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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/20 in all areas

  1. Maybe this will get into 'murican heads
    4 points
  2. As far as I know I can't catch obesity from someone. If that was the case Gromnir hammering on the muslim ban would have gotten Trump support to disappear on this forum. The more likely outcome is them doubling down and wanting to unleash the freedom police to throw people they don't like in liberty jails to fight big government anarchist mega-corp socialism.
    4 points
  3. What's wrong with French accent? Also, poor Skarpen, living in the parallel universe where the majority of characters throughout all games are queer nonwhite disabled ladies after abortion or other such types that are considered "minorities" in our here universe; so deep and grievous is his tragedy that he bends the laws of existence itself to cross into the alternate world just for entertainment dominated by white perma-stubbled dudes in their thirties. My thoughts and prayers are with this defiant rebel fighting against most horrible injustices in the distant, cruel world.
    3 points
  4. https://www.gog.com/news/coming_soon_the_outer_worlds Good things come to those who wait.
    3 points
  5. SpaceX fires up 3-engine Starship SN8 prototype ahead of epic test flight.
    3 points
  6. American Democracy is at its best at the local level. Everyone kind of seems to overlook the fact that voters have way more purchase and influence at the local level, and the reality is that is the stuff that tends to affect your day to day life. Then we have a bit more messiness at the State level, and then it gets crazy at the Federal level. Honestly these federal elections are really just slightly more important than which sports team wins the National title. Sure, I love when my team wins. It makes me happy. It might even be good for the local economy where that team is from. But yeah, it's not that important because a new season is just around the corner, and your star player was probably doping all year long anyways. I may have lost track of my metaphor...
    2 points
  7. I am actually working on a build that might partially be up you alley. I'm not posting it yet because I haven't finished a playthrough with it, so I don't quite know how it'll play out in the end-game, but you might consider a chanter to pick up the "their companion" invocation that grants energized. you can single-class it or combine with a party or multiclass that gives you further accuracy or crit bonuses. you also want ring of focused flame and helm of the white void. the trick here is that many of the bombs tick periodically as a persistent aoe (not a hazard or a DoT), which means every 3-6 seconds they get an attack roll (most bombs tick every 3s, immolator and maybe a couple others tick slower). That means every time you crit with one of these persistent ticks, you trigger an interrupt because of your energized inspiration, even if the tick was only for like 3 damage (normally only the initial explosion of a bomb can interrupt). In addition, energized gives you a +2 PEN bonus that can help your explosives do better damage. ring of focused flame gives you +10 stacking passive accuracy with cinder bombs, sparkcrackers, stun bomb, and immolator (all count as fire), and helm of the white void gives you +10 stacking passive accuracy with cinder bombs (for +20 total), blister bomb, frost bomb, essence of imp spray, implosion charge, lightning bomb, sparkcrackers (for +20 total), and stun bomb (for +20 total)... basically the vast majority of bombs [though for half the game you won't have helm of the white void whereas ring of focused flame can easily be stolen after port maje]. out of all these options, cinder bombs are your best bet, because not only do they get the full +20 accuracy, they also are easy to make, easy to buy, and their affliction helps further ticks crit (blinding provides an effective +10 additional accuracy). but in harder fights you can layer multiple bombs and make it challenging for enemies to get much done. note that even though i listed sparkcrackers and stun bombs, it was only for completeness's sake - for this setup they don't have follow up ticks for interacting with energized. you can also pick up additional supplemental gear to boost your explosives, e.g. firethrower's gloves gives you +2 explosives. lucero pet from FS might be worth it (-25% item recovery bonus). if you really want to be bomb-focused you should single-class the chanter and rely on party members to provide further buffs (mostly a priest for aware and/or devotions plus acute for +1 PL. a cipher providing tactical meld can help in a pinch). this is because the invocation for energized comes pretty late for a multiclass. if you're patient, you can multiclass it with a fighter, who might be the overall best choice because of their easy access to intuitive (25% hit to crit) and conqueror stance (up to +10 non-stacking active accuracy). like boeroer says, bombs won't really do that much damage - grenade and concussion bombs are the biggest damage dealers (maybe immolators too, but they have low PEN and it takes a while to scale up their damage competently) and they're not really going to win fights for you that much (in fact, because grenades and concussion bombs push enemies out of their explosion range, they are their own worst enemy for spamming damage bombs). but they can serve a fun utility and disruption role.
    2 points
  8. It depends on your party and the needed role. Druids are healer, arguably the best ones. It also depends if you want to play them multiclass or not, and with which combination. Blood Mages are especially good vs Megabosses though. But only Priest (who can completely cheese 2 megabosses) and to a lesser extant Cipher (for easy Brilliant) are really important.
