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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/20 in all areas

  1. One of the fighter trees in the DLC had the roll ability that was bugged when I played it (something like 5x damage instead of 5+ and the character was invincible when rolling). So my dragon tactics consisted of retraining my three fighters into that tree and rolling on the dragon until it died. Yeah, okay, that game did have its moments.
    2 points
  2. ME3 wasn't significantly rushed though. The main complaints about it would not have been fixed by Bioware having more time- the ending/ Starchild was not due to not being given enough time (mostly it was a botched way of explaining important concepts to the player) and the shoehorning of MP into the war readiness (or whatever it was called) and initially not being able to reach the max level of it without playing MP (or microtransactions, presumably) wasn't a time constraint thing. K** L*** wasn't a time constraint thing, someone actually thought he'd be 'cool'. I say it every time the subject comes up but ME2 was simply awful from a narrative perspective and the only thing which moved the story forward significantly was locked away in the last DLC. Apart from the companions 95% of ME2 might as well have not happened so far as overarching plot was concerned. That was the fundamental problem with ME3, it had to do everything plot wise and there was no practical foundation laid by the previous game. The things people complained about story wise would have been far better received if they hadn't come out of the blue but been set up previously. The 'traffic light' ending was almost identical to the end choices in Deus Ex, and they were well received there. And K** L*** was... well OK, irredeemable most likely, but at least if he'd been set up in ME2 he would not have been so jarringly awful. A decent comparison would be Game of Thrones' last season, though it would have to be acknowledged that there was a big writing change for Bioware when Karpyshan left whereas Benioff&Weiss were constantly there. It wasn't bad because it was rushed, it was bad because the writers did a bad job setting expectations and executing what they had set up, while the more technical side and the actors were as good as ever, mostly, and delivered the best they could from the production direction given. They could have had another extra season or 4 more episodes and it would still have been rubbish, if left as written. Then again, ME3 was a pretty good game with deeply flawed aspects, mostly writing, while GoT's final season writing was a black hole of mediocrity which sucked every bit of enthusiasm for the franchise out of public consciousness.
    2 points
  3. Im actually concerned about setting up the tree this year. The two kittens are going to go apes**t when they see it and Ive already been preparing my wife for the losses. "You know those cherished family ornaments?"..."Yes"..."Kiss them goodbye".
    2 points
  4. Finished my first game of Xenonauts. Made a classic mistake of putting 3 of my troopers too close together around a corner at a doorway. All 3 taken out by a handgrenade. Decided to ignore the reactors and just soldier on, killing the boss and... was at a loss what to do next Turned out I didn't really need to do much. Got flooded by reapers, taking out my remaining 5 troopers (lost the tank int he boss chamber to cross fire) and decided to pull the pins of a few plasma grenades and call it a day rather than being converted into *that*. Then the game ended and declared me the winner Ok, I'll have to try this again. Now building bases with much better radar coverage of both northern and southern hemisphere and I know to stock up on the best armour and mag guns for the end fight. I should put some memorial plaques up on walls and houses in small villages, commemorating the brave heroes what departed earth, unknowingly *cough* going on a suicide mission to save earth and their commander!
    2 points
  5. OK, found from where it comes : "PowerLevelScaling": { "ScalingType": "Never", "BaseLevel": 0, "LevelIncrement": 1, "MaxLevel": 0, "DamageAdjustment": 1, "DurationAdjustment": 1, "BounceCountAdjustment": 0, "ProjectileCountAdjustment": 0, "AccuracyAdjustment": 0, "PenetrationAdjustment": 0 }, It doesn't seem related to BPM. But I will address it in next version. Any objection to standard scaling (as PL1 Druid ability) ??
    2 points
  6. The whole franchise takes a dark turn if you consider the possibility that the "heroes" may just be murdering hapless cosplayers rather than the elite shock troops that they quite obviously are not...
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. It works on party members and summons alike. It's also worth noting that the bonus (from Sated and Sated Ravenous Hunger) doesn't expire when the fight is over but seems to be active until next rest. At least when I tested it lately (a few days ago only) it wouldn't go away after fights but only after I rested. If you switch the weapon it will go to no bonus/malus - but if you switch back it's still Sated (+2 or +3 to the 3 stats). Even if you put it into the stash and then get it back the bonus still gets applied. BUT if you give it to another party member they will suffer from the Hunger malus instead. So - totally worth it if you don't hand it around all the time.
