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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/19 in all areas

  1. Edit Nov. 15: Greetings fellow spacers, We want to inform you that Patch will not be ready until Monday, November 18th. We apologize for this inconvenience as we tried to get this out to you this week, but due to some unfortunate circumstances the patch will not be ready until early next week. Again we are sorry to have to push this update back. We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this delay. ________________________ Greetings fellow spacers, At this time, we would like to let you all know that we are looking at releasing a patch next week to implement some changes and bug fixes. This patch is currently in the testing phase and as long as no other issues occur during this time, we hope to release it to you all sometime next week. Please be aware that this can change, but we are working hard to make this timeline and things are looking good thus far. Resolved Issues: • The crashing issue in Tartarus • Increase Font Size - Conversations/Subtitles • Muffled sound effects occur at random times for players on the PS4 • Companions dying and failing companion quests on modes other than Supernova • Unable to finish "Radio Free Monarch" • Trophy "Not the Best Choice" fails to unlock properly If you do not see your particular issue or suggestion listed above, please understand that we are continually reviewing and working on items that you are sharing with us. We will continue to work on updates and patches to see how we can make your gaming experience the best it possibly can be. To continue to report issues and share suggestions, please visit our The Outer Worlds: Technical Support forums and search to see if a fellow player has already made a thread about it. If you find a thread with your issue or suggestion, feel free to comment in that thread with any details you would like to share. If you cannot find a thread with your issue or suggestion, please start a new thread detailing the issue/suggestion and then please contact our publishing partner, Private Division, at their website here. Doing so will help ensure that your specific issue or suggestion is in their queue, which allows us to prioritize requests to provide the fastest possible turnaround time. Thank you all for your patience and understanding, and we are so grateful to have you all here with us.
    7 points
  2. Yay! But I hope the font size increase is for more than just the subtitles. Some of the text in the menus is even smaller than the subtitles. Eventually, this game will be on Microsoft's xCloud service and people will play it on their phones, so the text will be even harder to read than this.
    3 points
  3. As other have said completion of a game is relatively uncommon and not a good indication for long games like Deadfire, but the steam achievements reveal something more interesting where less than 2/3s of players made it off the starting island. To compare this to PoE, less than half of players made it to the end of Act 1, which to be fair is significantly longer than getting off the island, and only 13% finished the game https://steamcommunity.com/stats/291650/achievements EDIT: I forgot to take into account mods and console commands, as such the % of achievements only reflects Steam players who did that without using mods or the console and Steam players who used mods or console with some kind of work around like the IE mod for PoE. Anyways I think we can draw a few general conclusions, that a significant amount of players will put in little to no time playing a game they have (whether purchased or gifted), that many will not complete the game and quit after a few hours, and that unintutive gameplay won't be pursued by most players (in these cases few relative pacifists or intentionally pissing off companions) Specific to PoE, Deadfire actually had a higher percentage of players finish the game, which we can interpret as either higher target audience approval or more dedicated players relative to owners of Deadfire or that Deadfire can be completed quicker than PoE. I don't think any of these facts or assumptions can readily explain why Deadfire under performed commercially, to compare it to a game that was wildly successful only 23.4% (at most, could be as low as 11.5%) players managed to complete DOS2 and only 60% got past the 1st act https://steamcommunity.com/stats/435150/achievements Josh's comments about Deadfire having less awareness remains the explanation I have the easiest accepting, albeit it is one that is more difficult to address. And one last thing, Planescape Torment is the IE game that has aged the worst. It's a great interactive storybook but the gameplay is absolutely horrendous, and I can't justify replaying it like I could BG or IWD. Fite me irl.
