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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/20 in all areas

  1. Finally implemented Carnage AOE highlight. It's a bit dumb – need to add this tweak in every melee weapon attack, but it's only 92 (and i did 10 already), so nothing impossible.
    4 points
  2. An old hilbilly was walking back to his truck from fishing in the lake. In his hand was a bucket of fish he had caught. Seeing him coming out of the woods a young game warden stopped him. "Mind if I look at your catch" The game warden asked as he looked in the bucket "I'm afraid these fish are out of season and under sized" the warden told the old man. "I'm going to have to place you under arrest" "Wait," said the old hillbilly. "I didn't catch these. They are my pet fish" "Pet fish?" Said the warden with a laugh "Sure" replied the old man. Every week I bring them to the lake to swim and exercise then call them back to the bucket and take them home." Not believing a word of it the game warden demanded the old man prove it. So they walked back to the lake together. When they reached the lake the old man dumped the fish back in, turned the bucket upside down and sat one it. After a few moments the game warden asked him "Aren't you going to call them back?" "Call what back" Asked the old hillbilly. "Your fish" said the game warden. "What fish?"
    4 points
  3. Hi there. In the absence of @MaxQuest i decided to continue our work, because CP have some flaws and missed fixes. I don't want to do anything radical, just collect feedback and add some nice things. Also i'm in aware about @Elric Galad mod development (his Balance Mod designed to work with CP), so we try to keep in touch and not interfere each other. Current fixes done: Fury Form of Druid attack - TreatAsWeapon=true (Fury attack now works as weapon) Pallegina five suns penetration - 7 > 9. Ideally i want to clear restrictions for other 2 upgrades for Pallegina. Kalakot's blights - Add Wands proficiency Shattered Pillar - Wounds trait fix (10 for Lesser Wounds) Distraction training. -10 Deflection for Attackers on Missed for Pet > +25% Melee weapon resistance for Pet, Disorientation on Miss for Attackers. So natural Misses will be connected to Resistance - it allow to apply debuff more frequently, regardless of foes accuracy + increase pet durability. Connected with +engage slots abilities, pet should effectlively hold the line and debuff up to 3 enemies most of the time. Keywords done: Symbol of Berath - Added Decay KW 4 spells Priest of Gaun - Brought back Plant KW Priest of Wael Confusion - Brought back Illusion KW Reworked all elemental damage weapons to work properly with elemental enemies: I've added new KW's for every weapon (Shock weapon. Fire weapon, Corrode weapon, Frost weapon) and added the same KW's to druid's elemental talents. So far it' works as intended - now you can hit elemental enemy with physical damage. The initial idea of new keywords was suggested by @Boeroer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll be very appreciated for feedback about CP to do a preliminary "Need to fix/improve" list. My next step is to reduce crazy Megabosses HP pool and i seekeng for help with complete list of elemental weapons and abilities, which can affect on those weapons (including DLC) because i'm afraid to miss something.
    2 points
  4. Hello everyone! Grounded has officially launched it's Steam Store Page! Now is the perfect time to visit Grounded on Steam and add it to your Wishlist! This way, you will have more opportunities to stay current for all news relating to Grounded. Whether you plan to play Grounded on Steam or not, consider heading over to the Steam page and Wishlist today!
    1 point
  5. Hi there Would anyone be interested in a mod or mods that offer a new set of animal companions for rangers? e.g. Supersized more powerful animal companions (giant bear replaces bear, giant boar replaces boar, and so on). Another e.g. Construct companions (steelclad construct replaces bear, ironclad construct replaces stag, and so on). Any other ideas? With helpful advice from hikeemt on nexusmods, I have been reverse-engineering the cool panther companion mod by SilentRage19 here https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/85/ which changes the lion into a panther as animal companion for rangers. Also, I guess you could summon it via iroll20s, addability player summon... Using characters.gamedatabundle and attacks.gamedatabundle have learnt how to reassign animal companions to other creatures. e.g. so elder boar replaces boar, steelclad construct replaces bear, even Yseyr the berathian deathguard replaces stag, endless options for creatures as animal companions. (btw the new animal companion has correct in-game stats). (I once assigned Eothas to replace the lion companion, and all I could see was his giant foot, which made me chuckle.) Still in early stages, and haven't changed any in-game text yet. Will be playtesting this to see how it works in a playthrough. If it is stable, would like to create some themed mods. I'm a total newbie to modding so any advice is welcome! Cheers!
