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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/20 in all areas

  1. Nier:Automata fans should be pleased that the first installment Nier:Replicant will be released on PC https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2020/03/29/nier-replicant-vers-1-22474487139-is-bringing-the-cult-2010-rpg-to-steam/
    5 points
  2. That's an insult to young teens.
    4 points
  3. we always buy the cheapest ramen we can find, then throw away everything but the noodles. is weird, but is usual cheaper to buy ramen noodles as part o' packaged meals than to buy ramen noodles. our current biggest problem for any kinda ramen is finding fresh garlic and ginger. we got a few sooper ez ramen recipes which use peanut butter or tahini but am always needing cloves o' garlic and an a bit over an inch o' garlic. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  4. Jon Bon Jovi's restaurant in New Jersey has been giving out free meals to people in quarantine. He has been working there personally helping out:
    3 points
  5. ~15 years past, the west nile virus hit bird populations in north america. crows were particular susceptible. in one year, crow population is estimated to have fallen by 30%. overall, during entire west nile virus period of 'bout 5 years, the crow population in na dropped 60%-80%. the crows had it coming. currently, there is a fungus which is spreading 'mongst amphibians. already 501 species o' frogs and salamanders has been wiped out... wiped out as in gone from the world never to be seen again save in photos and textbooks n' such. ever met a salamander who didn't deserve to die? +99% of species which has ever existed has been murderized by mother nature. mother nature doesn't care about you anymore than she cares 'bout salamanders or crows or dinosaurs or woolly mammoths. mother nature will, one day, end you with the pathological indifference o' a serial killer. viruses ain't some kinda punishment for transgression against nature or god or whatever. even if you see some kinda population control function as an explanation for the existence o' viruses, the pathogens is utter indiscriminate. nature takes such a long view that human conceits such as punishment and justice is incompatible with her goals. if there is a reason, then there is an opportunity for control. change behaviors and offer a few more virgin sacrifices to the gods will be your prophylactic 'gainst doom. sure, there is ways to combat virus spread and symptoms. we need not stand idle and surrender to fate, but pretend like all the death and suffering has meaning is foolishness. and if Gromnir is wrong and viruses is some kinda punishment from nature, then am gonna go out and buy as many plastic straws we can afford and set 'em ablaze in a grand bonfire with the most environmental harmful fuel source available to us. #$%& you mother nature. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  6. Back to PoE2 after a long time hiatus, to try finishing the new content, but this time with mods to improve some of the things I still find dissatisfying about the game. Found this thread while looking for mods. Just using stuff from the Nexus because I like to close steam when playing PoE2 to save system memory. Feels like it still has memory leaks as it gets kind of choppy if I play for hours. So anyways... -"Community patch". Every part of it. -"More custom AI conditions" Adds a lot of flexibility for programming your character AI that the original game needed, it's unfortunately still missing some things though, like "Self: beneficial effects suspended" would prevent ability spam when using "Self: Has inspiration (not)". Or like, it has clarity of agony in the monk list, but not enlightened agony. -"Deadfire tweaks" Some parts are OP. I like pretty much everything except the "new (class) tweaks", of those I only used the cipher and rogue tweaks I think. I liked the "new" priest tweaks with the extra casting passives, but after playing with it I think some of the new healing spells are to strong. -"Deadfire combat tweaks" The penetration mod. I really disliked the armor/penetration system for PoE2, this alleviates that. And as a side effect of the changes it makes single wielding a more viable build choice (because it buffs crits to alleviate the overall damage nerf of improving armor) -Female portrait packs, like all of them. So many it's hard to choose a portrait. I'm currently playing a Devoted psyblade, which is good, but being stuck with just a sword to generate focus is starting to feel kind of limiting now that I'm hitting the mega bosses, so I might revisit my transcendent build soon. In which case I'll probably also try out the "Deadly deadfire mod" assuming it is compatible with the PotD tweaks from "Deadfire tweaks". The enemy levels of many world encounters are set way to low for the vanilla upscaling system.
