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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/19 in all areas

  1. Small update! Arcane Archer Imbues penetration module was reworked: Penetration bonus now affects only spells, not physical attacks.
    5 points
  2. Hi, in case you wanted to write a PM to our community manager @Aarik D: give your keyboard some rest, today was his last day at Obsidian Entertainment. Which is sad. I mean for us. I'll miss his jollity... See you buddy, may your plans all come toghether - even better than those of Hannibal Smith (if that's even possible)! All the best and I drück you the Daumens!
    3 points
  3. Currently, in v5.0, Deep Wounds and Wounding Shot DoT are both an an ApplyOverTime effect that takes 20% of dealt weapon damage and tries to apply it over 6s. Although in practice they tick thrice for 10% (at 0s, 3s, 6s). That is at base duration. While their effective duration can be influenced by graze/crit/int. And the longer duration - the higher total damage. But still, Deep Wounds and Wounding Shot DoT are not completely the same, since the first one stacks with itself, while the second doesn't. P.S. With Community Patch, both are converted to ApplyOnTick type. And: Deep Wounds: ticks 4 times for 5% of weapon damage dealt (at 0s, 3s, 6s, 9s). The duration is fixed. Total: 20% over 9s. Wounding Shot DoT: ticks 3 times for 10% of weapon damage dealt (at 0s, 3s, 6s). The duration is fixed. Total: 30% over 6s. Additionally Wounding Shot DoT stacks with itself (just like DW).
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Coming soon to CBS All Ass:
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. one last time before I freeze them and they go into production (this time the naked symbols - how they will get used in game - but then scaled down to 42x42) this version is scaled down a bit for convenience. Phenomenum will get a higher RES.
    3 points
  8. I couldn't find answers on the Internet to some of my own questions, so I made some tests. I wanted to share my results. I hope some of them could be useful. 1) Enfeeble is applied to itself Enfeeble extends the duration of hostile effects. And enfeeble is an hostile effect iself. Enfeeble does extend its own duration. That means, for example, that Heart Seeker applies 30s of Enfeeble on non-resistant foes (without taking into account INT and PL). Additional tip : that also applies to Weakening abilities targeting vulnerable foes, which makes Toxic Strike extremely potent against them (since its damages increase with duration). 2) Stoic Steel can charge up before battle So if you start battle after 18s of immobility, you start with +3AR. I've never been aware of it before today. This makes Stealth interesting for Paladins ^^ Additional tip : some of the "teleporting" abilities such as escape don't cancel Stoic Steel. I haven't test all of them. 3) Gambit refund only works on first hit/main target Even if you use a multi-shot (classic blunderbuss) or AoE weapon (mortars), you'll get the refund only if 1st roll on main target. So to get the complete refund, you'll need to dual wield and score 2 crits with the 2 "main" attacks. It is still good to get some AoE crits, but don't except a refund. I haven't test it with WotEP. 4) Heart Seeker doesn't apply Bounce or AoE. I have tested it with Watershaper focus, and only foes in the ability line can be hit. There is no double hits due to Bounce or rod's AoE. 5) Whirling Strikes does apply Bounce. You need to equip a melee weapon to perform whirling strike. However, if you hold a ranged weapon in your other hand, you'll attack with it too, and it will even trigger Bounce with Driving Flight. This makes Melee & Ranged dual wield somewhat attrative for ranged, especially with Scordeo's Trophy. 6) "Thunder Rolled..." upgrade "...its crash could not be denied" apply a +15 Accuracy bonus, which is fine IMHO. The description does not specify it but you can read it by picking the ability and checking its accuracy before or during battle. 7) Unbending not triggered by Take the Hit Self damages from Take the Hit does not proc Unbending regeneration. It could have been a nice combo, but nay... 8 ) Garrote complete description The description is vague, so here is how it actually works : 6s paralysis (modified by INT / PL) as described. During paralysis, the target takes about 4 raw damages per tick (1s tick !), modified by MIG / PL. After paralysis, the target is prone (so the 3s Prone are added to Paralysis duration for the total duration of incapacitation) After paralysis, the target also received 20 raw damages, modified by MIG / PL. Overall, it sounds nice and scales quite well. On a Single Class Paladin with max MIG and INT, it does around 120 raw damages total. It might be nice with an Helwalker or a SC class Paladin (since DoT gets double benefit from PL and SC Paladin might get a lot of zeal to spend from Divine Retribution and downed summons).
