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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/19 in all areas

  1. I finished Ironman Santa Rosa. Bib #1570 if you want to see the results. It took 15 hours and 7 minutes. I started this whole triathlon thing because I wanted to see what my physical limits were, and I found them. It was humbling. The swim was fine. I got cold at one point, but I only had mild thoughts of quitting. The bike was hard after around mile 50. I just kept trying to get to the next 5-mile segment. It took me an hour longer than I hoped, and I was really uncomfortable by mile 112. I never want to sit on my bike again. I also burned badly, so that was bad planning. The run was pure misery. I walked a lot of the miles. Every once in awhile I'd find someone to jog and talk to, which helped. It was a 3 lap loop, and when I saw my wife after lap 2 I totally broke down crying. I walked for awhile with a blanket (since it was now nightime), ate some chicken broth, vomitted up the chicken broth, then just tried to stumble forward. Oddly enough, with 2 miles to go, I was able to start running and ditched the blanket. I finished on a nice jog, but it was still about a 6 hour marathon. That was so hard. At least I finished. It was not a sure thing.
    5 points
  2. Afaik that's not a bug but by design. The goal is to enable you to spot traps by yourself (as player) and disarm them with mechanics. So high PER is helpful, but not mandatory. Nearly all traps are designed in a way that you can see them without highlighting them. Small graphical hints that show that there's a trap. At least there was a video very early in the beta phase with Josh explaining that you are able to disarm traps without spotting them with PER.
    3 points
  3. OK Sharpie. it completely defeats the purpose of a "sign off" message if you are going to come in and react to what everyone is saying. That IS vain and more than a little. You're like the guy who faked his own death then attended the funeral in disguise just to see what everyone said about him.
    2 points
  4. 21 to go. Here's what I've done so far:
    2 points
  5. Those 10s are a lie, afaik. Chant's duration is 6s base + 3s linger. Or just 3s (with Brisk Recitation). Note: INT and PL can increase only linger.
    2 points
  6. New Features Ship Combat UI update - A new UI has been added that pops up when you encounter a ship, allowing for some immediate options. This bestows the ability to interact with ship combat for players that continue to enjoy it, while allowing a way to quickly choose a different options to avoid them such as boarding or parley. Turn-based mode leaving Beta - Thank you to our players that have tested turn-based mode! This will now be set to live with the 5.0.0 patch. The Book Of Woedica: Unfortunately, The Book of Woedica contains a bug that doesn't allow for Woedica's VO to be heard unless the player opens the book on the World Map due to technical limitations. We apologize for this inconvenience! A Note from Narrative Designer Paul Kirsch: After Deadfire's launch and public reception, leadership and the writing team closely scrutinized some of the narrative issues which could have presented better or required some clarification. We distilled the most prevalent issues down to a couple of core factors: a lack of clarity regarding the metaphysics of Eora, and missing connectivity between Deadfire's "god plot" and "faction plot," for lack of a better term. Shortly before launching The Forgotten Sanctum, those of us still attached to the project had some availability to address these concerns. A handful of developers pooled their efforts to execute on a plan that seeks to address these story problems through modestly-scoped, unobtrusive changes to the core game experience. What follows behind the Spoiler gate is a broad outline of the solutions we pursued. We hope you enjoy them. Thanks for reading, and thanks for playing! Expanded Eothas Dialogue - The end game with Eothas has had many new voiced lines added to address some pressing questions from the players. The Ultimate Challenge - The Ultimate Challenge is now available for those adventurers that dare try to brave it. Those that manage to best the challenge may even find themselves with physical rewards! The Ultimate Challenge requires the following to be enabled/completed: Triple Crown - Expert Mode, Trial of Iron, Path of the Damned Level Scaling (Only scale upwards) Solo All 11 God Challenges - Wael, Woedica, Hylea, Rymrgand, Ondra, Skaen, Abydon, Magran, Berath, Galawain, and Eothas. All DLCs - Beast of Winter/ Seeker, Slayer Survivor/ Forgotten Sanctum. All major enemies and boss battles completed. The Ultimate Challenge requires the following to be disabled: Console Command Cheats Mods Beraths Blessings Anarchist Path - Changes have been added to the Anarchist path to allow for more of the game to be experienced before the player can attempt to finish the game. Resolved Issues Afflictions now work