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  1. I have proof that their assertion is incorrect.
    4 points
  2. Hello players! I asked our narrative team to send me their favorite "dumb" line used in the game, and now we want to see which one of these lines you like the most. There is no right or wrong answer, and this is all in fun as everyone who submitted a line knew what I was planning to do, so go ahead and take a gander at the different options. At the end of the poll, I will reveal who submitted that line to you all! On a side note, if you haven't played a "dumb playthrough" yet, I highly recommend it. I'm halfway through my own playthrough, and it's been entertaining to say the least! Thank you, and the poll will end on Wednesday, 1/29, at 3 PM PST. Continue reading for more context on each of the lines listed in the poll above. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 1: ADA: I am ready and eager to assist. Awaiting your orders, Captain. Inquiries are good, too. Player: What's going to happen if I skip the Hope? ADA: If your calculations are even slightly off, you could crash the entire colony ship into Terra 2. Or the sun. Player: Good thing I'm great at math. I know all the best numbers. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 2: Player: What? A test? No one told me there was gonna be a test, dammit. I hate tests! Hermit: Yes! That's the spirit! A fellow traveler, one close to the truth themselves! Vicar Max: No, he's/she's not. Just… a bit dim. Player: I don't need to stay here and be insulted. I can be insulted anywhere. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 3: Huxley: Hello? Hellooooooo? I hear boots out there! Wait, can rapts wear boots? Player: Law help me, it's a talking door. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 4: Minister Clarke: Slowly and loudly, Aloysius. That's the only way these morons understand anything. I SAID, YOU MAY TELL CHARLES TO GO **** HIMSELF. Player: WHO IS CHARLES AND WHY ARE WE YELLING? ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 5: Player: What's it like being in command around here? Junlei Tennyson: Frustrating. Everything down to the circuitboards is past warranty, so I have the pleasure of making life or death decisions on a shoestring budget. Plus, there's no time to train my successor or document fixes in a way that anyone outside the family would understand. Player: Where's the self-destruct mechanism? Junlei Tennyson: I hope that was a joke, Captain. I really do. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 6: Parvati: Are you out of your mind? You just- you just killed him. Player: I know, it was great. Parvati: You enjoyed that? Are you some kind of psychopath? I can't- I need to leave. I need to get away from you. Player: Look, I didn't mean to kill the guy. Sometimes I just get confused. Parvati: You can't help yourself, huh? Took a couple knocks to the cranium? I get it. Let's just… let's just move on. I couldn't forgive myself if I let you loose upon the Vale, unsupervised.
    3 points
  3. After reading this wall of text I want to add my 2 cents. Disclaimer: I am a nerd and a scientist, so my opinion is probably very different from the average computer game player. I try to make a list of reasons why Deadfire sold so bad and then try to find arguments why this reason is false. 1.) Chris Avellone was not a writer for the game. contra: Does anybody know a successful RPG without Chris? He is mentioned in the credits of Disco Elysium. I mean bigger RPGs by a studio, not works of a few people or only a single person such as Undertale. 2.) people do not like the pirate setting. contra: Does anybody know a successful pirate RPG? The only example I know was Risen1+2 where part 1 was a not pirate and part 2 was pirate. As Gothic fan I liked part 1, but I did not play part 2 and I do not know their sale numbers. 3.) The game is too complicated. DOS is simpler and more successful. contra: P:K is even more complicated and it is poorly explained inside the game so I had to do lots of reading in the internet to understand the mechanics, but it was a success. I guess that people who play RPGs like math and complex systems more than the average person. 4.) DF is not BG2 or DnD. Maybe this helped the success of P:K. contra: DOS and DE are also not DnD. But they are very different from DnD. PoE 1+2 are very similar to the old IE games but they are not DnD. 5.) DF was on FIG, not on kickstarter. contra: Does anybody know a successful crowdfunding RPG that was not on kickstarter? 6.) nostalgia works only once. ( This is an opinion, no idea how to prove or falsify this.) 7.) The german translation of PoE 1+2 was terrible, maybe other languages too. I helped to improve it by reporting errors to the mod makers, but it is still far from good. P:K and DOS 1+2 had good translations. Hypothesis: American games have bad translation because devs assume everyone speaks english anyway. 8.) Was another popular game released at the same time as DF? I heared that Bloodlines suffered because it was released at the same day as Half Life 2. 9.) The game was buggy. contra: P:K was almost unplayable at release because of bugs. Most bugs have been fixed in both games. 10.) The story was not very engaging for the player. My opinion: The factions were good, but the main story with Eothas was bad and the scipted scenes with the gods were terrible. personal opinions: - I really liked the ship as stronghold. More engaging than PoE1 (worst part of the game) and even BG2. - Ship to ship battle is terrible. - I like the character creation. Its a middle ground between simplistic DOS and the science of P:K. - BoW and FS are great, better than many parts of the main game. Not a big fan of SSS. - I dislike that there was no large dungeon that told a story. (poko kohara may be the only exception). Durlags tower was great and BG2 had several great dungeons.
