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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/20 in all areas

  1. The third-party stores also now offer the Steam key version, and it looks like the cheapest among them are Gamebillet and Indiegala at 60% off each, so save a little bit more on top. Both are official stores, no problems there. If you want the GOG version you'll have to settle for 50% off though.
    3 points
  2. Outer Worlds is actually out now.
    3 points
  3. So, Version 1.3.2 is released : Boil their flesh and upgrade :0,5s/4s cast time24-27 -> 48 - 54 corrode on near death kills Magran's Priest version of Torrent of Flames (which they get at Tier 7 instead of 5) : Cast with +15 accuracy and foe-onlyPurge of Toxin :30s -> 60s0,5s/3s Cast time (aligned with the priest single target "prayer" line of spell ; it was too weak for a single target situational Tier 3)Beetle Shell :0,5s/4,5s Cast time (aligned with Withdraw)Fox & Farmer chantAdded -15 Reflex penalty to foes Carnage (also for Community Patch Stag Spritishift) : Added +1 Accuracy per PL as for other abilities Pet Stag Carnage : Added +1Acc, +0.25 PEN and +5% Multiplicative damages as for other abilities EDIT : White Wurms & upgrades : Corrected the "bug" that required to hit the corpse to trigger the explosion Added a bunch of Acid/Decay/Poison/Disease Keyword that were missing (see the mod for details, also apply to priest and scrolls equivalent of these spells) https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/438
    3 points
  4. Conan the Project Manager; "Crush your budgets, drive your deadlines before you, hear the lamentations of your stakeholders..."
    3 points
  5. Time for Passmark to change their CPU benchmark.
    2 points
  6. I am shocked. And I am disappointed. I am giving you exactly 10 minutes to figure out your error and correct it before I report you to Fio for ignoble dismissal from this community!
    2 points
  7. Every time i try to replay it I descend to the prison and nope out, and it's not even the scariest level. Maybe one day, though you cannot brown the same pants twice and so the big portion of first time experience's primal dread will likely be lost and all that.
    2 points
  8. Y'all ever heard of a reverse exorcism? It's when the devil tells the priest to exit the childs body.
    2 points
  9. Btw, I really liked Amnesia: Rebirth, but my impression is that it will have much less replayability than Amnesia: the Dark Descent or SOMA.
    2 points
  10. were not an attempt to erase trump support. am not so naive. we see the pervasive cognitive disconnect, particular from those who claim to be voting their conscience, and demand an answer. where are the righteous voters who will do anything necessary to halt the radical democrats and the existential threat joe biden represents when we ask 'bout muslim ban? how does an American o' conscience, given our history and the foundational principles 'pon which this nation were founded, vote for a man who promised a muslim ban? ... were multi posters and multi pages o' gaslighting trying to tell us trump never made such a promise. even after posting links to trump video where he makes promise as well as a trump campaign release stipulating that candidate trump were promising a muslim ban, the responses we got were gaslighting efforts. nobody wants to be the person who admits they support and even agree with the overt bigotry o' trump, but am suspecting the terrible reality is that such bigotry is the source o' his popularity. weren't any economic policy which set trump apart from his fellow 2016 republican candidates. nope, trump were from outside the beltway and more important, he said aloud what too many believed but were ashamed to admit aloud: too many muslims hate america. mexicans and other central/south americans are stealing american jobs, particular those jobs which is in short supply after the recession. there may be bad cops in america, but the real problem is all the black people committing crime. etc. every time the President's supporters defend trump bigotry as "trump being trump," or make excuses that such comments may be inartful but they is "real," am suspecting something more ugly and sinister is at play. what genuine worries us is that trump says what too many americans feel and believe and wish they could say aloud w/o fear o' being judged. those righteous trump supporters o' conscience who is hard core pro life and see themselves as the last line o' defense 'gainst ungodly liberals who want to destroy what it means to be american, is afraid of mexicans and blacks and muslims and know-it-all scientists. is all bass ackwards. doesn't matter what trump does, 'cause is actual what trump says which has made him the champion o' so many. everybody puzzling over trump popularity with his base misses the key and most disturbing fact: trump followers will not abandon him because he is a bigot.
    2 points
  11. No matter where you are as of this morning, all saves are listed as unknown.
    1 point
  12. I like having a choice in games like this weather to attack head on in melee attacks or from a high position out of reach of the enemy. However the recent updates have taken away that choice. Finding a high firing position with the bows is simple enough but for some odd reason now the enemys just run off screen when they cant get to you. Also the bows dont do enough damage for ranged players. That wouldnt be so bad if the max stack was 60 to 100 instead of the tiny amount it is, and if the bugs didnt run away and insta heal. Also the enemys heal to full health after they get a small distance from the player. In my opinion the bugs, unless they are pets, shouldnt heal at all.
