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  1. New Features Ship Combat UI update - A new UI has been added that pops up when you encounter a ship, allowing for some immediate options. This bestows the ability to interact with ship combat for players that continue to enjoy it, while allowing a way to quickly choose a different options to avoid them such as boarding or parley. Turn-based mode leaving Beta - Thank you to our players that have tested turn-based mode! This will now be set to live with the 5.0.0 patch. The Book Of Woedica: Unfortunately, The Book of Woedica contains a bug that doesn't allow for Woedica's VO to be heard unless the player opens the book on the World Map due to technical limitations. We apologize for this inconvenience! A Note from Narrative Designer Paul Kirsch: After Deadfire's launch and public reception, leadership and the writing team closely scrutinized some of the narrative issues which could have presented better or required some clarification. We distilled the most prevalent issues down to a couple of core factors: a lack of clarity regarding the metaphysics of Eora, and missing connectivity between Deadfire's "god plot" and "faction plot," for lack of a better term. Shortly before launching The Forgotten Sanctum, those of us still attached to the project had some availability to address these concerns. A handful of developers pooled their efforts to execute on a plan that seeks to address these story problems through modestly-scoped, unobtrusive changes to the core game experience. What follows behind the Spoiler gate is a broad outline of the solutions we pursued. We hope you enjoy them. Thanks for reading, and thanks for playing! Expanded Eothas Dialogue - The end game with Eothas has had many new voiced lines added to address some pressing questions from the players. The Ultimate Challenge - The Ultimate Challenge is now available for those adventurers that dare try to brave it. Those that manage to best the challenge may even find themselves with physical rewards! The Ultimate Challenge requires the following to be enabled/completed: Triple Crown - Expert Mode, Trial of Iron, Path of the Damned Level Scaling (Only scale upwards) Solo All 11 God Challenges - Wael, Woedica, Hylea, Rymrgand, Ondra, Skaen, Abydon, Magran, Berath, Galawain, and Eothas. All DLCs - Beast of Winter/ Seeker, Slayer Survivor/ Forgotten Sanctum. All major enemies and boss battles completed. The Ultimate Challenge requires the following to be disabled: Console Command Cheats Mods Beraths Blessings Anarchist Path - Changes have been added to the Anarchist path to allow for more of the game to be experienced before the player can attempt to finish the game. Resolved Issues Afflictions now work as expected for immunities, resistance, and suppression. Players should no longer be experiencing low frame rates due to multiple NPC's being on screen at once. Terrified party members who cannot move will now pass their turn correctly. Effect durations in breakdown tooltips are now displayed in Rounds when turn-based mode is enabled. Caltrops traps will no longer cause the turn-based combat to become stuck in certain cases. Pulsing spells are now displayed throughout their entire duration in the turn-based mode. Resisted Afflictions will no longer progress in real time in turn-based mode. Turn-based Combat Start banner behaves properly on ultra-widescreen resolutions. Party AI can no longer continue to use quick items with no charges left. Firearms users that act last in a round will no longer be incorrectly placed first in the next round. Creature summoned with Berath's Throwing Bones is now correctly queued in turn order in turn-based mode. Attack abilities will now apply their effects to child attacks such as AOEs in addition to the character's primary weapon attack. Characters with unused engagements will now engage enemies that move in range even if they are not the primary target. The description of Berath's Challenge now describes the effects in turn-based mode. Berath's Challenge will now show an effect icon and timer on unconscious party members. Wall spells now apply their effects on the turns of the characters affected by them. Imp Tricksters will no longer become stuck when attempting to use certain abilities in turn-based mode. Characters using Whispers of the Wind in turn-based mode will no longer remaining invisible until their next turn. Beam spells now deal the same damage per second in turn-based mode as they do in Real-Time with Pause. Turn-based movement indicator will correctly show the unreachable segments when targeting an enemy. Turn-based movement indicator will show a better estimate of the character's final position when using ranged attacks. Turn-based movement indicator will now be more accurate when attempting to move through a narrow space between multiple enemies. Invisible characters will no longer block movement. The player can no longer briefly switch weapon sets after hitting with an attack in turn-based mode. Cancelling the animation during a full attack no longer prevents Initiative from being set in turn-based mode. Creatures summoned with Figurines now appear for the correct number of turns. Priest's "Symbol of Eothas" has been adjusted to turn-based mode. Ability tooltips will clearly show "Not Your Turn" when it isn't the selected character's turn. Modal abilities cannot be toggled unless it's the caster's turn. With Berath's Challenge enabled in turn-based mode, enemies will never exit the turn order. Consuming drugs properly sets the character's initiative in turn-based mode. Priest's "Blessing of Wael" has been adjusted to turn-based mode. Camera in turn-based mode no longer moves to dead enemies between turns. Blade Turning now ends early if the monk moves. Monk's "Whispers of the Wind" ability now correctly uses an action point in turn-based mode. Characters that are naturally neutral to the player will no longer drop out of turn-based combat when they are all charmed. Brilliant Tactician's effects will work correctly when there are multiple Tacticians in the party. Fixed the flanked