    1 point
  9. Alaska May Be Hiding a Huge Volcanic System (gizmodo.com)
    1 point
  10. Going in the hospital for an overnight stay on Tuesday. Ugh. For the past few months I've been having this problem that I've tried to ignore. It starts with tingling in my fingers and progressed to numbness in my hand, then later my whole arm. Finally it got to the point I could not ignore it. So I saw my doctor and then a neurologist. Turns out I have scar tissue putting pressure on my radial nerve in my arm. I was in a pretty nasty car accident over 11 years ago. One of the injuries was a compound fracture on that same arm. Which ended up with a couple of pins in it. Now scar tissue inside causing problems. I was acrually relieved. When the doctor said I needed a nerologist the mind conjures up terrible possibilities. The truth was not THAT bad. But a overnight stay in the COVID factory? Ugh.
    1 point
  11. Prey is a great game and is absolutely not a war game. Firearm usage is limited to skill specialization and ammo is not plentiful. Definitely pick it up if you got the funding. My only gripes were the ending and the somewhat unbalanced Skill Tree (at least at the beginning, towards the end it's not a problem).
    1 point
  12. Prey is a lot closer to Dishonoured in a contiguous world than Doom. If Dishonoured is Arkane's homage to Thief then Prey is very much their homage to System Shock- a bit more shooterish and less sneaky, but by no means a run and gun game unless that's what you want. It has its weaknesses but if you liked Dishonoured chances are you should like Prey as well.
    1 point
  13. No, it was the druid attack on Sayuka. I didn't kill that many enemies but I had 180 sec duration of spiritshift by the end of the fight, which isn't possible with just +duration on kill. I was also checking combat logs and I was scoring crits on enemies but nothing ever showed for the wildstrike frenzy effect.
    1 point
  14. And that's pretty much the main problem. Both DA:O and Mass Effect 1&2 were ambitious games with solid foundations. ME3 and DA2 were rushed cashgrabs. Bring continuations (or finale) to far superior titles only made a drop in quality that much more apparent. There are some companies, whose name act as a quality guarantee. With those two titles BioWare burned any good will they had with me.
    1 point
  15. I had more issue with the combat than going through the same cave a dozen times in DA2. The biggest problem IMHO was that every single battle, boss battles included, was essentially the same. You meet an initial group of enemies, or a boss. You fight said enemies until a trigger point where another group of enemies spawns all around you literally from nowhere. Lather, rinse, repeat. The only variance was that sometimes there was also a second wave of enemies that would spawn all around you. This also made strategic group formation essentially meaningless. There was no way to set up a meat shield wall to protect your squishy members when enemies would just spawn behind you. Those factors made combat in DA2 get REALLY old REALLY fast for me. When my reaction to a combat encounter is "*sigh* Let's just get this crap over with" then that is a failure of combat design IMHO. To make matters worse, there was a ton of combat.
    1 point
  16. Thanks, Boeroer. That makes sense. Might be worth taking if you're using Keeper of the Flame, but otherwise not, it seems.
    1 point
  17. If you don't want RT or DLSS then the 6900XT is your best bet for 4K rasterization but AMD will have to eventually follow Nvidia. Going forward native 4K is not as important as RT. Checkerboarding, dynamic resolution, variable rate shader, DLSS, RT quality are sacrificing native resolution where developers think you won't notice in gameplay. Since Volta, Nvidia has dedicated a lot of silicon and R&D to RT. There will also come a time when developers will have the rasterized version of the game for low end hardware, and the ray traced version that will look stunning. I wouldn't be surprised to see DLSS keep improving.
    1 point
  18. Empowering Avenging Storm with Fast Empower seems to be removing recovery from all of my weapon attacks as well. I'm also not seeing the interrupt and damage from Wildstrike Frenzy: Shock on my Fury druid. The duration of my spiritshift goes way up but I don't see any damage, nor do I see any rolls in the combat log.
