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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/19 in all areas

  1. Most favorite: the addition of subclasses Additionally liked a lot: improved visuals and audio/music addition of multiclassing (it would be the most favorite thing, if it was less restrictive, yet still balanced somehow) equipment really unique upgrades and mutually-exclusive paths combat speed slider ai behavior editor improved reactivity Didn't really like: getting rid of endurance-health double pool. I actually liked that health pool was limited in PoE1; and for Deadfire it could just get a bit bigger, and with some extra per-rest/per-end-of-encounter means to regenerate a part of it. hp bloat of certain boss enemies. Such encounter design undermines to some degree party compositions without resource sustain. current AR/PEN system/values. While I do really like that we have penetration as a second axis for weapons' effective damage, I find that the current approach is too all-or-nothing. Having incoming damage reduced 4 times, is too sweet for not maxing own AR values. Additionally there is less incentive for high-cc-high-dps glass cannon parties. double inversion. Which I view as a neat trick, but still a trick. existence of "-recovery time" and "-reload time" effects. You could use "+recovery speed" and "+reload speed" instead. Just use speed everywhere, even in mouseover tooltips for weapon attack/recovery time (just specify that there is division going on). devs apparently getting confused in the mechanics themselves. (e.g. ApplyOverTime; multiplicative/additive Might; forgetting about inversion; approach towards recursion; indecision towards alchemy, potion scaling and scrolls; putting negative base defenses for some bosses in order to compensate for bloated attributes; inconsistency between spells and weapon abilities when it comes to PL) spellbound spells benefiting from weapon quality; and same thing for spell effects triggered on hit from weapon abilities weaker defense maluses from hostile status effects (compared to PoE1) quite a range of tooltips being inexact that the ship 'minigame' is felt unfinished. But I like that it was added to the game at least in that state) stuttering and long loading times Most disliked: main quest was kinda short, and the ending didn't match expectations. Yes there is an argument that you can't really expect more agency/influence from a mortal in the gods' affairs. But still. gods resembled quarreling kids, more than mysterious and really powerful beings from PoE1
    4 points
  2. Afaik that bonus does nothing for single-class cipher. It is) And brilliant is kinda unfair to ciphers as well. Martial classes get +1 discipline/guile/zeal/etc which roughly corresponds to 10% of their resource pool in late game (and more in early-mid game). At the same time a cipher with 220 max focus, gets just +10 focus, which is enough to cast a rank 1 power. Meanwhile a caster might get a rank 9 spell usage restored.
    4 points
  3. don't get the logic here. If Valve goes under you sure lost all your games, with GoG you have option to save them as you wish, for all purposes put them on some cloud storage if you wish
    3 points
  4. Different gradient settings. Nothing i can't fix)
    3 points
  5. Well, it's indeed not a big issue, since there is an easy solution: just don't count on resource generation from Brilliant as cipher ^^ Still, it feels a bit odd that there is Ancestor's Memory (a 70 focus-cost power) which, when cast by an mc-cipher, will restore: 10x3 focus over 12s (@10 INT) 10x4 focus over 18s (@20 INT) 10x5 focus over 24s (@30 INT) to another cipher. But you have to generate those 70 focus first, and additionally spend time on cast and recovery. I have took a look at Brilliant now. It is implemented as restoring 1 resource; and somewhere internally it tries to figure out what that would be. For cipher it seems to be 10 focus. Technically I can make it restore 1 resource, and additionally 1 more if you are a cipher. So 10 + 10 focus. @omgFIREBALLS, I've been thinking about those barrels, and how you can be consistently missing a paralyzed enemy, even with physical attacks. I think such misses are there to emulate the inaccuracy; as in: it's still possible to aim for a static target and miss. And probably gunpowder barrel is just smaller (or was smaller in imagination of whoever put those defenses).
    2 points
  6. The 70MB is (IIRC) 32MB per chiplet (Level 3) plus 6MB shared (Level 2)*. I presume the big cache is to help with the latency that has been a problem with Zen/+ and perhaps help with the high core count chips being a bit limited by things like dual channel memory. AMD's full computex announcement summary is here, for those interested in a bit more detail/ Epyc and the R5 chips that didn't get a formal announcement in the presentation. *Not sure how Intel gets 24.75MB but it will be in powers of two as well- somehow.
    2 points
  7. People should stop complaining, it was foreshadowed! Edit: also, subverted expectations!
    2 points
  8. The Gulf Ware does not, in any way compare to what has happened since 9-11. All we did was push an overmatched enemy out of a Kuwait. We didn't follow that up with an invasion and never ending occupation of a fractured country where everyone hates each other almost as much as they hate you. So while the combat operations part of it are certainly comparative, not that I saw much of that, the two experiences don't really compare over all. But I think they were referring to the military experience in general. And considering I received a college education mostly paid for by that experience, and the value of what I learned and did while in, it was definitely positive. I found that twitter feed. Most of the reply (70-30 my my estimate from just scrolling) were more positive than negative. The links ktchong provided were all negative. And you have to remember he (ktchong) has his own axe to grind.