condition rarely persisting after combat ends. The Miss glossary entry now has the correct threshold value in turn-based mode. The End Game Slides "Continue" button will no longer permanently disappear. In turn-based mode, pulsing AoEs no longer pulse in real-time when the caster dies. Cost numbers on the ability bar will no longer occasionally show when the ability bar is hidden. Combats in turn-based mode will more reliably pull nearby enemies. Resurrection's "Cannot Die" effect is now applied for correct amount of turns in turn-based mode. Enemies will no longer lock up when attempting to target destructibles with certain attacks in turn-based mode. Auras are now updated in real time in turn-based mode. Passive abilities will no longer show "Action Type: Free" in the ability tree. Immobile creatures will now switch to ranged weapons if necessary in turn-based combat. Barks of the enemy ships' captains are properly assigned to them instead of to the Watcher. Camera in turn-based mode with Hylea's Challenge enabled no longer moves away from party. Option to disable camera centering on active character in turn-based mode has been added to the game. Characters will play a visual-only flinch animation when they are bumped by allies. Relentless Storm in turn-based mode will now Daze by default, and its Daze attacks that critically hit will upgrade to Stuns. Gaze of Adragan has had it second redundant defense roll removed. "Llengrath's Safeguard" no longer can be cast out of combat. Combat Attack Results tutorial has been updated to reflect new Graze range. Mortification of the Soul is a free action in turn-based mode.
    11 points
  2. Greetings, Watchers, It's the 1 year anniversary since the launch of Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire! We here at Obsidian can't thank you enough for the support and feedback you have given the game since the Fig campaign launched two years ago. Now we're here, a year out from the release of Pillars II, and have one final patch for you all. The time has come for the launch of Update 5.0 for Deadfire! This patch brings some new features and bug fixes to Pillars II and our own Design Director, Josh Sawyer, has made a video to let you know what you can expect from the update. Patch 5.0 Highlights There are a host of bug fixes in the 5.0 update that you can read on our forums, but here are some of the highlights for you: New Ship UI An update to the UI has been implemented that will come up any time you engage with a ship on the seas that brings a more elegant way to perform ship-to-ship encounters. Turn-Based Mode Out of Beta Thanks to feedback from the community, we have made a lot of changes to turn-based mode to account for bugs and balance fixes and it is now in full release with the 5.0 patch. New Story Content Added After listening to feedback on the critical path of the game when it came to reactivity with Woedica and Eothas, so we’ve decided to go in and write new lines and get them recorded by the original actors to add more to that aspect of the game. Anarchist Path Adjustments Some critical path items have been moved out of Neketaka to other locations in the Deadfire to address the difficulty and length that the game had if choosing to not side with a faction at Ondra’s Mortar. The Ultimate The final God Challenge will be live with the 5.0 patch. This challenge, “The Ultimate” will turn on all other God Challenges, Trial of Iron, Path of the Damned, and Solo mode. The Ultimate Challenge In addition to the above changes, Patch 5.0 also introduces the Ultimate Challenge for Deadfire. The challenge is not for the faint of heart, and only the most devoted and erudite of our players stand even a chance in this challenge, but the first twelve players to triumph will be immortalized in Obsidian's studio lobby for all to see. The first twelve Watchers to succeed at the challenge will get their names and their Watchers' names, classes, and levels upon our Deadfire Ultimate Challenge plaque hanging in our lobby. And yes, that means that everyone who comes through our studio will bear witness to the glory of your triumph. Not only that, but the first 50 players who complete the challenge will get a very special patch that not only celebrates your achievement wherever you wish to flex it, but also has Josh's face on it to let the world know you have his approval. The Ultimate Challenge Submission Guidelines and Terms In order to streamline the review and vetting process, please read the following submission guidelines and terms: Cheating, including save-scumming, use of third-party tools or mods, and/or doing anything in a manner contrary to the spirit of the challenge is prohibited. Console commands that do not require the "iroll20s" command be enabled are allowed. Submissions must include a video of the entirety of your run and a save file of the run completed. We reserve the right to disqualify a submission without notice or explanation. If you have completed the challenge and wish to send it in for review and judgment, please send the following evidence to theultimate@obsidian.net: We require full video evidence of your run - acceptable forms of video include: YouTube playlist links, or direct download links via Dropbox. We also require the save game file with the completed challenge. Pillars Pen and Paper Josh has updated the Pillars of Eternity Pen and Paper ruleset and had it playtested with an intrepid band of merry developers - he is now pleased to release it to the general public for play and feedback. You can download it from the front page of eternity.obsidian.net later today. We will also be pushing it live to your backer portals and, for those who have it, game libraries as well. Thank you again for your continued support! If you have any issues with the game, contact us through our support portal to help you on your journey. Cheers, The Deadfire team Reach out to us on our various social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or on our forums) and let us know your comments, your critiques, and what you love about the game. Did you miss our last update? Check it out!
