs a burst heal, Xoti can provide with the Sacrifice of Saints enchantment from the Saint Omaku’s Mercy Warbow; With max Religion, Xoti can heal any party member from dying up to near full Health once per Rest, which comes at the cost of Xoti herself eating Raw damage… which again fuels her Wound generation. Along with Priest staples such as Restoration, Consecrated Ground, Revive the Fallen, Barring Death’s Door and Resurrection, Xoti can thus keep her party alive that much longer simply by being there. However, all this utility comes at a cost of making her pretty damn fragile. So, how do I keep Xoti alive in the face of all this? Xoti, the Undying I do it by giving her The Undying Burden Belt, which reduces the incoming weapon damage Xoti suffers by up to 30% as she loses Health (it also gives her a second use of Second Wind, which is why I recommended Athletics as her active Skill). On top of it, I also gave her the Voidward Ring, which reduces the Raw damage she takes by 25%; very useful for minimising the damage taken from Sacrifice of Saints and Take the Hit in particular. But the key piece of gear that really helps keep Xoti on her feet is Nemnok’s Cloak; while it makes Xoti even more squishy by making her take an additional 15% damage, it also gives her Spirit Shield and Ironskin when she falls below half Health. Together with Iron Wheel, Xoti can go up to 22 AR; It certainly doesn’t hurt that the Cloak also gives Xoti a free Barring Death’s Door when she’s… well, at death’s door. And should all these defenses still not suffice to keep her from falling to 0 HP, the Renewal enchantment from The Twin Eels (which also scales Health regained with Religion) lets Xoti automatically revive for free once per Rest, letting her stand up to get right back it again; This means that Xoti is capable of saving lost fights single-handedly, bringing her fallen party members back to their feet in turn. All these means that despite taking more damage than the rest of the party, this build makes Xoti a tough cookie in her own right, and capable of filling in as an off-tank in a pinch. Final Thoughts Pros: - Contributes to party DPS and Health at the same time by killstealing for fun and profit. - Makes her party members tougher just by existing, and is capable of pulling them back from near death. - Is unexpectedly tough in her own right, and can save seemingly-lost fights by her own hand. Cons: - Several key pieces of equipment are late-game gear (Furrante’s Breastplate, Nemnok’s Cloak), which means this build will not be fully realized until rather late in the game. - Tier VIII and IX Priest and Monk abilities are some of the most powerful in Deadfire, which means the Valkyrie build, despite its effectiveness, still involves trade-offs. - As effective as the Valkyrie of Gaun is, it doesn’t do anything to mitigate Xoti’s zealous and sometimes-annoying personality. Last but not least, see the attached file for the AI script I created for Xoti as the Valkyrie of Gaun. Xoti Custom (Contemplative) (Druid Monk Priest) (e38db4a0-68b9-4f2c-ac8a-5bd58d0a69e3).customai
    2 points
  5. Barbarian can get +25% dmg to fireballs when <50% hp (Blooded ability), stacks with Human racial ability Monk - bonus ACC from Dance of Death Weapon - Magrans Blessing comes late. Until that i recomend Griffin's Blade - 10%dmg with spells Second ring - Kuaru's Prize - +1Int/Per +5% spell damage Gloves - Firethrower's Gloves - +1PL to evocation spells, +2Dex
    2 points
  6. start a sentence as follows: why would allen iverson ... end sentence with either real or made up stuff and then have folks try and guess which stuff were real and which were fake. maybe turn into a drinking game or a recurring late night talk show skit. allen iverson is. best not to question. for all we know, ai saw ocean's 12 the night previous and decided the backpack method were a keen idea. maybe he were gonna go down to banks of the delaware river and throw jewelry at the ducks but realized january is not best time to hurl hundreds of thousands o' dollars worth o' jewelry at philadelphia water fowl. you think such suggestions is too outrageous? not for ai. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  7. You'd have to "accident" half the video games industry, in that case. The 40K license seems to be granted really easily, judging by the amount of games made with it. Which is a good thing in my eyes, because it allows small-ish studios to have a go at it and sometimes you strike gold. I wonder what's Microsoft's stance on working with outside IPs. (I, being a bona fide progressive, am more of a Tzeentch guy)
    2 points
  8. on some level, such a revelation would be refreshing. turns out the illuminati is a bunch o' grumpy old ex-hippy peaceniks who want more bank regulation and universal health care? hard to see that kinda illuminati as particularly frightening. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. I watched a couple episodes of The Mandalorian with my daughter and it seems like good fun. I also watched The World According to Jeff Goldblum and it is as strange as I expected. I mean, it's a bit off in parts, but I'm still enjoying his kookiness.