    2 points
  7. That is two weeks old, and they did drop the suit and offered 'free licensing' instead. Which, hopefully, no one took them up on as that would just validate an utterly ludicrous patent that should never in a million years have been granted in the first place (US patent 8283155, don't think the USPTO allows direct linking but its easily accessible via PATFT). The 'patent' they were trolling was literally for any portable system which could read samples of bodily fluids and communicate with a base unit. Unsurprisingly, such systems existed well before some abject gibbering moron in the USPTO granted them their patent while drooling onto his keyboard and being amused at the magic desk accessory that made night into day if you pushed a button. They existed before they filed the patent- I used a portable system in 2001 that was as described. I don't think anyone would particularly care if the US inflicted its own brand of IP stupidity solely on itself, but as with other infamous cases like Larry Proctor's Mexican yellow bean patent and Ricetec 'inventing' Basmati Rice the- deliberately- broken patent system is used to kill competition and extort rather than protect actual inventions. Then, the US has the temerity to lecture China about respecting IP...
    2 points
  8. Riiight.. We do have the same science as everyone else, it's just that Sweden hasn't closed down everything because the public health agency said that it was no point, they did say the same in Denmark for instance but for political motivations they closed down anyway. If anything, the Swedish public health agency might have to much power in making decisions accoring to some people. Very much this, our system is based on educating people and volountary actions, but for instance; the reason we went from allowing groups of 500 to groups of 50, was because some places skirted the law by only inviting 499 people. When this was found out politicians and public health officials went "Well, **** you then, no more than 50 people". If other recommendations aren't being followed they will start implementing more stringent actions.
    2 points
  9. The situation in Sweden seems to be kind of misreported. While they have refrained from declaring national state of emergency, the "recommendations" are still to work remotely if at all possible, to refrain from going out, and generally go for social isolation at all times. And while people haven't been forced to do so, public places are much emptier than usual, and Swedes aren't exactly the most gregarious people in the world, to begin with. The one exception to this are middle schools. Those are being kept open, with which I have to say I don't agree, especially when they have already announced that national exams won't be held, and all schools are already pre-emptively prepared to move to online classes, at any moment. It should be noted as well that people in Sweden are applying for unemployment benefits in record numbers, which of course, implies that plenty of businesses are closing/stopping. My main point of comparison is Portugal, where people are living under state of emergency. However, going by my Facebook feed, where both Portuguese and Swedish images of the streets can be found. there doesn't seem to be that much of a difference between the two in practical terms. Just yesterday there were images of a traffic jam on Lisbon's main bridge, ostensibly because people went out to enjoy the weather. As the best point of comparison there are currently 164 cases in intensive care in Portugal, while there are 306 in Sweden. For myself, I'm on my third week working from home, and I will remain doing that until May at least. The same is true of everyone I know, apart from a couple of nurses and doctors.
    2 points
  10. That's a matter of taste I guess. You are not missing anything as far as I can tell. I like both Spellblade and Mindstalker - but since I generally prefer Wizard over Cipher I'd opt for Spellblade. Infuse + DoTs is nice. Combusting Wounds doesn't work with DoTs though. Only with "pulsing" spells that do a new attack roll every few secs (Chillfog, Walls, Freezing Pillar and such). Pure DoTs only have one hit roll and then it's just ticks. Those don't trigger Combusting Wounds. Trickster/Soulblade is a great melee combo - especially when using "Offensive Parry" from Whispers ofthe Endless Paths: you'll get new focus from parrying and can spend it right away with Soul Anihilation. Not really DoT-focused though. One weapon the Spellblade has access to and which does very high single target dmg plus high poison DoT on its own (which stacks with other DoTs) is Nannasin's Cobra Strike (from a unique grimoire). Spellblade can also use several spells to lure enemies to a spot from stealth - like Arkemyr's Dazzling Lights for example. Anything that makes soem noise, can be cast out of combat and can be targeted on the ground. Makes it a lot easier to catch all enemies in an DoT without using sparkcrackers. Ciphers don't have that. But Tricksters can do it (Dazzling Lights) which makes them very useful for such an approach. Also don't forget Battle Axes with Bleeding Cuts: the modal is very powerful and especially good if you use a Battle Axe in your main hand (and something else in the offhand) and use Full Attacks (see Arterial Strike etc). That way you won't suffer the longer recovery but apply a very strong DoT for a long time that stacks with itself. Speaking of DoTs in an AoE: I would either go with a Scout (Trickster/Arcane Archer + Watershaper's Focus or Streetfighter/Sharpshooter + Hand Mortar/Fire in the Hole). May I also draw your attention to a Trickster/Ancient? With WotEP you can apply Taste of the Hunt in an AoE (it's quite strong) and at the same time cast several very good DoTs that also unlock Sneak Attacks and Deatblows and combine them with the Rogue's DoTs. It's unusual but it works and is fun.