    1 point
  6. Hi all, I'm new here. Not a coder or programmer, but have been learning a little bit, by looking at code found in mods on nexusmods. My goal is to be able to change the avatar/appearance of your PC. NWN did this with setappearance console command. Is this even possible to do? I would love to be able to play as a Deathguard, or Ancient Lich, other creatures. I would imagine there might be a some demand for this (perhaps). To keep it as simple as possible, this would be just the avatar/appearance (purely aesthetic), and would not affect race and abilities, and so on. Many thanks!
    1 point
  7. PS: It really, actually exists...
    1 point
  8. Sure, but it didn't sound as if Taldan35 was asking for fluff worth but powergaming worth.
    1 point
  9. I'm not sure there's any way to get a Power Level anywhere near 50, even temporarily. Normally, at level 20, your base Power Level will either be 9 (if you're a single class character) or 7 (if you're a multiclass character). Given only single class characters can get Prestige it'll always be +1 on top of a base Power Level of 9. To give you some idea of how powerful that is, if you're a Monk it'll upgrade your fists from +65% Damage, +18 Accuracy and +5 Penetration to +80% Damage, +22 Accuracy and +6 Penetration, taking it from slightly better than Legendary to significantly better than Legendary (and slightly better than Mythic).
    1 point
  10. Virtually every cooked meal I have has some kind of spicy element in it, so I can't disagree with the general thought there, .
    1 point
  11. I think spicy food is the best food. I made some oxtail stew from a recipe I got at an African restaurant near my office. Was delicious and spicy and deliciously spicy.
    1 point
  12. The weapon with the highest damage per hit is Stalker's Patience. Upgraded it does 15% dmg per tick (3 times with 10int). The dot doesn't stack with itself, but for riposte it doesn't matter.
    1 point
  13. It also has no AoE indicator (cone shaped indicator). The upgrades don't have the line indicator (Clear the Path) or circle indicator (Clean Sweep). Iirc Whirling Strikes (Ranger PL 8 ) also has no AoE indicator...?
    1 point
  14. Spawning on the other side of the base is, from my experience, a bit of a misconception created by extremely bad radar/map mechanics. A lot of the times I have noticed enemies are spawning far away. But I need to be staring in the right direction, at the right time, hitting R to cycle targets for my targeting to pick them up and then possibly have them appear on the radar for a moment. If I miss that window, they won't appear on my radar until it is too late and they have already engaged. That way they give the impression of having spawned right inside the base I am defending. In reality they kept out of line of sight which kept them off the radar. And it is extremely annoying that the npc shouts "You have hostiles incoming" but does not give me a direction. I have though fairly often shot down VTOLs and blown up tanks before they ever had a chance to appear as a blip, because I was looking in the right direction and noticed them (or, in the case of tanks, because they had started shooting at me from beyond radar range...).
    1 point
  15. I tried to grow a "Hulk Hogan" stache over the Christmas holiday. It came in fine but I seem to have a lot of grey facial hair now so it was kinda grey/black and made me look like I should be driving a beat up van. My kid had literally never seen me with a mustache and said "I cant take you serious with that thing". Its a beautiful day today, blue skies and ~50F temperature! w00t! Ive already completed all my weekend chores so its just a relax day for me.
    1 point
  16. Afaik it's Concelhaut's Draining Touch (at least the base damage is the highest). It's also very good with Riposting because of draining. Requires a wizard of course. I guess Grave Calling is one of the tops as well. Also its enchantments like the paralyze after certain stacks are pretty powerful for Riposting. Modwyr will be good as well.