as expected for immunities, resistance, and suppression. Players should no longer be experiencing low frame rates due to multiple NPC's being on screen at once. Terrified party members who cannot move will now pass their turn correctly. Effect durations in breakdown tooltips are now displayed in Rounds when turn-based mode is enabled. Caltrops traps will no longer cause the turn-based combat to become stuck in certain cases. Pulsing spells are now displayed throughout their entire duration in the turn-based mode. Resisted Afflictions will no longer progress in real time in turn-based mode. Turn-based Combat Start banner behaves properly on ultra-widescreen resolutions. Party AI can no longer continue to use quick items with no charges left. Firearms users that act last in a round will no longer be incorrectly placed first in the next round. Creature summoned with Berath's Throwing Bones is now correctly queued in turn order in turn-based mode. Attack abilities will now apply their effects to child attacks such as AOEs in addition to the character's primary weapon attack. Characters with unused engagements will now engage enemies that move in range even if they are not the primary target. The description of Berath's Challenge now describes the effects in turn-based mode. Berath's Challenge will now show an effect icon and timer on unconscious party members. Wall spells now apply their effects on the turns of the characters affected by them. Imp Tricksters will no longer become stuck when attempting to use certain abilities in turn-based mode. Characters using Whispers of the Wind in turn-based mode will no longer remaining invisible until their next turn. Beam spells now deal the same damage per second in turn-based mode as they do in Real-Time with Pause. Turn-based movement indicator will correctly show the unreachable segments when targeting an enemy. Turn-based movement indicator will show a better estimate of the character's final position when using ranged attacks. Turn-based movement indicator will now be more accurate when attempting to move through a narrow space between multiple enemies. Invisible characters will no longer block movement. The player can no longer briefly switch weapon sets after hitting with an attack in turn-based mode. Cancelling the animation during a full attack no longer prevents Initiative from being set in turn-based mode. Creatures summoned with Figurines now appear for the correct number of turns. Priest's "Symbol of Eothas" has been adjusted to turn-based mode. Ability tooltips will clearly show "Not Your Turn" when it isn't the selected character's turn. Modal abilities cannot be toggled unless it's the caster's turn. With Berath's Challenge enabled in turn-based mode, enemies will never exit the turn order. Consuming drugs properly sets the character's initiative in turn-based mode. Priest's "Blessing of Wael" has been adjusted to turn-based mode. Camera in turn-based mode no longer moves to dead enemies between turns. Blade Turning now ends early if the monk moves. Monk's "Whispers of the Wind" ability now correctly uses an action point in turn-based mode. Characters that are naturally neutral to the player will no longer drop out of turn-based combat when they are all charmed. Brilliant Tactician's effects will work correctly when there are multiple Tacticians in the party. Fixed the flanked condition rarely persisting after combat ends. The Miss glossary entry now has the correct threshold value in turn-based mode. The End Game Slides "Continue" button will no longer permanently disappear. In turn-based mode, pulsing AoEs no longer pulse in real-time when the caster dies. Cost numbers on the ability bar will no longer occasionally show when the ability bar is hidden. Combats in turn-based mode will more reliably pull nearby enemies. Resurrection's "Cannot Die" effect is now applied for correct amount of turns in turn-based mode. Enemies will no longer lock up when attempting to target destructibles with certain attacks in turn-based mode. Auras are now updated in real time in turn-based mode. Passive abilities will no longer show "Action Type: Free" in the ability tree. Immobile creatures will now switch to ranged weapons if necessary in turn-based combat. Barks of the enemy ships' captains are properly assigned to them instead of to the Watcher. Camera in turn-based mode with Hylea's Challenge enabled no longer moves away from party. Option to disable camera centering on active character in turn-based mode has been added to the game. Characters will play a visual-only flinch animation when they are bumped by allies. Relentless Storm in turn-based mode will now Daze by default, and its Daze attacks that critically hit will upgrade to Stuns. Gaze of Adragan has had it second redundant defense roll removed. "Llengrath's Safeguard" no longer can be cast out of combat. Combat Attack Results tutorial has been updated to reflect new Graze range. Mortification of the Soul is a free action in turn-based mode.
