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  1. I agree with most of what you say, aside from being shocked by some preferences - not doing Forgotten Sanctum because there is nothing to gain... is beyond my ability to understand :-). Especially, as you claim to care for story more then gameplay. I generally like the changes to the systems they did in Deadfire. However, they did struggle with finding a right difficulty balance. I dislike were it ultimately led, with HP floats in megabosses and DLCs. Having beaten those recently, I must say it was not experience I enjoyed, as megabosses tend to keep “a surprise” until late into the combat (like spider giving injuries, or mage unlocking all sigils permanently) which meant you lost a lot of time just to get screwed by something you couldn’t know was coming. I really enjoyed how Deadfire handled items - I found it simply better then other games, and I found myself constantly torn by what to equip. Unlike yourself, I find myself short on money, as I do tend to upgrade a lot of items I find. I never sell uniques. This game still surprises me. Recently, I wrapped up my third playthrough, this time as Hunter from White that Wends, and ended up supporting Huana. I saw Takehu developers in a different way then usual, and while I quite disliked him before, the transformation and arc he got this time, was quite compelling. I thought that the Woedica addition they made in the last patch, help a lot. Too bad, they didn’t quite nail the sound work, and the new lines when talking to Eothas (be it new new or related to DLCs) sound noticeably different both and sound and volume, played back to back with original content. My main gripe is the ending, and overall lack of narrative forward momentum. I would happily trade one of the DLC, for an expanded Ukaizo which would better flesh out choices you have made throughout your journey. I also disliked how returning companions’ various endings from PoE1 got reduced in scope. There was a promise of change and development that was squashed. I almost wish, they would simply stick to one ending they would find more fitting to Deadfire and develop that, rather then what they did. The fact, that my first playthrough was with endings which really seemed to draw a short straw (Eder being a governor, Pallegina a kind wayfarer, Aloth suppressing Isylmir, and taking over the Leaden Key) might have contributed to this dislike.
    3 points
  2. 4 hour video?! Anyone has Cliffnotes of it? Anyway. Kingmaker now has an Extended Edition, bag of tricks and tools mod, turn-based mod, headcount & statistics mod and even buffbot mod, yet again proving how one should never ever rush to play a RPG at launch.
    3 points
  3. I've finished Torment: Tides of Numenera yesterday and it is a pretty good Planescape: Torment's successor. Not as great as the original (nothing is ), but closer than I expected. I heard it was boring and overwritten, so I postponed playing it for a long time, but when I finally dived into it, the game turned out very enjoyable. I liked the characters, the world, intertwining quests and crazy items. Combat is probably the weakest aspect (mechanically - encounters are varied and interesting overall), but still serviceable (so similar to PST). Next up, a game I never really gave a real chance, abandoning it after a few hours of play years ago.... Fallout: New Vegas. Already got my character up and running around Goodsprings.
    2 points
  4. Let's get down to business, to defeat the Huns
    2 points
  5. Let's dispel this fiction that Melania Trump doesn't know what she's doing. She knows exactly what she's doing; she knew exactly who Trump was with his lying, womanizing, and cheating being public for many years. Otherwise you're undergoing a systematic effort to change their marriage and make it more like the rest of the America. If I'm elected we'll embrace what makes marriage the greatest institution in the world and abolish it. Click here to donate to my campaign and/or Patreon PS Melania put a big duct tape X on your window if you need help
    2 points
  6. I went ahead and got a 5700XT and Ryzen 9 3900x and a new X570 mobo with most of the bells and maybe half of the whistles. It helped that my friendly local computer store was selling everything 50 bucks under MSRP.
