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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/20 in all areas

  1. Proud Boys change name to Leather Men
    6 points
  2. Occasionally you have to adjust your vehicle's suspension so it handles well.
    5 points
  3. Here's a link to today's livestream, for convenience: Give me the good news, Lisa Su.
    5 points
  4. It looks like there is a setting where the modular widgets were showing up on threads with 3 or more pages by default. There doesn't seem to be an off option, but I was able to increase the page limit to the max of 100 pages, so as long as you all don't post so much to hit that limit, you should only see those widgets on the Home page at this point I hope this helps!
    3 points
  5. I'm looking forward to independent benchmarks. I'm sure AMD used the most advantageous settings possible for their own benchmarks, as does every manufacturer, but if those figures are representative of the broad picture and not just edge cases then Intel have got their work cut out for them. Hopefully Rocket Lake delivers, I want a competitive Intel. In the meantime, I'm excited to get my hands on probably a 5900X (must resist urge to buy 5950X) and build my new monster desktop.
    3 points
  6. What are you all griping about now? I spent an hour playing, I threw a Mindflayer barrel in a fire and killed my party of two when it exploded ... it was pretty awesome. Graphics a little rough around the edges still, but all in all feels good to play. It reminds me of the Ultima games with the controls of DOS2, super excited. Glad they brought things back to RPG games like jump the chasm, it is really about time, and throw the candlestick ... though I guess that was more adventure games back in the day, but it allows more freedom. Combat feels pretty good, but I thought DOS2 combat was some of the most innovative in the last 5 years. Not quite as nuanced as POE2 combat but pretty darn good, not saying DOS2 combat is better than POE2, but DOS2 is good, really good. This promises even to be better with a larger envelope of rules based on D&D, so am excited to see how it stacks up to POE2, and I rate POE2 combat as some of the best around. Also, just a quick comparison, where Pathfinders combat never really clicked for me until it became turn-based, and even then still a little clunky, this doesn't fall into any of those problems at all!! Writing so far is good and the cinematics are really good, maybe the best in an RPG I could argue. Can't comment on the story yet, but I would be somewhat surprised if it is as large as BG2, but you never know keeping my fingers crossed. I mean the opening and the start of the game kept me on the edge of my seat so like I said so far so good. I don't have the same issues that a lot of you all have with Larian's writing. I went back and played the Definitive Edition of DOS2, and had no negative quips about it, so am guessing will enjoy BG3. I really am shedding tears for all the fans of BG2 who didn't get another game exactly like BG2 ... actually I'm not just messing with you all, I know how many fans of BG2 are on this site ; ). I will add that I am hell of disappointed about Avowed, that it is first person ... such a bummer, fingers crossed they finish the Pillars series as three games. But in the meantime sitting tight with many great games ahead. Good year for RPGs, and I hope many more to come.
    3 points
  7. I got a bit of tax money back the other day, so decided to upgrade my old gfx card. Out went the old ti1050 and in went a slightly larger rdx2070. Some noticeable performance improvements (of course it sounds much simpler than it was actually getting it to fit inside the case)
    3 points
  8. Try sticking to things that exist
    2 points
  9. I wasn't a huuuge fan of Nutella chocolatey spread but I'd buy a jar now and then. Of course now I "can't" since it's higher in carbs/sugar (and not much else) than I'd want even as once in a while. I mean it's basically spreadable candy right, despite the claims of hazelnuts. Found this at Nob Hill tho. I tend to like almond butters more than peanut. It's a little hard to stir in the jar if the oil separates a little (can in warm weather) so it's not the most evenly-smooth stuff, but it sure tastes good on bread/crackers. Don't know if I'd call it healthy, exactly, but at least it's more nut-fat/nutrition etc. Less of that odd artificial flavor than Nutella too. Lots of options these days if you're actually looking for them.
    2 points
  10. What if I make a Star Citizen joke instead?
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. That's terrible, but Antifa has been breaking windows and stuff, so you need to make sure to condemn them as well.
    2 points
  13. 19% higher IPC. Damn. I've already ordered all my parts apart from 5900X and x570 MoBo. This actually a lot better than expected, beats the 10900K in single core.
    2 points
  14. 5e has a lot of spells that require concentration (most spells that have a duration), and you can interrupt those by attacking the caster. This is a pretty important part on how casting multiple spells with durations is limited, so this probably exists in BG3.