    2 points
  11. good news? the picard season finale aired and so the shared nerd nightmare ends. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  12. Hi, I was recently looking into this same behavior while playing the game for the first time, and I thought I would share what I discovered here in the most relevant existing thread. There are also some other online discussions that mentioned how experience gain would be greatly diminished for characters further down in the list of inactive party members. I was looking at the Assembly-CSharp.dll file, according to another post I had found, and I noticed what I believe is a minor error in the code. It seems the game is intended to give inactive party members 90% experience if they are equal to or below the player's level, and 50% if they are above (based on global.gamedatabundle file). However, these adjustments are made to all of the characters in a loop without resetting the initial experience value on each iteration. Therefore, the first inactive member would get 90% xp as intended, the second would only get 90% of 90%, or about 81%, the third would get about 73%, and so on. Depending on the number of inactive members, this can result in severely reduced experience gains for the most recent members not in the active party. The post that shows this code and how to edit it is below. The poster just bypasses the loop and assigns 100% xp every time, but it would be easy to just add a new variable for reassigning a new adjusted xp value on each loop to make the code work as intended. It seems Obsidian is finished making minor patches like this one to the game, but it seems to be a simple fix in case anyone is interested.
    2 points
  13. Whines about facism.. supports China... LMAO Remember, China is the country that has full control of the situation to the point that they opened up theatres... just to close them up again. This mess is 100% their fault. PERIOD.
    2 points
  14. Let's face it friends... things kind of suck right now. The world seems to be going to hell in a handbasket. But it's not all terrible. Every day people are doing good things. There are positive and uplifting stories in every news service. The great Hunter S. Thompson wrote " Good news is rare these days, and every glittering ounce of it should be cherished and hoarded and worshipped like a priceless diamond" So let's spread some GOOD news stories for a change! Woman Gets 'Wrong Number' Photo Of Dog And Couldn't Be Happier
    1 point
  15. Hi all, I am currently attempting to start a new playthrough revolving around a single idea. Heavy DoTs (Toxic Strike, Break the Bell, Gouging, etc.) to be applied in an aoe or single target from the rogue tree paired with support skills from either the wizard or cipher. I was hoping to get some feedback on pros and cons and maybe have a few questions answered. Spellblade: +Applies buffs to self faster and are generally stronger for the player. +Has access to blights and citzals for AoE application of DoTs, both have really solid base damage +No need to take Trickster for Displaced Image. Mindstalker: +Passives benefit weapon based combat. +Longer casts but have some strong debuffs to reduce enemy stats +Seekers Fang cipher bind, from what I have read this thing scales at Focus/10 per 3 secs. This is some pretty hefty raw damage late game with the Rapier model allowing for some nasty crits. WoTeP would be my AoE backup. At a glance it seems to me a choice of easier and more consistent AoE damage from the Wizard or the Higher Single Target Potential of the Cipher. So what are some things I may not be taking into consideration with these two choices? Which do you prefer and Why? Does combusting wounds work with non hazard DoTs? What single target weapon would the spellblade prefer, Rannigs Wrath maybe?