    2 points
  7. Kinda expected a wild Tom Cruise to appear out of nowhere.
    2 points
  8. That sounds so Funcom... Secret World was good until you had to put up with the gameplay.
    2 points
  9. I just finished Deadfire, so I decided to gather some of my thoughts about it. All comments appreciated. It is obviously impossible to discuss these matters without spoiling at least something for people who have only just started, so if you're one of those, consider yourself forewarned (and maybe skip this entirely -- that's what I would do). Overall, I would say the game is a gem but with several flaws that keep it from being a classic. The fact I played it all the way to the end shows that it was definitely worth the money and very enjoyable. Graphics aren't generally that important to me (after all, I still enjoy NetHack a great deal and regard that one as a classic), but I must say this game looks lovely. Music was just good enough for the most part; the only theme that I thought was really good was the piano tune when confronting Eothas at Ashen Maw -- that was very simple but absolutely delightful. Much of the game was written quite well. I appreciate the ambition, although every once in a while I felt that at least some of the writers had tried to bite off a bit more than they could chew, vocabulary-wise especially. Eder, Xoti and Serafen were all delightfully written and extremely enjoyable. Xoti was, of course, a zealot and a fool that I did not particularly like as a person, but as a character, she was well-written. Eder and Serafen were well-written, well-acted, all-around enjoyable and good to have in the group. Aloth was less interesting than in PoE (his personal quest in particular was a let-down), but I kept him along for the whole ride all the same. I was indifferent to Pallegina in PoE and continued to be so in Deadfire, so I won't comment on her -- I know almost nothing about her story. Maia would have been the sixth one in my group, had that been possible, although her secretive and slightly cynical manners didn't actually endear her to me. Tekehu I only had for the Watershaper Guild, i.e. a total of one map, so I know almost nothing about him. The story started well enough but got a bit muddled, probably because of the way the game was constructed. On the one hand, you were sort of in a hurry to stop Eothas, but on the other hand, you had this archipelago to explore at your leisure, and there's a bit of a contradiction there. I was able to accept that in good grace and not care too much about that fact that the whole game sort of rested on an unstable foundation (starting point: you're in a hurry! no you're not!). I found none of the factions appealing, so I went to Ukaizo by invoking the sword and summoning the Floating Hangman. And I only did that because I had to: I had only found three of the five Blackwood Logs, and I wasn't going to go searching for the missing two. I was absoultely astonished by how short the endgame was after I sailed into the storm. After all, that northern part of the map looks rather big, comprising something like ten per cent of the archipelago, but it turned out there was almost nothing there. I loved Beast of Winter: really well written, really well thought-out and everything. Only the dragon fight was a bore: by far the most annoying in the game. The only serious let-down for me. I played maybe half of SSS and found it ultimately uninteresting. It was designed for people who like strategic battles (or battles in general) more than storytelling, and while that's perfectly fine, it's also not quite the thing for me. I played almost nothing of the Forgotten Sanctum, because my whole group reached level 20 right at the start of it, and I couldn't motivate myself to continue further on a side-track when there was nothing to gain anymore. Incidentally, I edited the XP gain before starting the game, and without that I would have reached level cap way sooner than I did. Level cap was a big problem for me in PoE and almost made me quit the whole thing when I reached it at the beginning of Act 3, and Deadfire clearly has the same problem, although this time I didn't think of quitting, I only went for the end of the main narrative ASAP. The naval battles were clearly something like an afterthought, because they are entirely unnecessary. You never need to buy any upgrades for your ship, much less a new ship: there is no reason to spend any money on any of that. Whatever naval fighting I did, I did it by boarding, and that worked perfectly well. This side of the game was not a problem for me, but it also wasn't very interesting. The sidekicks looked mostly like a waste of time for me. Maybe it was a question of time and funding? I had Konstanten with me for SSS, and his voice acting was really, really good -- he should have been a companion. The same goes for Ydwin, who I took along for the Beast of Winter. Really good stuff, but as there was so little of it, it was ultimately a disappointment. Rekke sounded like the beginning of a great story, but the story never