    2 points
  11. While browsing statuseffects.gamedatabundle for buffs to filter for my mod, I came across a bunch of buffs related to someone called Nisanga. I believe these are the "Fortune" buffs listed here, and I also believe that list may very well be partly populated by datamined stuff, so nobody's necessarily actually gotten them legitimately. So anyway, since I smelled a +1 stat buff in the air, I tried to figure out just how to trigger this. But, my datamining skills have proven insufficient. In worldmap.gamedatabundle there are three uh... entries? that seem relevant: "DebugName": "RE_Fortune_Teller_Lady_Abimi", "ID": "b2ce0550-0bfe-457b-8faf-0cb73e582474", "DebugName": "RE_Fortune_Teller_Lady_Nisanga", "ID": "99febfc0-de86-4517-84ef-fae2e7bd518e", "DebugName": "RE_Fortune_Teller_Unnamed_Watcher", "ID": "6df163e6-aa2b-415f-a794-680986b92302", However, that's pretty much as far as I've gotten. As far as I can tell, these ID's are not referenced anywhere else (I did a find-in-files search in exported\design and in the lax* folders). Looking at other entries, RE seems to mean Random [Neketaka] Encounter. I can tell you for certain that if they are, they're not something that "simply happens"; much like several other such encounters, there are probably [very specific] conditions that must be met. But, I don't know how to determine what those conditions are. Any 1337 h4xx0r around? Update: As far as I can tell, all random Neketaka street events simply have the condition that you must have visited all districts. These three fortune teller events are similar to all other random events in that they contain this bit: "ValidityConditions": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [ { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean CallGlobalConditional(Guid)", "Parameters": [ "82c00560-9f37-41d1-9691-8ff1d19f5697" The parameter at the end being the key part, leading to an entry in globalscripts.globalscriptbundle which seems to be a confirmation that you've visited all districts. Comparing to say the scripted interaction with Laetharn, which also happens "inbetween districts" in Neketaka, the parameters are different. No weird string, just having restored the adra pillar at Hasongo. Well, I also knew that to be the condition from having played the game a lot Anyway, obviously visiting all districts is not enough to get these fortune tellers. Update 2: Current theory is that the GuidString used doesn't actually lead anywhere. I don't know what a GuidString is, but for a random encounter that actually happens, that string returns loads of matches in the relevant .conversationbundle file. In other words, the trigger is fine, but the encounters don't exist.
    1 point
  12. http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150310-the-truth-about-giant-pandas Read this article about how wild pandas are apparently much more dangerous and have a strong sex drive, and the whole image of pandas is skewed by pandas getting somewhat "domesticated". Of course, it forgets to mention that wild pandas are almost constantly having diarrhea and have their backsides covered in poop.
    1 point
  13. 1. Pillars of Eternity and Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire. 2. Baldur's Gate 2 3. Pathfinder: Kingmaker
    1 point
  14. Greedfall. Another good pick, I sure know how to pick 'em lately. Not only is it another great ARPG with a robust skill system and an integrated world to utilize them in and has a healthy degree of plot choices/decision/outcomes but I can also manage to run it at 165 fps 1440p with some modest graphics tweets.
