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  1. OK, it looks like the new fix is in, and should allow the timer to reset if the forums are visited before it expires. If this is still not working for you, please let me know. I'd recommend wiping your cookies for the forums as this is all done with cookies. Thanks everyone!
    3 points
  2. We need term limits. Badly. No term limits for Congress is moronic, imo.
    3 points
  3. Hell I say we go a little further. Put each in command of half the military and wait and see how long it takes them to declare war on each other. I bet we won't make it 20 yeas.
    3 points
  4. I stopped at home depot yesterday and bought everything to build this: I got the idea from Pintrest. It's a solar powered food dryer/dehydrator. I have a pretty big electric one but I am liking this "make the sun work for you not against you" thing.
    3 points
  5. *Sorry, mates this will be a long-winded rant* Deadfire is truly incredible. I can’t recommend it until I finish because… well on principle, I never recommend a game I haven’t finished. However, this is truly shaping up to be Obsidian’s chef d'oeuvre. At this point, having visited four areas of Neketaka, I’m convinced that this effort will be on par with Fallout: New Vegas, which makes two Obsidian games in my top five. That’s simple astounding. Moreover, I’ve had the game for over a year and a half but only recently started playing. I’d started a game on release but for some reason I wasn’t interested so I stopped playing after I ended up on the ship in the first five minutes or so. Now, I can’t let it go. Anyhow, that’s my testimonial. Here are specifics. The empire building in ship form is a nice break from kingdom building. I haven’t done much of it, but I’ve like it. I just hope it doesn’t become sheer tedium. I’m looking at you, Pathfinder: Kingmaker! So far so good and I have my fingers crossed. Edér is one of the best companions of any CRPG. His voice acting is spot on. The writing is clever, witty, and succeeds at making Edér a truly sympathetic and likeable character. So much better than the over the top and often grammatically incorrect Kreia from KotOR 2. Don’t get me wrong. I make grammatical errors all the time. That’s why I’d be an extremely poor NPC. Well, maybe as a pathetic comedy figure, but probably not even that. The NPCs overall are simply wonderful. I like the interparty banter. I like the fact that the dialogue isn’t mind-numbingly long and wandering. Hell, I have four NPCs and an… NPCesque kind of dwarf I sent back to the ship. The party is a gratifying combination of new and old faces. Arkemyr’s mansion is just brilliant! I had a few options for how to get into the place. I ended up finding a way in by accident, snuck around until I found a way to finish everything without fighting anyone, got what I wanted and left. These days, I don’t pilfer everything in sight, so I had to leave all that great loot behind, including at least one epic weapon, but it was fun times. I did pick all the locks and take a look to see what I was missing. All I took out of the place was a robe, for obvious reasons, and the tablet I needed for the greater good of the Huana. The Old City is very well done. I stayed down too long so the lift left. I found a way out, but it did entail having to engage in unwanted combat. There’s still a big bad beasty down there I’m going to come back to see when I’m a couple levels higher. Maybe nine or ten. I don’t know if I could have beat it, but it looked like too much work. I guess I’ll truncate this rambling rant about the game and just jot down a list. Pros: Playable NPCs are great A lot of info and lore packed into short and easy to read bites Interactable NPCs names’ show when I TAB Floating flavor text is fun, sometimes witty, and economically conveys information Island exploration (only a couple so far, but fun) Pacing is good Brought back good ol’ Eothas A bunch of other stuff, but I’m tired now Cons: In terms of things that irk me, probably only two I wish that dialogue scrolled so I could read it during the conversation. I need to keep experimenting and see if there’s some way to do that because, while it’s great to have it in the log, I often want to reference preceding lines of conversation while I’m in the middle of it. I was irked at having to fight my way out of the Old City because I’m afraid it impacted my rep with one of the factions significantly. On the other hand, Dudenheim up top warned me that lift wouldn’t be there for long. …And I could have loaded a save, but I firmly believe in living with the consequences of my actions. In that case, maybe this belongs in the pro section also.
    2 points
  6. Given the circumstances of the release of the "transcript," one distinctly recalls a certain episode of "Yes, Prime Minister":
    2 points
  7. Well, not to insist but I think it's relevant to point that Conjurer summoned familiar provides a stacking +1 generic PL (unless Stacking rule changed from the last time I checked).