    2 points
  9. Of course they are, and it doesn't work. That was my entire point.
    2 points
  10. In Soviet Russia, cows either meet dairy quotas or become movie extras edit: makes you wonder how long the cast list was before they started shooting the movie (pun unintended)
    2 points
  11. Heh, silly Democrats trying to convince people to vote for them. They should just shame people into stopping to be conservatives. Be better. Stop being a disgusting conversative. It's for your own good. So did that work? Did I properly shame you into being progressive? Yes? Great. Who wants to be next?
    2 points
  12. Thanks! I really like the unique grimoires and their spells. I will have to try it out! That is interesting how AOE spells carry the strike effects, something not explicitly stated in the descriptions for vanilla game. Thanks again for the advice.
    1 point
  13. I am very similar to you, when it comes to games with lack of winning conditions. For some unknown reason EU games were exception to this rule *shrugs*
    1 point
  14. Well, for one thing, it's $500 more than the Sony X9000H. I'm probably going to be doing my monitor/TV shopping around Black Friday/Cyber Monday Week, so there's still plenty of time for the landscape to change, I just like to monitor (pun intended) the situation.
    1 point
  15. Corruption is the same just better hidden even legalized, the freedoms are on the surface and for all the "differences" between the two parties the ship still gets steered in the same direction: perpetual war, the rich get richer the poor get poorer and middle class keeps getting worse off. Just a matter of time before the US gets full blown Corporatocratic.
    1 point
  16. Something we've all done.
    1 point
  17. Snakeskin Grimoire's Nannasin's Cobra Strike is very strong, especially as Spellblade. You have to come really close though (very short range for a ranged weapon) and it doesn't work against poison immune foes. Minor Blights affects all enemy in the AoE with Rogue's strike effects (Arterial Strike, Gouging Strike, Toxic Strike etc.) so it can be very effective.
    1 point
  18. I began my day with my usual 06:00 waddle (aka run) to the gym on sheer ice ... we'll see what that portends as the day unfolds ...
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Cool. But I guess you mean "Their Champion" and not "Their Companion"? #abilityNameAnalMinMaxingHitsTheLeeOnceAgain
    1 point
  21. I'm hoping the larva blade will be replaced by a sword when they add them. (There are currently 2 swords in the code; but they lack models, instead using the default sword placeholder model.)
    1 point
  22. How is it a failure? History shows exactly the opposite; a resounding success. Both parties keep a watchful eye on each other, which helps significantly reduce corruption. Voters get a regular opportunity to throw out the worst of the lot, which is much more than the people get in, say, Russia, North Korea, or China.
    1 point
  23. Amnesia: Rebirth. Right now I'm not playing because it is still daytime and it is better to play when it is dark I'm working but I can't wait to get back to it. No spoilers here.
    1 point
  24. Happy birthday to fallout new Vegas. 10 years old and still great.
    1 point
  25. My bad, I think I confused it with killing her with dots.
    1 point
  26. Only Single Class characters get those, though. And before (if) they are available, I think a wizard has a significantly more instant direct damage potential. As well as more varied tools in his belt (most notably and frequently mentioned Wall of Draining, but also the like of Citzal's Lance, the bread & butter Combusting Wounds - although probably not very good in TB, Chilling Fog and others).
    1 point
  27. If you are looking at Megaboss fights specifically and want to compare isolated Druid to isolated Wizard then the Wizard wins - just because there is the Bloodmage subclass. Megaboss fights last a loooong time compared to most other encounters and all classes with fixed resources will have spend all their stuff long before the fight is over. Bloodmages can refill their spell uses with Blood Sacrifice. That's the advantage they have over other Druids (and the other Wizards). If you have some form of healing (be it from a fellow party member, items, food etc.) you can basically cast forever (with pauses maybe but still). In combination with Wall of Draining you can do a lot of weird stuff that a Druid can't. Especially with buffs from items. As soon as you have a party, a source of Brilliant (see Cipher for example) and Salvation of Time it's not that clear anymore. A druid can't have Wall of Draining of course, but with a Priest + Cipher in tow he can profit form Salvation of Time endlessly. A brilliant Druid with some stacks of Salvation of Time with then quasi-infinite healing/buffing and raw DoTs and CC spells can have a significant impact on a Megaboss fight. But you have to get there... It doesn't matter much if you cast a Missile Salvo or Great Maelstrom so on the offensive side I don't see huge advantages for either one. I think I personally would pick the Bloodmage because he's more impactful on the way to the late game contend - as long as the rest the druid can do and which the wiz can't (healing, party buffs) are covered by the rest of the party.