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. That’s simply not true. You buy, you own. That is the way how DRM Free works...
    2 points
  11. Wow, you were fast. The right ones look a bit blurry, but only at the top. That might be caused by the slight "embossed" effect that adds a highlight to the top edges and darkens the bottom edges. The ones you did a few weeks ago for the "alpha" version didn't have that. Therefore they look sharper - like the original ones. Here's the atlas file from the mod: I think I prefer them without that effect.
    2 points
  12. Computex address is just wrapped up. Main Ryzen points: 15% IPC boost which is at the top end of realistic expectations 3700x/3800x 8/16 core/ thread SKUs at 65/105W 4.4/ 4.5 Ghz boost (higher TDP unit has higher base clock). 329 and 399USD RRPs 3900x 12/24 R9 SKU at 105W with 4.6 GHz and USD499 RRP. Probably not a great watch for Intel, that IPC boost should put Zen2 well ahead clock to clock and the 3900x is half their equivalent's price and TDP. If there's no voltage wall this time around a 5GHz overclock may well be feasible for AMD as well. There was some x570 news as well, but I wasn't really paying much attention to that (or Navi, though I did catch that it's not GCN again as was rumoured).
    2 points
  13. They've been promoting an upcoming series on Starz called "Rook" about people with paranormal abilities. Apparently it's based on a novel by Daniel O'Malley. The only cast member I recognize is Olivia Munn. The series premiers on June 30. Not sure how good it will be. The book was apparently decently received. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rook_(novel)
    1 point
  14. Favorite: Load times do not explode in length as you progress further in the game. Seriously. Would significantly amp up my enjoyment of PoE1 if they ever fixed that (is unity bug i think). Top three runner-ups: 1. Being able to move melee-range characters around without triggering disengagement attacks, so long as they stay within melee range. just such a great quality of life improvement, makes tactical positioning both less absolute, and makes melee combat more fluid. 2. affliction/inspiration system. it's hard to fully express how much of a mess afflictions/buffs were in poe1 and this went a long way into rationalizing all of that, in addition to giving non-priests a way to interact with afflictions. 3. keywording, when done right. Most personally disliked: Power-level and ability-level scaling. There's merit to it, but man is it super murky, with unintended and inconsistent consequences. Top three runner-ups: 1. keywording, when done poorly. 2. inversions, when implemented incorrectly. *cough* disposition scaling *cough*. sure you could trivialize grazes in poe1, but at least most players could do the basic math off the top of their head (though poe1 also had a lot of hidden complexity here). 3. bullet sponginess of megabosses and DLC bosses. hard technical fights I like, but please don't force me to repeat the technical aspects over and over and over for tens of minutes for a typical (non-cheesy) party setup (dorudugan is worst offender). I had enough of that when I ran 40-man raids for World of Warcraft.
    1 point
  15. am thinking much o' the xoti hate is baggage folks bring to the character rather than anything wrong with the character. is not poor written. xoti is one o' the characters who has potential for real change. the opportunity for growth is admitted binary, but is nevertheless drastic and meaningful. xoti also makes for an intriguing contrast to durance. equal zealot, but unlike the betrayed priest o' magran, the disciple o' gaun from deadfire is... sunny, at least initial. is no hidden agenda or attempts to manipulate. is no secrets. whatever hypocrisy in xoti is inherent in the teachings o' her faith, 'cause she lives honest and genuine and cheerful in spite o' following a god of reaping. oh, and she is prophetic accurate. when eothas comes back, his behavior is different. sure, is same old eothas, but he is a metaphorical God of Reaping even if he ain't one in fact. where he goes, he leaves a trail o' soulless husks behind and his ultimate plan has the kith o' eora facing a season o' harvest wherein the wheat will be separated from the chaff. the thing is, a whole lotta folks who play crpgs who do not like organized religion and who has been brought up in a world where faith is a dirty word. religious people is at best naive and obtuse, and at worst dangerous fanatics, yes? and yeah, the injection o' a healthy dose o' oklahoma makes xoti seem a bit ridiculous nevertheless, in spite o' being genuine and pleasant, xoti is the companion who folks most likely instant dislike. 'cause she is religious? is a shame. those pro-life, midwestern bible thumpers xzar seems to dislike, is 'mongst the most generous people you will ever meet. while they may be against abortion and won't listen to arguments to the contrary, those yokels would also be the folks most likely to take a pregnant teen mother into their home, no questions asked, and give her a place to sleep and food to eat, 'cause such is the christian thing to do. yeah, there is hypocrites pretending to be christian and those folks deserve scorn, but many (most?) is the cliché salt o' the earth which the current generation is in increasing short supply. most o' the would-be existentialists don't seem to realize when nietzsche observed, "god is dead," it were a lament. xoti were written to challenge. am thinking it is telling that a companion who has legit and rare gameplay value and is nice engenders such dislike. HA! Good Fun! ps full disclosure, xoti grated on Gromnir nerves for same reasons she likely annoys others. zealotry. saccharine-sweet. hillbilly. nevertheless, am able to see the value in the character and am recognizing our annoyance is more a flaw in our character and not in hers.
