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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/19 in all areas

  1. I have 12 hours of play for now, I enjoy every moment, but seriously Obsidian ... I'm not 6 years old! I do not want to see a hole in a fence just after a closed gate, a code on the table next to the locked PC etc etc ... And what about that: Hmmm I hesitate ... is it a staircase or boxes? I doubt... Honestly, the game is great and I love the work done, but sometimes I feel like you think I'm an idiot ... and it's a shame.
    3 points
  2. Vindman is not a patriot. He got a purple heart because he got wounded. I like people that don't get wounded.
    3 points
  3. Hey guys, I think it would be cool if we could mark locations on the map. Sometimes I dont have enough resources to pick a lock to a door or chest. I'd love to mark those locations so I can return later and get what I want out them!
    3 points
  4. I did everything but one quest and it took me 35 hours, which is a good time for an rpg. In fact, a decade ago 35 hours was around the industry standard for rpg run times.
    3 points
  5. Finished The Outer Worlds. Took me about 35 hours. There was only one quest I didn't do (because it was the most tedious in a game that otherwise had great quests). It didn't really do anything new or surprising; TOW is a great example of a game that executes really well on what it sets out to do without having to lean on being different or new or subversive to standout. Really liked the game. I'll probably play it again in the future, but not for a couple of years.
    3 points
  6. If you explore and do the side quests companion quests and group standing quests its defo not short. Im on over 40 hours and im still not done.
    3 points
  7. It's a pretty good mainstream action RPG. The best one I played since... Fallout New Vegas, Mass Effect 2? I don't think it's as good as either of those games. It is less on rails then ME2 and has depth and some choices to make, but not as flashy. Has less depth and smaller scale then NV. It's also made on a smaller budget then both of those games, I am pretty sure. It's a small scale, focused main stream RPG game, starting new IP, which development started while Obsidian was still an independent studio. For what it is and aiming to be, it's pretty good. It was never advertised or sold as harcore, sprawling, deep RPG. As a matter of fact, communication from Obsidian was often reminding that it is NOT Fallout New Vegas2, but a more humble production. If anything I am quite surprised how open individual areas are. I was expecting something closer to KOTOR.
    2 points
  8. People who leave such 10/10 reviews: Does not help the game either. Truth, as always, somewhere in middle.
    2 points
  9. Here are some off the top of my head: Torment Numenara, Wasteland 2, PF: Kingmaker, DOS2 (arguably one of the main reasons they added a TB mode to Deadfire), Shadowrun, Tyranny - these all precede Deadfire and they all postcede PoE1. edit - some of these were backed on kickstarter as well; even if Deadfire was on kickstarter instead of fig, it would have still have faced a different backign environment than PoE1 did. (Though I don't discount the fig theory entirely - while I don't think it would singlehandedly saved the sales, I think being on a big platform like kickstarter would certainly have helped a little bit.) edit - interestingly, at the time Tyranny was considered a financial disappointment, but from fig's numbers/disclosures we know that Tyranny has outsold Deadfire so far (admittedly tyranny has been out for a while, but sales drop off steeply after a short period of time). At this point, it would be great if Deadfire sells as well as Tyranny. This suggests a broader trend than anything wrong with Tyranny or Deadfire per se.
    2 points
  10. Or Pay 1 pound for initial playthrough, and buy the game with extra content for subsequent playthroughs once it releases on platform I am willing to own it on.
    2 points
  11. This issue and others have been and are being tracked with the intention to remedy the challenges some are facing much sooner than later :). Thanks for taking the time ask the question and for your support!
    2 points
  12. This isn't a mediocre fallout because it's not made to be a fallout clone( bethseda fallout that is). In playing I've noted several instances where they could have used some of the same systems as fallout but instead blatantly dodged designs and mechanics that could be construed as copying them. Sure it causes us to come on here and say "You need to this this way and change this and that" . But that just goes to show that they tried to make something different. I always find it funny how we throw off on a game by saying its a clone and then complain about others because they don't have the mechanics and setup as another. Also where do you get this from: There's several times when you can respond in a flirty way and friendship .... you run all round the place to help them with their personal matters aka companion quests. You can put them down and tell them they are great people. But you mentioned that . Never mind when they chime in on choice your going to make and you either say I appreciate your opinion or dismiss their opinion. I know , I know you want your character to have a sex scene with some other character you've chatted it up with ala Mass Effect, Witcher, Dragon Age....etc. But Outer Worlds is trying to give us something else in a time of used up ideas.
