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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/19 in all areas

  1. The "like" should be something other than a "heart". I don't "love" the post, Im just nodding/agreeing.
    3 points
  2. I noticed that Gfted1's rank is "Forum Moderator" and he's part of the "Moderators" group. He also has a huge "MODERATOR" tag right under all of that. My considerable deductive powers suggest that he may be a moderator, but I would need more evidence to make a definitive statement.
    3 points
  3. A bit of psychological horror: Sure it reads comedy but it isn't. It's hauting...ly accurate. And a bit older, so not sure if posted before.
    2 points
  4. Five heralds in 3...2...1...
    2 points
  5. Hello, I have found a semi-bug. There is a malus of 3 of deflection when the target is blinded. (With confounding blind) But there is already a problem : Flanked give -10 deflection. (Flanked is a PART of blinded) So this additive -3 is always supressed until -12 (4 hits). Except that an affliction (or an inspiration) is a complete "box". If you have thing inside, it is not possible to have a conflict of suppression. MORE^^, 95 % of the fights of the game, I never seen this effect activated. Why ? Because in 4 hits (to exceed 10), all ennemies are already die. And in fact, after 9, you have only 12, 15, so what a max of -5 after 5 hits !? And only for 15s. So in fact i'm not sure the bonus appear to increase more than that. We hardly benefit. More, in fact, I spend ONE ability point, to have no differences the 4 first hit ? More again, all the effects of active-attacks (FoD accuracy/damages etc.) give a true stackable bonus. Not the case here. Clearly, need to stack with the rest, even with a nerf at 2 ! (3 hits : -6 deflection) If not, increase the value at 4 (With a max of 7 ; 4x7 =28), at least, to exceed more quickly the supression. Because actually, this upgrade (confounding blind) is totally useless.
    1 point
  6. Finished the game today and had an ace time. Just wanted to share this moment from a few hours earlier as I was cleaning up the Deadfire at level 20. I hated Fampyrs. This fight with a whole bunch of them had me reloading more than once and I nearly reloaded this one. But I figured I'd let it play out: Despite being turned into a pig, having quaffed all his potions and having been knocked out once already the big lad pulled through. It's moments like this that make the knock-out / encounter recovery system really shine.
    1 point
  7. Just came back from Endgame. Loved it, despite some of it making no sense at all. Also, can't wait for the broflakes to get pissy over that one scene. You know the one.
    1 point
  8. Yeap. It lists 20% dealt over 6s in tooltip; but actually ticks for 10% (at 0s), 10% (at 3s) and 10% (at 6%). This is the first problem related to DoTs of ApplyOverTime type. And I've found why it happens in StatusEffectInstance.cs: protected void ApplyTick() { this.NotifyEvent(StatusEffectEventType.OnInterval, null); if (this.StackedParent == null || this.GameData.StackedChildrenApplyEffects) { if (this.GameData.ApplicationType == StatusEffectApplyType.ApplyOnTick) { this.ApplyEffect(1f); } else if (this.GameData.ApplicationType == StatusEffectApplyType.ApplyOverTime) { if (this.TotalDuration > 0f) { float ratio = this.EffectiveIntervalRate / this.GameData.Duration; this.ApplyEffect(ratio); } else { Debug.LogError("Status effect '" + this.GameData.DebugName + "' with ApplicationType 'ApplyOverTime' must have a duration."); } } } this.IntervalTicks++; } The ratio is calculated incorrectly. Using your example it takes duration of 6s and interval of 3s, so it is: ratio = 3 / 6 = 0.5 And this ratio is later used to calculate perTick damage as [ratio * totalDamage]. And that's why each tick deals 10%. Instead the formula had to be: float ratio = this.EffectiveIntervalRate / (this.GameData.Duration + this.EffectiveIntervalRate) ^ This way it would take into account the 0s tick. And it confirms thelee's speculation. P.S. But be aware that this fix will decrease the effective damage of some ApplyOverTime DoTs (specifically Wounding Shot and Deep Wounds) by up to x1.5. And the second problem of ApplyOverTime, is why it even exists? Because at the moment this is just a buggy version of ApplyOnTick with incorrect ratio formula and incorrect tooltip (the total damage value doesn't take into account duration, even through in practice INT DOES increase it). @SChin, could you please clarify how ApplyOverTime is intended to work? My speculation would be that it was thought to have a duration that is not affected by INT, PL, graze/crit or any other modifiers. Otherwise what's the difference compared to ApplyOnTick?