    1 point
  16. Well, if the alternative is to not have them, then it'd be prudent to fork out some cash for a 4 TB external drive and load it up. In the event of GOG's demise we can hope we'd have some notice. I keep GOG installers around anyway due to being bandwidth capped in the past so is a habit (still saves time). You have the same issue with Steam though, if they go out of business you'll need to pull the installers no ?
    1 point
  17. Well, HDDs are pretty cheap now. I have 140 games from GOG and they are around 500GB *shrugs* (with Mac and Linux backups included). GOG was never intended as a Cloud platform in the first place, they were IMHO always about DRM free ownership of your games and ability to backup them, if they ever go down.
    1 point
  18. Can we talk about those cache gains? Oomph!
    1 point
  19. Why is Xoti not well written? Doesn't she rather well represent a particular kind of religious zealot (say, a North American foaming-at-the-mouth-abortion-campaigner who is so set in their ways that objective facts simply don't register)? I agree that she is unlikeable and foolish - but not well written? Why?
    1 point
  20. The new 7nm chips will be using the new RDNA architecture rather than GCN and will be using GDDR6 memory rather than HBM. They will support PCIE4.0. They showed a demo of an unnamed Radeon RX5700 series card beating a Nvidia RTX2700 running Strange Brigade. I don't put any stock in benchmarks from the manufacturer themselves, but it's telling that they targeted the RTX2700 and not the flagship RTX2800. I would assume, since it's a new architecture, that these are Navi and not a Vega refresh, but I can't say for sure.
    1 point
  21. Well... Final check before release. This is all icons how you will see them in game (42x42 size + post process). If anyone have some suggestions regarding background color or icons itself, it's time to action. As for backgrounds: i've tried to preserve original schema with only a few exceptions. Click (tap) to see the picture in original size:
    1 point
  22. You should be able to do it via console, but the caveat is that switching is the sort of thing that hasn't been extensively tested, so you're on your own with any unpredictable results. https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Console#SetTacticalMode The console command you're looking for is SetTacticalMode, and it does not require cheats to be enabled to swap between RTwP and Turn-Based.
    1 point
  23. Work on my tower is complete, the outer shell, anyway: I also built a platform where I put a Shrine of Set. It's reachable with a horizontal elevator: The elevator doesn't line up perfectly on the shrine side, but it's pretty dang close and it works. You sort of have to guess on the placement a bit on one of the 2 sides of the elevator, so it's very hard to get it perfect. Here's the whole complex from below: I had to make a bunch of design compromises along the way because structural integrity is a thing in this game and I was definitely pushing the limits. I originally planned to have the horizontal elevator go directly from the fortress to the shrine platform, but I couldn't build the shrine platform out from the cliff face far enough to make the elevator line up, so I made a little walkway that goes around the waterfall. Next up I'll build a proper crafting area and thrall housing on top of the cliff, then I'll add a wall around the perimeter, but that can wait for now. The thralls can live in the fortress and tower for the time being. I'm itching to do some adventuring before I resume construction.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Max travel speed is 95. (with Voyager). Going to Crookspur is not a problem (did it on one of my Ultimate attempts the other day). There's less slaver ships than used to be and even if there was more as long as you're not carrying too much copper (I only sell as many items as I need to) surrendering is almost free and if you go into naval combat screen and immediately surrender you also get 1 xp for the crew.
    1 point
  26. A little update on the chanter btw: Invocation type self buffs like Their Champion braved the horde alone extended by SoT will, much like item effects, carry over after combat end. For those who missed the stream the other day: Totally against my expectations chants like Ancient memory and Old Siec can be extended by SoT too, so a chanter/priest can have ALL buff chants active at the same time.
    1 point
  27. Favorite: Multiclassing, companion interaction, and the hypertext system within the text to make various parts of the lore either easily accessed or skipped at will. I know they stole that last one from Tyranny, but I cannot overstate how much it improves the game. It's one of those things that a lot of people gloss over because it seems small, but has a broad impact and overall feel. Least favorite: PENETRATION. I *loathe* the penetration system. Probably always will.
    1 point
  28. Tyranny and PoE 2 are *both* really good and I've played both multiple times. I'm really sad that Tyranny is unlikely to get a sequel.