    1 point
  15. I'll post some Driftlands screenshots then: Moving a floating island to my kingdom and connecting it with bridges: Also, some heroes doing hero stuff:
    1 point
  16. The best class is obviously the bloodmage who can achieve higher PL and can cast unlimited fireballs (or any spells) compared to someone using a necklace. You just multiclass him with a paladin (Exalted Endurance + Lay on Hands), a chanter (Ancient Memory + Old Siec) or a priest (Barring Death Door + Salvation of Time) to be able to sustain the damage from Blood Sacrifice...
    1 point
  17. Easy: grab two Necklaces of Fireball and put one on and the other into the stash (NOT character inventory). In each encounter you can then spam 8 Fireballs. After the encounter you put the empty necklace back into the stash were it will form a stack with the full one. If you seperate them again both will be full again! Yay! 8 Fireballs in every encounter without any costs. Use Magran's Blessing Favour and Sun & Moon and grab Ring of Focused Flames and Otto Starcat as pet. This will give you +10 accuracy and +5 Power Levels with fire attacks. Then go and get Rekvu's Fractured Casque and Rekvu's Scorched Cloak and cast fireballs on yourself until you get knocked out. Rise up again with the minor injury "Serious Burn". This will make sure you can never get interrupted while casting and it also makes you heal from fire instead of getting damage. Nuke yourself with your own Fireballs: no problem, it even heals you. Then pick any class that gives you bonuses for spellcasting. This could be: Barbarian: higher casting speed from Frenzy higher casting speed from Bloodlust no recovery on fireball-kills from Bloodthirst Berserker: +2 PEN from Berserker Frenzy Furyshaper: +10% casting speed from ward Monk: bigger AoE from Duality of Mortal Presence (INT) +2 PEN from Thunderous Blows Helwalker: +30% additive damage because +10 MIG from wounds Paladin: +10% multiplicative dmg because Eternal Devotion adds a lash to your fireballs +5 ACC and +5% hit to crit from Exalted Focus +1 PEN from Scion of Flame +20% additive dmg from Sworn Rival (can be cast on every enemy in AoE quickly since instant cast with 0 recovery) Fighter: +5 ACC, 1 Power Level and bigger AoE (+5 INT) from Tactical Barrage or +5 ACC and +25% hit to crit conversion from Disciplined Strikes +5 ACC from Warrior Stance Ranger: in general just a crapload of Accuracy... Beguiler/Debonaire: Charm groups of enemies with Ringleader and then drop a 100% critting Fireball on them. Rinse and repeat... And so on... I'm sure you can find something in every class that would give a nice bonus to casting Fireballs but those come to my mind first. Of course you can also make a multiclass to combine many of those advantages. e.g. Berserker/Helwalker or Paladin/Helwalker or such. Or the Beguiler/Debonaire combo I mentioned. YOu can be very creative... Of yourse you could also pick an Evoker or aBloodmage Wizard and cast Fireballs the usual way - but why if the possibilities with the necklaces are nearly endless? You can also add two Missile Gloves and do the same, giving you a bit more option - for example if the enemies are immune to fire.