    2 points
  8. https://wccftech.com/greenberg-pleasantly-surprised-by-how-much-innovation-content-is-coming-from-the-new-studios/ "At Obsidian, there’s the team working on The Outer Worlds, a team that’s working on Pillars, and a team working on another secret thing."
    1 point
  9. click that dot on top of dialog window
    1 point
  10. well, if true, this is gonna make harder to marginalize the whistleblower impressions... gonna be difficult to claim whistleblower didn't understand or had too narrow a view o' events. converse, am hopeful this does not discourage the whistleblower from testifying. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  11. I had to ask Adam Brenneke on Twitter if this is his new baby.
    1 point
  12. Been a while, but I've been busy building stuff (surprise!) My humble abode: By night: I've sort of slowed down working on it (which was mostly decorating the inside and removing some of the leftover T1 stuff) because it, errr, kinda starts to break the server (collision won't properly load, stuff like that). Inside: As I've never lived in the jungle before I started looking for a good spot there, which I found, at least for a humbly sized vacation home. The building to the left, in the back is the actual house, to the right (with the gate) is the Derketo temple, and the main plaza with a well, and the housing for my, errr, employees, as well as basement access. Some more environment shots: It's Lemurian architecture, so lots of bling, especially with torches at night (rather hard to capture in a screenshot) There's a pretty sizeable cellar underneath that has most of the crafting stations (except for the blacksmith/smelter) Eventually shoe-horned in a wheel of pain (which there really isn't room for), but I might just build something nearby just to house a Map room and that Wheel of pain without having to expand this in rather ugly ways. Mod-wise this uses: Lemurian Architect (didn't see that one coming, did you? ) Glass Constructions and more (for the marble floors) Pythagoras Support Beams (to be able to have the giant maproom without having to pollute it with pillars in really inconvenient spots) Limestone Buildings, a Greek server mod (the light touches on the desert base; like the white inner circles on the towers and the main stairs) LBPROE - No NPC camps edition (because building without is just a royal pain) EDIT: poor Kush-ites, getting censored...
    1 point
  13. Then all you'd need would be a general with the unwavering support of his army, and a really, really, really smart protégé. Pax Americana next. No possible pitfalls in this plan, surely.
    1 point
  14. Not external, but should be good for backing things up. Only issue could be speed. https://www.guru3d.com/news-story/western-digital-gold-hard-drives-are-back-and-get-more-reliable.html
    1 point
  15. If it's mission critical I'd at least get a 2-bay off-the-shelf NAS. QNAP or Synology products are the most common recommendations I see. If you're willing to get a bit more hands-on, you can build your own NAS of course, and it'd be cost effective if you had an old PC lying around to repurpose with the further advantage of being able to fit many more drives in future.
    1 point
  16. Ha - I get lost in town if you turn me around two times with closed eyes. All praise the GPS I say. I studied German language and computer science. I like languages and programming. I'm good at algebra but suck at arithmetik. I like metaphors and also understand the befenits of hyperbole to emphasize a point. People are mixed bags. It's not all logic and rational vs. empathic and feelings. And besides all that: It's still important that if you write down stuff (where people can't hear your tone and see your mimics and gestures) you have to be accurate. Or use emojis... You can't just plant a hyberbolic statement as if it's a known fact and then expect everybody who reads that to get where you are coming from (or want to go with it). Say something like "Wizards are useless" (a statement I read very often when PoE came out - which is utter bolloks) and players in spe read that and think "oh well, them I'll try something else". This is misleading and bad communication. You can't just write like you talk. It can already be enough to write "To me, wizards are useless". This is something diffrent. It shows that it's your perspective and there may be other people who think differently. I think this is especially important in any place where people are searching for advice. God I hate it (hyperbole) when new players come in, say something like "I want to play a damage dealer and thought about two handed fighter" and the first answer they get is "lol nah mate use rogue cause fighters suck at dps rogues rule at dps". Man I could twist their necks for that (again, hyperbole ). Same as "Hi, I want to play a Wizard nuker - what should I do?" - "It doesn't matter, just pick anything because in Deadfire all chars are the same anyway". BAM - you unnecessarily disappointed and mislead a person.
