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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/20 in all areas

  1. Slowly getting through my backlog, marathon sessions completely Dishonored, Dishonored 2, and Black Mesa. The Dishonored games are some of the best games I've played, in terms of gameplay and story, both have strengths and weaknesses, I actually went through 2 twice, it's a short game but has lots of replayability. I waited for patches to Black Mesa because I didn't trust it to not be a mess, it's surprisingly solid now, although 3 areas tank my fps for no reason. It's a better experience than the original game while being very familiar, it's surprising how a game from 1998 just works in terms of gameplay, concepts, puzzles, and story. I thought Xen looked awesome, it was a little long and repeating, the bosses were a little modern, too much scripted set piece which is not what HL games are about. Better than most of the original Xen though.
    3 points
  2. The tl;dr version of current Australian economic policy...
    3 points
  3. I've said it before, but lvl 7 Monks all the way. I seem to recall somehow making tons of gold with marketplaces,so I rarely had that issue (Monks do need babysitting) like I had figured out a gameplay pattern I did constantly but I can't recall. But I did like Wizards a lot too. All I remember is at some mid point during the Northern Expansion campaign, I mumbled "well this is going to be a challenge" then never got around to finishing. "What a delicious looking reward." - a Rogue just before dying.
    2 points
  4. If it is the ancient dragon quest where you have Solarii, if you manage to babysit a Solarii until she gets high level, then the ladies can solo dragons. The thing is getting one to live that long.
    2 points
  5. I think this gif is more appropriate
    2 points
  6. Though I think he should stay on the safe side and inject some bleach.
    2 points
  7. Well ain't this something? Unfortunately the most likely outcome is that Trump survives and claims that his survival means Covid-19 is no big deal while he will pushes for stuff that endangers more people. By now it should be obvious that Trump doesn't care about the danger of Covid-19 and would gladly sacrifice millions of people at the altar of productivity, anyone hoping for a "come to God" moment is delusional.
    2 points
  8. Let's see if both parties even have live candidates when we get to November... US President Donald Trump has said he and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for coronavirus and are now in quarantine. The president, aged 74 and therefore in a high-risk group, announced the news in a tweet. "We will get through this together," he wrote. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-54381848
    2 points
  9. Well done my friend, as you have mentioned you have felt moments of boredom and melancholy so this is exactly what you need to help improve any signs of motivation
    2 points
  10. Virtual meetings are basically modern seances. "Elizabeth are you here?" "Make a sound if you can here us." "Is anyone else with you?" "We can't see you, can you hear us?"
    2 points
  11. I avoid the coffee language like the plague and it's worked out well so far, but since you have no prior experience you most likely won't find the verbosity of Java offensive. That might come later. Feels like you need then times the lines of code to get something done in Java than you would need in anything else. Except COBOL. Good if you're paid by LOC though. On the other hand, avoid getting paid by LOC at any cost just as well. That's such a ridiculous measurement of coding productivity. No but in all seriousness, Java is a decent and safe choice assuming you like it and want to work in that field. It's been high in demand for a while now. If you want some buzzword side to go along with Java you coud look at R, that's the new hot shice apparently. Those come and go. All the time. The classics however have endured so far. They probably will for some while yet.
    2 points
  12. Xbox One X and Xbox One S - GAME CRASHING when trying to build anything at all. Crashes every time. Waited 3 weeks for this update as we couldn’t play due to ant over population.... and now can’t build. Very disappointing.
    2 points
  13. I did, a week ago - and I'm anxious as hell. ~8 months, starting from November. Therefore, so far, I have learned nothing. Unless you count these horror stories from Obsidian boards. In that case, I have learned that coding is a soul-crushing voyage into pain and misery. EDIT: I forgot to actually answer: Java. EDIT2: Amentep please don't ban me
    2 points
  14. They pretty much hit the nail on the head with Cobra Kai season 2:
    2 points
  15. Maybe... most software engineers are terrible at their job. So there's a lot of potential overlap between software engineers and people on the internet. The correlation certainly is there, keep digging to see if there's some causality behind it. Want to hear the funniest support call I ever got? I swear 'tis true. Phone rings, I pick up and the guy says: "Every time I delete an e-mail it's gone afterwards, why, is this normal?" I had no idea what to reply without making this even more awkward than it was, so I said I'd call the Exchange administrator and ask. Hung up, laugned a couple of minutes, then called back and told him that this indeed is the intended behaviour of the delete function in Outlook. What he was really asking about was why the deleted items folder is purged every other day because his private mail client at home doesn't do that, so he got used to "archiving" mails by deleting them. It still requires being completely oblivious to the meaning of the word delete but it's not the dumbest question I've ever had. Just the funniest. The dumbest question so far was when someone called and asked why he's still missing exported orders from a client. He "told" the system to export the orders from "today" three days ago by setting a future date in the "export orders created on" date range, so they should have been in the export three days ago, right? RIGHT? Whoever said there are no dumb questions, only dumb answers needs to spend a year in first level support. Join the dark, cynical side, get cookies... or watch your mind break. Your choice. What's the topic of this thread again? Uhm... yeah. Game news. Eh... *runs*