continues. Money is a bit of a problem in the game in the sense that there's ultimately nothing (worthwhile) to spend it on. In the end I had almost 400K and an inventory full of unique items I had never used once and could have sold for a huge chunk of money, had there been any need to do so. The game system is balanced to such an extent that it becomes somewhat bland, and everything seems to work just as fine as everything else (at least on Veteran). I mean, I never used any traps once. I only ever used a couple of different potions. I almost never used any scrolls. There's so much stuff you just don't need, because other stuff works equally well, and that was a little disappointing. I believe this problem can be nicely demonstrated by the pirate map. Several of your bounties carry a piece of a map that you can eventually put together. It's a map to a pirate treasure, of course. That's a cliche, but it always works, which means that so far so good. But once you get that treasure, you realise that it's worth... nothing. You don't need the money, the gems are indifferent and the armor works as well as any other armor. Ho hum. The same goes for the combat system: the slate is wiped clean after every encounter, so there's never any reason to fear anything you encounter. I've been playing both RPGs and CRPGs since the late 1980s, and coming from that kind of experience, I couldn't help but find this a little bit disappointing. In the northwestern part of the map, there's a cave with ancient vampires (I mean fampyrs) in it, and this should be terrifying. But it's not: they have absolutely no power to harm you in any way that persists beyond the encounter. Now, the system is built upon reasonable premises and within them, it works really well. So there's nothing wrong in that sense. It's just that I don't think you can create a true sense of dangerous, heartbreaking and ultimately epic adventure with a system like that, because things are fundamentally too safe and everything is basically the same as everything else. (And I also know that other systems have their own problems, I'm not naive.) There was a lower level in Pahowane, and you can clearly get there somehow, but I never found out how. This may be a mystery that lingers long for me, and I think it's nice. So, yeah, definitely a very good game and well worth the time and money. I'm almost certainly never going to start it again, though. PS. Bonus points and a big thumbs-up for the chance to solve so many quests without violence. PPS. Seriously disappointed about the extraordinarly clumsy endings for some of the quests and/or the inability to do anything sensible with some items (Beza's pages, and that buried fruit thing on one of the islands). PPPS. Disappointed about the commercial performance of the game. It would have deserved a lot better -- so much effort went into this, and so much of it was clearly sincere and well thought-out. I'm sure there are some shattered folks at Obsidian, and I feel empathy for them.
    1 point
  10. https://secondnexus.com/news/eamon-javers-flooding-white-house-memes/ " Eamon Javers, a Washington correspondent for CNBC covering the White House, shared an image on Twitter Monday morning. The photo showed flooding in the White House basement. " "Tell Trump we've found the source of the leaks."
    1 point
  11. I've never tried automatic but I read that you can just ignore it now if you set it to that which didn't used to be the case. I actually like kingdom management with the Bag of Tricks mod because you can tweak the times and rolls to your liking.
    1 point
  12. Finally finished the game for the first time. While I was mostly okay with the endings I got, it mildly confused me that neither the gods, nor the effects of the Wheel now being broken on the peoples of Eora were mentioned. After the last conversation with the Gods, I expected the ending to mention something like factions being formed and battle lines being drawn between the gods, and their various organizations of fanatics gearing up for war. And regarding the kith and the Wheel: no one seems to panic, and besides animancers and scholars making breakthroughs courtesy of Eothas' inspiration, there doesn't seem to be any great effort happening. Except the Huana and the Rauataians fighting over Ukaizo and the VTC profiting from the conflict, the state of the world post-Eothas isn't mentioned at all. Wasn't a central point to Eothas' plan that everyone immediately would have knowledge about what he'd done to the Wheel and the nature of the Gods?
    1 point
  13. No way. There are only 3 operators for keywords LogicalOperator Value Description Or X keyword or Y keyword And X keyword and Y keyword Not All but X keyword
    1 point
  14. Life of Brian is just as funny and somehow more topical 40 years after its release.
    1 point
  15. Well, i've looked into game files and figured out that Fury auto-attack don't treated as weapon. On other hand it seems logical, because it's not a weapon, but a lightning bolt. On the other hand it still a default ranged auto-attack.