    2 points
  4. Keep up the great work Obsidian! youll become the new golden child of game studios like cd project red. at least until you become corrupt like every other game company... But hey!! thats like 5-10 years away! imagine all the fans you'll gather before that happens. Think about all the people you'll make happy! Hey! Add aliens for an expansion or game 2! This game can seriously become the next Mass Effect! While playing i was missing all the alien friends i made in Mass Effect 2. Miss you Garus!
    1 point
  5. Uh, a topic got derailed. I'm gonna link posts made pertaining to Barbarian changes so people can reference from here if needed. Boeroer 01/24/2020 4:24 AM CST Elric Galahad 01/24/2020 5:01 AM Me 01/24/2020 12:33 PM Boeroer 01/24/2020 1:19 PM thelee 01/24/2020 1:48 PM Boeroer 01/24/2020 3:37 PM Powerotti 01/24/2020 3:42 PM (I don't think some of those triggers are possible?) thelee 01/24/2020 4:14 PM Elric Galahad 01/24/2020 4:29 PM I do strongly believe that if people want to make bigger changes to Barbarian, there needs to be a vision of what the class should be first. Right now Deadfire has confusingly labeled the class as some sort of controller/AoE class, but in practice that isn't always the case. Elric has brought up that reducing the cost of Barbaric Blow to 1 would crowd into the multitude of other martial class B&B 1 cost attack powers. Worth considering before making any calls. In my experience messing around with modding Barbarian, overtuning things, and then retuning them, I found there are ways to empower the Barbarian's kit, putting power in other places instead of on their one PL 2 attack power, and having the class carry itself, so I will see about compiling what I've done into another post in case it's useful for future discussion on Barbarian. EDIT: I made this post before Elric made a separate thread on making a balance patch. When I make my post on Barbarian, should it still be here in the polishing thread or in Elric's balance thread?
    1 point
  6. If you want to consider a pure Damage ability, you should use Accurate Wounding Shot (especially the CP version that removes stacking issues). All other abilities have side-effects which makes comparison harder. That's just my 2 cents. I think I will code whatever you decide anyway (I also noted the Crushing Blow need of cleaning).
    1 point
  7. 30% hit->crit is not a lot for something you actively spend resources on (versus a passive or item buff); the expected value of the bonus crit damage from barbaric blow is still pretty mediocre, only barely above crippling strike in terms of damage potential and ignoring the other benefits to crippling strike. you get way more form the bonus pen as a situational underpen ability than trying to rely on critting. even at 1 cost, alluded above crippling strike serves several other in-class synergistic functions, including enabling sneak attack when needed, and debuffing reflex, so it's even more than just it's on-paper effects. barbaric blow only barely has that - with interrupting blows the hit to crit can be useful, but still worse than just "interrupt on crit" which itself is already extremely mediocre compared to "interrupt on hit." more to the point, spending resources for just a little bit more damage is not an ideal use of limited resources - you really want either a lot of extra damage (finishing blow, gambit) or synergistic enablers (wounding shot, all the upgrades for flames of devotion) so i think the risk that it's too good at 1 is not very significant; it would be on-par with fighter's penetrating strikes, or un-upgraded flames of devotion e.g. niche extra damage ability. probably the bigger concern is that a barbarian has very little in terms of active offense, so at 1 cost it becomes a brain-dead easy default pick because what else are you going to spend it on until heart of fury?