    1 point
  18. To say nothing of productivity.
    1 point
  19. today were the first day since impeachment vote we were genuine shocked and disturbed by claims from those defending trump. admitted, the ground kept shifting as Congressmen supporting trump altered their defense o' the President, but were nothing true surprising. we lamented how Congress failure to act on mueller report made it possible for politicians in a post trump America to solicit and accept dirt from foreign powers to alter US elections as long as coordination were short o' criminal conspiracy. were a terrible precedent and one mueller, during the few moments he were animated during testimony, attempted to drive home... and failed. with impeachment we lamented how if trump avoided any kinda meaningful censure for his solicitation o' ukraine to investigate biden, future politicians would be able to not only receive dirt, but could request and coordinate with foreign powers to interfere with US elections with little concern o' sanction. we so undersold the boldness, the arrogance, o' trump's defenders. you not need to be a Constitutional scholar to be nonplussed by wh defense. before trump were elected, we doubt a single senator-- republican, democrat or independent-- would have championed the notion it were ok for a US politician to accept foreign dirt on a political rival w/o informing the fbi o' such communications. am positive no senator would argue a US politician were unimpeachable if they active solicited and coordinated with foreign powers to interfere in domestic elections. today we have sailed beyond the edge o' the map, far beyond any point even Gromnir's cynical soothsaying mighta' foreseen. a good faith belief o' a President or Congressman that their reelection is in the public interest functional insulates such actors from claims their actions is impeachable? will be some who think we are being hyperbolic. nope. this is so far outside our experience and expertise as to be complete uncharted waters. hic sunt dracones
    1 point
  20. Congratulations, Alesia! Impressive stuff! Grim Face is already preparing a banquet at Caed Nua. It's still in a rather neglected condition, but what does it matter for a fun celebrating party with friends? I don't promise refined treats but Farmer's Spread and Casita Casserole are in plenty. And Darkest Rauatai Cookies for sure! PoTD on itself will not change too much for Astrid if she'll proceed with similar approach in my opinion. Moving over to Deadfire is viable option as it should happen sooner or later anyway and I have pretty dim hopes for a successful blind Deadfire no-reload run. Game mechanics is quite different there so it will take time to adjust. But I'll be definitely happy to be wrong with that and Astrid will claim a title of the first full saga no-reload queen.
    1 point
  21. you do realize given our borderline ocd this will continue to gnaw at us beyond all reason, yes? part o' gorth's nefarious plan to drive us more insane. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  22. Unfortunately we don't have any news on the Nintendo Switch port at this time, but we will keep you up to date with information as we receive it!
    1 point
  23. Seasons of the Wolf isn't very good. Similar to Dragon Age 2, there's no main plot. The combat is better, so if that's your cup of tea you might really like it. Cursed Lands has a better story than Seasons of the Wolf and the same combat but the writing is a little pretentious. In attempts to plug plot holes (harmless stuff like 'why didn't you kill the monster yourself?') NPCs will talk down to you. Overall, Curse is the better of the two but still not as fun as Loren with its simplicity.
    1 point
  24. @Boeroer Thanks that is some great information. I've started the play through and I see what you mean with the 15 MGT in early game, but so far I am managing. Once I get enough levels to use level 7 spells, I think I may buy a mercenary and try the Paladin/Monk idea that you recommended. Which Paladin subclass do you think would be best? Also, I can confirm that lesser wounds is not an option for Forbidden Fist on the Xbox version.
    1 point
  25. Things can be interesting to see what goes into it..
    1 point
  26. Disco Elysium is the greatest experience I've had roleplaying an alcoholic since that Halloween party where I threw up on everything and almost caught fire.
    1 point
  27. Exactly. At least if you don't use the Community Patch. Basically because I said "besides the items which are generally good" - because then I'd have to list way too much stuff that are equally good for all monks, not just Forbidden Fist. I wanted to concentrate on the stuff that is good for Forbidden Fist but maybe not so much for other monks. Same with the abilites.
    1 point
  28. They do with modal on Binding Block - +25% Recovery Time with weapons, +15 Accuracy with weapons after being missed by Melee Weapon attack. But it won't work with Forbidden Fist, because it is not a weapon attack. This is best with non-bashing shield and weapon, which modal also increase recovery (like axe or rapier). This effects don't stack, so it's two-for-one deal, and only highest effect counts. Similarly to Barbarian rage and sword modal. Rage effect of -10 deflection is overwritten by half-swording - 15, so basicaly +2 penetration for -5 deflection Why not Kahako Nihi? Doesn't it work for FF without community patch?
