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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/19 in all areas

  1. What a perverse attempt at humor. It's not a competition.
    5 points
  2. New Bioshock in production: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2019/12/09/new-bioshock-announced/
    4 points
  3. Thank you! Yes, it's a boy. Which is fantastic, because I don't recall having any positive male role models and I have no idea how to be one. Of course, it's a moot point for now because he's imitating the dutch train service - he's late, I don't know why he's late and I have no idea when he will get here...
    4 points
  4. It has one, but that part works a lot better in this game than in Secret of the Silver Earring. Just crouch and you'll be fine. I'm currently replaying Fallout: New Vegas.
    2 points
  5. have met enough married couples to know that the #2 on your list is tougher to pull off than you suggest, particular given potential decades o' inevitable conflicts both large and small. is a big celebration on day o' marriage, but from a marriage outsider, day 1 looks to be relative easy. am thinking culturally we do in reverse. marriage should be a minor affair with little fanfare. any pair o' stoopid kids can get married. a couple o' drunks in vegas can get married. takes far more effort to make a marriage last. is 21st century and we don't so much care 'bout dowry's and joining family fortunes, so we suggest forget marriage celebration and instead make each subsequent anniversary more extravagant than the last. if such celebration feels like a lie, then is likely a sign you is doing something wrong, eh? regardless, from pov o' a never-married person, #2 looks more than a little difficult. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  6. You know how to be a positive male role model. It's easy. Work hard and take care of your family Love your wife/spouse unconditionally Love your son unconditionally Treat everyone with respect and insist on the same in return and show him how to do that. See? Not hard. Just be yourself.
    2 points
  7. Mess with the Finns, you get the knife. I'm not worried.
    2 points
  8. The global cooling thing was never the scientific consensus: http://nora.nerc.ac.uk/id/eprint/11584/1/2008bams2370%2E1.pdf That guy's quote was just his personal opinion. An while he clearly overshot his predicitons: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2018/11/animal-decline-living-planet-report-conservation-news/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decline_in_insect_populations Also while we may just really be past the point of no return, things can always get worse, and they will get worse at the rate we're going.
    2 points
  9. I might get back to Battleborn and finish the Singleplayer campaign now that Gearbox is pulling the plug on it. You'd expect them to let you play the singleplayer campaign but nooooo, the game will be unplayable according to Gearbox. Now I have no chance of playing the DLCs either. Digital distribution is the future they said... EDIT: This is a bonus I guess, anybody noticed this?
    2 points
  10. Ah yes, the "children in Africa are starting" argument. Easily countered by the whole "two wrongs don't make a right" thing. Although I suppose these days a more apt response is "ok boomer".
    2 points
  11. Started to play Pillars of Eternity 1 after a looooooong time. Picked up Cipher. And just finished the introductory dungeon
    2 points
  12. Vote here: https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/12/05/best-games-2019 https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/12/05/best-rpgs-2019 https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/12/05/best-game-story-2019 https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/12/05/best-game-actor-actress-2019
    1 point
  13. Ive been married for 1000 years, and imo, the secret to longevity is the ability to accept what each other evolves into. Youre not the same person you were 5, 10, 20 years ago and neither is your partner. "Love" is always there, acceptance and growth takes occasional effort.
    1 point
  14. Those characters are from people who supported the game in the crowdfunding campaign when the game was being developed. It wasn't a very good implementation of those characters but you can safely ignore all those NPCs (I think they have a different color than the rest if I remember correctly?). You won't miss out on anything at all in terms of experience points or anything relevant to the story. They are just there for extra flavour. I would definitely just skip them if I were you.
    1 point
  15. My first playthrough with a custom party, I did everybody as a flavor of multiclass assassin, and had everybody use arquebuses. You can breeze through a surprising number of fights by having the entire party focus-fire Devastating Blow against a squishy enemy, with everybody Smoke Clouding immediately afterward to reset the fight, minus one enemy. Lather rinse repeat. It gets really tedious and boring after a while though.
    1 point
  16. https://mobile.twitter.com/DeathComeTrue/status/1203949178373541888 The creator of Danganronpa is making a FMV game.
    1 point
  17. As the publisher 2k is, technically, killing Battleborn rather than Gearbox. For the latter, buying from somewhere that gives you offline installers has always been the best option- and if you don't, don't spend more than you're prepared to lose. You could also imagine all the people who buy extremely expensive DRMed products like Tractors at 250k a pop which can only be used at the sufferance of John Deere and friends for their entire lifetime...
    1 point
  18. GOG Galaxy just went into Open Beta period. https://www.gog.com/galaxy Is it good enough to switch now, or I should wait a little bit more. All I care about is GOG and PS4 friendlists and trophies.