    2 points
  13. I have been enjoying the game a lot but i hit a soft lock on one of the main quests. The quest is called "Radio Free Monarch", the step i'm on is "Speak with Nyoka at Stellar Bay". The issue that I'm having is that I talked to her and went through her dialogue and she told me to get her some Caffenoid. So I got all the way through the dialogue and i told her i'd get it for her but the quest step didn't change and even figuring out where the caffenoid was and stealing it didn't progress the quest either. I also only have one option now when i speak with her. "Actually - nevermind. I'll catch you later. (Leave Conversation) Is there any way someone could help me out or possibly fix this issue. I am enjoying this game so much and would hate for people to not like it because of a game breaking bug like this. Thanks in advance. Edit 1: I think i figured out the problem. When you go through Nyokas dialogue, at the end you get two options. One is to agree with her request and get the Caffenoid. The other is to say that you'll consider it. Both options make you leave the conversation immediately after choosing the option. If you choose the second option where you say you'll consider it, the quest doesn't progress obviously because you didn't agree to help her. But when you try to talk with her again there is no dialogue option to say that you've changed you're mind and have decided to help her. So in order to fix this they would just need to add an option that lets you agree to help her after you choose the "I'll consider it" option the first time you talk to her. So if anyone from the dev team sees this please fix this. Thanks in advance, again.
    1 point
  14. All the terminals are bugged I can't press anything when it tells me to continue. I'm locked out of getting the goop gun and a lot of side lore and content. I've already tried closing the game and I'm on Xbox if that helps.
    1 point
  15. I'm not the founder of this but it does work, another option is to kill everyone in the room then step in.
    1 point
  16. Hi Xzar, I think you are perfectly right. I just bought the game and I like to form my own opinions only AFTER I try something. And since I was not at all disappointed with POE1, quite the contrary, I bought this game and expect it to be fun. No game is without flaws, that goes without saying, but I think the devs made efforts to make it up to -and better than- the previous one. Here in Italy we have a mag, it's called TGM (The games machine) which, as far as I know and have been able to understand, is impartial and very highly regarded upon the "nerdy world". Give it a try if you understand Italian!
    1 point
  17. This is an interesting topic, because Deadfire was a serious financial disappointment, so one might think that a lot of people didn't like it as much as the previous one. However, there's a fault in that logic: in order to not like it, they would have had to buy it, and this would have been reflected in the sales. So, the most obvious reason for the poor sales (right from the start) would appear to be that an awful lot of people were in fact seriously disappointed with PoE1 and therefore did not want to continue with the franchise. I wish to stress, however, that this is only a theory, although a logical one, and our only answer to the question of Deadfire's commercial failure, at the moment, is: "We don't know." As for the game itself, I think it's excellent and better than PoE1, although it does have its drawbacks and the best part in the entire saga for me is the early part of PoE1. As far as articles go, by the way, it seems to me that computer game journalism, as a serious form of journalism, has essentially disappeared. I would love to be proven wrong. I will be extremely grateful to anybody who can point me towards a site or a mag that contains proper computer game journalism and is impartial enough, well researched and exhaustive. Opinions are not journalism.
    1 point
  18. One thing I was impressed with was how gently they portrayed an asexual character - I can't remember a game where such a lifestyle (in the rare event it was even mentioned) wasn't presented as a punchline or a thing to be ridiculed/pitied. I experienced quite a few feels vicariously, helping her through a rather silly (but sweet) line of quests to woo her sweetheart.
    1 point
  19. So, I was playing for only a little bit today and I started noticing that this creature wasn't hitting me with melee. I thought at first that it was somehow missing me because when it turned to my companion it one shotted it with melee. So after further investigating i found out that nothing was able to melee me for some reason. I even made a video of it, you can see it here: https://youtu.be/_ITKkcHQEh0 https://youtu.be/5gYIG1h6RDQ I have no idea how I managed to do this and I do not want this. Also humanoids were unable to do melee damage to me but I failed to have that on video. All other damage types does hit me and deals damage. I do have chosen the flaw to get 25% increased melee damage. Does this somehow have anything to do with it? Also I play on hard mode. I try'd switching but that didn't help. I also try'd to exit and restart the game but that also didn't help. I hope to have this fixed because i feel kind of left out of the full experience of the game. I could try to make a new character and see if the same thing happens with that one. I'll get back with more info about that. EngR
    1 point
  20. I am having the same issue, also on Xbox One. Upon selecting some responses on a terminal, the terminal will just completely freeze and the only way out is to exit the terminal and go back in. This means anything that requires you to progress through multiple screens on a terminal (such as the goop gun) is inaccessible. I have tried restarting the Xbox or closing and re-opening the Outer Worlds app and it has not fixed the issue.