    1 point
  9. Yeap, there are two AoEs. One being the large one of 5m - the area were meteors can fall. And the second: just 1.5m - the AoE of each separate meteor. So what happens, if there are n units inside of the large AoE: - every 3s, n meteors fall down. Each meteor targets one unit. - each meteor hits everyone in it's small 1.5m AoE. So, if units stand far apart from each other: there are n hits. If they all stand 1.5m or closer to each other: there are n^2 hits. And this is when the spell gets sooo good. Although note: meteor DoT part doesn't stack. Those red numbers have a bit randomized 'trajectory'. And if there are many of them, sometimes they might align and look like there is a higher number. I.e. it might not be 55, but 5 + 5. As for Combusting Wounds... I've took a look now, and here we go: Combusting Wounds (spell): has a 1.5m AoE and 20s base duration (which is unlisted...) Combusting Wounds (dot): has 7 penetration (which is unlisted...), 6s base duration and is a stackable DoT of ApplyOverTime type. At the moment total damage of DoTs of ApplyOverTime type actually DOES benefit from INT... just like DoTs of ApplyOnTick do; (even if their tooltips don't reflect the damage increase). Which is unexpected... because why then do we need ApplyOverTime in the first place? if we have ApplyOnTick who do same thing, but don't cause confusion to the players AND devs. But... whatever. Also, ApplyOverTime have an additional tooltip problem of not taking into account the first tick. For example Combusting Wounds might display that it deals 6 damage over 6s. Guess what? It will tick for: 3 dmg (on 0s), 3dmg (on 3s) and 3dmg (on 6s). Why does this happen? Because "ratio" - a variable used to calculate what damage an ApplyOverTime effect should do per tick. And I've found it in source code: See that?: float ratio = this.EffectiveIntervalRate / this.GameData.Duration; For the above example of 6 damage over 6s, it would be: ratio = 3/6 = 0.5 And tickDamage = 6 dmg * 0.5 = 3 That's why it was ticking for 3 dmg instead of 2; and dealing 9 total dmg instead of the listed 6. Since in both PoE1 and Deadfire there is the 0-tick, the formula had to be: float ratio = this.EffectiveIntervalRate / (this.GameData.Duration + this.EffectiveIntervalRate); Now look at that tooltip: How much total damage do you think it will deal? Six?) Nope) it will be 15 (5 ticks for 3 damage). Now imagine that you cast two Walls of Flame and follow up with Combusting Wounds. That's 60 damage instances in 30s. And 60 x 15 = 900 damage from CW, assuming there is enough penetration.
    1 point
  10. You have raised another important " Trump own goal " , due to his condescending and dismissive remarks towards women he has created an understandable enemy of many women in the USA For example irrespective of Kavanaughs guilt or innocence, we cant say for certain either way, Trump was abrasive and demonstrated contempt for the emotional suffering of Ford during her testimony. This was one of the worst times for him to show his usual lack of compassion and empathy. If I was a women that alone would motivate me to not vote for the Republicans under Trump Again we can see the outcome of this vexation by the number of women Democrat candidates who won seats in the House in the midterm elections, supporting my earlier observation that Trump is at times his own worse enemy
    1 point
  11. Just wondering, what do you think would be the correct message? Also, the number of candidates means that theres a good variety of messages, so, those messages will get thoroughly tested out. However, the fact that there are so many choices means that they could easily run into the same problems as the Republicans did in 2016 simply because there is only so much pie to slice.
    1 point
  12. My wife will likely vote for any Democrat that faces Trump but I can't see myself voting for Biden. Others I don't really care for are Booker, Klobuchar, Castro, and Harris but I just haven't paid much attention to most of the others at this point. I like Sanders and Gabbard but am waiting until the field gets a lot narrower before I really dive into it. If I don't care for whoever gets nominated then I'll probably be a 3rd party voter again this year.