    1 point
  17. I hate shaving, it's a chore, but on the upside my medicines has stopped the beardgrowth to a crawl, I had a clean shave a month ago, and it's only grown about half an inch since then.
    1 point
  18. May be old news, but my inner tinfoil hat guy wonders if it entirely coincidental that the Chinese government has a biological warfare research center in Wuhan? Someone forgot to put the lid on a specimen jar? Sold test animals to the local food market? http://english.whiov.cas.cn/News/Events/201502/t20150203_135923.html Edit: I don't care who gets the movie rights as long as Milla Jovovich is in it
    1 point
  19. Alena, Meadow Folk Priest of Wael (Solo)- Entry 1: Caravan Camp to Caed Nua Rumor has it that the early game is hard for priests. Alena disagrees. Alena says she's just as capable of any character: she just has to do things differently. I think she's right. Alena handled the early game much like her rogue predecessors. The only difference was in the order of her actions, with that order being largely determined by her initial skill point allotment. Let's take the item raid on Raedric Hold as an early example. Safely navigating the Hold and recovering the Gloves of Manipulation requires stealth 5 and mechanics 4, with the 4th mechanics point available through Laborer's Rest at The Black Hound. That combination, stealth 5 and mechanics 4, is not available to a priest until level 4. And that meant Alena had to take a different approach. She entered the Hold on the 20th at Level 3, with stealth 5 and mechanics 2 + 1 (Laborer's Rest). That allowed her to retrieve the Boots of Stealth, but not -not- the Gloves of Manipulation. That's ok, though: because Boots of Stealth would get her to L4 and thus Act II. How? I'm glad you asked... Stealth let Alena complete the Smith's Shipment. That was followed by Ferry Flotsam- a quest that Alena, as a priest, handled better than her rogue predecessors. Opening arbalest shot->Interdiction Divine Marks On PotD, this might be different. On PotD, that Interdiction might be an Inspiring Radiance. Whatever. The point is that Alena did great. I'm happy for her and she's happy, too. Do you know what made Alena even happier? Reaching the oh-so crucial milestone of 5K coppers. Because 5K coppers buys you an animat. And an animat is a ticket to leisurely completion of act 1. Great, huh? But some of you may be thinking: "Wait, wait: back up. How did she get 5k coppers?" Ok, well, selling Gaun's Pledge to Heodan was a good start. Then there were the random fine weapons strewn about, collected thanks to those shiny new boots. But you know what took her over the top? A robe and a quarterstaff. I'm 100% against killing NPCs to sell their gear. But I'm also 100% for killing Durance on general principle. In this run, the latter trumped the former. You know how Pallegina is cool and nice but creepily sadistic toward Verzano? That's how I am with Durance. Every character biography should read: Alena was just doing her part. Anyhoo... After completing Ferry Flotsam, Late for Dinner and Against the Grain, Alena was one quest shy of L4. Buried Secrets requires mechanics 4 + stealth, so that was out. Alena went with Vengeance from the Gravee. That was safe thanks to her animat buddy. PotD would require a different solution. Don't ask me what that is: I haven't decided yet. Having attained L4, it was time to head to Caed Nua. On normal, stealth alone will get you to Maerwald. Just let the steward open the door and slip back into stealth. Hooray for easy! Speaking of easy: Mr. Amazing the Animat made the Maerwald encounter that exactly. Shoutout to the cray-cray watcher himself for the assist on the blights. Flame blights do hate Chill Fog, and we couldn't have cast it with out you, Maerwald. Thanks! Finished with some Fan of Flames scrolls. And just like that our priest has made it to Defiance Bay. I'll post on the Bay soon. Best, A.