    1 point
  28. I don't have much experience with Druids. Mainly played a bit with Fassina Sorcerer. They are not bad, but particularly when multiclassed I think they lack the direct oomph a bit. They seem to focus more on Damage Over Time effects and debuffs.
    1 point
  29. @Azdeustake my word for it... all it takes is a little injury to a toe Hope you'll be alright mate I was sitting here looking at some of the stuff I had unpacked over the weekend. Including a very obsolete desktop PC. I tossed out the innards as it was state of the art 6-7 years ago, but the casing and psu are still good (A Lian-Li PC-D800 and a 1200w psu). Since I can fit about 20 hdd's into the giant case I was toying with the idea of just buying the cheapest mb, cpu and ram I can get and fill it up with bulk drives for some local storage. Got a bunch of pci cards with several sata2 controllers, so can probably put in at least a dozen drives or more
    1 point
  30. Problem is, progresivness is a mental ilness so it would be the other way around Btw, nice try comparing medical conditions to beliefs. Are you one of those people claiming that math is opprssive? But on a more serious note, being morbidly fat is unhealthy and is a factor when it comes to how often someone needs medical assistance and it certainly is a factor when it comes to issues with heart or respiratory system of your body. And in case of COVID it is a factor in your chances of survival, once you got it, since its a heavy strain on an already encoumbered body.
    1 point
  31. Lucca update: dead to the Valeras when the mediation with the Bardattos went bad. It has me a bit stunned, considering I’ve resolved this peacefully almost every previous play through. I checked the wiki to be sure I got it, and something went wrong. Maybe I didn’t go through enough of their dialogue trees beforehand? I asked Pallegina to quiet them down, and the easy option from Ezzali wasn’t there. I tried for the “let’s make money” option, but I hadn’t set it up correctly. I was level 7 and the whole Valera house attacks (all 3 skulls). It’s gonna be a little bit before I can do another PoE1 play through. I force quit during the fight and will finish this play through as if I’m still on a NR. It is trial of iron still. I’ll update here as it goes, but less thoroughly, since this is not a legal NR run anymore. Update: I went back and was successful. I needed to use the intimidate option (ENOUGH) and then a high RES option.
    1 point
  32. I decided to actually take up your original suggestion of reforming the party composition, except I will flip Gandalf and Arwen's classes and thus make Gandalf Priest/Paladin and Arwen Druid/Chanter. The change seems more lore-friendly. Moreover, it also saves my idea of using Gandalf as a reach weapon using, mid-line, "linebacker" melee. Again, thanks for your original suggestion; it was an absolute breakthrough that simultaneously mmade the party far more balanced by shoring up the needed nuke support spot, while still retaining my original vision for the team!
    1 point
  33. The sigils don't deactivate when she dies. They will happily rip you to shreds if you leave all five up and kill auranic first. Can't de-aggro them either, at least nothing I tried worked, they have infinite range (in that area). Auranic has a death prevention shield that only goes away after she uses Endless Assault, which reveals all five sigils (even if all five sigils are gone). She only uses this attack once at Near Death. not true. if you hit her with instakill before she has had a chance to use endless assault, it will do nothing (except trigger other instakill-contingent effects). I've seen this happen myself. i know this is just a list, but do not use petrification on auranic. if you time it poorly (read: before she uses endless assault) she will be permanently petrified and her scripting to let her use endless assault will never trigger. you will be soft-locked into the fight. detonate is also an instakill that targets near death and causes an explosion if an instakill succeeded/ blessed harvest is a pseudo-instakill that affects bloodied or lower. i say "pseudo" because for much of the early game it is functionally equivalent to an instakill because of the damage it does (100-150).
    1 point
  34. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-10-20-blizzard-vets-form-frost-giant-studios Claim to be making a AAA RTS.
    1 point
  35. i did this fairly recently with aloth. it worked pretty well. i gave aloth heavy armor, had an AI script that automatically cast spirit shield at start of fight, and cast deleterious alacrity of motion if he didn't have a dex inspiration already. i also would cast a reflection spell and bulwark depending on the fight. i would cast various illusion magic as necessary (repulsive visage and mirror image; in some fights a wizard's double). he was pretty tough to kill in most fights. remember that vigorous/refreshing defense stacks with pure +deflection active bonuses for extra hardiness. wall of draining will keep your buffs up and can make unbending extremely powerful. if you haven't tried a spellblade, it's also worth a shot. sneak attack + kalakoth's minor blights is absolutely brutal.