    3 points
  4. Hey, a fun thought experiment I learned to do some time back. Every time you want to say "I don't get this" or "I don't understand" about someone else and you barrel on to suggest something else, what you're really saying is "I have an empathy deficit." Try ever so slightly harder to put yourself in another person's shoes. See, in part, what Hurlshot says below: I can still read books by squeezing in a few pages (I've been working my way through a big economics text five minutes at a time in the mornings in between my breakfast and the kids waking up), or by reading them during the commute, or via audiobook. But yes, kids and a day job means I don't read as much anymore, either. I also don't go to the gym as much anymore either (though I still try). Side note: in the US (where most people have to drive around), how many skinny/fit parents of multiple young children do you see wandering around? Kids are tiring without even being good exercise! It's even an effort just to find the time to find and listen to new music: now I know why parents become increasingly "uncool" over time; staying up to date on stuff is time-consuming and sometimes it's just not worth it (my wife has basically given up on finding new music to listen to). For gaming in particular (versus reading a book), there's overhead in gaming, and I want to feel like I "accomplished something" for the hour or two that I can squirrel away in an evening (and 15 minutes is a non-starter because of such overhead). This has meant, in practice, that I play more shooters and action games these days, because I can spin it up real quickly, kill a hundred nazis or zombies or whatnot in like half an hour, and feel like I did something with my rare free time. However much I love Deadfire and games like it, it can be a slog because over like an hour of gameplay, a significant chunk of that will be in load/save menus[1], staring at inventory screens and character screens, wandering through vast empty wilderness areas, and basically not any what I would consider the actual "game" part of the game (questing, dialogue, story, combat). An RPG that is very compact and dense like TOW means there's not a lot of wasted wandering and I spend more time doing the actual game and accomplishing quests, and the mechanics are simple enough that I don't have to spend time during my free time trying to look up stuff or staring at dense info screens trying to determine my next steps - it's optimized to be rich over 15-20 hours which also means I see a lot of progress in story lines and character development in any given chunk of time. (During my game times, I literally set up intermittent timers so I don't lose track of time and forget to go to sleep or something, and I can definitively say that with a 30 minute timer I might be able to clear multiple areas in TOW, but meanwhile literally not even finish a single fight in Deadfire.) [1] this is despite Deadfire having pretty speedy load times in general; meanwhile I literally don't want to play PoE1 anymore because of its buggy load times (they get longer and longer hte further you are in the game) means it would just be a huge waste of my free time to play I'm not saying that companies must make short and simple RPGs - I still enjoy getting through Generic Bethesda Open World(tm) game, and games like Deadfire, but merely that I appreciate it when there exist short games. Like I said before, my own critique of TOW is that the Tyranny approach made reactivity such a deep-cut that it was a short game with a long shelf-life because you would literally have areas shut off from you from one run to the next, so even if one run took 15-20 hours the game's actual life with a person might be multiples of that, whereas I could easily see in games like Deadfire or TOW (with a more modest amount of reactivity) that you could be one and done and it could be more problematic as a value proposition for some people.
    2 points
  5. I guess the answer to your question is going to depend on what you'd consider "soon". From a Q&A with Mikey Dowling (thanks @Ethics Gradient): It seems that they are looking into coordinating the patches throughout all platforms.
    2 points
  6. Some pictures from the show I went to:
    2 points
  7. And once Netflix releases the feature allowing to speed up videos, people will complain that movies are only hour long!
    2 points
  8. If you take Benevolent Soul the Breastplate will be obtainable from Mahari's Metalworks.
    2 points
  9. You'll get a more than decent armor. (That you can buy. For rather serious money. But it's worth it.) Why did you murder the lumberjacks? They're lumberjacks and they're ok, they sleep all night and they work all day.
    2 points
  10. New Lovecraft adaptation by Richard Stanley (how long has it been?) starring Nicolas Cage? Count me in!
    2 points
  11. There was a sense of urgency? The people in the cryopods were in there for 70 odd years. They're not going to notice if the PC takes an extra couple of hours to pick flowers for a crazy lady to earn a bit of money on the side.
    2 points
  12. I think @asnjas owes you five bucks
    2 points
  13. You just answered your own question!
    2 points
  14. Greetings everyone, We would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to report issues and suggestions for the The Outer Worlds. We are working on compiling everything to share with the team for review. At this time I would like to share with you a list of the more common issues and suggestions we are seeing reported. List of common issues and suggestions: Various game crashes Font size increase Center reticle FOV adjustment Multiple quest indicators on map Custom waypoints Ability to disable kill cams Disable companion attack cinematics PC remapping support Item comparison ability while looting Adding inventory filters/sorting abilities Changing the appearance of Pristine equipment Adding weight and limit information in vendors Adding survival meters to the consumables page Stronger outlines for workbenches Auto-run ability Weapon not staying holstered during dialogue Widescreen support Toggle headbob Separate aiming sensitivities Toggle chromatic aberration Companions dying and failing companion quests on modes other than Supernova The team is currently investing these and other reported instances. We will update you once we know more regarding our next steps. Thank you, and please continue to let us know if you have any other issues or suggestions to report. Edit: Thank you for the new posts, we appreciate the additional reports as they are helping us tremendously. I do want to let you know that you may also email our publishing partner, Private Division, at support@privatedivision.com. This will help ensure that your specific issue or suggestion is in their queue which allows us to prioritize requests in order to provide the fastest possible turn around time. We apologize again and thank you all for your patience while we work on these issues.