    1 point
  16. It'd be helpful to have more info but yes, that is something you can do. Really though any sandboxing would be recommended going off of what you've provided but keep in mind these are just very general safe practices.
    1 point
  17. am recognizing how tough this must be. you enjoy when oliver exposes a wouldbe autocrat like trump, but am suspecting you were less appreciative when oliver went after more experienced autocrats such as putin and xi. story from march 14 'We are all infected with football and will die for Zenit' march 19 Sharp increase in Moscow pneumonia cases fuels fears over coronavirus statistics march 20 Doctors in Russia are accusing the government of covering up its coronavirus outbreak and denying them protective equipment march 25 Why Is Russia’s Coronavirus Case Count So Low?
    1 point
  18. (Yakuza 0 and context is for people with no imagination!)
    1 point
  19. I'm sorry, but could you very clearly state what you're trying to accomplish? I just don't have a good enough idea of what you're trying to do to provide any kind of input.
    1 point
  20. I can vouch for Seekers Fang being an absolutely fantastic weapon for a melee oriented cipher. On my Transcendent it does like 40-50 damage per tick after crit with Spider's Patience when Ascended - about half of Disintegrate - but rapier strikes much faster (particularly dual wielded with a ranged weapon), normal hits also leave a slight (stacking) DOT. The nice thing is that the first tick is instant, so it deals almost 100 damage per crit... and then the deadly DOT. And it has the fantastic per encounter Spider's Flurry ability, which deals 3 hits to everyone in the cone (plus immobilized and offers 3 chances to crit, 3 stacks of regular DOT)... Can usually affect 3-5 enemies with it... and maximize focus too.
    1 point
  21. Rise is better and Shadow is much better. Shadow is a legit good game IMHO. The reboot series becomes more actual Tomb Raider and less Geara of Lara as it progresses. For example, the sequels have actual tombs to raid. Heck, Shadow even has a couple that aren't completely insultingly easy. Still too easy for my tastes, but better than the Baby's First Platforming Puzzle crap that passes for challenge tombs in the first reboot game.
    1 point
  22. It's good to play Pathfinder Kingmaker video game:
    1 point
  23. After Black Mesa I did some Half-Life 2 marathoning. After Episode 1 I remembered why I hated the Episodes enough to not bother with Episode 2. It's just more of the same stretched way too thin. And not even usually the best parts of it. Like I'm pretty sure every Half-Life 2 installment has a bit where you're crossing toxic sludge by tediously shuffling objects about to stand on. Why?!?!?!?
    1 point
  24. Oh boi, oh boi, oh boi...
    1 point
  25. Picard I think everything in this show was done so they could have dramatic moments, but rarely any build up or consequence for the dramatic moment, because that might get in a way of another dramatic moment. The Borg cube is a perfect example: A dramatic reveal at the end of episode 1 and then nothing. The worst part of the whole series for me was the "romantic scene" between Seven of Nine and Raffi. No build up for the romance or any signs that either of the characters might be gay. Just a single scene so the writer can go to twitter and virtue signal how progressive they are. And since it was just a scene, corporate bigwigs can cut it out for certain countries so it wont affect the profits. It was lazy writing to show progressive ideals without actually standing up for those ideals in places where you actually still have to fight for those things.
    1 point
  26. "Western capitalism is dependent on Communist countries to provide raw materials to create products that benefit humanity. When Western countries start using raw corporate power to crush leftist countries, it is the definition of fascism. " Western countries were doing just fine before having to deal with Communist countries. Don't blame the West for Comminist countries treating their citizens even worse than the West does. P.S. That guy is a coward. He didn't care about anyone but himself. I feel bad for his family and friends, and feel pity for him but he was a coward who gave up - the definition of cowardice.