    1 point
  19. The last game I really saw this at play was Oblivion. Even though FO3 and F:NV had the same engine, they didn't nearly do it in spades or try to plug in as much emergent gameplay. (In Oblivion you could leave a poisoned apple around and put it on top of someone's plate and wait for them to eat it; it was a bit janky, but there's no equivalent in games hence basically. Also in Oblivion, much like the Ultima games of yore, you could follow NPCs around and watch them go about their day. Though you do have to hear their short bark dialogue all the time "HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE HIGH ELVES?" In FO3/NV/Skyrim/FO4, unless they are one of the explicitly-intended-to-be-regional-merchants, they basically do a small orbit in one of a few rooms that may or may not involve a bed.) Like Boeroer says, there's a huge cost component. I would also venture to say the vast, vast, vast majority of players in Oblivion never noticed or took advantage of the "real world" elements of gameplay (as evidenced by how buggy and janky the poisoned apple mechanics could be), so I don't think people really are missing out on anything. Deadfire is more reactive than PoE1 in this respect, and you could tell how far we are from the RPGs of yesteryear by doing a google search for something like "Where is Una in Deadfire?" People just aren't used to the idea that a merchant might actually go to sleep at night. Also, despite the fact that I have nostalgia for Ultima games (though mostly 7 and Underworld), I'm pretty ambivalent about this frankly, even the little bit that is in Deadfire - even though it's just a few button clicks and a short wait, I find it a bit annoying to have to wait for daytime so that some of my vendors appear (anecdotally, my wife--who is really into first person open-world RPGs and never grew up playing the old cRPGs--really hates ever having to wait for anything or trying to remember people's schedules). As another example, rain introduced RNG and almost botched my Ultimate run (and screwed up another; rain causes people to seek shelter; if you're planning on trying to steal or sneak and it's time sensitive, having everyone seek shelter right next to the thing you want to steal is extremely inconvenient). I admit I was a bit surprised by how both PoE1 and Deadfire were generous with quests. You could flat out refuse a quest, and you'd still get a journal entry. But players hate botching quests or missing out on content because they didn't do the right RPG voodoo (either correct dialogue response or right stats). I think this is part of the continuing "streamlining" of game mechanics in an effort to lower barriers and broaden appeal across much of the RPG genre while reducing costs. Unlike the immersive component above, this is one aspect that I am decidedly less ambivalent about and miss more. I think stats and decisions should be meaningful, and that should pertain to more than just combat or ending slides - I want more explicit tradeoffs like the Bardatto vs Valera questline, or hard checks to even get a quest like in Fallout 2.
    1 point
  20. Great news on climate change! According to the latest issue of Discover Magazine, it's already too late: With Sea Level Rise, We've Already Hurtled Past a Point of No Return The US SecGen seems to agree: https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/01/climate-change-point-no-return-074610 So you can finally all stop worrying and just live your lives. The planet is screwed and it's too late to do anything about it. Whew... kind of liberating when you think about it isn't it? I mean, one less thing to worry about right? Not like we're all not going to die sometime anyway. But don't cash in that 401k just yet. Don't forget Discover published these two tidbits in 1980 & 1981:
    1 point
  21. In preparation of The Expanse s4 coming at the end of this week I've started watching the last 7 episodes of s3 again (so I can time it exactly with the start of s4 \o/ ). I kinda expected to doze off in-between, as I have seen s3 twice already, but to my surprise it still hooks me hard. It still excites me, even though I know exactly what happens. Guess this is a pretty clear indicator that The Expanse is - to me - the best show I've seen in years. There aren't many that I can easily rewatch and totally get into again like that. PS: I HATE weekly releases. It's a pain in the arse. Heck, I'd be fine with 1 episode each day, but waiting from week to week really pulls me out and annoys me more than anything else. This crap worked back in the days with monster-of-the-week episodes, but it fails hard with continuous storylines and cliffhanger-episodes. I still remember how much I was angry at Battlestar Galactica back in the days, because it was the first show I've experienced this with. You're really getting into that episode, it gets to the high-point and.... done. Please wait another week to continue. Then once you start the new episode, you're completely out of hype and everything feels mood. Rinse and repeat. Ugh.
    1 point
  22. Yeah, those pesky "African" children are starting again. Starting what exactly? Making the young "caviar leftists" complainers look dumb? P.S. Not every person with darker skin than you is from Africa, though. Just a useful tip I agree, Greta should stop. It's not funny when rich kids complain about hard life.
    1 point
  23. You only get the benefit when its equipped. Swapping weapons is to allow the player to switch to a weapon that can get through DR the enemy is weak to more than on the previous weapon or to get to a unique benefit the other weapon doesnt have. Also there is one build with Island Aumaua and Arms Bearer and Quick Switch, where you equip 3 or 4 guns and can spam multiple gun shots without reloading.
    1 point
  24. Was more in reference to this: Opinion: Farmers ride the gravy train as Trump boosts welfare to the Heartland If they're going to accept what amounts to welfare to keep afloat, then so be it. But I don't want to hear _any_ lectures from them about the "evils of socialism" because if that isn't socialism then I don't know what is.