    1 point
  20. Ok, everyone! It's time to introduce my new character. Meet Alena Alena, Meadow Folk Priest of Wael (Solo) Game Version: with White March I & II, Difficulty: Normal, Settings: Maim Before Death: On; Injuries: On; Expert Mode: OFF, Mods: None Gaming Notes: After completing no reloads on normal and PotD with a rogue, I've decided to move onto a different class. I chose a priest because priests seem to have the highest ceiling of all PoE characters and I would like to take on some off-questline challenges. The plan is to complete a run on normal and then move onto PotD, as I did with my rogues. We'll see how that goes. Early results are encouraging, I must say: priests rock! (@Serg_BlackStrider. These stats are for a normal PoE run specifically. On PotD, with the intent of moving onto Deadfire, I'd up Per)
    1 point
  21. I was actually wearing different ones each day. That was the velvet one. I also went with a rather nice silk style.
    1 point
  22. So... turn-based Dragon Age 3? I'm hoping it'll have stronger role-playing systems, at least. I'm not so concerned about the combat itself, unless they decide to copy the worst aspects of both the BGs and more recent RPGs, namely tons of filler encounters that one can get through mostly on autopilot. Can't wait for the announcement of the announcement of the countdown to being delayed indefinitely.
    1 point
  23. Trying to make a dent in the free games Epic has been giving out. Started with Alan Wake. It's... not any good. The beginning was promising - insteresting gimmick, a cheesy Stephen King-ish story with all the subtelty of... well, Stephen King. But after first major chapter it becomes so repetitive and boring.
    1 point
  24. Remember to keep an eye out for https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm if you haven't already tried it.
    1 point
  25. Unfortunately, it was one of those where I got too caught up in doing things, to actually make sure to take a bunch of pictures myself...
    1 point
  26. You definitely can, and there are more than a few who try to abuse the system. It's sometimes hard to seperate those with the ones who are actually unable to work and need support. (Fatigue syndromes etc)
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Haha, yeah, I wouldn't buy something like this. I like spicy food and eat peppers every day (mostly jalapenos as well, simply because they have my favorite flavor and they're cheap and plentiful), but I'm not out there eating ghost peppers or reapers or anything like that normally. This was solidly hot, but I wasn't like dying or anything.
    1 point
  29. They are designed for those players who complained that PotD upscaled is a walk in the park and dragons are made of wet tissue paper.
    1 point
  30. Everybody keeps talking about the economy like that means something, but I've seen no growth in my salary, and my costs continue to rise. Is the middle class benefiting from the economic boom?
    1 point
  31. Sooooo, got a text message from my boss yesterday, and a phonecall from his underling today, the bosses are putting me in queue for a plain "C" truck drivers licence! I drive during working hours and study the theory on my spare time, so I get paid while learning. I have to stay signed for the company for 3 years, but **** it, I can live with that
    1 point
  32. Prior to 2017 you would have had a point. Now that we've had him in office for three years the bad has piled up high.
    1 point
  33. lotta disturbing false equivalency silliness has discouraged us from posting. the recent russia stuff were... curious. fascinating to learn russia ain't so bad 'cause the US sucks too. *insert eye roll* is similar bad reason to suggest current administration is business as usual and we wouldn't be anywhere different with other folks in the wh. even so, am needing to link don ayer piece from the atlantic. mr. ayer has been on msnbc and cnn of late... and for you kooks (you know who you are,) being on those networks doesn't justify ignoring the article referenced. is not 'bout anderson cooper or don lemon. if you want to skip ahead to mr. ayer, he begins at 3:33. one of top guys at doj during reagan and bush (41) administrations, and bill barr's boss. clerked for J. rehnquist. hic sunt dracones. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  34. I finished up S1 of Altered Carbon and Im looking forward to S2. I was a little bummed HUZZAH!
    1 point
  35. OK seriously now. If you are using a person's politics to decide whether you like their books/songs/movies/etc. then you are waaaay too uptight about politics. That is like disliking someone because they cheer for a different sports team than you. Unless of course they are Yankees fans. Then hating them is perfectly acceptable.