    1 point
  15. Hi all, Been busy putting together some maps over the past few days - thought they might come in handy for some people! It's still very much WIP, so there's plenty left to find. And right now only Emerald Vale + Monarch are available (others should be ready soon) Emerald Vale Monarch If anyone finds anything not marked feel free to let me know and I'll go hunting for it! Enjoy Cheers, Tspoon
    1 point
  16. The game is great am immersive for the most part. I just hate that the game tells you exactly where all the enemies are. It feels like a red arrow killer simulator. Is there a way to turn them off?
    1 point
  17. Thats how I feel too, Im so tired of having to fiddle around with stuff to make things KIND OF work.
    1 point
  18. I cannot get into edgewater for the first time. It either freezes before I try to go in or I try to get in and it's a forever loading screen. I'm on PS4
    1 point
  19. Just bought Code Vein. Beats any turn based isometric game this century,
    1 point
  20. It does feel like it's the clunkiest and most poorly aged game of the lot, but it's not entirely without its charm either. I quite enjoy Noah Gervais' take on the game, and also think that's one of the very rare few games that also allow you to play just "some dude" who isn't some demigod by the end of the campaign. Some might feel the game seems less epic or more limited as a consequence but there is a very particular feel surrounding those early levels and adventures of the sort that are notably different to that of many other RPGs centering more around Chosen Ones and the likes (and yes, I know the protagonist is ultimately the Bhaalspawn, but it's not really a thing that comes into play until the very end of the game, and mostly sets you apart in the sequel instead).
    1 point
  21. I don't think that's the reason. RPG having full character VO is a black flag for some. Obsidian has reputation for creating RPGs which allow you to craft your character and roleplay, providing plenty of reactivity. To create a main protagonis with VO you have to approach it differently. You have to write a defined character with personality, opinions, traits, history with some wiggle room for player choice. Shepard, Geralt, and I assume dude/dudess from Fallout4 are all pre-made defined characters. That goes against what is usually a strength of Obsidian RPG. Compare difference in how Thorton from Alpha Protocl is portrait, and compare it to KOTOR2, fallout new vegas, pillars1&2 or tyrany. Giving VO to your character simply takes away a big chunk of character creation freedom from players. And that is what many die hard Obsidian fans (like myslef) like. There are reasons why I have no interest in F4, and it not even pretending to be an RPG is one of the big ones. OW was still written in a traditional Obsidian way, allowing you to project what you want on your character. I think OW might be limited enough that it could work with a voiced protagonist. Yes, it would be more expensive, but more importantly from creative standpoint, the character would need to be written and presented differently. Having someone read the written lines wouldnt be enough, as it's to fluid and undefined to be a pre-recorded character.
    1 point
  22. Two elements I see repeatedly in Metacritic reviews is users who downvote because "the game is SJW", and users who downvote in *every single platform* the game is in, since their "review" isn't really a review but a statement they're trying to make. And of course it's also offset by bots and people who will upvote to "spite Bethesda" as well, so... Yeah, the user score is pretty useless.
    1 point
  23. Same here. And, in fact, I only beat BG (just the once) simply to see what it was like to have a character go through the whole saga. I must say it was an unnecessary chore: BG is pretty much rubbish, as a game, if you ask me. It's just aimless walking on mostly empty maps with very little to recommend it.
    1 point
  24. Aside from people not finishing games, lots of people play later instalments of games first. I've done it multiple times myself with Witcher, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls and DOS. It's often easier to get into older games if you've played a newer one before and are invested in the lore.
    1 point
  25. I've got to assume some people just skip through the dialogue and terminals to read, because nothing about this game seems short to me. There is a ton to do and explore.
    1 point
  26. Three instances is an "overcorrection" in your mind? "Almost to the point of parody"? Good lord! Also, you mention that you should have been informed of the existence of homosexuality in this game's universe, before you purchased the game; that they should've made that clear in the promotional material. By that logic, the same should go for heterosexuality - maybe I should be upset by the fact that the developers didn't make it clear before purchase that there would be heterosexual people in the game!
    1 point
  27. I bought Brukel on Steam, it's basically a walking simulator about the experiences of the developer's grandmother during the second world war, narrated by said grandmother. This one might hurt. My grandparents never, ever, spoke about the war(s). Everything I know about their experiences (and those of my great-grandparents) I learned through my parents.
