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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/20 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! Today we released hotfix patch 0.2.2 for all players. This patch includes the following change: TOP COMMUNITY ISSUES Fixed an issue introduced in 0.2.1 that caused some saves to fail to load for some players. We want to thank you all for your patience while we worked on a fix for this issue, and we want you to know that we are working hard to find fixes for the other issues you have been reporting. To stay current with the commonly reported issues and to follow their status, please visit our Grounded Issue Tracker Trello Board, or you can bookmark our Known Issues List. If you are experiencing an issue that is not listed on either the Trello board or in the Known Issues List, either email us directly at support@obsidian.net or fill out the Contact form located on our Support Site and include the following information: 1. Platform. (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Microsoft Store, PC Steam). 2. Multiplayer or Single Player Game. (If multiplayer, can you let us know how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if you know this) 3. Description of issue. 4. Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable. Thank you again, and have fun out in the backyard!
    4 points
  2. this is too epic to not share. I love Archer btw (well, mostly Krieger)
    4 points
  3. 9.9.99 - 9.9.20 Dreamcast was the first next gen console after PSX and N64! It then was Sega’s last console. It is now old enough to drink! I’ll post some old emulated games here soon
    3 points
  4. I have thoroughly enjoyed this discussion you guys from Scandinavia have had on culture and language, especially the anecdotal stories and views between you and Gorthfuscious You know what I realized about 5 years ago due to interaction on this forum? Anecdotal stories and real sentiment on the ground ( which is expressed through mediums like a forum ) sometimes give you more understanding of peoples views and aspirations than actual data analysis , media commentary and reporting and statistics. Dont misunderstand me, these previous points are absolutely critical in understand most things but sometimes these "accurate and scientific " measures can miss certain underling realities and that makes correct political and economic policy occasionally well meaning but flawed Anyway this discussion has been humorous and insightful but based on your actual lived experience and lived experience is important to understand the entire story behind a place, event or moment in history
    3 points
  5. Damn dirty lies, when the war was on the Scanians were like "The Swedes are coming! Help us Denmark!" and y'all were like "Oh, **** y...no, you guys hold them up! We're gathering our army!" and Scanians were like "Hell yeah bro! We'll hold them off!" 2 years later they were like "Yo! We're loosing!" and y'all like "We'll be there soon!" and then Scania lost, you celebrated behind their backs, and Swedes were like... "damn, these people are retarded, they can't even talk like humans! lets just... end their misery and try to make maybe some of them Swedes?" and they were like "Yo! Bro! We're rebelling against the Swedes!" and danes like "Yeah, we can't we're... hung over from all pilsner..." And Sweden was like "Yo Denmark, y'all can have Scania back if you give us back the art you stole from Älvsborgs fortress?" and Danes basically just like "Yeah... no... You can have it" And we were like FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-- *Parts of this may or may not be fiction, reader discretion is adviced* There's a crime family in one part of Gothenburg that's really going bonkers with roadblocks and stuff, we have gang violence problems in some areas, because the government keeps putting people in Ghettos, so people don't want to assimilate and those who want to have a hard time. The people I know and work with from those areas, men and women, aren't particularly worried. You have my vote! Isn't this true for all of y'all?`
    3 points
  6. My mom is in a Parkinson's rehabilitation program for the next four weeks. Had to feed her pet today. She calls it Hugo and luckily it is really undemanding, quiet and not much of a problem when left alone. A bit of attention and some food once per week is enough. It's also quite ascetic. All it really needs is some rye flour and a bit of water.
    2 points
  7. Puss! Psychedelic and absurd, shockingly good "don't touch the walls" + sometimes Undertale-esque bullet hell puzzle game. Has a lot going on from level to level that makes it a creative, fairly challenging, and great (IMO) game. Thanks to @Oner for gifting it to me! Wasn't really sure what I was getting into when I requested it (and wasn't a hundred percent sure if the gameplay would be compelling enough), but it was a great decision. (e): Also, I'm pretty sure I just heard Rich Evans scream "Oh my God!" as a part of the soundtrack: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/wnjegf8wundn50h/iyPKhxi5D2.mp4
    2 points
  8. Damn, I hadn't noticed this discussion. That usually is my suggestion
    2 points
  9. I'm with Gfted. I've reached the age where I'd rather throw money at a problem and let someone else deal with the details.
    2 points
  10. Heh, I used to change my own oil but honestly its too much of a pita to deal with. By the time you buy the oil and filter, shimmy under the car to drain the pan and replace the filter, refill the oil...theres barely any financial saving. Then you still have the headache of taking the used oil back to the auto parts store for disposal.
    2 points
  11. https://kotaku.com/halo-fan-builds-25-000-brick-frigate-out-of-lego-1845006422 Steve Witt has spent the last five years building a Paris-class UNSC heavy frigate from Halo that is over seven feet long.
    2 points
  12. If you have a Rogue you can get Reckless Briganine very early with a bit of "hit and run": use Gouging Strike (or the Lover's Embrace Dagger from stealth if you don't wnt/don't have Gouging Strike) and hit the Ancient Huana Deathguard who's wearing it. Then use Smoke Veil (this is kind of mandatory) and retrat to the entrance of the dungeon. Move the combat speed slider to "fast" and wait until the death guard is killed. I would pick Smoke Veil anyway since it's an awesome ability and the only invisibility effect (besides Vanishing Strikes) that doesn't break from ticks of DoTs (damage over time effects like Gouging Strike etc.). Even if you don't use Backstab or are an Assassin it's nice to have it as emergency button in order to let enemies lose interest completely.