    1 point
  21. I am having the same issue, upon selecting [Answer: Protect the Chariman.], "Continue" appears as a response, but it is not interactable. The only way out is to exit the terminal using the B button. I have tried closing the app entirely and re-opening, and I have tried restarting my Xbox One and it did not fix the issue.
    1 point
  22. I have a similar problem, tried loading up Cascadia and my game had a hard crash to my desktop. Playing through Game Pass for PC. i5 4670k Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
    1 point
  23. Surely you mean an interesting setting for the third installement? @Slack83er Have fun!
    1 point
  24. Hey, Arthur Salt I'm sorry for the resolution issue you have run into. We have our development team looking into it and hope to have a fix for it shortly. In the meantime, to expedite your request, you can send an e-mail to our publisher, Private Division at support@privatedivision.com. This will get your issue into their queue and allow us to prioritize requests to ensure the fastest possible turn around time. We apologize again and thank you for your patience while we work to resolve the issue.
    1 point
  25. Not necessarly. Obsidian CEO did express desire in the past for Skyrim style RPG in Eora. That said if PoE3 would continue directly with the story, I would prefer for it to remain within established genre.
    1 point
  26. Hello, Artemizz. I'm sorry you're experiencing this issue with The City and The Stars quest. We're having our development team look into it. To expedite your request, you can send an e-mail to our publisher, Private Division at support@privatedivision.com. This will get your issue into their queue and allow us to prioritize requests to ensure the fastest possible turn around time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
    1 point
  27. The title's wrong, that line isn't from Disco Godfather, but anyway...
    1 point
  28. Same I'm stuck on brave new world after entering the pit and unsealing the door when I try to walk thru it crashes every time. I made a post this morning still no response. Just found this video as a work around. Also read something else about killing everything in the room before you walk in. I haven't tried either yet
    1 point
  29. i mean fallout 2 has a joke about getting a boner in power armour, are we really gonna say the humour in that game was any more subversive than the outer worlds? I mean yeah, it's very funny to talk to mike tyson in fo2. but the fact that suicide is a form of vandalism in the universe of the outer worlds is both terrifying and slightly hilarious.
    1 point
  30. Here's the HLTB scores for each Obsidian game: Star Wars: Nights of the Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords: 30-51 hours Neverwinter Nights 2: 59-114 hours Alpha Protocol: 13-25 hours Fallout: New Vegas: 27-132 hours Dungeon Siege III: 14-26 hours South Park: The Stick of Truth: 11-19 hours Pillars of Eternity: 35-99 hours Tyranny: 20-42 hours Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire: 40-76 hours The Outer Worlds: 10-28 hours Obsidian do seem to alternate between mid-length and long games based on the above, yet it's arguable that the games they're best known for tend to be the longer ones (i.e. Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, Neverwinter Nights 2, with KOTOR 2 being the outlier) so perception tends to skew towards those as the norm for them. In truth, it seems The Outer Worlds is no shorter than other games they've made like The Stick of Truth or Alpha Protocol, though it is quite a ways shorter than the two it's regularly compared to from their catalogue. That said, I reckon I'm about 40% of the way through the game and I've so far player for 22 hours myself. I do recognize I tend to be *very* lax in my playthroughs however. Still, your mileage may vary.
    1 point
  31. Guy don't find enough drama in-game, goes create drama on forum to satisfy his thirst for it. You've got it all wrong, you're currently entertaining TOW fans and developers being processed by it
    1 point
  32. I haven't finished the game yet, but just to chime in here, I'd say Cainarsky's approach to many of their projects has absolutely been subversive, and The Outer Worlds so far isn't any less so. This is a game that in its opening mission is already representing a late-stage capitalist Hell where suicide is depicted as "vandalism" for the destruction of "company property", i.e. a worker. It's a plague-ridden town because the entire community is being worked past the point of exhaustion and have been indoctrinated since birth to assume that to fight their exhaustion they must simply work harder. I see nothing here that isn't overtly combative and subversive, and likewise quite dark. The satire provides a dose of comic relief without a doubt, but much like Fallout it doesn't preclude the subtext (or overtext for that matter) being quite scathing and meaty, and having its own dramatic impact as well.