    1 point
  19. I had no injuries going into room and I took a phone call while I watched SoT do it's AI, so the timer was definitely good. Double checked BDD was active of course and immediately got intsa gibbed upon walking into melee range. I did not notice a gulp animation - just died to most likely the first melee hit. Very strange indeed. I thought maybe a small grub debuffed me or something because I just had no time to react or analyze what happened, it was that fast. This one sounds like it might be a mystery, but I really do appreciate the replies. Going to do a play through without expert mode / ToI active and maybe I can replicate anything that may have gone wrong. If no one here has had an issue it's more than likely an error on my part.
    1 point
  20. Fails junior high science, should be ample qualification to become a writer on Star Trek Discovery.
    1 point
  21. Hi Boeroer, I just posted a new build thread if you fancy adding it to the board: Big fan, by the way . Thanks for everything you do. Cheers
    1 point
  22. Neither DA2 nor ME3 are terrible per say. But for me they were a big disappointment and a shift in what I expected from Biow. I can appreciate taking a swing and missing in some way, but those felt creatively bankrupt. That's been my main problem with BioWare... No games they released past that felt intriguing to me.
    1 point
  23. Button! Awesome! Connected!
    1 point
  24. I liked it because Bioware was finally moving away from their stupid formula.
    1 point
  25. I remember way back when, I'd make all this effort to shrink or crop screenshots from 1080 to smaller and tiny sized. I still compress them a lot but ... and yeah, if one isn't on a faster net or mobile speed, threads like this can be cumbersome. Also, have we reached the end of this page yet so every time I load it I'm not first staring at Keyrock's man in a diaper shot? Edit: nope, not yet. Darn!
    1 point
  26. It's great news for any shop that keeps its historic unsold stock up on its website though, the nVidia 6800XT from 2005 is finally out of stock after bots scalped its 130nm, AGP 8x goodness.
    1 point
  27. Had my yearly checkup at my ophthalmologist. Eyes got a bit worse, and I figured it's been a while since I got new glasses, so why not. So my wife and I go shopping, and she's like: "Hey, is this going to be expensive?" and I go "Nah, not really", so she immediately starts picking out frames and we finally find one she likes (that I can live with). A couple of measurements and a bill from the shop later she looks at me and says: "Wait, you said this isn't going to be expensive!" and I'm like... "Yeah that was before you picked the Emporio Armani frame and the diamond glass package, dear."
    1 point
  28. I'm not sure if this fixes it, but do the Game Preview Debug -> Fix Creature Locations. Go check the initial spawn point (the box with the people cutouts). I've seen backpacks return there.
    1 point
  29. At long last, we can exploit the British instead of the other way around.
    1 point
  30. Tried to find a maga hat for my mom as a gag christmas present. Can't find one in a danish webshop, always a long wait for Amazon US. ****ing globalists man.
    1 point
  31. Danes always sound funny. Like people speaking Dutch. 's not a jab at people or anything. Just as someone who understands both German and English the two languages have something inherently funny to them. Also Danes speaking German generally have adorkable accents. <insert jokes about German sounding aggressive here>
    1 point
  32. "For helvede mand!" It was the greeting this morning from the Danish service technician when he met me for the third time in four weeks that a driver from a certain company went and tore off the rear bumper of one of our tractors at work. Same tractor. Same bumper. He had me in stitches with that There's something about Danes being angry/exasperated that makes it sound so funny!
    1 point
  33. I loved the original Prey 2 premise so much.
    1 point
  34. Never be said I missed a chance to post this gem
    1 point
  35. It worked with Fallout, and seems like Larian is also cashing in on the Baldur's Gate reputation rather successfully... Sales of the original games hardly matter when you have a cult classic and all you need is to be able to cash in on the name. 90% of the people buying the new game won't have played, and won't ever play, the originals anyway, so the fact that they resemble their predecessors about as well as Star Trek resembles Star Wars is entirely lost on them.
    1 point
  36. Good riddance. I'll take more Tim Cain's and Leonard Boyarsky's anyday. And why not make an alternative to Bethesda's offerings? Some of us think that Elder Scrolls games are 50% awesome but 50% lackluster and who better than Obsidian to fill that gap?
    1 point
  37. I solved it. For everyone else with the problem: I needet to inspect the item (Triangle button) in the inventory. After that I could interact with the incinerator.
    1 point
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