    2 points
  13. Not at launch, I normally wait about 3 months to play any newly released PC game so I can use Mods and all important hotfixes and updates have been applied But Im definitely buying it
    2 points
  14. Starlancer - Early predecessor to Freelancer and Star Citizen
    2 points
  15. I was talking to someone on Twitch (he's in Texas) and he was saying he originally thought pics he saw must've been photoshopped but nope. I suppose some pics might be slightly saturation or contrast enhanced but not by much. It really is surreal at times, night or day, imo. The moon was so orange the other night it looked like the sun, haha. This fuzzy pic represents the color-glow coming thru the garage door's opaque window pane. This was the sky over our yard at 9:30 this morning. It was a bit more orange and darker, stupid phone camera. Not my picture: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-09-09/amazing-photos-of-deep-orange-skies-snowing-ash-as-fire-smoke-swamps-bay-area
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. I just received a reply from sending in my save files. Hopefully we will see a hotfix soon.
    2 points
  18. What Trump "knows" at any given point is always better taken with a grain of salt. I just wish people were more consistent about it. CDC, as of 9/5/2020, lists a grand total of 377 dead aged 0-24 which represents about 1% of total dead from all causes in that age bracket, with 90%+ of fatalities involving rona being people over 55. So yeah, technically deadly for young people (as in "someone died of it ever") but not really remarkable in a public health discussion context.
    2 points
  19. It's a bit embarrassing, but there were about 300 bottles of Trinidad TDL shipped to Sweden, and I, almost completely by myself, has consumed 2% of the entire Swedish stock of it
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Fun (?) Fact (?) Danish people don't call Danish Pastries 'Danishes'. They call them 'Viennas'. Same as New Zealanders don't call Kiwifruit 'Kiwis', we call them 'Chinese Gooseberries'.
    2 points
  22. From insomnia to soda to vampires and joke tunes. Never change, forum.
    2 points
  23. I have no doubt they are working on it, but it is still nice to know someone has heard from them.
    1 point
  24. I noticed that post just as I arrived at work, I couldn't log on at work and post myself, so I was hoping for someone to reference it, and I was not dissapointed!
    1 point
  25. It's not the right thread for it, but I can wholeheartedly recommend Compagne des Indes Trinidad TDL
    1 point
  26. Hvis jeg nogensinde kommer til Danmark igen en dag, skal jeg nok invitere på dansk øl Edit: Of course, you would have to travel across øresund to get it Edit2: I actually had to google some danish web pages to cut and paste a few letters from the Danish alphabet. Javla Svenska!
    1 point
  27. It wasn't just WB who wouldn't let Peter Jackson do his job though. The Sir Peter Jackson who ran The Hobbit project was not the same Peter Jackson who ran the LotR project. Should have stuck to his guns and had an external director- or not brought in del Toro and done it himself initially and asterisk The Lovely Bones- should have stuck to his guns and not had a trilogy, and the development overall was run about as badly as LotR's was run well. Then again I'm just bitter at Jackson that's there's never been a Bad Taste 2.
    1 point
  28. Which sort of rams home the hypocrisy of the west, they don't really give a flying **** about democracy, only the balance of power and bottom lines. If you're a *lucky* country outside the block, you goals aligns with the west and even the lowest creep of a dictator can get support. If not, even the most well meaning, idealist state/group run by democratic ideals are screwed.
    1 point
  29. Yes, I'm Danish. Still relatively fluent (if not perfect anymore) in the language
    1 point
  30. It started back in 2008 when they started to rewrite the dictionary.
    1 point
  31. AMD ruining my predictions of 5nm 5000series PCIe5 DDR5 AM5 by deciding to rationalise their confusing and nonsensical CPU naming scheme. (Zen3 announcement 8 Oct with desktop being 5000 series not 4000 series; RDNA2 announcement 28 Oct for anyone wanting a summary)
    1 point
  32. Hey guys, Yeah a lot of people are having this issue. I've also created a thread on the Steam Community Forums and have emailed Obsidian a copy of my save files so hopefully some progress is made soon which i know will happen soon. Just give them a bit. If you guys want to view my thread over at steam it's here in-case it might help someone. There are little things and workarounds you can do with it https://steamcommunity.com/app/962130/discussions/2/2942495544692104750/
    1 point
  33. Thanks a lot for the info, man! I didnt knew I had to get back to burg.l to do it
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. I am sorry this is happening. We are currently looking into this issue and I hope to have some news for you soon. As soon as I find out more I will share it here.
    1 point
  36. He probably means blood. Hurl's outed himself as a vampire.
    1 point
  37. Soda is poison. You are better off with a stiff drink.
    1 point
  38. Sorry, I forgot to mention 1 more thing. 4. A batch craft option on the crafting menu. Having to keep crafting individuals when you need multiples is quite time consuming. I'd like to have the option to batch craft all of my plant fibres at once.
    1 point
  39. To be honest the fact they give you all apart from the floor and stairs is ridiculous!, they should restrict scaffolding, walls, doors, windows and roofs too. Then it doesn't give a false representation for the base building. There is basically nothing which implies that it is the only thing which is locked. I mean come on the character can make everything else except floors and stairs? They have skill in making complex things like walls, doorways and roofs. But not floors? Lock them all until you pass the start and then the player is pushed to explore the story. I was set on my survival style right away and was building myself a home after the first research station. Like many others it seems... Maybe just allow for tools, campfire, lean-to and chest until the rest is unlocked?
    1 point
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