    1 point
  8. Seconded. That was much better than expected. The premise for the show is still silly, but I've griped about that in the past and it is what Star Trek writers have to work with thanks to Jar Jar's, Orci's and Kurtzman's inane idea of how space works.
    1 point
  9. Good point on the wasted damage. I have a point to add in case it matters. The wasted damage doesn't come into practice as often as it seems. For unarmed or two-weapon SC Barbarian, the first hit tends to send the enemy to near death. The second hit can then benefit from massive modifiers via Bloody Slaughter. The risk, however, is that as of the last few patches, if you kill the enemy with the first hit, and the second attack goes off without you being able to cancel it in some way, you loose the benefit of Blood Thirst and suffer full recovery. Conversely you can also fail to crit both times, letting you enjoy the flavor of one of the worst full attack outcomes in the game. Ouch.
    1 point
  10. I agree that Barbs are in a good place generally. I just think that 2 rage for Barbaric Blow is a tad expensive when compared with other classes' low level(ish) bread-and-butter attacks. But it's correct that you have to watch out so you not overpower it. The problem I have with refund on kill is that you then tend to only use it on near death enemies which automatically means a lot of wasted dmg due to overkill. And if you don't kill it's quite the waste of Rage to pummel a near death enemy. Refund on crit is like Stunning Surge (which also has a build-in higher critchance with Full Attacks if the first one stuns which leads to -10 deflection). So maybe that's not too powerful if one doesn't change the base ability or even brings the crit chance down a bit? Maybe bringing it down to 1 Rage is too good as well. Maybe it just needs something else. Something small yet interesting that justifies the double resource cost (compared to Flames of Devotion, Knockdown etc.). Higher crit chance could be it but it's kind of... same same (by the way there's the Debonaire who has 100% crit chance on charmed enemies)? That dmg non-stacking needs a fix, I agree. I totally dig the term "vocal cannon".
    1 point
  11. I'm going to have to really try the sap + rod idea. That sounds amazing. On Barbaric Blow & friends I have had no trouble with Barbaric Blows in all my playthroughs. The move is designed for lucky executions in conjunction with Bloody Slaughter, and with Rage refund you can rapidly and reliably execute multiple low HP targets with ease. This leads to my playstyle of nuking everything with Spirit Tornado to low health and then proceeding to execute everything with rapid Barbaric Smashes. Even before Barbaric Smash, the damage increase in general is still enough for an unarmed Barbarian to 1 round a caster in most mob encounters in Nekataka. As a reminder, Crushing Blow has more problems than the instant recovery on kill. It is wrongly coded to deal 20% extra damage twice, and because it's an active damage buff, they do not stack. This is at odds with the move's description which says it offers additional crit damage just like Barbaric Blow/Smash. I've already fixed this in my personal mods. This requires you to have both Crushing Blow and Barbaric Smash in your override. I've tried modding one but not the other and this lead to problems for some reason. As for Buffs That said, I have messed with increasing just the bonus crit damage on Barbaric Smash and even that felt overtuned since double crits are very likely to happen on a high Perception two weapon Barbarian. I also experimented with altering Crushing Blow to be a gatecrasher style +damage on full HP targets. This gave it a purpose, bolstering 2h builds and prioritizing its use first in combat to nuke a standard mob enemy to critical health or death, but it still fell behind Barbaric Smash for my playstyle. I would caution against giving the Barbarian refund on crit since I feel that it overtunes the move. I would struggle to come up with any way to give Crushing Blow an identity in face of that change, too. This goes especially for SC Barbarian since they have a chance to gain Rage on kill, and combined with any sort of refund the results are nasty to say the least. State of Barbarian I think it's more important to first address what you want out of a melee Barbarian. Right now, there are many ways to play a Barbarian. Boerer plays SC Barbarian like a utility swiss army knife that can eventually vocal canon enemies to shreds. I play SC Barbarian like a holy hand grenade, leaping into a group, nuking them with cold damage, and then executing all low hp targets for massive amounts of rage cycling. Others play Barbarian like a prybar, using a classic MC berserker build to maintain melee DPS and tankiness. In most cases I value Boerer's contribution to our understanding of SC Barbarian far more. Pure melee DPS SC Barbarian tends to fall behind Boerer's swiss army knife approach by large margins (for difficult content). I've personally tested different buffs and modifications and have overtuned Barbarian every which way to Sunday in the process, so when I say that certain buffs can overtune the Barbarian, I really mean it. PS. Well, I'm way off topic now. My apologies. I'll stick to responding in the community patch thread on barbarian stuff. I just couldn't help myself since two people jumped into the topic of Barbarian buffs haha.