    1 point
  7. Hello. I wanted to express my thanks to the developers for the game, but especially for the game mode turn based. I completely forgot how it felt and it's great. I remember playing games like Ambermoon, Amberstar, Albion, and I loved that back then, and it was not without reason. PoE 2 and also part 1 were good games in this sense, but the turn-based fight has only provided new shore for me. That's the way classes that I do not like to play get a whole new impetus and offer me what I've been looking for. In real-time or hand-made breaks, this feeling is completely submerged, where it really comes into its own in turn-based mode. Well, I can only say, in the next part or game again builds such a turn-based mode, it is definitely worth it and it has friends as you see me. PoE2 without the mode I would probably put aside early, I play it actually only in this variant. I always feel good in real time if the game speed is generally manageable and feels like old MMORPGs, for example. Dark Age of Camelot, or the Classic WoW, or a game like Dragons Age Origins. Then healer classes are fun, even if they are singleplayer games. I loved playing a healer in DAO and I always like to play this class design. Sorry for my bad English. I wrote it with a translator. Above all, this post was about thanking you for the great tactical game mode and expressing that this has become rare but brings great joy, please, more of it. Bye
    1 point
  8. In Turn-Based mode, Action Speed is far less important, because acting earlier in the turn (Initiative) is of limited benefit to most builds, and actions are limited to one per turn regardless of your Dexterity. This means that weapon modals that have Action Speed penalties are great because they essentially have no cost. So, I thought I'd list them all. Scores are just for fun and my own reference, use your own judgement. Ranged Weapons Arbalest: knocks targets prone on hit. Prone targets simply stand up on their turn, however it can still be useful because your allies can beat the crap out of the prone'd target before he gets to do that. 7/10 Crossbow: interrupts target on hit. Can be useful for interrupting enemy mages when they cast spells, however this requires being lucky enough to get your turn before they finish casting, which isn't likely. 4/10 War Bow: +2 PEN. Incredibly powerful against high-armor targets, or generally in the higher difficulties. 9/10. Arquebus: +20 ACC. Insanely strong accuracy buff. 10/10. Rod: AoE effect. Not sure how powerful this is, but it's almost certainly fantastic with on-hit effects. ??/10 Melee One-Handed Battle Axes: 10% of Damage dealt is reapplied per 3.0 sec for 60.0 sec. I've heard this is exceptionally strong in RTWP mode, so getting it for free sounds pretty crazy. 10/10. Mace: Target receives -1 Armor Rating for 10.0 sec when hit. Very strong against high-armor targets, or generally in the higher difficulties. Also, provides a benefit to everyone attacking the target, not just the wielder. 8/10. Rapier: +20 ACC. Insanely strong accuracy buff. 10/10. Sabre: +2 PEN. Incredibly powerful against high-armor targets, or generally in the higher difficulties. 9/10. Stilletto: +2 PEN. Incredibly powerful against high-armor targets, or generally in the higher difficulties. 9/10. Warhammer: +2 PEN. Incredibly powerful against high-armor targets, or generally in the higher difficulties. 9/10. Shields Small Shield: +15 ACC after being missed with enemy melee weapon attack. Seems rather weak considering how much harder it is to Miss in turn-based. This could only really be useful on someone with super-high deflection, and would they be using a Small Shield? 3/10. Medium Shield: 30% resistance against weapon attacks. This is the bomb for anybody who takes damage (and why else would you be using a shield?). However, I wonder which enemy attacks don't count as 'weapon' attacks? Could be less powerful than it appears, but even if it only works against kith enemies, it's still pretty great for a tank. 7/10. Two-Handed Quarterstaff: +20 Deflection against melee weapons. Fantastic Deflection bonus for melee characters. However, one has to question whether a two-handed specialist using a reach weapon needs Deflection per se, as opposed to +2 PEN or one of the other bonuses that some other weapons have, which are tremendous for DPS. Still, it's very nice to have. 8/10.
    1 point
  9. she wanders around the spot where she aggros. this is improtant distinction from "when combat started" because i actually tried a run where i gave Halt to a priest+tactician, thinking I could Halt vela at the entrance of a dungeon and run around easily with brilliant, but if you're far away from vela when combat starts and she's not near combat, she will actually run towards combat, and once she "aggros" the enemies, she immediately goes into terrified mode where she starts wandering around randomly. (needless to say, i failed pretty quickly in that run because of vela beelining towards the fight once halt wore off. also i would have failed anyway because i could have sworn berath's could let you flee from fights but it would just de-aggro enemies instead of ending combat, but either i was remembering wrong or it's the sort of RNG that results in your death) it also means there's no way to shepherd her away from combat once she's terrified, unless you ahve coordinated positioning, fighter's pull effect, or something similar.