    1 point
  28. Parvati's quest is easily x3 time longer than for any other companion in the game, I'd even say that she got more content than SAM and Felix put together. I could deal with it being present, but knowing that it ate away resources from other team members until nothing but bare bones were left is a huge NO for me. "Writer's pet" approach should not be practiced at the expense of other characters. Especially for a sake of "Representation".
    1 point
  29. This is hilarious. Three instances of non-cis sexual preferences in a 30-40-hour game is too much! Must be a crazy political agenda.
    1 point
  30. And look how totally unplayable RDR2 was in FPS. It was like playing a FPS on PS1 with the original dpad controller. Accounting for both makes both or 1 mode horrible to play.
    1 point
  31. Still plugging away at Outer Worlds. I used Intimidation again. I'm liking my Han Solo run. I invested in dialogue skills hot and heavy from character creation and have not regretted it since. Fast talking gunslinger in any Falloutesque game I play. Always great fun.
    1 point
  32. Greetings, I'm happy to be here in the POE2 community. Just bought this game, and hope to enjoy it as much as I did with POE. I'll get in touch with the new game and then will surely come here to get advices about builds and so on. I've understood this game revolves a lot around sea, so maybe my monk idea was not excellent in terms of lore, but I'll see what I come up with. See you!
    1 point
  33. Hmm... how do you get the motivation to immediately replay a game you rushed through in a week? Takes me years to muster the will to replay games i've completed.
    1 point
  34. It's funny, because people bitch and complain about Bethesda's Creation Engine and how it handles graphics, but no other engine can handle having as many dynamic objects as it can. Witcher 3 was the closest I've seen, but nowhere near being able to dynamically pick up a basket in Skyrim so as to put it over an NPCs head and have that cause the line of sight to be blocked. That level of dynamic interaction comes at a price, however, because it makes the world exponentially harder to manage from a GPU perspective. Every time Fallout 4 loads the next surrounding cells it has to check the save file if and how potentially thousands of dynamic objects have been altered or moved from the base state. All this is to say UE4 is not a engine made to do that. In return it can offer sharper graphics, smoother motion, and quicker load times. Personally I forgive the CE it's flaws becuase it is so easy to mod and offers a very interactive world, but I also really like the gameplay of TOW.
    1 point
  35. Yes I myself made the mistake of keeping the main story front and center on my first playthrough and once I finished it the central opinion I formulated was "phenomenal game" but "too short". On my second playthrough, however, there was so much content and quests I missed that took me by surprise, especially the companion quests which net you loads of xp on completion, that I genuinely felt stupid (I usually play as solo chars, managing companion abilities and personal abilities simultaneously annoys me). Currently am playing on the hardest difficulty as a solo character and if you actually take the time to raze through the worlds and quests, there's still a whole bunch of side content that keeps you going, even w/o companions!
    1 point
  36. You beat me to it. Like I said, doesn't appear deep RPs like this (or even shallow Bethesda designed ones like Skyrim and FO4) are the sort of games the suit the OP. I seriously doubt the OP is really a dedicated PvE gamer. His post is completely indicative of a PvP gamer who got bored with the Pew Pew fest that is CoD/BF and hacker cesspool that is GTAO. OP should consider becoming a fan boi for the dumpster fire that is F76. Sounds like OP would be in nirvana playing F76 tbh. Especially given the mindless bug infested grind, onging cheat player exploits, non existent replay value (thanks to lack of NPCs and delay of Wastelanders), crappy Nuclear Winter BR mode nobody really cares to play, and now featuring Private! servers (NOT), all which are poisoned by the toxic macro transactions of Bethesda's Atomic Store.