    1 point
  12. GamesRadar = Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic sequel is reportedly in the works
    1 point
  13. At least give them some credit for staying awake, man.
    1 point
  14. I enjoyed Picard more than I thought I would after hearing all the rumors about it. Really looking forward to this series now and I hope that doesn't then ruin my enjoyment. Another Life was awful. I couldn't get more than a handful of episodes in as it's kind of a miserable experience ...and I'm not doing so well in life that I need misery for entertainment.
    1 point
  15. Yo, I'm back! Spread the word I was away for a long time for personal reasons. I haven't even played Deadfire yet! I am sorry to read it didn't sell well. Good to see old familiar faces here, your blue Orlan face among them I hope our Black Isle Bastards were well received!
    1 point
  16. RIP (retire in peace) Eli Manning, .
    1 point
  17. Has anyone been following the impeachment trial? I started to but lost interest. It really doesn't matter what he did. They are not going to remove him. And the Democrats just fail as the party seeking justice because if all the political parties is this sad tale were reversed they would be employing the same defense of the Democratic President. It's just become a f-----g sad joke.
    1 point
  18. Warning, perfectly logical statement on an Internet forum. Something weird is happening here. Are you Google AI being tested or wut ? I guess this DLC wasn't perfectly fit for your tastes from its principles. It doesn't prevent you from playing it if you're a completionnist, but you were likely to get a bit less value for your bucks compared to other DLC. Experience maybe ? DLCs don't have much technical dev to do, so maybe they have more time for level design ?
    1 point
  19. I agree that the chance to play it either as a stand-alone or a part of the main campaign would have been nice -- after all, I cannot see how giving that choice could possibly be bad for anyone. But it's interesting to see how different our preferences and approaches can be. I would have had absolutely no interest in playing it as a stand-alone: I'm in the game mainly for the story, and that's it. No interest in intricate tactical battles for the sake of intricate tactical battles. But giving players the option to try those tactical battles as a stand-alone? Absolutely, yes. As for the DLCs as a whole, in these two games: I'm beginning to be of the opinion that something is a little bit wrong somewhere when the storytelling (and writing in general) within the DLCs is so clearly so much better than in the main campaign (cf. the White March vs. PoE or, especially, Beast of Winter vs. Deadfire). Why does this happen?