    1 point
  16. That's why you download it to your phone when you're home.
    1 point
  17. Ehh, it's a company computer, I don't want the techdepartment asking me why I'm watching latex transgender midget porn on the work computer. It's a total buzzkill
    1 point
  18. Holy Crap!!!! I've got the power! Porokoa doesn't force you into combat after all! Game over! I haven't even fought him yet but it is surely over! I believe I've proven the concept, erm maybe with an exception of Dorudugan, who I beat but have to see if I can do it with Abydon's challenge on. All other fights can be done for sure. Also, I'm almost certain it can be done in time, because turn-based combat takes very little Eothas (in game) time to complete. For example, I beat all of those Nagas in SSS which takes forever but in-game it was just 1 hr. Update: Yep, killed him, first try, no issues. He made me nervous for a few minutes with his ancient bellows that gives him huge armor and 70 regen for 5 rounds, which he did twice, but then he stopped doing it. So, it basically buys him 10 rounds when you are solo, but then life moves on. My poor Animated Bow kept breaking its elbows, knees, hands, and ribs, however. heh. You know what will most likely kill me in Trial of Iron? Forgetting to re-program-in chants after I respec, as they get all wiped away. If I get into a fight that way, it is auto-death, as I can't do any invocations then. I've done that several times in my test game and had to reload. One thing that Obsidian really screwed up, when you hotkey your Animated Weapon abilities (like wounding shot, flames of devotion, and knock down), the hotkeys get wiped away every time that particular group of summons goes away. Absurd. If any crazy people want to try my build, and if you have questions about any fights, ask and I'll describe how I did or bypassed it. Haven't done Drowned Barrows or Ukaizo yet, but I've seen them before and I doubt very much that they will be a problem (famous last words - heh). One thing I can't remember, which would be a very very sad way to die, is if the final fight after the Guardian, is an ambush. That could be a problem, possibly. We'll see. Does anybody know about that, and does anybody know which faction is wisest to pick? Is there a faction that lets you not get attacked after you [almost] finish the game? The one time I've done it that I can remember, I sided with the Pirates and got attacked by the Huana Queen, if I am remembering right. Here's what I think: if a priest real-time build can do the Eothas challenge, then it is likely better, because it seems that you can get fights down to a science with the right priest/x build (from what I hear from you guys - I haven't played one). If Eothas remains an issue, my build may be the way to go. With my build, you can pick up so much exp at each level, and at each location you are naturally at, by winning fights, and you can win most fights at most levels (within reason) so you can probably do a more direct route through the game (I don't have that planned out and optimized yet, however). You can also probably get more gold faster, as well, in case that matters for a better ship. On the other hand, Waski's post about getting to level 17 with a bm/priest is amazing, and far better than what I could do at this point with a real-time build. I don't have the knowledge or experience to duplicate what he did from what he wrote, currently. I don't know how to beat that, but my build may have the potential to, logically speaking, if somebody knows the game well enough.
    1 point
  19. Came to work at 7:15. The nightshift was done at 9:50, now it's 9:59 and I've basically done all the hard work for the day. Just the arrivals to sort out as they come. **** me, I'm so bored already...
    1 point
  20. If you do multiclass ascended you want bonuses to attack/casting speed and/or recovery and/or INT bonuses and/or MIG bonus and/or PEN bonuses. You can achieve that via Berserker (+2 PEN, +30% attack/casting speed and +5 MIG via Frenzy, Bloodlust, most notably Blood Thirst, even AoE Staggered via spells+Spirit Frenzy). Or Streetfighter (-50% recovery time, fast focus gain). Use mortars with powder burns. One of the most popular, especially with DoTs, is Helwalker (+10 MIG, +10 INT, a little speed via Swift Strikes, +2 PEN, +12 ACC via Enduring Dance...). Priest with high INT and Salvation of Time also works well with Ascendant. SoT prolongs ascended state as well. You want speed and shorter recovery so you can cast faster while ascended. You want more INT so ascended and DoTs lasts longer, you want higher MIG so the ticks of DoTs are higher. If you go single class Ascendant you want Time Siphon for the same reasons: cramp as many casts into the ascended phase as you can. In general you want high DEX and Fast Cast passive. Bet thing is the power level bonus, not the 0 focus. Ascendants generate more focus per point of damage while not ascended. With Draining Whip (never take Biting Whip) also a SC Ascended can generate plenty of focus quickly. I personally find that Beguiler has the superior mechanic, but you can cheese around with Ascendant quite a bit (see Helwalker/Ascendant or Priest/Ascendant).