    1 point
  13. Current reactions for @Gfted1 post: I love you, you're good, but sad.
    1 point
  14. He chose Streetfighter because a bunderbuss + modal will distract you with each shot. Distracted contains flanked. That means you always suffer the penalty of distracted but get the Streetfighter's "Heating Up" bonus which lets you reload with a 50% recovery bonus and deal a lot more Sneak Attack dmg. If you also become bloodied: even more dmg, but it's not necessary to be a top notch damage dealer. The recovery bonus also applies to your spell casting. Since ciphers have some spells with short casting time but long recovery the synergy is a very nice one.
    1 point
  15. Single Class Druid (fury or vanilla) - Lightning/Storms focus (Godlike Nature) - Lord Daryns / Deltros Cage (Weapon and Shield whatever you want) Priest (wael) - Ice or Fire (Orlan) - Blackened Plate (looks evil) - Griffin Blade or whatever you want + shield Wiz (evoker) - FIre focus (Dwarf) - Devil or Crimson Panoply (looks fiery) late game - Magrans Ax + shield Wiz (blood) - Ice/Decay focus (Elf) - Casita, or Guardian Plate (look icy) late game - Sun and Moon + shield Cipher (soulblade) - (Aumaua) - Patinated Plate (looks, um Cipher-like... yeah, I'm reaching) - Watcher's blade or whatever you want + shield - later game, possibly ranged weapon to quickly gain focus Notes: All members use weapon and shield (primary), with shield skill to help with early level survivability Self buffs for wiz is helpful, turning it into your tank until level 11. At level 11+ your tactic becomes, 5x spells no buffs... everything is locked down from crowd control/debuffs or straight damage. When you hit level 16+, nothing short of a major boss will be left after 4-5 seconds. Max level, nothing slows a CPU more than casting: Maelstrom, Holy Fire/Symbol of, Meteor Storm, Kalkoths/Ninagauths, and Silent Scream/Disintegrate simultaneously... you can rinse and repeat and adjust spell selection based on range (but everyone should have farcasting and rapid casting skills). You can use heavy armor, since most fights are over in one-round and your casting time isn't too bad. Your Wizards can move to lighter armor faster, once you have core buffs of Spirit Shield, Arcane Veil, Displaced, etc. and you pick up Tough (a requirement). I don't like to dump stats too much, I would focus: STR 16-18, CON 7-8, DEX 10-14, INT 16-18, PER 16-18, RES 7-8 - The key is to have good damage bonus (STR), decent AOE radius and buff time (INT), and accuracy (PER). Some people might ask, where is the Chanter? My response... too slow. While waiting for chanter-phrases the battles are over. To be fair, recycling resources are very important for Megaboss fights... see multiclass party suggestion below. In summary, this party will eagerly fill your bounty-hunter, evil-doer roles will glee. This party, with a little patience past level 7ish (which can be hit rapidly with some online tips), will destroy all chapter and DLCs on POTD. Megabosses, will require some advanced tactics, but with some precision and expendable resources (potions, scrolls, etc.), anything is possible. Multiclass - focus on replenishing resources Pali (bleak or gold) / Chanter (troub) Fighter (tact) / Wiz (blood) - Ice/Decay Focus Cipher (soul blade) / Rogue (trickster) Monk (helwalker) / Wiz (evoker) - Fire Priest (wael) / Druid (vanilla or lifegiver) - Lightning/Storms Follow similar guidelines above. All of these classes can cast, but the Pali becomes main tank (with slower casting/summon abilities with Chanter). Everyone has regenerating resources, except for your Priest/Druid, but this combo has LOTS of spells. Everyone has defensive buffs (Wiz, Priest) or they are inherently tough (Fighter, Pali), plus, you have good group passive buffs (Pali, Chanter) and healing options (Druid, Priest). For armor, you can go lighter than "plate" since everyone has defensive buffs. This group will have similar casting potential as the single-class group above, but it won't melt mobs at the same pace (Level 10+). However, this group will A) have an easier time below level 10, and B) when you want to tackle Megabosses, this group has the edge (for me - since on Megabosses I tend to move into melee/buff mode with overlapping heals). Final note, at least two party members should have Arcane 15 (added firepower) and my preference is on the Cipher and Pali (since they have less DPS casting potential). While I'm pondering custom part compositions... what would be a great Megaboss slaying group (no repeat classes)... Monk -- (renewable resources and access to skills: Resonant, Razers, Inner) Fighter (tact) / Wiz (blood) -- (renewable resources and tanky) Pali (gold) / Chanter (troub) -- (renewable resources and tanky) Cipher --(renewable resources and access to skills: Time, Driving, 1000 cuts, Mindweb) Priest (wael) -- (defensive buffs, but not renewable resources ... if we can repeat classes, I would swap this choice entirely or pair with Monk) Just a thought... but there are endless options that are great, which is why I continue to replay the game, until POE3 arrives (/nudge).