    1 point
  27. Texas couple donates flowers to assisted living homes after postponing wedding
    1 point
  28. https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/
    1 point
  29. Huh? They can't be as great because they are not doing any noteworthy damage anymore. They may be still useful - but logic dictates that they cannot be as good if their weapons don't scale. So skeletons may not be useless later on - but still a proper weapon scaling for all summons - including skeletons - would make much more sense than the current "solution". Not only in terms of balancing but also when it comes to consistency and what the player expects. "Look! The great Chanter Sumonitas calls upon Eora his mighty army of Ancient Wiederganger Skeletons. Behold their awesome... erm... rusty swords... which fall apart while they rush forth..? Huh..."
    1 point
  30. I've never been to Spain but I have to put it on my "to do" list. There have been a lot of stories like this coming from Spain: Spanish Man Share a Drink With Isolated Neighbors By Filling Their Glasses From Two Floors Above
    1 point
  31. Considering how much of a beating Lara can take in the cutscenes I had to laugh at Roth dying from that little axe hit in the back. He really should have had her tank the hit.
    1 point
  32. Tomb Raider since it was free on Steam. Game suffers from pacing issues due to checklist syndrome. GPS caches? Check. Relics? Check. Documents? Check. Challenges? Check! Aside from that it's fun and pretty decent. Eh, and no way Lara survives falling into that rebar spike.
    1 point
  33. When I retire, this is what I want to do.
    1 point
  34. Why, yes. Lord Eomer Vaako McCoy finds out that Khan's blood can resurrect dead tribbles some five minutes before Kirk, in a role reversal from The Wrath of Khan, "sacrifices" his life in order to kickstart (literally) the Enterprise's warp core in Star Trek: Into Darkness. So instead of being Dead, Jim! Kirk is injected with the blood and yay, back from the dead. I always imagine this is what happens during writers' meetings when they come up with complete and utter failures like that. It's not really a surprise that Alex Kurtzman was involved in both Into Derpness and Picard. Can somebody give me a sock?
    1 point
  35. I mean, not to put a fine a point on it, but all you're saying is that it doesn't matter to you, when several other players are saying it does. I can say that I like to min-max a lot, and even then it still "weighs on my mind" about good or bad choices, vis a vis my character concept. And from watching more "normal" people play games likes Fallout, a lot of people make these decisions as well (i'll bet the cannibalism F:NV perk is one of the least picked perk). Plus I think it's more philosophical a choice than a gameplay feature. Is it really a "good" choice if people are motivated by material rewards instead of the moral rightness of it? Whether or not good outcomes got rewards or not has the same gameplay pitfalls either way - either it doesn't matter for some people that being bad is bad, or it doesn't matter for some people that being good is good, they just want the extra goodies they get from choosing a dialogue option. It's always bugged me as a fan of role playing games (and role-playing-adjacent games) that "good" choices were frequently much better than "bad" choices, which basically upends the whole moral system entirely - people are bad because they are incentivized to be bad. One of my major disappointments in this in modern gaming is Bioshock, because if you did the math and you always saved the little sisters, the amount of ADAM you give up ended up being quite minor, and you got a lot of extra rewards in the process (in particular some unique plasmids/tonics unobtainable by evil people)--so much for the "moral choice" aspect of it; just be good because you end up richer, not because it's "good" for goodness' sake.
    1 point
  36. Well that goes for my first and maybe my second PT. I obviously didn't sacrifice anyone then. After that it doesn't really matter to me. In real life I wouldn't have killed Durance. Although he might have ended up in the hospital. To me Durance is an expendable character so I can sacrifice him and I have done so almost all the times. It's actually kind of rewarding seeing him suffer and then as he understands he's going to die and there's nothing he can do about it my PC does a little victory lap around the blood pool. Also the DLC characters never stuck to me so if I want Might I sacrifice Maneha. I can always blame Thaos.
    1 point
  37. When a wool cap just won't do. Edit: Ahhh, I guess I have to allow the googletagmanager script for it to embed... EditEdit: also, this one.
    1 point
  38. We all need Fat Elvis.
    1 point
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