    1 point
  10. Built my first house under a rock overhang I started out camping under: Figured easier access to the water below would be neat, so started building stairs, ended up building a bunch of houses in the cliff wall The gods need a proper temple (actually underestimated how much space those shrines required so stuff ended a bit bigger than initially planned...) Temple and initial house seen from up top (the cliff wall is behind the house Not sure how the location is from a gameplay point of view (mostly spent my time building ;)) but irl it would have been a nice hidden location (if we disregard the temple, hehe) since the cliff housing is hidden except when you look straight at it and the same goes for the initial house.
    1 point
  11. Nice and here we go: Black Jacket: made me chuckle) - what would a Black Jacket icon would look like? - well_there_it_is.jpg . On serious note, I think it is taken too literally) Devoted: nice Tactician: good, and really suggestive Brilliant Tact, and Tact Dilemma: really fitting, given Tactician's icon above Berserker: doesn't reflect the enraged nature of berserker. Maybe need some drop of blood? Corpse Eater: cheshire smile? Well... it is better than cadaver I guess. Furyshapper: unexpected, but actually ok ^^ Mageslayer: crushing the pentagram? Hmm, ok Assassin: ok Debonaire: good Cowardice: great Streetfighter: good enough Trickster: good enough Forbidden Fist: good enough Helwalker: don't like it. Looks like walking on pins/caltrops. Btw, isn't Hel a second name for The Beyond? Nalpazka: ok Shattered Pillar: duh Ascendant: good enough. But could you apply here those "wings" from Soul Blade? Beguiler: superb Soul Blade: quite nice, but atm, SB looks more ascending than Ascendant himself. Psion: don't like it. Gives an impression that he is looking at something in a strange window. The meditative state of Ascendant icon could fit here. Priest: all 8 are great
    1 point
  12. Fixed the above and a number of others I've run into. @MaxQuest I'll keep going until the end of my current play through but if you're ready to release the community patch (even as a beta) at any point, PM me and I'll send you the latest text fix package.
    1 point
  13. After doing some garden work this morning I made a ice cold whiskey sour using my latest sampling: I've had more than half the bottle neat. If you are interested in my opinion I'd describe the taste as rich and "toasty" with a good hint of oak from the aging (a fresh but slightly smoky taste) with hints of molasses from the wort. The afterburn is long (owing to it high alcohol content for bourbon) that favors the barley from the mashbill. In short... it's pretty good for a non-Kentucky bourbon. I'd put it above Maker's Mark and Knob Creek blended but below other small batch brands like Woodbridge and Four Roses. On a scale of 1-10 I'd say 8.6
    1 point
  14. Not sure I understand your issue 100% but you must select a character's (multi)class when you pick them up. You can respec all the skills/spells/abilities of that specific selected (multi)class later but the actual (multi)class selection per se is a one-time chance AFAIK. You would have to start a new playthrough and select a new multiclass for a specific companion when you pick them up. Or maybe use mods... but I don't know if there is a mod that enables free class selection at any point in time.
    1 point
  15. coulda' quit anytime during months of training. coulda' quit during the swim. coulda' quit during bike. each time you coulda' quit but didn't, am gonna call that a win. may not feel like an invictus moment today, but if had gone easy, is doubtful you would remember the experience as deep as this one is gonna stick with you. tough to appreciate what you won for yourself today. don't need to appreciate it today. congratulations and for what little it is worth, know you have Gromnir's respect... at least for today. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  16. I could not do what you did, man. Massive props, despite your misgivings.
    1 point
  17. the only reason is the focus on multiplayer
    1 point
  18. It is fixed. As I reported in the corresponding bug thread.
    1 point
  19. On one hand I never like to dismiss opinions because I don't share them, but on the other hand we have to learn to function and communicate within the boundaries that our hosts set.