    2 points
  9. Furi The tutorial. Finally purchased the soundtrack (GOG) and decided to replay the game. It went quite well - I've reached the Song in one session. Not sure, if I should go for the Burst, though. Her last bullet-hell sequence was hard to play for wrong reasons (too bright background, non-45-degree attack angles, so I had to switch the control scheme mid-battle).
    2 points
  10. I just took a truck load of hampers full of veggies from the garden to the farmer's market in Covington. I've got $174 burning a hole in my pocket now. But now I have to can or freeze everything I didn't sell. Busy, busy.
    2 points
  11. quick shot at "Wild Mind" (see in Cipher box):
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. Can these two get the watercolor treatment?
    2 points
  14. Hello from Yokohama Japan! The flight was kinda rough at 12 hours.
    2 points
  15. There is some error in material replacement code. Lets have 2 skills, both with different status effect and both of those status effects have material replacement: #1: duration 10 sec, replacement A #2: duration 20 sec, replacement B If you use skill #1, material is replaced to A. Now use skill #2 before skill #1 ends. Material is replaced to B. Skill #1 ends before skill #2. Material B is correctly preserved. But problem is when skill #2 ends, material is NOT restored to the original material (ie. before skill #1). This can be observed during the combat randomly, where lot of material replacements can occur. Example is Priest with Skaal subclass. During the combat, cast Shadowing Beyond. Right after you get invisibility (material replacement #1), cast Minor Avatar. Minor avatar has long cast time, but you should be able to get it cast before shadowing beyond ends. Now Minor Avatar does material replacement #2. Invisibility from Shadowing Beyond will end during Minor Avatar, leaving material replacement #2. But when Minor Avatar ends, you are stuck with material replacement from that skill.
    1 point
  16. Cause I still suck lol and ty XD
    1 point
  17. Chanter/wiz too. I've tried wall of draining and I had something like 4 or 5 chants( self buffing) running, and bellower PL bonus too.
    1 point
  18. A little update on the chanter btw: Invocation type self buffs like Their Champion braved the horde alone extended by SoT will, much like item effects, carry over after combat end. For those who missed the stream the other day: Totally against my expectations chants like Ancient memory and Old Siec can be extended by SoT too, so a chanter/priest can have ALL buff chants active at the same time.
    1 point
  19. Well, it's been 24 Hours Hurl and no takers. Our asking price might be too steep. So, hey Brit's forget the scones. We'll take just the hat and half glass of beer and you can have Pence for free. Call it a sweetener.
    1 point
  20. Favorite: Multiclassing, companion interaction, and the hypertext system within the text to make various parts of the lore either easily accessed or skipped at will. I know they stole that last one from Tyranny, but I cannot overstate how much it improves the game. It's one of those things that a lot of people gloss over because it seems small, but has a broad impact and overall feel. Least favorite: PENETRATION. I *loathe* the penetration system. Probably always will.
    1 point
  21. @Boeroer Think you're missing an icon for Serafen's Wild Mind subclass
    1 point
  22. https://www.tripadvisor.co.za/Tourism-g6736900-Bloubergstrand_Western_Cape-Vacations.html Today Im going to a coastal town just outside Cape Town called Bloubergstrand for a braai\barbeque with an old friend and his family Then tomorrow Im meeting some family for lunch and Sunday afternoon drinks so it should be a good, festive weekend
    1 point
  23. Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir Reached Crossroad Keep and realized that the SoZ MC isn't the PC of the original campaign/MotB. It explains why I started at level 1, instead of level 30. I met most of the possible cohorts/companions and currently trying to use them, instead of custom characters. There's a chance that if I want to switch back, they will be underleveled, though. Somehow I forgot that the NWN GUI isn't as clear and transparent as Pathfinder's - no tool-tips, no list of skills on character screen (I don't remember how it was called exactly; there was shown on what level the character gains a feat and which feats have been acquired before), no way to highlight all lootable objects and enemies. It's not really important, but it is less convenient. In general, during a chapter you have the main quest, which should be completed ASAP, and a quite long period, when you can play PF:KM as a BG game - explore the map, take and complete side quests, craft (well, have things crafted for you), talk to NPCs, upgrade your kingdom, etc. The two exceptions are the last mandatory chapter and somewhere mid-game, when the next main quest triggers right after the previous one.