    1 point
  36. The whole show is built upon a premise that is so ridiculous that you'll just have to go along with it. It's depressingly similar to the beginning of The Force Awakens in that skips some odd 15 to 25 years of galactic history and simply presents us with a future of a setting that makes no sense (some minor spoilers ahead, but all I'm talking about now was part of the trailers anyway). The, for me, strange and interesting thing about the last two episodes was that I didn't hate them like I did the second one. It's just that... very much like with Discovery, this is actually hurt by being set in the Star Trek universe. Any other setting a former Admiral setting out with an elven warrior raised by an order of elven assassin nuns on a quest to investigate Seb-Cheneb, the Destroyer, who for some reason is part of a prophecy of a galactic extinction level threat whom a former cybernetic drone "knows from tomorrow" might be interesting. Instead I facepalmed all the time. The worst part is that this episode had a seed of a much better way to get into a similar situation by having the Federation actually pull off the evactuation and then simply have the Romulan Nazi guys (what were they called, Romulan Rebirth movement?) take advantage of a possibly disillusioned Romulan people who could believably cope much worse with the relocation and Federation values than anticipated. This could, in turn, also lead to a believable feeling of resentment throughout the Federation. But nah, instead we have an attack on Mars and perhaps an android that might reawaken the beasts (that so TOTALLY doesn't mean the inactive Borg drones, right? RIGHT?) and bring destruction to everyone. In a post Voyager setting where Janeway brought perfectly working Anti-Borg tech from the future with her.
    1 point
  37. let's get this straight. skarp is using a child as a human shield to deflect an argument 'bout trump lies, and Gromnir is the villain in the scenario? the next time trump takes credit for veteran's choice, something he does frequent, and uses an anecdote o' a veteran to sell his mistruth, if Gromnir calls out trump on the lack o' honesty am s'posing it will be a case o' us attacking the veteran and taking a dump on the patriotic contribution o' those who served in the armed forces? *chuckle* has been awhile since we saw somebody try and use otter level deflection defense in real life. that said, am not sure the obsidian board, with skarp o' all posters trying to play otter's role, counts as rl. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  38. None of those words mean anything, SonicMage.
    1 point
  39. Now that multiple people have corrected Skarpie's very clear misunderstanding of Gromnir's statement, I'm sure he will learn from it and we will all move forward with better communication in the future.
    1 point
  40. I took a snow day yesterday and would up watching 8 episodes of Altered Carbon. Im enjoying it so far and Martha Higareda is a smokeshow.
    1 point
  41. I typically drink my whiskey on ice. Sometimes straight up or with water. I really don't like mixed drinks all that much. Anyhow, I moved mead to secondary a couple nights ago. I typically drink the lees. Even after five weeks of fermenting, the stuff is still throwing out CO2. It needs to age, so it's raw, but the blueberry stuff was actually pretty good already. The stuff will just hammer you. I changed up my brew method with the fresh blueberries and it worked better for the end product, but it means I get less usable product, which means I end up with a lot more in the lees.