    2 points
  15. Let me guess, the demo is timed? I'll see myself out.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. It turns out my two furry girls (kittens) go totally ape for beef jerky! They can somehow smell it across the house (or hear the bag crinkling) and come charging into the room at full speed. I only give them a few pea size pieces each as my wife is (probably rightly) concerned that the sodium is too high for them. Canned tuna and sardines are a big hit too.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. It still annoys me that MCA got a bad professional rep because of an accusation. At first I was also upset so I read up about it. Apparently the woman accusing him had been bought drinks by MCA on some convention (her accusation, "on the company card"), she followed him to his hotel room and he made a move on her (in her words, "even though I looked younger than I was", to somehow implicate that he went for minors). She turned him down, he stopped and that's it. End of story. I also saw some of the messages he had sent to various women. They were not pretty. But they were also not illegal in any sense. Dude is a creep and needs to step back and work on himself, definitely, but that does not mean he should be unhireable or shunned by the community. The punishment is too harsh for the deed. Also: don't compare him to Polanski. Polanski is a criminal and even comparing them drags MCA's name down to that level, subconsciously. Also, it makes you seem like one of those types who regularly draws comparisons to Hitler as soon as someone opposes you.
    2 points
  20. If you have the Mage Slayer feat you can make Attacks of Opportunity against people casting near you, which theoretically may interrupt the casting even for 1 action spells (wording is a bit ambiguous). Normally you can only interrupt spells that require multiple turns of casting or need to be maintained with Concentration.
    2 points
  21. I nearly always pick a ranger when I start a D&D game, and I did that this time too. And I recall that one of the specializations (it was called something else) you could pick from level 1 was in fact a ranger that disrupted spellcasting in some shape or form. I haven't tried it out yet, so this is very preliminary info on my part.
    2 points
  22. My understanding is that that's supposed to be handled by the reactions system. If you are in melee range, a wizard starts casting, and you've checked the attack of opportunity reaction from the list, you'll automatically attack and if they fail a concentration check as a result, the spell will be interrupted. Same for counterspells, defensive casting, etc. This is all from what I read before EA dropped so perhaps someone who has played it can explain how it actually works in the game currently.
    2 points
  23. Much better now. The bigger size will take some getting used to, but I wouldn't say it's bad that it's bigger now.
    2 points
  24. Axis Football Diaries: Week One vs. New York Barons This was a test case for my new ugly-yet-effective gameplan. I went into this game knowing that I was going to ground it out and then take my shots in the air. My QB is a highly talented guy but because of his accuracy problems he's not someone I trust at this point to be the focal point of the offense. First quarter is ugly 0 - 0. QB has a high completion percentage and high yards per-attempt but few attempts. Meanwhile my FB-turned-RB already has something like 15 carries in one quarter but only 30-some odd yards and one fumble. Second quarter picks up with a good drive and a field goal. My defense is terrible but apparently my playcalling is good enough to stifle NY's offense. Mid way through the quarter I finally get into the endzone. To close out the first half my team runs the two minute drill to drive down and kick another field goal. We go in a half 13 -0 and I'm feeling real good. My FB/RB Hill finally tried my patience and I swap him and Childs back into their original spot. This was after a third and short where Hill ran directly into a defender when there was open field. At this point though I feel like the run game is pretty pathetic. It's definitely what we'll be hanging our hat on this year, but I'm still gonna run it more often than not if only to keep those passing lanes open for my QB. Third quarter is a lot like first quarter. Neither team does jack. Early in the fourth I kick two more field goals and already start to take the air out of the ball. NY manages to score a TD it garbage time and the game ends 19 - 7. Ugly game but it proved that despite the apparently talent deficiency of the team, there is a formula to winning with this team. At this point I'm thinking there's a good chance I could go undefeated this season. How wrong I was.