    1 point
  29. Forgot most the heads in game were more mature faces so decided to go with this guy as my sinister blood mage for TB playthrough. Ty @Phenomenum for the tutorial was fun learning this. Still not great but looks decent enough in my game. If any want him have at it.
    1 point
  30. It's hard for me to pick just one improvement and call it my favorite, as Deadfire—and, vicariously, my impression of it—pretty much is made of all the things Obsidian improved over its predecessor. It is so to the point that, though I'd love to go through the first game again for the story, I can't seem to go back to its graphics, sound, or mechanics. I love the updated graphics, the fantastic sound design, the much-improved itemization, the voice acting, the new mechanics (especially subclasses and multiclassing), and how companions' interjections are recognized and responded to by your interlocutors. Soundtrack and scripted interactions are also amazing (but I loved both about the first game too.) As for the least favorite, I'll have to go with ship combat. There are also a couple things I'm lukewarm about: I understand the completely different setting compared to the first game also called for a different tone (in the same way as BGII differed from BG), but I often miss the darker, more serious tone of the first game. The companion relationship system was a letdown, as it often feels gamey and a little ... shallow. It also increased the cost of making companions, and I would have preferred a more deterministic approach to companion relationships with, say, Rekke and Ydwin as full companions. Most areas are great but clicking on an icon on the map and being thrown immediately to the inside of a dungeon, with no outdoor area, felt sometimes jarring.
    1 point
  31. Well, boat is still better then keep in PoE1, which Is better then keep in NWN2, so it’s a slow progress . As far as RPGs it is still the best “keep” system I have seen (I didn’t play Kingmaker yet) though the bar is overall low. Smart camera is dope. Improvements there are quite a few that stand out: 1) items - I like unique weapons and Deadfire is full of them. 2) I am in constant awe by companion reactivity in DF. Having them join conversations and recognise NPCs and each other is impressive. Sadly comes at a cost. 3) I like the map. Always have been a fan of those, be it Fallouts or Arcanum. there is only one fault I see in Deadfire and it’s sideffect of all those improvements: and that is lack of narrative control over the story, be it how plot is delivered, or how companions are explored. There is plenty of good material in DF, which doesn’t get communicated effectively. Companions, world, factions, Eothas it’s all good, but it doesn’t “pop”. Little buildup, little linear progression. Shorter, more controlled adventures in DLC showcase how more engaging those stories can be with a bit more narrative control. I feel Obsidian took the cry for more freedom a bit too literally.
    1 point
  32. Controlling the speed of combat with RtWP - changed my entire opinion of RtWP - I now like RTwP better than turn-based. Going down to 5 party members, I miss that 6th - either that or the lighter tone of the story, I do miss the darker setting of the first game.
    1 point
  33. In cooperation with the Royal Deadfire Company, I proudly present the vastly superior alternative to luminous adra. You ask why! I say, look at these two barrels! This is a primitive, unrefined standard barrel. This is a barrel enriched with the sacred gunpowder. Need I say more? Which barrel will YOU be? The gunpowder has been scientifically proven to enhance one's ability to fend off attackers and evade blasts. It bolsters the immune system and improves resolve. In this dangerous age, you need not artificial years added to your life when your natural one may be cut short by RDC assassination schemes seriously who wrote this the hazards of the world we live in. I must have this! Where do I go?! To the Sacred Stair! We enslaved the entire Lore College for two weeks and they agreed that it would be the most poetic location, across the city from the Vailian tourist trap. Also, it was as far up as the Kahanga royals would allow us because they think we're gonna put like 25 cannons there. Aren't we though? SHH. We cleared out the Temple of Magran. This has many benefits. For one, the stairs already form a convenient basin. For two, we figured it won't matter much if we incur the wrath of the fire goddess for this business venture. What's she gonna do? How much will the pleasures cost me? Our resident psychopath Atsura will gauge how much you're willing to pay. HOT CANNONBALL TREATMENT FOR WHOEVER IS MESSING AROUND WITH MY PAMPHLET!! It all depends on how much you intend to indulge! We offer not only an invigorating gunpowder bath, but also a fine selection of revitalizing gunpowder dishes, such as powder pie, explosive eggs and absolutely darkest rauatai cookies. Are there any rules I should know about? We ask only that you do not torment the ears of other guests by speaking foul words such as gellarde. Uh, our testing showed that most guests only hear ringing in their ears anyway after a few minutes. OK THAT'S IT! You are free to enjoy a pipe stuffed with... whatever you like! There are no questionable substances in the Gunpowder Bathhouse. Should we really allow fire- We must not restrict our customers! Did you two just interrupt each other's writing? Come see me in my office and don't post this anywhere. Welcome to the Gunpowder Bathhouse!
    1 point
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