    1 point
  42. Mod Release - The Funnening - Improved Monk Another class in The Funnening series: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/380 Comments/hate-mail welcome! The Rundown: The 3 new punch attack skills (Humble, Spear-hand Punch, and Ansara) count as new "monk combo" attacks meaning that their recovery is 0. As always, I tried to add the most I could to the way the abilities warp and expand the style of play for the class, without removing the core ideas. Here I experimented a lot with sacrificing movement/time/attacking for bonuses, bonuses based on tranquility, pacifism including reflecting attacks, silencing attacks, and then....I just had to throw omnislash in there even though there's already Whispers in the Wind. Just couldn't help myself. 1 - Equanimity - Passive - -20% Hostile effect durations, -10% Beneficial effect durations 1 - Accumulate - spend a turn, +dmg bonus for 60s, at -1 accuracy to avoid exploitation. 1 - Kala - By attuning to the echo effects of time, the monk converts most of his damage into an amplified 12 second slashing damage effect. 2 - Amkala - 2x damage received, 100% of damage received is healed over 100s 2 - Aiki - Reflect all attacks for 1 second 2 - Taijitu - Deal damage based on wounds, clear all wounds. 2 - Expanse - passive - Max wounds 10-->20, and wounds are generated by receiving 10 damage. 3 - Stillness - passive - +1 all defenses per sec until next attack or movement, max 25 stacks 4 - Serenity - Passive - While not under duration-based beneficial or harmful effects, +10% miss to hit, graze to hit 4 - Ansara - Fullattack with 90% as magic damage in 1/3 burn, 1/3 shock, 1/3 freeze.  • 10 point damage shield for 8s. 4 - Yuan-qi - Damage dealt converted to 10% bonus Deflection 5 - khanti - Vow - +5% attack speed per 3 seconds until you move 5 - Ahimsa - Vow - +5% damage per 3 seconds for 20s until you launch a new attack 5 - Tranquility - Passive - While not under duration-based beneficial or harmful effects, +10 Accuracy and +10% negate all attacks 5 - Shi Tai - passive - 2 sec after a hit by a spell or ability, -2s duration on all effects (only applies again if the 2sec is over) 6 - Eversion - Channel yourself, counterattack with ranged bouncing raw damage 6 - Alethic - passive - Attacks vs fortitude also target Reflex if lower 6 - Spear-hand Punch - You jab the target, interrupting their spell cast and preventing further spell casting. • +25 defense against spell attacks for 8 seconds 7 - Humble - Melee strike removes all foe's inspirations, makes them immune to inspirations for 30s. • +25 defense against affliction attacks for 8 seconds 7 - Go No Sen - modal - Pre-emptively counter-attack at the cost of 3 wounds 8 - Ingression - Channel yourself (stun), while channeling you reflect all hits 8 - Death and Rebirth - Rapid damage of amounts up to your maximum health (slash/burn vs. Fortitude), revive to full HP with all injuries, afflictions, and duration effects removed 9 - Transcendance - Become an unatargetable astral projection that permanently reduces opponenents' defenses when touched by your slow, non-damaging attack 9 - Omnislash - +900% attack speed for 6 seconds, untargetable, randomly attack an opponent every 2 seconds in addition to your weapon attacks
    1 point
  43. On a gameplay level, I have one big wish, and that is (assuming RTwP) a strictly pause button. Obsidian expanded upon RTwP with a rich variety of auto-pause triggers. And these are good, but "read my mind" is not among them (I would like it, but without violating my privacy, figure it out). So a situation happens, and you want to pause, but between you finishing the thought and pressing spacebar, an auto-pause triggered, and you unpaused. And now, you wanted the game paused for two reasons - whatever you tried to pause manually for, and whatever trigger caused the autopause - but it's actually running, things are getting worse, you have to pause again, and maybe the same thing will happen again when you do. The strictly pause button can only pause the game. It's not a toggle. If the game is already paused and you press it, nothing happens. I want that button. (It doesn't already exist, right?)
    1 point
  44. Space-time is swirling around a dead star, proving Einstein right again.
    1 point
  45. I sure as hell hope it won't play anything like Original Sin games.
    1 point
  46. While it's true that Wizard subclasses generally aren't that great to begin with (except for Evoker), some subclasses get shafted harder than others. Take the Conjurer, for example, whose special ability is a PL1 spell with a limited (though long) duration that RANDOMLY summons one of 6 familiars. Not only do you lose out on a cast of Chill Fog or Slicken, but you can't even choose the familiar you want, and during long fights it will go away! I would like to request a mod that does the following two things for the conjurer: Makes the familiar summoned last until either combat ends or it is killed. Makes it so that you can choose which familiar you would like to summon instead of leaving it up to random chance. I realize that item #2 may require some additional GUI boxes, which may not be possible, or may require removing the flexibility of choosing a summoned creature in favor of picking one at character creation. If possible, I would like to retain the choice of familiars, but that can be dropped. Thanks! EDIT: just saw the request form. Thanks.
    1 point
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