    1 point
  36. If you run Arwen as a priest/paladin, you might consider making her a Priest of Magran, and having her dual wield Magran's Favor and Sun and Moon, for the nice +4 to fire power levels (during the day), as well as to Flames of Devotion. For tougher fights, you could replace Sun and Moon with Magran's Blessing. Late game, you could have her dual wield Magran's Favor and the Wand of Weyc (soulbound to the paladin class), while wearing least unstable coil, and cast an empowered Rain of Holy Fire, for a big PL boost as well as multiple inspirations from the coil, all of which you could extend with Salvations of Time.
    1 point
  37. You might consider trying Fassina as sorceror (wizard/druid) combo. That's my favorite way to play her, as she pretty much never runs out of spells from mid game onward. I have always played Eder as a sword'n'board tank, so I cannot comment on a ranged build for him.
    1 point
  38. Yes, they stack. Since one is a debuff and the other one a buff there's no interference whatsoever (like debuffing Deflection and buffing Accuracy).
    1 point
  39. These are both good ideas! I wonder if a timer on screen would make too much clutter if you're in close proximity to a few different resources. Transitional phases could be cool, and if the player tries to cut that down, they get fewer resources than normal. I'll be forwarding these suggestions to the team for consideration! ❤
    1 point
  40. whats with that boring thread title? I am disappointed...
    1 point
  41. Apart for the Poison/Acid/Disease/Decay clarification and White Wurms auto-hit correction, here what is planned for next version : Boil their flesh and upgrade : 0,5s/4s cast time24 - 27 raw48 - 54 corrode on near death kills Magran's Priest version of Torrent of Flames (which they get at Tier 7 instead of 5) : Cast with +15 accuracy and foe-only Purge of Toxin : 30s -> 60s 0,5s/3s Cast time (aligned with the priest single target "prayer" line of spell ; it was too weak for a single target situational Tier 3) Beetle Shell : 0,5s/4,5s Cast time (aligned with Withdraw) Probably going to think about buffing a bit the Fox & Farmer chant, because it is too situational (-20 acc on disengagement attack), not guaranteed (target Will) and overall weak compared to Silver Knight (which provide a +10 Deflection and an extra engagement !) and other chants in general. EDIT : I think a -20 Reflex penalty would be fitting. Consider that it on the same tier as Sure handed was Illa that provides +25%/50% attack speed to all ranged/firearms and 1 Tier below than the long Night that provides -14 fortitude on top of other things. EDIT EDIT : -15 Reflex is enough to stay relevant as the highest AoE Reflex debuff. It's very easy to combine with DEX and PER afflictions for a huge nuker support. Most of them are coded and tested, but in case you have opinion or suggestion, feel free to tell. Each time I'm trying to make a final version, but soon I find something to improve (call it a moditisis)...
    1 point
  42. Hi, Games been out a year. Lots of things have been added to the game post launch to make it more playable for people. Can you please add a toggle ADS function please? No toggle ADS is why i could never play fallout 4 and a host of other first/third person games properly. I have a muscular/tendon issue in my hands where holding/squeezing or using any sort of pressure on something for any period of time, other than a 'click' for instance, makes my hand start to shake uncontrollably. Would love for you to add this feature into the game, and from what i read researching into this a lot of people seem to want this added too. And before someone mentions it, i know about auto-hotkey, it doesn't feel very organic/fluid to me, it feels unwieldy if you catch my drift.
    1 point
  43. I think that'd work. Although IF I decide to dilute the monk goodness and sacrifice the OP high Tier abilities, I'll probably do it with a heavy-hitter class (like a rogue) to give it more oomhp. That's why I liked Frykas' Shadowdrugon. The offhand rapier is certainly a good choice for the Accuracy boost and Swift Flurry triggers. For more difficult fights can switch to Tuotilo's Palm. I haven't tried playing my variant in turn-based though. Not sure how fast you can effectively spam the Forbidden Fist there or how long it takes to hostile effects to expire (minimum one round though, I guess). I've only played Turn Based once. It was kinda neat with a bloodmage assassin main. But at the same time I've decided that I wouldn't want to play this mode with anything else then a caster. The action economy really sucks for martial characters who can't damage enemies passively off-turn (riposte/retaliation builds work well, at least with the CP).
    1 point
  44. Yup, huge history of Micro transactions, not listening to fans (EA are very stubborn), ruining and not doing any good with franchises such as FIFA or Star Wars. They don't care about players. Only money.
    1 point
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