    8 points
  3. Hear me, progenitors of the board! Give me your advice, since me and the missus are apparently expecting a hellspawn of our own.
    8 points
  4. O-ha. That's an improvement which most players will dismiss as unimportant, but I guess it will have quite an impact (if you play around with engagement slots).
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. I'm pretty sure it's not the last thing we heard from Eora. Else Josh wouldn't be so invested in playtesting the Pen&Paper version. It would also mean to not use an overall successful IP. Even if Deadfire sold less than expected (who knows how long it lives though), PoE did very well and both saw acclaim from critics and users as well - even won awards. You don't simply abandon something like that. If we'll see another isometric party RPG though... Don't know. Josh said multiple times (and just recently) that he needs a pause from isometric party based RPGs. Doesn't mean that nobody else will design PoE3, but maybe it's a hint that the motivation isn't as high as it used to be when it comes to developing such a game. I would be fine with a tactical RPG. Or Kotor on Eora. Hey, even a beat'em up would be cool. Seeker-Slayer-Survivor style.
    4 points
  7. i asked on twitter. basically if it looks like a boss, it has to be dead (no diplomacy/pacifism). according to devs, once you start the ultimate, you'll get a special quest that lists and tracks your progress in killing all the major enemies, so there should be no ambiguity once you start. edit - i think the hardest part will just be managing the eothas timeline. nothing about the challenge suggests that you get extra time in the DLCs, and wael prevents you from getting concrete knowledge of how much time you have left. i posted the amount of time you have per act elsewhere (it's also in my gamefaqs guide), so you probably have to count the days yourself. from past experience, act 1 is pretty tight, but if you can frontload all the nekataka quests in act 2 and are efficient with main path, you can buy yourself quite a bit of breathing room in act 3 and 4, so with what is basically a no-rest run (woedica plus rymrgand basically means you can't rest outside of an inn anyway) you can clear out DLC so long as you just do the main DLC paths (e.g. skip straight to the final dragon fight in BOW, even SSS is pretty fast if you don't try to do *all* the treasure-hunting and *all* the challenges). edit 2 - ondra also makes it harder to take advantage of ship bounties early on for leveling, even if eothas didn't already provide a huge time constraint on sailing around.
    3 points
  8. Very cool. Time for a last playthrough I guess. I'm 100% sure it will not be an "Ultimate" one.
    3 points
  9. Wait, when did we start talking about Anthem? (I'll get my coat)
    3 points
  10. Could it be just a sequence of 'bad' luck? or it's very persistent? Also, could you swap the ammunition to something else, wait a bit, and switch back to cannonballs? P.S. Just in case, here are the chances from ships.gamedatabundle: SHA_Cannonball has: 80% chance to hit Hull; 10% Sail, 10% BelowDeckCrew SHA_Chainshot: 75% Sail, 25% AboveDeckCrew SHA_Fire has: 40% Hull; 40% Sail, 10% AboveDeckCrew, 10% BelowDeckCrew SHA_Grapeshot has: 25% Sail, 75% AboveDeckCrew
    3 points
  11. wrong seals. though they is hypnotic, no? still wrong. priestly seal spells: repulsing, warding and searing. we first mentioned this in the now dark past o' 2017, but whenever we see folks discussing advantages and disadvantages o' priestly seal spells, we almost never see a recognition o' empowers. not only may a seal spell be cast before combat functional for free as the per-encounter usage will regenerate if one waits a few seconds to begin a fight, but the seal may similarly be empowered outside o' combat. sure, the empower will still count against the per rest limit, but the per encounter empowering will regen allowing for a functional extra empower during difficult combats. warding seal is a particular nice opener for a battle with multiple foes as it provides an aoe interrupt. a well positioned warding seal will interrupt multiple foes as they is activating their opening abilities. just sayin' HA! Good Fun! ps we would not be averse to obsidian adding militarized siberian seals to deadfire or poe 3... possible as a ranger companion. seems ideal for a coastal aumaua ranger. kidding. we kid.