    1 point
  21. Sometimes trigger, if not I lure them with dazzling lights or firecracker.
    1 point
  22. Chernobyl was absolutely fantastic, definitely my favorite miniseries of all time (my personal love for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and all things Chernobyl-related surely didn't hurt, either). Stranger Things 3 was pretty good, but season 1 is still so far above both seasons 2 and 3 that I just can't appreciate it the same way as I did. Still has really good character writing for the most part, but my brain is starting to turn off (or...maybe on is more accurate, since it starts to wander) during a lot of parts, especially the big action and CGI scenes, and at some point, I think I just stopped believing in Eleven as a character and more as a set-piece, which doesn't help when the show is nominally centered around her. Eh, whatever, still pretty good, I guess, but seriously, go watch Chernobyl.
    1 point
  23. Listen here buckaroo, it starts with liking a few tweets and ends with Sawyer sending half the office into labor camps. What else would you expect from a guy who believes in balance? Don't say I didn't warn you when the far-left communist brigade comes to throw you into Chairman Stallman's GNUlag.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Got bored (landline broken-no "Stranger Things" for me) so I started test run (without Weal). Went with bm/skaen aumaua/raider Maje(max mech/hylea bounty/adra potion)->Meryel(she walks fastest, lure her out with traps)->Sandswept(4800xp)->Deadlight->Dunnage(Irwena)->Neketaka(retrain in gullet for max stealth/spechulars done/stole everything that wasn't bolted to the floor/ every drop of xp, even hire Rust to kill Spindle-1200xp bestiary/kept effigy husk and bought mantle 7 bolts and skuldr ear(!)->new ship->Hasongo(reptile blood!)->Beina->Dunnage->Crookspur(free wahaki/kill Dhwrgas)->Sayuka(half cpt banquet)->Ori o Koiki(brutish blood!- enchant effigy for AoE)->sayuka(captain banquet)->Bekarna(cape and rest)->Onadere->Ikorno->Vessali all bounties were done from stealth with kamikaze phantom (effigy&7bolts) I tried to do Poko Kohara (lv15) but culdn't went Tikawara(natures resolve)->Nekataka->lv17 :)(giant grub, water dragon), killed Arkemyr(still brilliant from cape after dragon fight, attack first ironclad and only corridor agrro then send spirit ally for spell target practice for Arkemyr) 19 days till Ashen Maw. Ideally (I think) next Poko Kohara->Concelhaut->Nemnok->Belranga->Ashen Maw (I would have north covered, Auranic last) but I have doubts that I can kill Belranga pre lv19 (no wall of draining), rest should be easy with cape and arkemyr departure. I don't think I will have will to practice all fights with notes and stopwatch and do Ultimate so maybe it can help somebody. Edit. Just realised that while replaying post Crookspur to figure out how to get cpt banquet I forgot to take master navigator so it should be faster than 19 days till Ashen Maw
    1 point
  26. Besides, no one who worked on the game should have to worry about whether they could express what it meant to them. That kind of atmosphere would completely stifle creativity. From the 'big picture' standpoint though, they probably have to make sure that they don't wind up in some party political corner that they never intended.
    1 point
  27. No, they don't need to be 100% on the same page, that seems like impossible anyways as they are not robots. Directors have a vision where they want to take the game, then it is up to individuals to do their interpration of that vision. It is not open revolt, it is humans doing art, design or writing. There is no way, everything that Boyarsky intents for the game will be shared and done in exactly they way Boayrsky intents it to be, by everyone in the 80-120 team members who have worked on the game. It is teamwork and the Leads and Project Director should be able to see if everyone is on the same page (or near enough) when it comes to actual content that makes into the game. Writing and art can be interpreted in multiple ways, so even if some artist/writer views his/her piece of art/writing expressing something, it doesn't mean everyone will pick up on that and will see it the same way. Someone might put a bit more emphasis on something that they create but in the end Boyarsky, Cain and the Leads will check whether it will stay true when compared to the rest of the game. So someone won't go totally overboard with their own ideologies in the game. They are talking about ideologies, not that someone is making a 3rd person game when the game is 1st person and since games are seen as art, they can be interpreted in multiple ways.