    1 point
  13. I have no idea what you're talking about. Well, I know that one. But why is everyone quoting stuff from that now? Then again, nvm, I'm just perpetually lost these days.
    1 point
  14. And perhaps Nvidia as well, considering they just bought ARM for $40 Billion. The more competition the better and that applies to everything, from businesses to nations. Monolithic power structures are the last thing anyone should subscribe to.
    1 point
  15. I was going to play Amnesia: Rebirth, but the game's a mess on Linux right now. It's surprising, since Frictional Games has a history of great Linux support, but oh well, I'll wait until it's sorted. For now it's Yakuza Kiwami and The Outer Worlds soon.
    1 point
  16. The doom & gloom talk is just typical click bait. Intel is far too wealthy, powerful, and full of talent. Sure, they got complacent during AMD's Bulldozer Dark Age then ate a nasty left hook from Dr. Lisa Su, but they'll get back up, shake the cobwebs out, and get back in the fight. An Intel with their backs against the wall is the best Intel. I don't think Rocket Lake is the big comeback. On the one hand, it's based off the new Willow Cove architecture, which is exciting, if for no other reason than it's not Skylake yet again. However, Rocket Lake will be hamstrung by still being on 14nm (+++++++++++). Hopefully the successor to Rocket Lake is on 7nm (Intel should just skip 10nm on the desktop at this point) and that's where Intel comes back strong. AMD is showing no signs of slowing down, so maybe, just maybe, we can get a golden age where we have a strong Intel and a strong AMD simultaneously. That would be awesome.
    1 point
  17. "Two days later" LadyC; ... I may or may not have bought a litter of kitties Damn, and you managed to kill it. With nuclear fire even. Nice
    1 point
  18. I was expecting a Daily Fail link to be honest. Don't see any problem with Subway 'bread' not being bread yet vegie snags or patties still being OK to be called that. Bread is a product where the majority of added sugar gets eaten by yeast (or there is no yeast or sugar). If you have lots of excess sugar then it's a cake. Vegie burgers or sausages are in my experience always labelled as being vegetarian because it's a selling point that they are, so there's no confusion. OTOH, I'm outraged about bananas having to have a certain curvature and cucumbers not being allowed to have any curvature, bureaucracy gone mad I tell you!
    1 point
  19. It's always fairly sunny in the garden, it would be very interesting to have rainfall causing the water to rise, or snow covering the garden and creating new covered areas. I would like to see craftable goggles such as Bee eye goggles that let you see in UV or some that see infrared (not sure what insect that would be from, maybe it would be from tayz-T parts?)
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. It's random treasure...
    1 point
  22. Both are good, but overall I would say Captain's Banquet is more useful because the extra speed/immunities are always good and you can switch to Essence Interrupter against enemies with high armor.
    1 point
  23. The next after Mytha was again the Old Iron King. In his arena, I died for the first time in the NG2+. Not because of his attacks, but because I walked right into lava pool again On the second try, he went down again
    1 point
  24. ^ Victorian Era androids? Color me interested.
    1 point
  25. I never believed there would be a 20GB version of the 3080, so far you rarely need over 6GB for 4K, and the few games that go over 8GB it's so minimal with no real graphical benefits, devs could easily get it under 10GB. The 16GB 3070 being GDDR6 was possible, they've done 1/2GB, 2/4GB, 3/6GB versions of cards before, 10/11GB makes more sense in terms of use case.
    1 point
  26. https://www.militarytimes.com/opinion/commentary/2020/10/22/end-the-navys-vessel-exception-give-sailors-and-marines-the-due-process-afforded-to-every-other-us-service-member/ I never knew there was a vessel exception for NJP. I’ll tell you one thing though, turning down NJP for a court-martial is not something you do lightly. NJP is not a trial, it’s punishment. Agreeing to it is pretty much the same as pleading guilty. However the punishments that it hands out can range from extra duty, fines, minor restrictions or the loss of a rank. Usually they are on the lighter side of that. Court-martials however start with loss of rank and go up from there. If you go to a court-martial you better win. sometimes it’s wiser to take the lesser evil. Even if you are not guilty. If it’s something minor it will not even interrupt your career.