    1 point
  16. Democrats don't really need strong candidate, they probably would do best with less know candidate for whom people don't have preconceived opinions and who does not have history of actions that can be attacked. Because democrats will vote democratic candidate unless they really hate that candidate, republicans will vote republican candidate even if they hate the candidate, and in case of independents less hated candidate will win.
    1 point
  17. Apparently Trump fears Biden the most, and thus seems like the best to be able to defeat Trump, but how much of that is just from underestimating/ignoring the other candidates (though he admires Sanders to an extent) or just only seeing Biden as a worthy opponent. Hillary was also seen as being able to beat Trump perfectly well, and here we are, plus Biden has like twice the amount of political baggage that Hillary had. I can also see Trump becoming complacent if he thinks he's truly unbeatable and/or ignores a challenger until it's too late. In an interview, he said he wouldn't commit to one term. If Biden did manage to win the Presidency, seems like being a one term President would be healthier in the long run so as to work out the political issues and give a newer generation breathing space. Plus, there'd be a good chance of him not seeing through a second term.
    1 point
  18. *wakes from his slumber* A new patch is coming?! Guess I better brush up on my XML-skills then! Also: hi everyone, been a while (Ethics! Long time no see! Hope all is well with you!)
    1 point
  19. I'm enjoying my third glass of Garrison Brothers Whiskey. It's a Texas version of good ole Kentucky sour mash. It has a much more robust taste than regular bourbon. The whiskey "burn" is pronounced and the aftertaste has definite notes of cinnamon. I guess at least. I've lost my ability to taste somewhere between this glass and the last. Can't wait to see what happens after glass four.
    1 point
  20. Is that a baby Toothless? It's cute, regardless. Today I ordered a bunch of jerky so I have something to munch on while I obsessively - for no particular reason - delete pixels from the hair of character cut-outs.
    1 point
  21. On the continuing adventures of learning my 3d Printer settings... I ended up managing to produce this after an 11 hour print:
    1 point
  22. They're not counted as a clan according to the Paradox forum.
    1 point
  23. The super fast logout seriously needs a fix. Especially on mobile with slow speed it is a very annoying pain, because you have to go through more pages than normally necessary. Makes me stop browsing the forum.
    1 point
  24. However, no official announcement has been made. Discord is quite a different environment, then an official forum - I don’t think anyone would treat those discord responses as binding. Moreover, those are posts of individuals, not Obsidian as a whole. Obs will make official announcement, once the patch is ready, while for now we have to rely on discord users to learn the gossips. Not that it isn’t nice every time devs pop up around here.
    1 point
  25. make it a 50 rep penalty plus allow for negative rep and Gromnir is so supporting this suggestion. minutes after implementation, we would edit each of our posts a dozen times... or more. -10k rep, here we come. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  26. I want another counter next to the reputation and post counter, showing how many times in total the user has edited any post.
    1 point
  27. Two-factor auth works great! Now that a session seems to hold for more than a few hours, enabling 2FA should have minimal impact on the ease of logging-in to your Obsidian ID. Instead of having to re-login to the Obsidian Forums every few hours, you will have to login and generate a new authentication code as well. It’s seems like a bit of a hassle when you are forced to log into the forums a few times a day. Hopefully we’ll get a working “stay logged in” option as the bugs get ironed out of the forum upgrade.
    1 point
  28. To be fair, the forums were down when he responded. I’m still a believer that the devs will eventually come back to these parts. One-line tweets or responses on chat is all they have had time for in the last few months, so I’m willing to take them at their word that it has been exceptionally busy.