    1 point
  20. I saw the turn based implementation as completely pointless since it didn't came with multiplayer like Divinity 2. There was no point in making an already broken game even easier. Why not try and make all abilities useful so you could make lots of different combinations instead of nerfing every single thing or trying to force you to play in a specific way/style? This way you could solo with every single class starting from level 1. Yeah i know some people may be backers or fanboys or supporters so your disposition is understandable, but the game still has lots of bugs and the so called balancing was poorly handled. Elemental and other spells that don't have any kind of cc or bypass doing laughable damage on upscaled sponges is not good game balancing because they only proc once. Even with high penetration there is no point to use them against a mass of sponges unless you just want to intentionally handicap and torture yourself. You're not supposed to be forced to get insane gear, buffs and food to make them kinda damaging, the scaling is god awful with a lot of abilities. So yeah, in the highest difficulty lots of abilities are pretty much useless and damage over time along with fully disabling debuffs become the only viable stacks from the beginning of the game. The point is making everything useful from lvl 1 to endgame not requiring busted gear, lvl 20, a million buffs or a multiclass abomination. This is the very same reason why specific class combinations are INSANELY MORE broken/unbalaced than others. I never see the point of nerfing in a single player game. This is not a mmorpg where you try to keep players coming back, if anything that's why mods exist. So i'd say a bugless and completely balanced game would be far more important and the first priority for game developers. Intentionally handicapping already weak classes and abilities doesn't sound like balancing to me. Whoever said Wizards are useless is insane, there are like a million FREE spell combinations and utility they can get thanks to grimoires even if half of them are weak in comparison to other VERY limited caster classes like Druid or Priest and they have actual direct high damage spells starting from lvl 1. I certainly don't get this game design where you have to get past certain level to actually start playing some classes ( this never happened with divinity ) which is why the exp progression rate is ridiculous. You can already get to level 11 just by doing port maje and exploring the whole map without beraths blessing. I wish they could have given druids more useful summon spells ( Blights are complete **** ) instead of LOTS of crappy area damage boring looking spells and weak disables if all im ever going to use is corrode, raw, stun/paralyze and storm. They certainly missed out on implementing lots of potentially interesting animal summons ( IT'S A FREAKING DRUID FFS ) that come with specific debuff attacks or support/aura abilities. Can't believe chanters have a lot of better ones, not to mention summon spawns are extremely limited in comparison to a busted enemy army of magical sponges starting from lvl 1 and you call that balance? LOL. Instead of nerfing make all the weak abilities decent. There are a lot.
    1 point
  21. If anyone can handle the job it's Grim Face! I look forward to his success! Best, A,
    1 point
  22. I'm very confused by @Haljamar post. There was the adra dragon in the endless paths, there was the alpine dragon in white march, there was the sky dragon in twin elms, and the two dragons with llengrath. Deadfire has the water dragon, the fire dragon, two fights with the dragon lich, and an adra dragon (if that's what you want to call it). By my count both poe1 and deadfire have equivalent numbers of dragon encounters (counting the two dragon lich fights as one). and like @wingedchocolatecake suggests, I don't recall the poe1 dragons using any spells whatsoever - they had lots of breath attacks and such, but the only magic i can recall come from adds (e.g. the xaurips along with the adra dragon, llengrath). by contrast, neriscyrlas is semi-notorious for its magic use (high AR and defenses from llengrath's safeguard plus concelhaut's siphon = hard to damage; similarly the guardian of ukaizo has lots of magic-like special effects). In my recollection, the dragon fights are a little more differentiated in deadfire than in poe1 to boot (in poe1 it was the same ol' same ol' except for llengrath, who was a fight unto itself). edit: in general, i would say in the above that a significant improvement of deadfire over poe1 was in encounter design--i think in addition to all the hover-over stuff, encounter design is another improvement they picked up from in tyranny. poe1 really had the feeling that they were just tossing a bunch of enemies together onto a level (like adra dragon is the adra dragon and a bunch of xaurips and adragans), whereas in deadfire you have multi-phase fights, positioning concerns, or other technical aspects (thinking of how the water dragon has those protective spheres, or how the guardian has multiple phases and can punish melee badly if you don't have interrupts)
    1 point
  23. items and abilities didn't get useless. for people who care about good game design, imbalanced/broken gameplay is as bad as non-critical bugs like buggy stacking. i think the bigger question is that they spent a lot of time implementing turn-based which, while interesting, really should've been staffed better, because it definitely increased the bugginess of the game. there are lots of stuff in 5.0 that were working just fine all the way from 1.0->4.0 but then broke as soon as the turn-based beta appeared and never really got fixed. before turn-based mode i would've considered deadfire a generally rock-solid experience, post-turn-based mode less-so.