    1 point
  17. LinkedIn lists Brennecke, Adler and Perez as Game/Project Directors with starting dates within 1 year. Some of the projects started last year, some during this year. Josh tweeted about his project in the same way he has tweeted about his previous projects which confirmed Missouri as the project name.
    1 point
  18. Ow. Did the doctor say what's causing this? In any way, my condolences and do get well soon, will you? (And don't forget to wear Arkemyr's robe when he summons you for a little chat) And that beasty down there isn't really that dangerous, he just looks intimidating (and hideous). Gotta say his tactics of being really ugly worked, because I left him alone too on my first playthrough.
    1 point
  19. It's kind of incredible that he somehow keeps appointing people of at least some integrity completely accidentally and to his great detriment. A lot of people have worse integrity than you might think when it comes down to actually taking a stand against everyone else...but it turns out, some people are surprisingly better, too. Even total political appointees like Jeff Sessions somehow have had some integrity and refused to pledge their their total allegiance to the monster mash.
    1 point
  20. is one reason our focus, from start, has been the whistleblower complaint itself, and white house efforts to impede communication o' the findings. should not be forgotten how the only reason why we have this story gracing front pages o' newspapers and getting so much airtime on tv news broadcasts is the ig, a trump appointee, informed Congress o' the existence o' an urgent and credible complaint after the acting dni failed to communicate findings. the trump administration tried hard to make the whistleblower complaint disappear with doj and wh counsel enlisted to help in such efforts. now that trump has released after-the-fact transcripts and the whistleblower complaint has managed to reach Congress, the wh efforts to impede and obstruct is already becoming yesterday's news? once again we get deflection, false equivalency, fake news & deeps state conspiracies while a fundamental attack on rule of law becomes a side issue. makes our brain itch. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  21. Lost my Kyra when I tried switching it out with another character. Now all her cards and items are all gone. Is there anyway I can get my character back? I guess it was because it was the same name as another character. Please help ><
    1 point
  22. In the below photo, you can see that Blunderbuss's Powder Burns modal is categorized as a "beneficial effect". This makes no sense, and means characters with high INT will afflict themselves for very long periods of time. Please fix this as a QoL feature.
    1 point
  23. Ah! Freespace games. I played them for the first time couple years ago. Brilliant games. Freespace2 is a must play, though I am not sure if it playable without a joystick. The best space combat games I had a pleasure to play up to this point. I find it a shame that most of Space games seem to persue "Freelancer" ideas - I never found those "open world to what you want" games to be ever good. Freespaces did one thing, but they did it rather well. So did Wing Commanders and X-WING games to a lesser degree. I should buy myself a new joystick one of these days. Had to leave my old one behind when I was leaving University.
    1 point
  24. Allegedly the Ukraine was being recruited because the alleged "dirt" allegedly involves a Ukrainian company that Biden's son is on the board allegedly being protected by Biden when he called for the resignation of an allegedly corrupt prosecutor who was allegedly looking into alleged corruption allegedly involving the company.
    1 point
  25. Freespace 2 up for grabs for free on GOG! If you like space sims and never played it, you have missed out one of the best space games!
    1 point
  26. https://www.gog.com/news/interstellar_sale_space_games_up_to_85 Freespace 2 free for 2 days. One of the best space sims ever.