    3 points
  12. Take care, some nazi is probably going to report you for circumventing the profanity filter through pictures.
    2 points
  13. Boeroer! Go for it! I wanna see your name on the table in the first 12 Watchers!!! Btw This Ultimate Challenge its VERY hard, without blessings and ALL Gods Challenges.. Must you kill the Mega-Bosses too?
    2 points
  14. You mean you are not good enough to download 5.0?
    2 points
  15. Hehe ^^ Aaand the patch notes have arrived!) Patch Update #61 Patch Notes for 5.0.0 P.S. Patch notes were first posted on 26th April) Edit: P.P.S. Yay! I can play now) Afflictions now work as expected for immunities, resistance, and suppression. Brilliant Tactician's effects will work correctly when there are multiple Tacticians in the party. Attack abilities will now apply their effects to child attacks such as AOEs in addition to the character's primary weapon attack. Characters with unused engagements will now engage enemies that move in range even if they are not the primary target.
    2 points
  16. Toronto real estate is in a funny place https://www.blogto.com/real-estate-toronto/2019/05/somewhere-around-dufferin-and-finch/
    2 points
  17. Heroes of Might & Magic 3 with my friend on LAN
    2 points
  18. Hey everyone! If you see this, then welcome to the new and improved Obsidian forums! We hope you all enjoy the new style and features that were added to this update. Should you happen to run into any issues, please let us know on this thread so we can get to fixing them. Thank you for your patience during the downtime and continue being incredible to each other!
    1 point
  19. This is a list of changes from v4.1.0.0011 to v5.0.0.0040 that specifically affect modding the game. The patch notes for other changes to the game can be found here. Check the documentation for more details on the functionality of added data properties. Modding Patch Notes for v5.0.0.0040 Looping AttackBaseVisualEffects are now supported for all events rather than just AnimEvents. The effects are stopped on Impact. Added ExperienceTableComponent.TrapLockXPIncrements Added HostilityType.HostileEver Added TacticalModeSettingsComponent Added CombatSettingsComponent.MinimumRollToGrazeTactical, MinimumRollToHitTactical, MinimumRollToCritTactical Added AttributeComponent.TacticalOverrideBonusesFormatString Added CharacterStatsSettingsComponent.AttributeTacticalStrideMultiplier Added DamageData.TacticalMinimumOverride / TacticalMaximumOverride Added GenericAbilityComponent.ShowStatusEffects Added StatusEffectDurationType.UseDuratonUnadjusted Added GenericAbilityComponent.RandomizeStatusEffect Added AIBehaviorDataComponent.CanEngage Added AICombatMoveComponent.AbortIfImmobile Added AIMoveComponent.AbortIfImmobile (Community Request) Added IsAnyWeaponEquipped conditional (Community Request) Added IsAnyWeaponEquippedInSecondarySlot conditional Fixed a problem where oei_this was not properly initialized when checking soulbound advancement conditionals. (Community Report) Fixed a problem where ModScriptHooks sometimes did not work correctly when loading very old savegames Fixed a problem where scripts or conditionals that were called recursively would not receive correct values for special GUIDs Thanks for working with us to make this game even cooler and more fun! I'm looking forward to seeing where you take it in the future.
    1 point
  20. Take your time. Seems like easy 'one button' fix. I will look closer and test it on weekend and, if successful, we include this fix in our Community Patch. "PowerLevelScaling": { "ScalingType": "Default", "BaseLevel": 0, "LevelIncrement": 1, "MaxLevel": 0, "DamageAdjustment": 1, "DurationAdjustment": 1, "BounceCountAdjustment": 0, "ProjectileCountAdjustment": 0, "AccuracyAdjustment": 0, "PenetrationAdjustment": 0 - THIS Just give me full list of abilities you want to fix. Fireball... and something else?
    1 point
  21. Try changing the anti-aliasing method as well. If that fails, try downgrading the drivers or messing with the other settings.
    1 point
  22. There will be. Because that's how it goes with any piece of software. Hopefully as few as possible and hotfixes will be out quickly.
    1 point
  23. so eroa have a josh sawyer constellation is that what wael doesn't want player to see?
    1 point
  24. Ye it would be appropriate for Boeroer to be up there on the plaque
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. What does this mean exactly? Do I still have to kill Scyorielaphas and Jadaferlas, even though it is possible to reason with them? Thanks.
    1 point
  27. Grats TrueNeutral. We shall make virtual votive offerings to the grand high poobahs of the Net in aid of blessing the spawn.