    1 point
  29. @timidobserver: They don't increase your accuracy. What @thelee meant was that they are not lowering your ACC like medium and large shields do (-4/-8). High MIG on Forbidden Fist not only means +15% dmg for your attacks but also +15% dmg for the self damag of the Forbidden Fist curse. If you stack hich RES with some other items and food that redices hostile effect duration and maybe even Voidward then you can pump up MIG and you won't really feel it since the curse will last under 2 secs. If you use Clarity of Agony: even less significant. The very early game can be a bit more challenging with high MIG compared to 10 MIG though. But totally doable. You just can't spam Forbidden Fist then because a stack of 2 or more will kill you quickly. 1 is no problem. good race and items/food for a Forbidden Fist (besides the items which are genereally good, bold are my favorite) : Race: Wild Orlan --> you don't want to suffer -5 RES from Shaken. Gloves: Hylea's Talons --> besides the awesome lashes they will also put a DoT on you. You won't get wounds from the damage but once the DoT effect espires you'll get one. With lots of RES, some -hostile effect items and Voidward you won't feel the damage but get wounds. Bracers of Greater Deflection --> +7 Deflection Mortification Bindings --> +2 Mortification Neck: Strand of Favor --> -10% hostile effect duration Token of Faith --> +2 RES Rings: Ring of the Solitary Wanderer --> +1 to RES and -35% hostile effect duration (only when solo though) Voidward --> -25% raw damage taken Ring of (Greater) Regeneration --> +1/+3 health per 6 secs Back: Cloak of Poverty --> up to +5 RES if the party's poor Cloak of the Theocrat --> +1 INT/+1 RES Cloak of Greater Deflection --> +7 deflection Head: Death's Maw --> afaik its -15% dmg also works with self damage Horns of the Bleak Mother --> resistence to Resolve Afflictions: you don't want to suffer -5 RES Cap of the Laughingstock --> the -10 deflection hurts a bit, but so does it hurt your enemies and the immunity to RES afflictions is great if you want to prevent -5 RES altogether White Witch Mask --> nice synergy with Parting Sorrow (monk passive, see below terrified enemies may break engagement and thus not only get a disengagement attack but also give the monk +1 wound Boots: Boots of the Stone --> +1 DEX/+1 RES and Resistance to MIG afflictions Shorewalker Sandals --> +10% move speed, +1 RES Waist: Trollhide Belt --> +1 health every 6 secs Armor: Fleshmender --> +5 health per 12 secs Devil of Caroc Breastplate --> +2 health per 3 secs on crit, +2 Mortification Cabalist's Gambeson --> Arcane Containment (-10% hostile effect duration) Gipon Prudensco --> +5 RES via Steadfast at the start of the combat for 15 secs Weapon: dagger + modal --> +10 deflection; as long as you are only using FFability you won't suffer the dmg loss while benefiting from the increased deflection Shield: Tuotilo's Palm --> Inward Spikes (10% chance of +1 wound on getting hit; works with Forbidden Fist), Balanced Shield (+1 defl. and reflex per wound), Pugilist or Precision Striker (+10% unarmed damage or +5 unarmed ACC) the last two also work with FFability Cadhu Scalth --> Luminous Harmony (+5% dmg taken, afaik includes self damage; increases with Metaphysics) The Best Defense --> the enchantment that terrifies enemies can be used in combo with Parting Sorrow (see below) Food: Rice Wine --> +2 RES, -1 DEX Khapa Leaf --> -15% hostile effect duration Khapa Tea --> -25% hostile effect duration Mohorā Wraps --> -30% hostile effect duration (!), -20% recovery(!), +4 MIG The nice thing about Forbidden Fist is that you can combine tankyness (=not getting hit) with a Monk and still get wounds while you have a very potent attack ability right away (it's really good). The bad thing is that in the early game you can feel a bit starved for wounds (because you can't spam the FFability and other afflictions will not hit you often since the enemies don't really apply them) and you have to manage the use of FFability a bit more. The more levels the better it gets. Note that Mortification of the Soul and also (Enduring) Dance of Death work normally. They can give you wounds like they do for every other monk. Abiliites that are especially nice (besides the ones that are always nice anyway) or expecially bad with Forbidden Fist: Lesser Wounds doesn't work (can you even pick it nowadays?) Clarity of Agony-->Enlightened Agony: obviously Lightning Strikes --> Swift Flurry doesn't work with FFability, Lightning Strikes does Enervating Blows can't stack with FFability#s enfeebled and therefore isn't worth it. Duality of Mortal Presence-->Iron Wheel: the higher CON is nice for raising