    1 point
  27. To be fair, that game was such a mess, that its performance would probably not be improved even if the God himself would touch the source code
    1 point
  28. just a little update i have currently finished the mod so far for the forseeible future i plan on adding my own enchantments in the hopefully not to distant future also on my mod page i have personally thanked Grape_You_In_The_Mouth for the help he has givin me if it was not for him this mod would not be a reality https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/359
    1 point
  29. we wouldn't be bothered by a film which draws heavily 'pon Princess Bride, but is not a remake. release a film in 2020 or beyond which clear is homage to princess bride is fine, 'cause am understanding how as much as we love the film, is not fitting with many current notions o' gender and class roles. we got nothing 'gainst making a movie where a buttercup (not named buttercup 'course... buttercup is the name a pre-teen girl gives their horse in a book circa 1950) needs save her westley and she is perhaps deaf or dyslexic or something. large % o' movie has folks insisting not-buttercup will fail 'cause she is a girl (even after they see her do stuff which would require superhuman ability) but not-buttercup ignores 'em all and ends up saving the day and kissing the girl. have knockoff version include characters which is obvious homage to the goldman book/movie? didn't mind sir alec guinness playing merlin in star wars. homage is fine. need more characters o' color and a few more female characters would be welcome. am not certain how to do a homage to carol kane w/o having carol kane, but we leave that aside. if somebody wants to do a film for 2020s that millennial moms will be proud to show their daughters and will recall the whimsy o' princess bride, then sign us up as a supporter. we can be as grimdark as the next guy, but we adored the princess bride book and movie. somebody manages to do movie with similar fun and equal dialogue, then am 100% in favor. if is simply a remake with a few minor changes to make acceptable to 2020 audience, then am adamant opposed. do something new or don't do at all, 'cause original don't need the inevitable "improvements" it would receive. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  30. Seems Warlock will be really fun to play , ill go for Human Bloodmage and try to get good use of Blooded and Fighting spirit along with plenty other benefits of this multi class. Thanks for explaining some of these weird mechanics in depth this seems even stronger now than I thought before, funny how Barbarians are so good at being casters
    1 point
  31. Tekēhu is good if you get past the initial phase. You should do the Gullet with him - it gives him more depth and shows him being more serious, benevolent and caring. He is a good boy. And as I said his subclasses are good, especially the druid one is one of the best. I my opinion the best of all companions' subclasses. If you generally loathe flamboyance or are even anti LGBT then I guess you will never like him though. Serafen's Wild Mind subclass is very unpredictable and that is something that most RPG players don't like. Most of his negative sideffects when casting powers are not too bad and are easily balanced out (and more) by the potential good side effects. But "Miscast" can actually wipe your whole group. It deals 3x actual focus as shock damage in a pretty big AoE around Serafen. At level 20 this can mean over 750 shock damage per attack roll. Of course this rarely happens. But when it happens to players they usually are so annoyed that they declare the subclass as "useless" (forgetting all the times Serafen got a +5 PL boost while casting ;)). But... actually you can use Miscast to your advantage (although it's fiddly). If you just give Serafen a lot of Will defense (Miscast targets Will) and AR (especially shock AR - a druid might help - Mantle of the Seven Bolts also helps) and place him near enemies and not near your party members he can sometimes wipe the whole enemy mob with a miscast and survive. So for example you could try to tank with him as a Witch (Barb/Wild Mind) and use the barb yell for +engagement and dazing while casting powers in the hope of a Miscast. With Deltro's Cage + Helmet you can benefit from the Miscast in two ways: either turn on Shock Shield in order to get healed by the shock damage instead of getting toasted - or getting toasted and receiving a huge shocking lash for your next attack rolls from the Helmet. Or it simply misses because of your high WIll defense. Note that a Witch can get +15 Will from the cipher passive "Iron Will" AND +10 from "Bull's Will" (generic from barb). They do stack. Add some items with Will or +all defenses. Maybe eat fitting food. Raise RES and INT... Even if he goes down from that Miscast - several enemies will do so as well. Give him an item with Second Chance or revive him: easy. Just accept that he might die from time to time while killing everything around him. It's not a bad thing then. Several items can add more AoE dmg when he goes down (Skaen Robe, Mantle of the Seven Bolts, Effort Great Sword etc.). You can play with this. It can be fun. So... "useless" is - as always in these forums- a lot of hyperbole.
    1 point
  32. Not really fitting, but it fits worse on other threads
    1 point
  33. Had a difficult session of "Inventory Tetris" minigame in "Baldur's Gate 2", where I got dragged into encounter a bit...pft, waaaaayyyyy over my low level head, decided to go with it anyway, killed half a party and had to drag their stuff back with minimal losses because it happened in the place of no return. Good bye, my bolts+1 and wand of summon monsters, remaining charge:1, I will never forget you.
    0 points
  34. Original Jurassic Park cast to return in next film.
    0 points
  35. U.S. Military Issues Warning to Troops About Incel Violence at Joker Screenings
    0 points
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