    1 point
  24. Now that's the pace - Astrid is really Quick&Nimble. We'll name her Astrid The Swift from now on - she earned it! One small downside of such approach is that she left too many foes in her wake for us to deal with... Dangerous enemies, and their very presence threatens the peaceful existence of local folks. Oh well, that's life, I suppose. Let's get to work - if not us, then who else? And we still cope, leisurely but methodically! Quick note of Grim Face & Co: Raedric's Hold is infiltrated and it's Dungeons sanitized already. More details coming soon.
    1 point
  25. Astrid, Pale Elf Rogue (Solo) - Entry 2 Let's continue, shall we? Astrid is currently at the Goose and Fox- resting and relaxing after a fetch questing binge in Defiance Bay. This post will cover the Temple of Eothas and Caed Nua. Both quests were uneventful- uneventful by design, that is. Astrid fought Maerwald, his blights and no one else. The rest was handled with stealth. To the action (or lack there of...) For a stealth maxed drifter wearing boots of stealth, stealthing through the Temple of Eothas is a breeze. There are, however, a few tricky moves, which I'll cover here. The spider group encountered en route to the bells can be passed to the north. Click carefully, keep moving, and its all good. The shades downstairs are no problem at all. They're slow, their detection radii aren't great, and the hallways they inhabit are large. The ooze room is harder. It's difficult to see an opening at first, but you can pass the top ooze to the north. Then you can go in between the final two. The tricky part appears when, like Missy Elliot, you flip it and reverse it. If you carefully compare the screenshot below to the screenshot above, you'll see that the eastern ooze has moved slightly: it's closer to the western one now. So, on the way back we go over the top. Upstairs, on the return, we went straight through the middle. That worked fine. Completing Buried Secrets brought Astrid to L4. We took Shadowing Beyond, on rank in lore and another in stealth. We forged some Fan of Flame scrolls, some Bulwarks and then headed to Caed Nua. The main hall can be stealthed even without Shadowing Beyond. Just hug the north wall and make your way to the door. In my head I'm singing Walk On By by Dionne Warwick because I'm still a dork but my musical taste is getting better. The fight with Maerwald went smoothly. We gulped our Bulwark and evaded some spells. Nexted, we duped Maerwald into killing his wind blights and injuring his flame blight, later finished in melee. Maerwald was killed with Fan of Flames->Melee finish. Melee alone would have worked but staying ranged facilitates spell evasion, just like in BG. The melee finish was for style points. And that's that: We're off to Defiance Bay! Best, A.
    1 point
  26. There was a jihad or something? Only thing I'm pissy about is the exclusives-thing on PC. Don't care about the rest.
    1 point
  27. Epic Games Store has generated $680M so far, with exclusives being 'critical' So much for the jihad.
    1 point
  28. Now reading and thoroughly enjoying: @Leferd @Hurlshot I recommend this one for you guys. Not just because of area and era familiarity but because this one is just so well written.
    1 point
  29. F:NV had quests that ppl talk about even today and is fun to play over and over. In TOW it´s like questdesign was outsourced to another company. It got so tedious and booring I quit, the story and quests are so soulless and dead im sad.
    1 point
  30. It might have gotten hidden in the folds of Obsidian's 2019 holiday tweet, but anyone have any guesses concerning the OSI logo on the canid's collar?