fortitude and the AR is good for a tanky char anyways. And raising INT by 10 points would prolong the curse's damage a lot. Iirc Turning Wheel didn't work with FFability but I'm not 100% sure anymore. Crucible of Suffering --> obviously Parting Sorrow --> in combo with any terrify effect this is nice Rooting Pain --> generating wounds via FFability, Enduring Dance, Parting Sorrow, Inward Spikes etc. leads to a lot of interrupts Imagined Pain --> get +1 wounds when missed in melee: superb with Forbidden Fist, just superb - also in combo with Rooting Pain Very nice combo with a Forbidden Fist: a Wizard with Pull of Eora and giving the Monk an item that makes him immune to push/pull effects like Upright Captain's Belt. He can then roam in the Pull's AoE, getting lots of wounds from the short-lived pulls - but they don't really mess him up like they mess up the enemies. Also works with an Elf or an items with resistance to Dexterity afflictions and Binding Web: Monk will only get hobbled for a very short amount of time, enemies will be stuck. Whenever the short hobble expires you get a wound. Those can give you lots of wounds - but honestly with enough RES and items you can sam FFability all the time and get wounds nonstop anyway. What someone else reported and what's pretty nice: a confused Berserker/Forbidden Fist can use the Footsteps of the Beast to give himself very short-lived hobbles which when they expire give you wounds. Edit: by the way: all the hostile reffect duration and RES stuff and Voidward etc. work perfectly well for Sacred Immolation, too if I remember a post of some forum colleague correctly. So a Forbidden Fist/Paladin with Sacred Immolation should work well. Very little self damage from SI - but also no massive extra wounds like with normal monks of course.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. It's nice that they added the option of choosing from a larger pool of games, but most of them still don't interest me. I'm likely going to cancel my subscription when it runs out. Also, sorry for the rare updates.
    1 point
  32. DS9 was the high water mark for Star Trek IMO. That show was almost always good. It was sometimes outstanding. And when it was Trek was never better. Except the ending. That was kind of a mess. But let's face it, few shows ever end well. In fact the only one I can thing of that really stuck the landing was Cheers.
    1 point
  33. SOMA studio's ARG to tease new game is underway
    1 point
  34. Solid first episode for Picard. I can't wait to see more good Star Trek for a change.
    1 point
  35. Seconded. That was much better than expected. The premise for the show is still silly, but I've griped about that in the past and it is what Star Trek writers have to work with thanks to Jar Jar's, Orci's and Kurtzman's inane idea of how space works.
    1 point
  36. I enjoyed Picard more than I thought I would after hearing all the rumors about it. Really looking forward to this series now and I hope that doesn't then ruin my enjoyment. Another Life was awful. I couldn't get more than a handful of episodes in as it's kind of a miserable experience ...and I'm not doing so well in life that I need misery for entertainment.
    1 point
  37. I have proof that their assertion is incorrect.
    1 point
  38. I'm watching some Another Life just in the vague hope there's something worthwhile in it. I hate everyone in it. Apparently a second season has been greenlit.
    1 point
  39. Forget about Bhaal or Sarevok, the true God(dess) of Murder is Lara Croft: I ain't even gonna lie, I'm generally not into the killing portions of these games, but when she rose out of the water with the flames behind her and vengeance in her eyes, I was thinking "Aww yeah, I'm about to murder the **** out of some fools!" And I did.
    1 point
  40. The actor does a great job with what he is given, that he has been badly written is a different thing.
    1 point
  41. The Wheel of Time tv series - Round up of all the current information
    1 point
  42. Check out There Ain't No Stealth In Space, it's pretty good at explaining everything. There's also lots of stuff about combat in space in general - it just doesn't work like in Star Trek, Star Wars, or most other sci-fi shows.
    1 point
  43. radar (radio) works in space, but in a vacuum you need be aiming the radar signal direct at the object you is intending to illuminate. radar waves. is an electromagnetic wave issue. think o' it like trying to use a laser pointer to find an object in a dark room... relative small object in an extreme large room. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
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