    1 point
  20. Lost another game of IM:RO. This time as Krokyra. I built a huge Navy which did secure the straits to Erpirus and successfully fought off invasions from Rome, Macedon, and others. I took advantage of an alliance cancellation to take half of Crete, got Rhodes as a feudatory and was getting ready to go on a roll. The problem is with so much shoreline to protect now my huge navy wasn't so huge. A Macedonian fleet moved in on my Capital, during the battle there was naval parity so the 20k troops that were trapped on the mainland walked across and massacred us. That left me with just three cities in Crete that were depleted from war, had food, manpower and iron shortages so I could not rebuild the army. I still had the biggest navy in the game (once consolidated) but losing the capital meant losing all the trade routes and tax on commerce. No way to recover. The economy tanked, the admiral of my navy deserted to Macedon (after the war) and took the damned ships with him. My king dies and civil war broke out among the pretenders to succeed him. All this happened in just five years. Playing as a single city state in this game in not easy. Can't wait to try it again.
    1 point
  21. General conclusions are based upon three parameters: 1) Renewable resources: Monk, Cipher, Chanter, Wiz-Blood, and Fighter-Tact 2) Tankiness: Combination of inherent defenses (Fighter-Tact), buffs (Wiz), debuff-buffs (Cipher), passive heals (Chanter, Fighter), CC (Cipher,Wiz) 3) Damage output: Which needs to be in two forms... a) Efficiently doing damage for regular battles (Wiz), and b) High Pen and DPS for megabosses (Monk) After playing multiple POTD runs, my thoughts drift towards: 1) Monk-Hel (best option, due to upper-tier powers handling bosses, but weakness is you still need to manually build tankiness) 2) Wiz-Blood / Fighter-Tact (best versatility, good buffs, good defensive options, but need to build PL/AR-pen for mega bosses) 3) Fighter-Tact / Chanter-Troub (safe, but slower, with great passive healing and consistent resources) 4) Wiz-Blood / Cipher-SB (Wiz buffs + Cipher buffs/debuffs... this one has great potential, but blossoms level 10+... SB is for Megabosses) 5) Fighter-Tact / Cipher-Ascended (good overall option, could be swayed to make it SB for megabosses) 6) Cipher (would need to manually build tankiness, but T8/T9 skills would be great for bosses) 7) Wiz (buffs cover tankiness, but arcane dampeners can be rough... the T8/T9 spells are nice, but not needed for bosses, which is why multi option is better) 8)) Wiz-blood / Monk-Hel (This combo rocks most battles and without access to T8s/T9s its potential falls short on megabosses) This is what comes to mind if we are talking Solo, POTD, and Megabosses. If you drop the megabosses, then anything is viable with thoughtful tactics and minimal cheese.
    1 point
  22. There was a video of killing the ooze in 2 min as monk. Spamming WotW and use flame keeper flail to generate wounds. There u go. Also that video is totally AI only, he only paused once to switch AI mode.
    1 point
  23. gonna max shreck this one and then out. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  24. AoE from mortar stunts if you have the cloak, that is how you can prevent smaller oozes from merging.
    1 point
  25. Not the sharpest one, I guess.
    1 point
  26. Unwarranted Self-Importance: The Thread
    1 point
  27. Well should I ever get banned, my farewell will be "see you space cowboy".
    1 point
  28. I never hid the fact that I thought he was a fascist, bigoted prick, but following that martyr's speech I'm even more inclined to say "good riddance".
    1 point
  29. Just in case: Aloth still has only 2 dispositions that he approves, in v5.0. So: Aloth approves 2; disapproves 3 Eder approves 5; disapproves 3 Maia approves 5; disapproves 2 Pallegina approves 4; disapproves 3 Serafen approves 4; disapproves 2 Tekehu approves 6; disapproves 2 Xoti approves 4; disapproves 3 P.S. But there is a mod that adds 2 extra (and lore-friendly) dispositions for Aloth to approve: link
    1 point
  30. Love Heilung, you should also checkout Forndom Danheim Wardruna
    1 point
  31. Found a great band while looking for background music for my Conan tabletop sessions.
    1 point
  32. On the 9th anniversary of his perfect game Dallas Braden bought a ticket to an A's game and sat in the worst seat in the stadium incognito: https://www.barstoolsports.com/boston/former-major-league-pitcher-dallas-braden-watches-the-as-game-from-the-six-thousandth-row-on-the-9th-anniversary-of-his-perfect-game/?fbclid=IwAR3iiENitZE4CXXpZjFZqGlO2IKwD5Bzvwv_WEi0qKPhklXd4ghoKIb9vJA
    1 point
  33. Well, we did just decriminalize magic mushrooms
    1 point
  34. Ah, yes. Let someone else take the blame for once.
    1 point
  35. Finished the game today and had an ace time. Just wanted to share this moment from a few hours earlier as I was cleaning up the Deadfire at level 20. I hated Fampyrs. This fight with a whole bunch of them had me reloading more than once and I nearly reloaded this one. But I figured I'd let it play out: Despite being turned into a pig, having quaffed all his potions and having been knocked out once already the big lad pulled through. It's moments like this that make the knock-out / encounter recovery system really shine.