    0 points
  31. Hi everyone, I have just started working on my own mod which will aim at making the game more balanced. The balance between various classes is currently quite good, but most players would agree that there are currently "good" and "bad" abilities. (Please note that this mod is designed for RtwP. Some of the changes should work for TB but I haven't tested them.) My main objectives are the following : - Make most abilities worth including in a build, - Ensure that Tier VIII and Tier IX are interesting enough to go Single Class, - Ensure diversity of possible builds for each classes, - Correct a couple of weird mechanics to make them more consistent with generic rules. The Community Patch really did a good job toward these objectives. ( https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/335 ) Therefore, I don't want to override most of what they already did, so I will start from this basis. (there are a couple of changes that I will override though, for various reasons explained in this thread) Please note that there would be a couple of nerfs included in the mod. As this is a Single Player game, people may not like this, so I will deliver them in a separate package (some abilities with major rework will also be part of this separate package). These changes are in red below. As I fear powercreeping, I think the mod would feel more "legit" with these nerfs. The first part of my mod is about Fighters, Paladins and Chanters. All the changes below have already been implemented and quickly tested to ensure their technical feasibility. However, I really wished I could get other people opinions before "officially" releasing the mod. A) Fighter A common problem with Martial Classes is that the raw power per ressource of their abilities scales poorly. Abilities that cost 2+ more ressources often don't bring that much compared to 1 ressource ones. This is even more true for Tier VIII and Tier IX abilities that are intended to be Single Class specialities, but are often less efficient than low level ones. The problem is not so relevant for fighters though, so I only had to buff a couple of their abilities. Inspired Discipline : 3 Discipline -> 2 Discipline (this is intended to be a bit of a reward buff for Fighters going Single Class) Power Strike & Inspired Strike : 4 Discipline -> 3 Discipline 6s Stun -> 8s Stun 6s Staggered -> 8s Staggered Inspired Discipline 10s Acute & Swift -> 15s (this is intended to be a bit of a reward buff for Fighters going Single Class) Take the Hit : 4s Recovery -> 0s Recovery (A Tier IX ability that only redirect damages feels a bit weak if it also takes time to use) Into the Fray & Upgrades : 2 Discipline -> 1 Discipline 10 – 14 damages -> 5 – 10 damages (This is meant to make this ability more focus on the tactical pull part. Damages are tuned down to avoid instant damage spamming) Mule Kick : Most upgrades use the PL of the original ability. A PL 3 upgrade of a PL 1 ability used by a PL5 character will for example get a scaling of +4. There was a glitch that counted Mule Kick as PL3 instead of PL1, so I corrected it for ruleset consistency. This basically gives Mule Kick +2 PL. B) Paladin According to what I've read, people tend to consider Paladins get most of their goodies at low level. Mid to High level abilities are often mediocre, which is especially bad for Single Class. I especially find that Commands needed a bit of rework (bar the rez command) : I love the idea of a Paladin yelling its (instacast) commands in the middle of the battleground. However, their high ressource cost (2 zeal) make them not very flexible. That's why I changed them to 1 zeal. I had to tune down a bit their duration as a consequence, but I really think this new version would make them more appealing to use. Light of Pure Zeal : 5 Zeal -> 4 Zeal Exorcism : 4 Zeal -> 3 Zeal Healing Chain (complete rework) : 2 Zeal Range 5m + 4m Jump Friendly Target + 50 Bounce (yes, 50) Heal 10 health per bounce (no reduction per bounce) Can bounce several time on the same target (0,3s delay)Why I changed this ability : Hastening Exhortation & Upgrades : 2 Zeal -> 1 Zeal 30s Duration -> 20s Liberating Exhortation & Upgrades : 2 Zeal -> 1 Zeal 20s Duration -> 10s (This ability didn't receive a big boost compared to other commands, but hostile effect requiring it rarely needs more than 10s suspension, especially with INT and PL scaling. I think the ability now fits better its main