    1 point
  24. halfway through first mistborn novel is as far as we ever got with sanderson. weren't sooper terrible, but characters were theatrical, predictable and flat. were set up as a series, and we couldn't see our self reading another thousand or so pages o' same characters. the guy is prolific and popular, so clear he is doing something right. perhaps we didn't give him enough o' a chance, but we don't actual regret stopping halfway through first mistborn. with dark materials becoming the new hbo epic fantasy series following got, perhaps gd gives pullman's books a try. can be the snooty know-it-all at the water cooler on monday morning who infrequent slips in an observation 'bout how books did such-n'-such different than the tv episode. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  25. If we're back on the topic of arbitrary time limits, it would really be spiffy if the login timeout was a little more than ~5 days. I'm not sure what is critically worth protecting in our Obsidian IDs, but if you're used to checking the forums on desktop and mobile (or perhaps with even more than 2 devices), you can almost guarantee that you're constantly logging back in. If we can't get a "stay logged in" or a 90 day cookie, even logins lasting 30 or 14 days would be pretty awesome.
    1 point
  26. As buggy as it was and as frustrating as kingdom management could be, I still probably played this game more than any other over the last year. A new game would be an instant pre-order/buy.
    1 point
  27. Why did no-one tell me that Legend Entertainment text adventures are on GOG? Why didn't GOG tell me? Why didn't they tell me they are 50% off???? I can buy Eric the Unready on GOG and on Sale on top of that? Seriously, this forum isn't giving me all the video game news I need. I blame Keyrock. He's our adventure person...
    1 point
  28. So after eleventy billion dollars spent in development, and a geological era later... I can finally play Space FedEx Hey, at least it looks pretty. And no, that's not really a plastic bag on my head.
    1 point
  29. Work on my tower continues: I don't know how tall the game will let me build it, but if I can I want to make it tall enough to be seen from any spot on the map.
    1 point
  30. I guess alabamans find gay cartoon rats too difficult to explain to their kids, but telling a 12 year old to birth her rapist's child is fine.
    1 point
  31. Yes, I successfully used the command SetGodChallengeEnabled <challenge> <value> where <challenge> is one of {berath, magran, woedica, etc.} and where <value> is one of {0, 1}. 0 = inactive 1 = active For example, the command SetGodChallengeEnabled woedica 1 should enable Woedica's challenge in a current playthrough.
    1 point
  32. Decided to make a voyage through the highlands, into the frozen north, and toward the volcano: M... Maybe I shouldn't be here... Shhhhh... I never did make it to the volcano. The trip ended very poorly for me. I wound up getting into a fight with a skeleton soldier. I had fought skellies before, but this one was way tougher than the ones I faced earlier. He's not what killed me, though. I wound up dying to cold exposure. I need different gear to go into the deep frozen north. My Hykarian Raider Armor gives some cold resistance and it's fine for the outskirts of the snow area, but it's not enough when you get deeper. Even with having the 20 vitality diminished temp effects perk I still froze to death. Meanwhile, back home I have completed the base fortress and have begun construction of my tower. My throne room will naturally be at the top, because I am totally not a megalomaniac.
    1 point
  33. This is pretty much perfect. https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/thin-ice
    1 point
  34. And I hope this other one doesn't get removed
    1 point
  35. Game can look really pretty 't Is but a scratch! I've been exploring, looking for a new location to settle more north since the enemies near my initial location (barring bosses) have become a tad too easy. Ran into some nice looking locations on my hikes. Cave full of crystal, with a definitely not ominous looking room at the bottom Unnamed City, early morning (iirc) Think I found a good building spot, close to the center of the map, very close to massive amounts of iron and coal and not surrounded by really tough enemies (like the rhinos and tigers a little bit further north). Planning to build a fortress all along that pillar. Going to try using T3 mostly (due to it having to withstand the Purge) but the initial scaffolding and stuff is in sandstone for now. In case you're wondering about the bare feet/hands/head: a bunch of my gear broke on the trip. I also found a really nice spot (at least as far as the view is concerned) north of "the wall" up on a cliff (basically behind the huge statues in the northern tiger area) that I might end up building at once I'm strong enough to explore around there a bit more so I can figure out whether there's any crafting materials or whether it'll be a pain to actually live there. Oh, and I've found a bunch of journals, mostly written by random Exiles, but
    1 point
  36. Nemnok is a comedy villain and should not be thought of as a serious power figure in the Deadfire. He could certainly have an ending slide, but it would have to be in the spirit of entertaining megalomania, not killing people or whatever (which besieging Neketaka rather implies). Left to his own devices, Nemnok at long last learned to both read and spell his own name. The Drowned Barrows echoed with his manic laughter for weeks.
    1 point
  37. Meanwhile, in a parallel universe where the PoE games happen in Yezuha, someone is asking "are the Vailians paladins?"
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. here is one I found (https://twitter.com/anthea_wright/status/1070268483798061056) i would love is someone could do a water colour of it, I've been trying to do one myself and kept failing. :D
    1 point
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