    1 point
  27. That's a little far fetched date there, man.
    1 point
  28. I don't think that movie is about a general
    1 point
  29. I am actually working on a build that might partially be up you alley. I'm not posting it yet because I haven't finished a playthrough with it, so I don't quite know how it'll play out in the end-game, but you might consider a chanter to pick up the "their companion" invocation that grants energized. you can single-class it or combine with a party or multiclass that gives you further accuracy or crit bonuses. you also want ring of focused flame and helm of the white void. the trick here is that many of the bombs tick periodically as a persistent aoe (not a hazard or a DoT), which means every 3-6 seconds they get an attack roll (most bombs tick every 3s, immolator and maybe a couple others tick slower). That means every time you crit with one of these persistent ticks, you trigger an interrupt because of your energized inspiration, even if the tick was only for like 3 damage (normally only the initial explosion of a bomb can interrupt). In addition, energized gives you a +2 PEN bonus that can help your explosives do better damage. ring of focused flame gives you +10 stacking passive accuracy with cinder bombs, sparkcrackers, stun bomb, and immolator (all count as fire), and helm of the white void gives you +10 stacking passive accuracy with cinder bombs (for +20 total), blister bomb, frost bomb, essence of imp spray, implosion charge, lightning bomb, sparkcrackers (for +20 total), and stun bomb (for +20 total)... basically the vast majority of bombs [though for half the game you won't have helm of the white void whereas ring of focused flame can easily be stolen after port maje]. out of all these options, cinder bombs are your best bet, because not only do they get the full +20 accuracy, they also are easy to make, easy to buy, and their affliction helps further ticks crit (blinding provides an effective +10 additional accuracy). but in harder fights you can layer multiple bombs and make it challenging for enemies to get much done. note that even though i listed sparkcrackers and stun bombs, it was only for completeness's sake - for this setup they don't have follow up ticks for interacting with energized. you can also pick up additional supplemental gear to boost your explosives, e.g. firethrower's gloves gives you +2 explosives. lucero pet from FS might be worth it (-25% item recovery bonus). if you really want to be bomb-focused you should single-class the chanter and rely on party members to provide further buffs (mostly a priest for aware and/or devotions plus acute for +1 PL. a cipher providing tactical meld can help in a pinch). this is because the invocation for energized comes pretty late for a multiclass. if you're patient, you can multiclass it with a fighter, who might be the overall best choice because of their easy access to intuitive (25% hit to crit) and conqueror stance (up to +10 non-stacking active accuracy). like boeroer says, bombs won't really do that much damage - grenade and concussion bombs are the biggest damage dealers (maybe immolators too, but they have low PEN and it takes a while to scale up their damage competently) and they're not really going to win fights for you that much (in fact, because grenades and concussion bombs push enemies out of their explosion range, they are their own worst enemy for spamming damage bombs). but they can serve a fun utility and disruption role.
    1 point
  30. Amnesia: Rebirth. In a related story, I just did laundry to make sure I have plenty of clean underwear on hand.
    1 point
  31. First off, are you ok after dealing with the flooding? I'm sorry that you've been experiencing the cloud sync bug while playing Grounded. The team is aware of this issue, and they have developed a solution, and we hope to have it in the upcoming patch. We've created a Grounded Issue Tracker and a Feature Board to keep players informed on bugs and upcoming features. Please bear with us while we work to keep the issues updated with the most recent information.
    1 point
  32. *Update This issue may be resolved in the following update to the game.
    1 point
  33. I'm seeing the same thing. If you save around the machine you get grasslands, anywhere else, like the hedge, the rake handle, the flooded area, are all now unknown.
    1 point
  34. No doubt! I have stopped wasting my time. I love the game, but won’t do anything further until the saved game issue is resolved.
    1 point
  35. PS4, on top of defaulting to an HDD, is also a 2013 system, and I don't recall it being a a cutting-edge processor for 2013. Relevant because IME on playing Deadfire on many different machines, the graphics can be tuned to be ok for many different systems, but it is consistently cpu constrained (unlike DOS2). PS4 is an old platform. PS5 is a 2020 machine and defaults to an SSD. I would imagine that the difference between Deadfire on a PS4 vs a PS5 might be night and day.
    1 point
  36. I think the saddest thing would be not getting an end to what was supposed to be a trilogy. Deadfire is very unsatisfactory as an ending. So many unanswered questions. Maybe avowed will answer those? But I doubt they would confuse new players by having it be a sequel to deadfire. If we never get a POE3 then I hope avowed or an eora based game eventually does answer those questions
    1 point
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