objective) Reinforcing Exhortation & Upgrades : 2 Zeal -> 1 Zeal 12s Duration -> 10s Glorious beacon & Upgrades : 3s/4s Cast -> 0,5s/4,5s Cast 1,5m AoE -> 2,5m AoE 8s Duration -> 12s Duration (unupgraded is now comparable in power with Cipher's Eyestrike, a mere Tier I ability. However, Glorious beacon upgrades are very good) Sacred immolation & Upgrades : 4 Zeal -> 3 Zeal 32 raw damages per tick -> 20 damages (I wanted to align the AoE of all Paladins Point Blank abilities. That's why I didn't use the 3,5m radius from Community Patch) Wrath of the Fives Suns (Pallegina special ability) : Penetration : 7->12 (tribute to PoE1 DR Bypass) Penetration properly scale with PL (currently it does not) Damages : 5-7 -> 5->15 (x5 Projectiles) EDIT : 2 Zeal -> 1 Zeal (Yes, it is powerful, but properly not more than the 2x14 AoE heal that Wayfarers gain with their FoD...) C) Chanter Chanters don't have many "true" problems. However, there were many weird stuff with their abilities. For example, a couple of upgrades that cost more than the original ability. IMHO, upgrades should always be strictly better. I really think this is something the devs completely forgot after correcting a few of them, because the only ones left don't really feel that much better than their unupgraded version. Then, I wanted to boost a bit Single Summons, that felt a bit less appealing than their numerous counterparts, especially Ancient Weapons. Finally, I wanted to boost their Ressource reloading Invocation to give an alternative to Cipher for replenishing ressource pools. This was also meant to give Single Class Chanter an additional and convincing role. Oh, and I also implemented a Troubadour Nerf (following a @Boeroer recommandation from a couple of months ago) because the subclass is just too good compared to other ones. Troubadour : Brisk Recitation phrase take 4s instead of 3s. ...and Their Screams Reached The Heavens (Wurms Summon upgrade) : 4 Phrases -> 3 Phrases (as unupgraded version) Set to Their Purpose, They All Knew Their Part : 6 Phrases -> 5 Phrases (as unupgraded version) (this was justified when it provided Brillant...) Far from Defeated, His Heart Filled with Joy : 6 Phrases -> 5 Phrases (as unupgraded version) +3 Phrases -> +2 Phrases Far from Defeated, His Heart Filled with Joy and Their Companion Braved the Horde Alone are considered Offensive instead of Non-Offensive (I really thought that this ability was too aligned with Skald style of play and "feeling" to ignore. Therefore, I choosed to boost it for Skald instead of boosting it for other Chanters.) Drake, Spore and Dragon summons (and their Upgrades) : 25s duration -> 35s His Hunt for Revenge, Eternal (Ghost summon upgrades) : 25s duration -> 45s ...Each Kill Fed His Fury : Contrary to the ability it is upgraded from, this ability provides mere +5 stats boost instead of inspirations. As it seemed really random, I replaced the stat boost by actual Strong, Fit and Steadfast Inspirations. Boil Their Flesh From Skin to Bone & Upgrade : Secondary Cones replaced by simple 2,5m radius AoE. This enables the Acid Explosion to be properly centered on the victim. (Thanks to @thelee Gamefaq, I learned that the secondary Cones originated from the caster instead of from the actual victim. This seems to be because the game isn't able to manage secondary cones (probably because the code can't get the orientation of the cone...)) His Laughter Rang Through the Halls : 8s Daze -> 20s Interrupt on Hit -> Interrupt on Graze His Heart Did Fill With the Light of the Dawn : +1 Ressource -> +2 Ressources Does not affect the caster anymore. If you want to give it a try, feel free to use the "Beta" files below. (However please note that all the Ability Descriptions in-game may not have been properly updated and that the current version of the files may conflict with other mods.) BalancePolishingModBuffs.zip BalancePolishingModNerfs.zip How to install :
    0 points
  32. So maybe keep the cost of barbaric blow and upgrades, but buff them a little? Crushing blow - make it stack with blood thirst for 2 no recovery hits on kill Barbaric smash - refunds only 1 rage, but works if you reduce enemy health by a tier instead of on kill (full - wounded - bloodied - near dead) This way it is usable on both forms. As a finisher move or a cheap source of damage during full fight.
    0 points
  33. Does the number 117 mean anything to you?
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