    1 point
  36. If you want to stick to blunderbusses: Streetfighter/Ascendant with dual mortars and max INT. Afflictions are getting applied to AoE with mortars again in 5.0. Turn on Powder Burns, trigger "Heating Up" which gives you higher Sneak Attack and + 100% recovery speed - or 50% recovery time (how you like to word it). Which is very nice when becoming ascended. Single Class is also nice because of Time Siphon (stacks with itself and also gives you a big speed advantage while ascended). Barbarian (Fury Shaper)/Ascendant: Use the speed bonuses of Frenzy Ward, Frenzy, Bloodlust and Blood Thirst while ascended. Spirit Frenzy will put "Staggered" on all enemies you hit with damaging cipher spells. Troubadour/Ascendant: Use Sure Handed Ila to get double the recovery bonus for your blunderbusses/mortars and Mith Fyr for a lot better focus generation and dps. Use The Shield Cracks in order to reduce enemies' AR. While ascended use cipher powers, while not use invocations. Wizard/Ascendant: Use Infuse with Vital Essence and Wall of Draining to prolong your ascended state. Use Alacrity to speed you up. Use normal dual blunderbusses or mortars and cipher beams and Wall of Flames with Combusting Wounds. Use Essential Phantom to double your attack roll output (for Combusting Wounds). Helwalker/Ascendant: Use Stunning Surge and Enduring Dance to get near limitless Full Attacks with Blunderbusses/mortars through crits/refund. Use the bonus MIG to boost all your dmg (including cipher powers) and bonus INT to prolong DoTs like Disintegrate and more importantly your ascension phase. Use Lightning Strikes to speed you up and amp up the focus generation. Use Flagellanth's Path to skip reloading phase and immediately trigger a move+Full Attack (which is followed by recovery, not reload). Use The Long Pain for an awesome backup alternative for pierce resistant/immune enemies. Black Jacket/Ascendant: Use 3 weapon slots and Quick Switch with dual blunderbusses to instantly fill your focus via Penetrating Strike and start casting cipher powers while ascended. Use Tactial Barrage to get longer ascension and +1 PL with cipher spells (in addition to your ascension PL bonus). Use Conqueror Stance. Use Clear Out on mobs with your 4th setup: a mortar in the offhand and a melee weapon in the main hand. Switch to that setup right before executing Clear Out. This will fill your focus immediately (and most likly kill some mobs right away).
    1 point
  37. Thanks for the game devs!! Hope we get another one
    1 point
  38. Over 90% of the fixes are for TB mode; not much for us RTwP players
    1 point
  39. O-ha. That's an improvement which most players will dismiss as unimportant, but I guess it will have quite an impact (if you play around with engagement slots).
    1 point
  40. great changes, though i'm worried that the "item losing enchantment" bug is still in 5.0 (not mentioned in patch notes) and may be stuck with us forever...
    1 point
  41. Ahhhh! That sounds like an aggressive conversation option... What is the party effect? Never mind, I checked it out. No disposition comes with the action, and the party effect is +5 accuracy vs. spirits. Further info: The intimidate check allows party assist. Simply killing them won't give you the pet or anything else cool. And lastly, there's a hilariously naïve conversation option available here if you ate the mushroom you receive as a peace offering from the delemgan north of Tikawara.
    1 point
  42. Should have done this first. Found a reference to it in the scripted interaction with with the delemgan in the Blighted Bog on the island that has the Ruins of Amira's Roost. Looks to be a pretty specific choice, and fairly deep into the game *follows the node structure* Ah. Have to threaten the delemgan with an Intimidate check ["When I'm done burning this place there won't even be cinders left."] Watcher only check of 15 to pass. Once it's passed, the delemgan will offer it as a peace offering (the Watcher still has to accept it, so it's not automatically given to the party). No wonder many people haven't found it. *fires up game* *cheats up Intimidate to 15* Yep. Works: So for folks stumbling upon this via Google, here's your answer.
    1 point
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