    1 point
  37. So what you're bragging to everyone is that you completed ONE playthrough of the MQ? When the design of this game isn't linear AND you have several RP options to interact with NPCs? All of which may or may not lead to the same consequences of your actions? Are you even aware of the fact THERE ARE SEVERAL ENDINGS TO THE MQ OF THIS GAME? I really wonder why players like you even bother to fool yourself into believing you're into RP games the caliber that Obsidian make. What was your record time for "beating" Fallout New Vegas (assuming you even played it) with ALL it's DLCs btw? Just asking for a friend
    1 point
  38. Well Beguilers only “have to” use deception spells first so they generate focus and then they can spend that focus on whatever spells they want. Also it helps a lot that Deception spells are the good ones that you always want to cast at the start of the combat . Imo to even consider playing Psion you need to use Community Patch as its horrible in base game. With Community Patch i guess psion is salvageable for caster multiclasses, but then you most likely dont want to have caster+caster multiclass because of action economy. Psions also lose Soul Whip which means they dont get free focus from things like preloaded firearms or thunderous raport, on the other hand beguilers can completely defy fundamentals of cipher ( need to use weapons to build focus) but can still use it when the situation is right for even more focus and more spell casts
    1 point
  39. No definately not playing the same game. The game I'm playing is a deep Dungeons & dragons table top influenced game. With so many morale and gameplay choices. Fantastic writing and great character and companion interaction. Some of the best dialogue this generation. And so much to do I've still not even explored all of Terra 2 yet. Hahahaha. Yeah easily gonna be 100 hours on 2 playthrough.
    1 point
  40. This is an interesting topic, because Deadfire was a serious financial disappointment, so one might think that a lot of people didn't like it as much as the previous one. However, there's a fault in that logic: in order to not like it, they would have had to buy it, and this would have been reflected in the sales. So, the most obvious reason for the poor sales (right from the start) would appear to be that an awful lot of people were in fact seriously disappointed with PoE1 and therefore did not want to continue with the franchise. I wish to stress, however, that this is only a theory, although a logical one, and our only answer to the question of Deadfire's commercial failure, at the moment, is: "We don't know." As for the game itself, I think it's excellent and better than PoE1, although it does have its drawbacks and the best part in the entire saga for me is the early part of PoE1. As far as articles go, by the way, it seems to me that computer game journalism, as a serious form of journalism, has essentially disappeared. I would love to be proven wrong. I will be extremely grateful to anybody who can point me towards a site or a mag that contains proper computer game journalism and is impartial enough, well researched and exhaustive. Opinions are not journalism.
    1 point
  41. Hey, mothra I'm sorry for the surround sound issue you have run into. We have our development team looking into it and hope to have a fix for it shortly. In the meantime, to expedite your request, you can send an e-mail to our publisher, Private Division at support@privatedivision.com. This will get your issue into their queue and allow us to prioritize requests to ensure the fastest possible turn around time. We apologize again and thank you for your patience while we work to resolve the issue.
    1 point
  42. Arcane Archer/cipher (no subclass) with Frostseeker (and Essence Interrupter with modal) is really great. The cipher will add more damage/accuracy/defenses/penetration, as well as plenty of buffs for your pet. With your accuracy (+ ability to debuff enemies deflection) Frostseeker will proc like crazy and the AOE also contributes to your focus generation (allowing you to cast spells at leisure).
    1 point
  43. Ghost hearth/ascendant (or beguiller, if one wants to avoid ascend/not ascend stages) is quite good with st omaku or veilpiercer bow. It have one of the best crit chance, so recovery skip happens frequently and fills focus nice (not as nice as thunderous report, but its 1/encounter). Just shower enemies with arrows, ascend, hit takedown combo with dots or some CC and repeat when "descend". Engagement immune pet can quickly jump in, takedown enemy and retreat safely, so there is no need for any pet abilities.
    1 point
  44. It’s hard to compete with ciphers in usefulness especially if you pick Beguiler. But since you gonna be playing on Veteran Arcane Archer without patch will be good enough you can look up Boeroers build for Arcane Archer/ Paladin it is really decent, another interesting build for Arcane Archer is Wildrhymer AA/Beckoner it’s just one man army that can flood the board with summons and nuke enemies with AoE spells mainly Imbued Fireball and Eld Nary also puts all the unused scrolls to good use since you will have maxed arcana. Honestly on veteran any build you can think off will be decent since you will over level everything so hard and enemies won’t even have PoTD buffs from mid game you will be destroying everything and you get to mid game by doing non combat quests in neketaka.
    1 point
  45. I just released my Improved Ranger pack at https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/350 and you guys might be able to use it as a base for some other cool abilities. There are 8 active abilities and 11 passive abilities, and I put on a focus on trying to change the gameplay as much as possible for a Ranger class. Expanding how the hero uses Full Attack and moves across the battlefield are good examples. Also because it's a Ranger, I created a lot of passives around the dynamics of giving and receiving attacks at a distance. Unfortunately there were a couple good ideas that I couldn't get to work, but 19 abilities ain't bad at all, either. Cheers mates,
    1 point
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