    1 point
  25. With the same argumentation one could claim a refund if one doesn't like a chocolate bar. Take a bite and demand a refund for the 90% that's left. I know - it's not the same since software doesn't get used up just because I downloaded it. But even if physical products and software are not congruent in every aspect: That "let's just try it and get a refund if I don't like it" not my approach. Also not with Amazon products where that's a usual thing to do (I only send back a product once to Amazon - except broken stuff of course). I also don't try on some clothes in a boutique (which seem to fit nicely) but after some days I think "I don't actually like them" and bring them back. Not wha I do. I don't like that mindset. It seems to be a bit careless. Obviously it's ok to do that. But it's not my approach. I would give the clothes to somebody I know or to charity and move on. My approach is to accept that my decision was hasty or risky or simply poor - and I would want to improve my decision-making in the future. If I don't take responsibility for poor decisions I feel I will never learn to make better ones. A sideeffect is that I cherish the things I bought more and use them more often. Nowadays you can watch youtubers and streamers and reviews and tests and whatnot which can give you a good idea about a game. I'd say it's very easy to make an informed decision and the risk of buying something you actually loathe is very low. However - happened to my two weeks ago. I bought The Darkest Dungeon. Now I know which kind of games I don't like. Since I often buy indy games... I want more indy games than less. I also think they often can use every dime. So I let them keep mine. It doesn't hurt me. Of course you can only follow that apporach if you don't have to turn every dime. In that case it's a very good thing that you can get refunds at all. And I'm sure Steam and otehr platforms would be happy if they didn't have to give them - but some brave people fought for it. So no flak from me for getting refunds. It's just my personal feels.
    1 point
  26. This is actually too true to really be funny but still...
    1 point
  27. Something that also plays a role (when it comes to perceived strength) is how fun a character is to play. And it's no fun to watch your party whittle down an enemy very slowly - even if your dudes are sturdy as hell and can't really lose. Once you've determined that your party can reliably win a fight the qualifier for "stronger" shifts from "who can win this?" to: "who can win this faster"?
    1 point
  28. Well wishes to you all! Do you know the sex yet?
    1 point
  29. This game sounds great. Seriously considering breaking my 6-month quarantine rule.
    1 point
  30. First of all, I've never liked any of the Fallout games. To me, they're all bad, period. And it makes me seriously mad that people think that every CRPG fan has to like Fallout. Hey, I owe you nothing! I am a huge CRPG fan and yet I hate Fallout and I have every right to hate whatever I hate. This being said, I'm also a firm believer in the "live and let live" motto. So I would never come here with this rant if the Fallout fanboys weren't so damn obnoxious and irritating. It's always the same story: on any forum where CRPGs are discussed in every thread there's always a Fallout fanboy explaining you how your favorite game is bad just because it's not exactly like their beloved Fallout. Twenty years. Twenty freaking years. And now I come here to the TOW forums and what do I see at the top of the general discussion? Of course, it's a thread on how TOW is bad because it's not exactly like Fallout. /sigh Dear Obsidian, do you want some feedback on what your forums need? Well, here's mine: we need the "add all Fallout fanboys to ignore list" button. It's way too annoying to block them all one by one.
    1 point
  31. these two are a couple despite his mother aggressively trying to chase her away
    1 point
  32. 'tis a good thread. Let's reinvigorate it from time to time.
    1 point
  33. maybe she stole it from some other kid
    0 points
  34. Today I searched for video game news in an attempt to take over the Computer and Console section of the forum.
    0 points
  35. Haven defenses starting with scary deployment: Raider in flames: And New Jericho getting tired of waiting for me to clear out that lair in Europe:
    0 points
  36. Odo gone too https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/benson-star-trek-actor-rene-auberjonois-has-died-at-79/2019/12/08/db319e26-1a05-11ea-977a-15a6710ed6da_story.html Also Caroll Spinney https://www.npr.org/2019/12/08/786115746/caroll-spinney-who-played-big-bird-and-oscar-on-sesame-street-dies-at-85
    0 points
  37. Dreams. I can never remember mine unless I'm dreaming and then suddenly wake up. So... for some reason I'm Hitler's personal secretary ( I know, right ?) The fürher is in the doorway to my office with an entourage of assistants and what looks like gray uniform death star generals and he goes 'The odds for tomorrow are 2/1'. I'm trying to explain that I don't understand as a ringtone goes off. The office is messy with papers strewn everywhere and I dig through them looking for the source, I can tell that the gathering is having fun as at my expense as Hitler goes 'Das is sehr beständig'. I find 4-5 identical flip phones with confusing menus and I can't figure out how to turn them off. They open easily in the back and run on AA batteries, I pop the batteries out.. but they keep ringing. Which transitions to the alarm on my phone and I realise that I'm going to be an hour late for work.
    0 points
  38. Along with the wonders of hung parliaments, no-consensus governments, ministries coming and going within months. And don't get me started on problems in socialized healthcare. It's not all greener grass over here.
    0 points
  39. Fascinating, so you can have more than two parties in a government. Next your going to tell me something silly like they provide reasonable health care to the population.
    0 points
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