    1 point
  28. Congratulation TrueNeutral! May your hellspawn come into the world healthy and happy!
    1 point
  29. I know what I'll be playing every single time
    1 point
  30. Stock up on sleep and social time. You will be a tired hermit for awhile afterwards.
    1 point
  31. *Reports algroth for promoting piracy* Seriously its a funny gag.
    1 point
  32. Just like how they forgot their starbucks.
    1 point
  33. edit: pls convince me to watch DIS last two or three chapters. Really cba
    1 point
  34. I like the stats on paper, but from an RP perspective, it's all a very flimsy excuse to either subvert expectations or try to avoid dump stats (or both). Now having said that, I usually prefer the array of midling stats. The only game I've ever power-gamed on is the Infinity Engine series, and that's just because 2nd Ed D&D was so damn stingy with stat bonuses, I felt compelled to have the best stats possible starting out with any character. *nods* I like the classes and I'm figuring things out. I wish the game did have multiclassing because it seems like, given what happens, starting out one class, then gaining Cipher just seems like a natural story point. But that's what POE2 is for, I guess (assuming I don't stick to your advice and just stay single classed.) I did notice the "Aspiring" feats (abilities, whatever) that give you a taste of another class' core mechanic. I've got a low level fighter and a low level cipher. My fighter is nearly untouchable. Hits often, is hard to hit, can take a hit easily and recovers quickly. My cipher has a couple cool powers but has at best a 50% hit rate, mediocre damage, and if i stick him in armor, his casting slows down to a crawl, but if i don't, he dies in two hits. I know at some point the Linear Warrior, Quadratic Wizard effect will kick in and the Fighter will taper off in power while the Cipher becomes as unto a God, but I'm not sure how long that'll take and if i can take the frustration of getting there, given I'm an amateur with the system. But my inner roleplayer LOVES the concept of a Cipher!
    1 point
  35. Yes, that's nice. I think most players just don't use empower that often in the first place. And I also think most players still don't fully realize - or keep in mind - that any spell use that you can spend outside of combat regenerates if the fight doesn't get started. Seals are pretty cool in that regard because they stay a very long time. Players are often surprised when I write that I use spells to lure enemies away from a doorway or a crate or so. For example I use Arkemyr's Dazzling Lights for that a lot. If you cast them into a corner (and don't hit anybody) the enemies will walk to that corner and check out the noise. Your spell use will get replenished. And so on. You can chain-cast like that and lure them further away. Doesn't work on friendly NPCs though (only Sparkcrackers will get their attention it seems). So - I believe it just doesn't come to mind that seals (and the replenishable spell use in general as long as you don't start a fight with a spell) are actually very useful. Maybe because in actual combat they are not that great - or rather their biggest advantage (stays long) doesn't matter there.
    1 point
  36. What We Left Behind is the name of the doc. It had a crowdfunding campaign some years ago and we finally got to have a look at it for a short while last week. The streaming platform they used really sucked though and I have no idea when we'll get to have it for keeps in either digital or whatever physical media exists nowadays.
    1 point
  37. aw shucks, yeah that's mine. i don't pretend to be 100% accurate or claim that it's 100% my work - I hope I credited everyone who helped contribute it to it (there's some more updateds pending phenomenum's contributions, but i'm waiting on 4.2). but if people get good mileage out of it, that's all I can hope for
    1 point
  38. Originally, when multiclassing was to be more flexible (dnd3 style) companions would pick first class from limited selection, and then could multiclass which whatever you wanted them to. Obsidian's answer to roleplaying was: "you pick the class, it is up to you to explain why Eder can cast spells now". When they changed how multiclassing works they limited class options for the companion. The reason gives was unexpected UI issues. So I don't think there is anything on design level that would stop Obsidian from doing that - just that it might take more work, then one might expect.
    1 point
  39. Here's my final thoughts on this episode: If there isn't more, they built up a villain to be Thanos but then he turned out to be Snoke. If this doesn't have a different payoff later, this show literally sucks retroactively. Because this was the greater myth arc. It was about how the Iron Throne doesn't matter. We can't go back to giving a hoot about a pointy chair.
    1 point
  40. I enjoy playing through Deadfire more - if you were to sit me down and choose me which one to play I would pick Deadfire. I like overall system design better, it's better paced, allows more freedom in how you progress. However, I was more satisfied upon the completion of a PoE playthrough due to a stronger overall narrative.
    1 point
  41. You use them to empower a unique ring received when completing the brewmaster quest (don't give him the fluid straight away, he will then offer gold or this ring).
    1 point
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