    1 point
  28. I'm viewing Tim's interview in a similar context. From the standpoint of a present-day American, he seems to be trying to convey that: no matter where you are on today's political spectrum, you should be able to enjoy The Outer Worlds, and not feel particularly alienated by the pro/anti-capitalism themes or satire found in the game. The goal appears to be to give the players as much room as possible to explore the narrative regardless of whether the staff, studio, or Tim Cain himself personally ascribes any truth to the notion that such opposing viewpoints carry equal validity. The fact that individuals at the company may have particularly liberal views shouldn't surprise anyone. The LA metro area is a solidly progressive corner of the United States.
    1 point
  29. Meanwhile I made my own version in GIMP with help of tutorial from nexus mods.
    1 point
  30. Gorthfuscious !!! Thats treasonous talk....you cant call yourself a loyal subject of the crown and think the UK government has made a mess of BREXIT Us patriots know exactly what is going to happen, Boris Johnson will be elected leader of the Conservative Party and the UK will leave the EU with no deal and no agreement on matters like the Irish border....and its going to be an economic disaster as new economic and political deals have to be properly renegotiated. Problem solved When in doubt about the prudent political strategic decisions made by the current UK government never question it and just refer to the poem Dulce et Decorum Est written during WW1 by Wilfred Owen,in the final paragraph where he says My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mor The translation in Latin means " It is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country.”
    1 point
  31. Hehe... someone leaked memos from the UK Ambassador in Washington intended for London. He had some interesting things to say about Trump. No surprises though, more like stating the obvious: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-48898231 "We don't really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction-riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept." He questioned whether this White House "will ever look competent". A bit rich from a government that haven't worked out how to exit the EU yet
    1 point
  32. Gotta say, this is pretty spot-on regarding my personal experiences with the game.
    1 point
  33. Q: Is Obsidian publicly undercutting The Outer Worlds' game director, Leonard Boyarsky? A: No Not entirely sure what the target of the the manufactured outrage is. If ten years ago someone tweeted: no one would have paid it any mind. I don't know how a single personal tweet is being played out as some sneak peak at internal conflict among the developers.
    1 point
  34. Just finished watching as well. The premise is a tad... unrealistic. I mean, not that realism per se is necessary, we're talking about a setting with an interdimensional gate, monsters and girls with telekinetic and mind-bending powers after all, but the idea of Still enjoyed it very much.
    1 point
  35. nice one. this is going my watcher ini my next playt
    1 point
  36. Made a comfort food classic, beef stroganoff:
    1 point
  37. I finished Chernobyl last night. Probably my favorite miniseries since Band of Brothers or The Pacific. I legitimately felt like I was getting radiation poisoning just by watching it. Woke up after watching the first 3 episodes with a weird sense of dread and realized I was just still reeling from watching it the night before.
    1 point
  38. Isn't that a massive flaw, if not an outright inconsistency, in Eothas' plan? He wanted to break the Wheel to force kith to cooperate, and he wanted to expose the artificial nature of the gods to the whole world. But the status quo after PoE 2 seems to be that kithkind (is that a thing? ) will only take notice of the Wheel being broken when massive numbers of Hollowborn start to appear, so when it's already almost too late, and no one seems to know about the nature of the gods either, at least the ending slides do not mention it. The only people who seem to know what's going on are the Watcher and friends. But the Watcher and co. already knew about the gods since PoE1, and their knowledge does not seem to have spread. So either Eothas' great effort did achieve exactly nothing, or there's vital information missing in the ending slides. I mean, the fact that Eothas is able to inspire animancers and scholars all across the world is proof that he was able to influence the minds of kith on a global scale. Why didn't he plant the knowledge about what happened on Ukaizo in the minds of kith worldwide? Even if his power was not enough to influence everyone, he could've at least "enlightened" the rulers and important figures of Eora. That would've made his plan work immediately.
    1 point
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