    2 points
  25. Axis Football Diaries: Preseason I took over for the San Francisco Sharks. They are among 5 of the worst teams in the league. I chose them because I didn't plan on keeping any of their top five players. First up, I replaced one scout with a new guy who was better at evaluating. Then hired a few new position coaches that were better as developing players. Next I bought a nationwide scouting report and began looking for players who fit the Shark way. My biggest targets are offensive linemen and defensive backs. Found a really good DB early on. Hopefully I'll be able to pick him up in the draft. Next came trades. Got rid of my QB and a fourth round pick for a first round pick from Chicago Lakehawks (who were qb starved). Then I traded my top two WRs to the Philadelphia Express for their first rounder this year and a first next year. Finally I packaged my middle linebacker and tightend for a first from the New York Barons. Trading Final Count: -1 QB, 2 WRs, 1 MLB, 1 TE, and a 2020 4th round -- + 3 2020 1st round draft picks and 1 2021 1st rounder With stocking up on picks and cleaning house done, I signed a few free agents. I got one monster left tackle but then got out bid on a really good left guard. Those two together with my one good right tackle already on the roaster could've anchored my o-line for years but alas I only got the tackle. Then I signed a couple of speedy WRs to replace to two I traded. They're both really fast by have below average catching ability (this would come back to haunt me). And finally I signed a young QB with a crazy strong arm and good awareness but poor accuracy. I'm kinda proud of how I signed him for a 5 year deal only worth 700k. That would never fly in the NFL. Oh. I guess I also signed a tightend just to fill a roaster spot. I set my practices to maximum intensity and put strong emphasis on speed and strength training and watching film. This should in the long run result in my guys getting faster, stronger, and smarter. Next I focused on defense because my D is so bad they'll need it. Lastly I shifted a few guys around on my roaster. Mostly moving my larger RB to FB and my smaller and faster FB to RB. I also made sure the faster WRs were my third and fourth in the depth chart to take advantage of LBs and safeties. This team is clearly not very good on paper, but in the end, despite dumping a chunk of the coaching staff and trading the top four or five players, I feel like I like the team that I have now and more importantly, I like the teams future with all those picks.
    2 points
  26. fly won, but am gonna give pence a distant second... but not by much over harris. overall pence scored a few more points than harris, but on covid and transfer o' power he sorta flubbed and flopped. harris really coulda' hammered pence on the rose garden and the white house failure to follow the cdc guidelines. curious omission. harris wouldn't answer 'bout Court packing. am curious why the biden ticket thinks the issue is so untouchable. meh. this debate pushes the polls even less than the last. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  27. This... so much this! Also, some of the companions in Jagged Alliance 2 with some of their personality quirks. Just deciding they don't like the company, packing up and leaving. Where is the professional pride of mercenaries??? Edit: Honorable mention to Kai Leng, even if as mentioned above he wasn't a companion, the entire concept just felt "stupid" (and yes, just like the Malak fight on board the Leviathan in Kotor, it feels stupid beating the **** out of your enemy and wiping the floor with their bloody carcass, just for the game suddenly deciding that you have been overruled and declared the loser of the fight after trashing Kai Leng/Malak)
    2 points
  28. I'm playing Axis Football 20. I was a huge fan of the 05 - 07 Madden games. Those were easily the deepest franchise modes in simulation football. Madden since has slowly stripped away features down to the sad franchise mode they have now which is nothing more than asset flips with minimum features--they treat it like a loss leader for ultimate team builder microtransaction mini-game. Axis Football is an indie football simulation series made in unity that focuses on franchise mode. Many of the features in past Madden games are available in AF20. On top of the normal signing, trading, and drafting players you can hire and fire coaches including coordinators, position coaches, and scouts--you can even promote and demote from within your own coaching staff. Scouting for the draft happens year round. You get your broad basic scouting reports and then start to identify real prospects over the course of the season. While you can play the games you can also coach and switch back and forth between playing or coaching for each game if you so choose. In coach mode you call the plays, make the audibles, change hot routes, and sub players in and out. This is the mode I play in. It can be frustrating at times. I just gave my RB 34 carries for a whopping 52 yards. He kept running directly into defenders even when there was open field. This, I suppose, is what happens when you try to get clever and move your FB to RB because he's the fastest ballcarrier on the team. The league is tiered and you always start out in the 3rd tier. If you make your tier's playoffs and win you get to faceoff against the lowest ranked team in the tier above you. Win that game and the following season you'll start out in tier 2. So going worst to first is at least a three season process. This adds a sense of build up and real team growth over time that's very lacking in Madden. There is PvP. You can play games against one another (I wouldn't given there's so much cheese in this game things could quickly devolve into players spamming the cheapest tactics to win--this is one of the reasons I like to play in coaching mode) or play in coach mode against one another. This is particularly cool for people like me who are better playcallers with terrible stick skills. Very good game though still slightly overpriced at $30 USD. If you love franchise modes in simulation football grab this game if it drops to around $20.