    2 points
  16. Hope springs eternal.
    1 point
  17. I can see why. The entire Northern Expansion campaign seems to have been specifically tailored to 1) crank up the difficulty 2) shut down many of the the usual strategies. It's the point where they started to experiment with the formula, too. I mean, the Spires of Death scenario in NE almost gave me an aneurysm - it's one of the few that I never, ever, want to replay, and I still have no idea how to reliably approach it without cheats (melkathi probably does, though, since he's a bear wizard and all). Then again, it's also the expansion that made an already overpowered Temple (Krolm/Barbarians) even stronger, so... Yes, this. I'm of the mind that everyone should own at least six copies of Majesty.
    1 point
  18. Indeed. You could even say it's... ... ...majestic.
    1 point
  19. Specifics? Well, why not. The ECJ has judged Poland's judiciary reforms (or parts thereof) to be in violation of Article 19, Treaty of the European Union on two separate occasions. To be even more specific: Judgment of the Court of Justice of 24 June 2019, Commission v Poland, C-619/18, ECLI:EU:C:2019:531; judgment of the Court of Justice of 5 November 2019, Commission v Poland, C-192/18, ECLI:EU:C:2019:924. But yes, we're all very well aware of how PiS thinks that these are just guidelines and the EU should not concern themselves with them. That was their official explanatory statement, wasn't it? In particular for ignoring certain ECJ rulings. But never mind. I'll be out now, I think I've had my fair share of interaction in this thread for the time being. Not sure how or why I let myself get suckered into this every now and then.
    1 point
  20. or single player. placing a blueprint from the base building menu freezes the game so you have to kill it. all you can do now is place utility and food items, decorations, craft weapons, armor, and tools, and kill bugs.
    1 point
  21. James Poyser. And this one is also good
    1 point
  22. The neat trick to keep dragons at bay is to use Krypta/Animate Bones/spawned skeletons. Skeletons have a ridiculously high Dodge score (something like 87? Iirc) which makes them great at defending against ranged attacks. Since a dragon's breath is counted by the game as a ranged attack, it means that a single disposable skeleton can tank a dragon for a good while, buying you time for kingdom building and whatnot. EDIT: Oh, and also - both varieties of dragons are prime targets to get crippled by Krypta's Wither spell.
    1 point
  23. Brno on a hot streak, I really hate it when I change tactics and then some player bitches because he's not playing enough. Hard to imagine I have divas in a piss poor team like mine. Pushing on in Majesty, the Expert levels are pretty challenging, spent one level with dragons messing up my town regularly, need to find a better solution - apparently turtling with ballista towers is the way there.
    1 point
  24. Our sun is too small to supernova. Instead, in 4-5 billion years the sun will turn into a red giant, its outer layer will swell up and either engulf the Earth, destroying it, or stop a bit short burning off the atmosphere and vaporizing everything on the surface.
    1 point
  25. Mild symptoms are being reported now, though.
    1 point
  26. Dramatic Timelapse From Hubble Shows a Star Literally Exploding in Nothingness.
    1 point
  27. Another set of random glitches.
    1 point
  28. Thank you! FYI your guide was really helpful for this too.
    1 point
  29. There's an intended hot fix for this issue. It's also affecting pc players as well. No known time frame as to when the hot fix is coming but hopefully soon enough. It can be discouraging but we need patience as the team works around the clock to get this done.
    1 point
  30. Yep same. Waited so long for this and this happens. Super disappointing.
    1 point
  31. My favorite companions are the ones that kill everything for me so I don't have to do anything.
    1 point
  32. I'd probably not be very fond of Kingmaker if I had played it in real-time (I'm not a huge fan of RTWP) but the fast majority of my time with it (which is over 600 hours...though a lot of that was just playing around with different builds to see how viable they were) was with the turn-based mod. I generally am fine with any companions, the only one I can recall that I really disliked is Vivienne in DA: I. I also wasn't super fond of Durance. I don't think he was a bad character, really, but I don't think he should have been a companion (because why would you keep around someone who was so unpleasant other than that he was a companion?). He'd have been better off as an NPC who just followed you around/showed up places where you were and gave you grief. Though, maybe I'm just missing something about the genius of making a companion who's intentionally unlikable? I'm almost sure there was a companion in another game that I just hated instantly, but I honestly can't recall who it was or even what game it was in, so...maybe that's a good thing.
