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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/21 in all areas

  1. Russia has the best vaccine despite imperio-capitalist propaganda https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55900622 who would've thought
    3 points
  2. We are all living in the past here.
    3 points
  3. Just wanting to mention in passing I appreciate this thread being started by someone called Trashman.
    3 points
  4. I got my second dose of the COVID vaccine, thus far I have some soreness around the site of the injection but no other side effects.
    3 points
  5. Saw Dr. Strangelove. Now I know where the man riding a nuclear bomb comes from.
    2 points
  6. Learning letters with Alpha Protocol 2/4 B is for Buggiest map in the whole game. W is for When in doubt: headshot. Y is for Yeeting the ugly off the bridge.
    2 points
  7. Learning letters with Alpha Protocol 1/4 N if for Naive recruit four missions away from disaster. O is for Orangish-yellowish-brownish color and I hope you like it since everything in Saudi is in that color. A is for Aggressive impromptu dancing lessons. H is for Hugging men isn’t gay if you do it from behind.
    2 points
  8. I had a lot of fun with mass effect 2 and 3. I've played all the DLC already though. Seems a bit lazy.
    2 points
  9. Really? I mean it is a 1 dimensional role playing character. Every post circles back to the same thing. It's like a dialogue loop.
    2 points
  10. https://www.theonion.com/activists-call-on-sitcom-producers-to-reckon-with-genre-1846176834
    2 points
  11. Waking up to or falling asleep to the sound of heavy rain on the window sills is just lovely. More lovely if you're not going out to work in it
    2 points
  12. finished all 4 season of black sails 38 hours with 38 episode are pretty long still doesn't feels enough so much struggle with so little happy ending a lot great characters to follow through with many entertaining interaction and ever changing dynamic it will be difficult to find another show as good as this
    2 points
  13. Nah, we were discussing transparency, which is what I replied to. Then you made it about elections being "free and fair", which again, the OSCE report does not dispute, because they are not in the business of ultra‑summarizing to push an agenda. What they did is raise reasonable concerns about unequal media exposure and obstacles faced by prospective candidates, chief among them "fundamental freedoms" being restricted. This bit refers specifically to the right of assembly, which has been violated repeatedly by governments in Europe and the US (remember that pipeline?) for one reason or another. No doubt OSCE would have preferred if Navalny had been allowed to be a candidate, but it's probably a good thing that he wasn't because he would have faceplanted pretty hard, what with his popularity being in the vicinity of 2%. A failed candidate is nowhere near as attractive as a martyr. Overall, the report falls short of being an indictment, because the fact is that Putin simply does not need to cheat in order to win. And Russians consistently voting "wrong" causes an absolutely fantastic amount of butthurt in the West. But I digress. Then you went and brought up how, in contrast to Russia, the US elections are "free and fair" despite the Big Five's disproportionate coverage of big party candidates, and super PAC and "dark money" groups' (transparency schmarency) contributions completely destroying any illusion that politics in the US has become anything other than money exchanging hands. Apparently, the definition of free and fair is choosing between two bought and paid for candidates of the same establishment that... well, we've been down that road before. Indeed, we've been at this before, terms will continue to be redefined to mean whatever you need them to mean depending on the circumstances and I'm not really in the mood for your particular brand of intellectual dishonesty. Goodbye.
    2 points
  14. Hey guys, This may have already been suggested but I would really love to see the option to build shelves. I see a lot of videos of people being creative with floating storage but it doesn’t seem to work anymore. shelves would be awesome to stack more storage in our homes
    1 point
  15. https://babylonbee.com/news/jeff-bezos-announces-he-will-step-down-from-amazon-to-focus-on-being-a-bond-villain
    1 point
  16. Hah, I just watched that for the first time as well. I am watching Spartacus now. I was reading a Kirk Douglas biography and it set me off on a bit of a classic movie binge.
    1 point
  17. The scarcely concealed vaccine jingoism on show has been one of the less edifying aspects of the coronavirus response. 'Funny' thing being that leaders who really ought to know better have been indulging in such stupidities to cover their own shortcomings and for narrow political/ economic reasons. Ironically, given how he was spun, progressive dream banker wunderkind Macron has been barely better than Donald Trump, and when it comes to vaccine rollout considerably worse. France has low trust in vaccines, and slagging off Astra Zeneca pointlessly because it's a brit company, Boris was a big meanie and the UK left his pet project is completely counter productive. The EU also tries to have it both ways by ordering a massive number of 'best effort to supply' vaccines rather than a smaller number of guaranteed ones because they were late to the party and the big number sounded better- but, oddly enough, those with guaranteed contracts get theirs first because that's what guaranteed means. They also turned down an offer for additional vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer, as being too expensive, and stalled on licensing vaccines for production because they hoped domestic companies (eg Sanofi) would make their own. End result, the two top vaccinated countries in Europe aren't in the EU and, to quote the great philosopher Buzzfeed News, one of the two will shock you. The two most vaccinated countries in Europe are... the UK, and Serbia which doesn't even have domestic production facilities. When it comes to coronavirus response pretty much every single euroskeptic talking point about paralysing bureaucracy and out of touch Brussels/ Strasburg elites in the EU has been proven correct.
    1 point
  18. Learning letters with Alpha Protocol 4/4 C is for Cheap ass Scarlet paying nickels for top intel. D is for Don’t build your Mike like this. M is for Mirror mirror on the wall who is the stealthiest boy of them all? R is for Revenge!
    1 point
  19. Learning letters with Alpha Protocol 3/4 S if for Sleeping with Sean across the globe.
    1 point
  20. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/mass-effect-legendary-editions-release-date-is-may-14/1100-6486999/
    1 point
  21. lol yeah if dorudugan had like half the health it would be less of an ordeal. dorudugan pretty much demands cheese for anyone whose time has any worth
    1 point
  22. Downloading the beta now, I'll let yall know about the classes you asked about. Based on my experience in PnP and Kingmaker with the Call of the Wild mod, I think it's a good striker but really excels as a tank. A wild update appeared! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/owlcatgames/pathfinder-wrath-of-the-righteous/posts/3089511
    1 point
  23. Yeah. FAA crap is done, so hopefully we will finally see a launch today.
    1 point
  24. South Carolina school principal takes night job at Walmart to help students in need. It’s easy to forget there really are a lot of decent people out there
    1 point
  25. ROTFL @ AndreaColumbia I'm taking a bit of a rest from Deadfire at the moment. I may or may not go back to the Streetfighter / Ascendant concept but, if I do, it'll be with an estoc again.
    1 point
  26. It would be funny if it wasn't super sad actually. I love the tabletop game and I always love taking it out the box when I get together with my friends, (which is rare these days since covid). Last year and this year would be the best time to release multiplayer. I'd put money on this game becoming top 5 on the steam page. Anyway, I'm just super salty about this game not having multiplayer. Especially at a time when it's needed the most.
    1 point
  27. "Beguiler You know say daddy me snow me I'll go blame A licky boom boom down Dunryd Row man said daddy snow I stabbed someone down the lane A licky boom boom down" Sounds totally roguish to me.
    1 point
  28. That's History Channel at 9 pm, once they've run out of reality shows.
    1 point
  29. After about 6-7 days of stifling heat and the near end of summer I woke up this morning to rain.....lovely, glorious, cool rain I love waking up to the rain when its so rare
    1 point
  30. Spoilers for the first act/the motel trailer:
    1 point
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