    2 points
  29. Patch 0.3.1 was released today for all players. Please update your game when you see that this update is available to receive the following fixes and changes: MAJOR ISSUES Fixed crash when placing grid-based buildings (Walls, Foundations, etc.) Improved reliability of friend search in the server browser GAME Fixed issue with conversations not triggering properly Hedge area art polish Added impact VFX for Ice Cap mints and webbed door Web sacs wiggle when hit Made sticky webs easier to hit while webbed The teens will sometimes verbally express their excitement when using a zipline Fixed durability not randomizing between which armor piece gets deducted from when hit WILDLIFE Fixed soldier ants red eyes not appearing when angry Removing "venom" from Orb Weaver loot ITEMS/EQUIPMENT/RESOURCES Fixed issue with Dew Drops on Dew Collectors spawning on the floor Reverting the change, for now, to lock containers to one player at a time since it was causing containers to stay permanently locked occasionally UI Potential fix for duplicate arrows being displayed on bows for clients Disabling web screen effect that gets applied when players are caught in sticky webs Fix for screen effects getting stuck or not appearing for clients We want to thank everyone for sharing their feedback and reporting issues as you come across them, as they are extremely helpful while we continue to develop this game. We also want to remind you that the team is constantly working to try to push out updates to enhance your gaming experience continually. To stay current with the commonly reported issues and to follow their status, please visit our Grounded Issue Tracker Trello Board, or you can bookmark our Known Issues List. If you are experiencing an issue that is not listed on either the Trello board or in the Known Issues List, either email us directly at support@obsidian.net or fill out the Contact form located on our Support Site and include the following information: Platform (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Microsoft Store, PC Steam). Multiplayer or Single Player Game. (If multiplayer, can you let us know how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if you know this) Description of issue. Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable. Thank you again, and have fun out in the backyard!
    1 point
  30. Oy, tell me about it. The last time I upgraded my graphics card I ended up having to bend the frame of my case a bit. Quite nothing like having to apply force near or on the most expensive parts in your computer.
    1 point
  31. I'm really not a fan of Harris and her performance here did nothing to move that needle
    1 point
  32. I tend to agree. I don't think Pence did anything to really win the debate, but as Kamala Harris's first real turn on the national stage, I think she needed to do more. I was expecting her to either be aggressive, given her prosecutorial background, or to be the more charming candidate (which really shouldn't be hard against Pence.) But I don't think she pulled off either one of those. It seemed too safe.
    1 point
  33. Debate isn't over, but it is pretty clear that the fly on Pence's head is the winner.
    1 point
  34. I have full width posts too and didn't even have to use any blockers. More seriously, @Schin, it is better than before in terms of width at full screen, even with those side boxes still there. Bonus, it still scales down nicely with skinny resized windows - I think before I couldn't make them that skinny without a scrollbar at the bottom appearing.
    1 point
  35. Indeed. I used Adblock; two clicks and it was gone for good.
    1 point
  36. I thought there was something wrong with my computer with the update. Does look a little awkward, then I decided to just blow away the entire sidebar with uBlock and now with full width posts it looks tolerable.
    1 point
  37. I'm playing as a warlock and every time I have to use my eldritch blast I try not to pay too much attention. It's not super horrible but for an ability that I have to spam it's too jazzy.
    1 point
  38. ^ I noticed the post width shrinkage as well. If you're still on 1080 it's not that bad but on 1440 or 4k (lol) it's kind of annoying at full desktop size. But I tend to size browser windows to half or 2/3 of my desktop size anyway. I do like that it scales well to resizing (to a point) so if I want I can have it be this tiny narrow strip on one side and it's still readable/functional (doing this puts the "Announcements etc" bars at the bottom, like on mobile), heh. I find default fonts on a lot of websites/web software these days terrible to read, especially using higher resolutions, and I force a font via browser settings vs. allowing sites to pick. Each update puts it closer and closer to the way such looks/acts on mobile, vs. keeping something that is more "PC-designed." Eh, I'm old school too, but I'm pretty resigned used to it by now.
    1 point
  39. Every time the forum gets updated, it gets worse. Now everything is huge, except for the post width, which is smaller, and the readability of the post text is still not better. What's up with this huge block thing on the right side.. can I at least disable that? I'm not looking at it, I'm not interested in it, but it fills up 1/3 of my whole screen width at all times. I don't care who is the top poster in this thread, I don't care what the popular days are (why does this exist in the first place?), I don't need to always know the amount of posts, when it was created, or how much time has passed since the last reply. It's just useless clutter ... Same about the main board view ... topic list, blog posts, I don't care. And by the way, yes, I have seen the announcements, you don't have to remind me of them all the time. In fact, it makes it worse, because the announcement list becomes so normal that I won't realize anymore once there's a new entry. I honestly just want thy olde tymes back, when minimalist designs were a thing.
    1 point
  40. And Marksmen's Ring from rauataian sailors in Neketaka tavern.
    1 point
  41. So you want to add the most cancerous things plaguing current games into a already perfectly good game concept? Making Grounded an another crappy Rust ripoff with microtransactions just sounds like a all around crappy idea. Honestly not every game needs to be a MMO style sandbox game. I dont think the current co-op setting will even translate into a +10 player kind of game. This thread really made me retch.
    1 point
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