    1 point
  33. Where to begin? Insect a.i is mostly destroyed, Ive seen every insect now just stand there, doing NOTHING. I can walk up and literally punch 2 wolf spiders to death.. While they just stand there beside eachother and die. Lady bugs, stink bugs etc etc the same exact thing. DO NOT BUILD, Building ANY base type blue prints will insta crash the game. In single player,multi and creative. Lean-to, spinning wheel, work bench etc are ok. Juice boxes wont spawn droplets. I was treated to the above only after I fought the game for 2 hours, do to the game constantly trying to load and sync to the cloud saves.. I made the incredibly stupid idea ( apparently ) to delete my save files and start anew. Well after the first game crash I re launched the game just to find my save files had re appeared. Deleted again and after crash same thing happened. So I deleted my save files from the dashboard this time, and cleared system cash, yeah the game did not like that at all.. After attempting to cancel the sync and attempting to mash A to get to the next screen I had to cancel again 20 times till I finally got to the next. After shutting the game down for a couple hours and resetting my xbox (hard reset hold for 30 then unplug) the game hates me even more. Now it is just trying to sync perpetually, AND my old files are back again this time saying unknown save file and my new saves will not load. Sorry for the lack of structure everyone, its 245 am and i'm truly tired atm.
    1 point
  34. Nvidia's new driver seems to have sorted the issue, without degrading performance in games. Most experts are blaming Nvidia for not providing third party partners with real drivers. My 3080 FE arrived today. Now I just need to wait to see what AMD announces.
    1 point
  35. that's how it's always been for me, except during whatever that one update was that made extra spawn, so i had 2 orbs (or 4) in places only 1 or 2 usually were. No change at all to wolf spiders that i've seen. Always had 2 under the oak tree. They're fairly easy to kill. shoot one with a bow and run back a ways so the 2nd one doesn't detect your fight. bandage up and go in and kill the 2nd.
    1 point
  36. I bought a singing Mordin plushie at PAX West*. I regret nothing. *This is despite me not being big on merchandise and/or conventions.
    1 point
  37. And don't forget slow, sloooooooow crawl from point A to point B both on the world and local maps. And buffing before every fight, good 20% of my Kingmaker time has to be applying buffs alone. This game disrespects player's time as if was some bloody MMO, only without the reason MMOs have (subscription money per time unit).
    1 point
  38. Neither did I. Never had an issue with the AI creating a problem for me by and large in RE5. Also, I'm not sure Lionheart's companions are bad so much as combat is broken to the point the game is almost unplayable once it becomes a combat centric game post Barcelona. Didn't mind the companions in MSAndromeda. But I liked that game more than most people, I think.
    1 point
  39. You really must use Mods, I am currently playing MEA and that is not my experience at all..my squad plays an effective part in all combat Here are some good " squad " Mods that should address your issues https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/359 https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/812
    1 point
  40. Exactly. Let us have some fun and tame adorable aphids if we want to.
    1 point
  41. This whole #NoTaming is a bit selfish tbh kinda gets to me, every time someone brings it up, why not have options? optional variety in a game we all love, if taming was optional you either like taming and want to tame or you just don't have to tame if it's not your thing and don't have to go anywhere near it. It's like the whole I don't like the blur effect/I like the blur effect, just let us all have the option to choose. "Insects aren't tameable" Humans aren't shrinkable.
    1 point
  42. Psssst ...... There's a Heart Icon in the corner of the Post (and in every comment) for this exact purpose.
    1 point
  43. Hi there, I haven't even thought of the terrain tool, but I think you are on to something there. I too struggle with the uneven surfaces at time. great idea!
    1 point
  44. First Man in Rome is pretty good, so long as one likes (somewhat) fictionalised history. 'I, Claudius' would be the most obvious comparison, though FMiR is both considerably longer page wise and considerably shorter time span wise. Part of a longer series, and the timespans get progressively more condensed the further in. Late but not terminal decline Roman Republic is also an often neglected subject for the more popular triumvirates epoch. It's well written and very well researched, and less dry than reading proper history. (I'd personally go for the first book too though. Interesting subject, and less of a commitment)
    1 point
  45. Two issues that i noticed other haven't already mentioned. 1) Bug pathing of Ants (happend at the start of two separate games cause a pile up of ants. Followed by them to completely disappear from the area with not further spawns. (See picture below for pile) 2) Science(SR) is Jacked -- it doesn't always appear in each game (Primarily single player). I am talking about the SR that appears in the world for example I played 3 separate games all of different difficulty and none had SR in the Oak tree lab or other various spots. It only appeared for me in Multi-player. However, rates were much different from this streamers video (as in 10 times as much). Also the comments in the provided youtube video show other people experiencing this problem. https://www.youtube.com/embed/H8G56e6y4Q4
    1 point
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