    1 point
  29. https://www.artstation.com/avvart
    1 point
  30. Is the background actually obsidian now? If so I approve.
    1 point
  31. Great White Sharks Are Completely Terrified of Orcas we knew great whites were afraid o' killer whales, but the liver bit were new for us. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  32. The story behind the picture... Gorillas pose for selfie with DR Congo anti-poaching unit
    1 point
  33. Can anyone help me make a water color version for these potraits ? I need it for playing a vailian ocean folk. Thanks In advance
    1 point
  34. (speculation) - dots do damage upon initial application, so i wonder if "applyovertime" is incorrectly calculating the damage done because it's ignoring the initial hit. is "applyovertime" the same odd mechanism that yields the weird numbers for disintegration and cleansing flame? i wonder why "applyovertime" even exists, since i know that disintegration and cleansing flame have historically been buggy (and still are a little bit)... best just to switch everything to applyontick (do a find-replace in the json)
    1 point
  35. Same issue for me on MBP 15 2018. I tried different graphics settings, no results. I hope some fix will be soon.
    1 point
  36. I have the same issue on my MacBook Pro 2017 model. Never had the issue with water until I went underground into Delver's Row and then the Old City Ruins. I'm hoping it'll go away when I leave the area. My best guess is that it's specific to this area, though I have no idea why. Below are two screenshots I took while in the ruins. The glitch is occurring in the map, too.
    1 point
  37. I played BG2 first, did not give a toss about Imoen, "Khalid who?" and Irenicus was such a cheesy and hammy pile of videogame Big Bad's cliches that I couldn't ever invest in him as personal nemesis. That's why I always eyeroll at people who are all "Deadfire gives me no motivation, waaah!" and then "Baldur's Gate 2 is perfectly perfect slice of perfection with perfect motivation!" No, it's f†cking not. Not everyone who's into RPGs worship that thing and it's not the pinnacle of videogame perfection. No, seriously. Eye of the beholder, tentacle of the illithid, all that. I loved the game, by the way -- the setting, the cities, all the sidequests and secrets, and my indifference about anything Irenicus did not ruin my enjoyment of those things in a slightest.
    1 point
  38. I'm very peculiar i think, growing up i became way more interested in what videogames can do in terms of storytelling and writing in general. In the last decade one of my best experience was with the Telltale game The Walking Dead, even though the gameplay was very simple i really enjoyed it. I like to play other games like the occasional racing game, F1 in particular or strategy games like xCOM, but clearly my favourite games are rpgs. So i liked PoE 1 a lot more, in fact i consider that game to be one of the best i've played in my life. I think the companions, the dialogue, the lore, the scenario and the themes of the game are a lot better than Deadfire. I feel like PoE 1 it's truly a spiritual successor of games like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment while Deadfire winks more at modern rpgs. I didn't expect a swashbuckling adventure (for the most past) after themes like religion and faith, science and atheism, bitter truth or sweet lies featured in the first game. The reason why i didn't like Deadfire as much it's the same as a lot of other open world rpgs, there is a sense of false urgency given by the complete disconnection between the main and the side quests. After so many years probably Baldur's Gate 2 is the game that did the best job in making the player experience the side content in a mostly coherent way. Long story short, your character have very few good reasons to do the (really good btw) side content, exploring Deadfire while Eothas is on the run and his soul is on the line. That was a huge disappointment for me. Especially coming from Obsidian. PoE 1 for sure could be less polished in some aspects but overall it featured a more cohesive and coherent narrative, that's why i enjoyed it more.
    1 point
  39. Well, given that MS also owns inExile, and that they will soon release Wasteland 3 as a turn-based isometric RPG (like the last one), I'm feeling confident that Obsidian will be able to release a Pillars of Eternity 3 as we know and love, but better if they wish to.
    1 point
  40. Yeah that's a bit counterintuitive - and also frustrating to use as well as to test. You won't guess how many times I thought "wtf - this doesn't do anything" until I used a dw blunderbuss quickswitcher (Black Jacket/Streetfighter) and found out that you have to overcome the malus from flanked first.
    1 point
  41. Confounding Blind is not totally useless because those -3 deflection stack up to 10 times (which is good vs bosses; or vs enemies you multi-hit or focus-fire) But yeah, I do agree that it is unpleasant that it doesn't stack with -10 Deflection from Flanked because... I would think that Flanked is a passive. Turns out it's not. P.S. I like your general idea of speeding-up the deflection penalty accumulation. I.e. going from -3 Deflection per hit (for up to 10 times) to at least -5 Deflection per hit (for up to 6 times)
    1 point
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