    1 point
  33. I logged in because new game is good and thought "damn, these dudes are all still here."
    1 point
  34. What? Spoilers for the first major questline.
    1 point
  35. I absolutely love this game, and want to thank Obsidian for almost single-handedly keeping this genre alive! That being said, I have one small suggestion that I would love if they could incorporate into a patch for the game. The problem is that the same button used on the game pad (X on the Xbox Controller) to interact with an item/door/NPC/etc also causes the player character to unholster his weapon. That leads to many situations where I keep pulling a gun on an innocent NPC, when I’m just trying to have a friendly conversation! If the game could be patched so that the weapon is only unholstered when pressing the RT or something, then I think that would do wonders for immersion when traversing through areas that aren’t inherently hostile. Just a small suggestion, and I have no idea how easy or difficult it would be to implement, but I think it really would make a big difference in gameplay! (Disclaimer: This is my second attempt to post this topic, as the first time I didn’t have an account, so my apologies if I’m repeating myself, but I didn’t see the first attempt successfully post)
    1 point
  36. I had the same issue. It's something to do with companions in restriced zones, if you send them back to the ship, it stops. It happens for me in all restriced zones. I've been using Ellie and Parvati, I don't know if the other companions works.
    1 point
  37. I dont think comparing the outer worlds to fallout is really apt at all, whether positively or negatively. these games have such drastically different design it's like comparing apples to oranges. the outer worlds is designed with a heavy focus on dialogue. the game presents you with a smaller cast of characters, but pretty much every one of them has purpose, and an interesting narrative. fallout gives you an incredibly wide set of people in comparison, and so instead of entering a town and having some really long and interesting conversations with several townsfolk, you'll have much shorter and maybe less interesting conversations, but there'll be a ton of unique and interesting people to speak to. it depends on whether you prefer something more narrative focused or something with more of a lean towards world building. personally I enjoy both. sometimes I like getting attached to the fewer but more complex characters in obsidian games; other times I quite like getting lost in a town enjoying the fun personalities of the many characters in bethesda games. outer worlds good though, 9/10
    1 point
  38. There is one part in a quest where you only have to flip a switch
    1 point
  39. Just want to second this as a problem I'm seriously having too, especially with the gloop gun, but other terminals have been extremely tricky to navigate, too, having to back out and reenter instead of being able to interact with the terminal menu. (also XB1)
    1 point
  40. I talked to nyoka the first time but didnt accept the quest to get cafinoids and now when i speak to her no dialog options except leave converstaing pop up even though its telling me to talk to her the mission radio free monarch cannot be continued
    1 point
  41. That’s not what he means, he’s talking about visible weapons on you when not in use
    1 point
  42. 1. Yes (though, if you don't like the tone it may not work for you) 2. Yes and no. Game has a very all sides approach to it. Especially depending on how you play it. If you dig deeper almost everyone has their downsides as well as their upsides and you are free to approach it however you want. So, while theres *woke* stuff in it you never get it forced upon you, it fits the setting and its handled respectfully well. Think how well New Vegas handled gay and bi charachters in 2010.
    1 point
  43. By what I read in the agreement you had to click on and articles about the game I think a modding tool will be released in a few months.
    1 point
  44. I wanted to spoiler tag this but don't have access to the BBCode. Hmm.
    1 point
  45. It would be great if we got Console mods as Bethesda has done with Fallout 4. It would be interesting to see if Sony applied the same restrictions that they have Bethesda.
    1 point
  46. For anybody who's still curious what's this all about I made this quick illustration: It's basically the same as the Barbarian's yell: first it's a cone and then you can decide to go for a broad, straight line (think of Iconic Projection or Rolling Flame and such) or a circle around you. Difference only is that the barb yells have an AoE indicator. Why does Clear Out et al. don't have one? I guess because this ability is executed with weapons. And weapons can have their own AoE indicator. So I think it's just not there to prevent interference of AoE indicators. The yells are no weapon attacks so it's easy to show an AoE indicator for them. By the way: Clear Out with AoE weapons means all AoE grazes/hits/crits from Clear Out will trigger an AoE attack roll from the weapon. So basically AoE² hits. You can also manage to hit targets that are not in the original Clear Out AoE if they are not too far away because the AoE of the weapon may reach them. This works with Whispers of the Endless Paths, Citzal's Spirit Lance, Keeper of the Flame and Karabörü (both sort of) and also hand mortars (unlock the use of Clear Out with a melee offhand weapon or a bashing shield - Clear Out will still use the main hand mortar). If you use a jumping weapon like Fire in the Hole then you will have 2*AoE² hits. This can even mean you hit enemies that are totally out of the original AoE of Clear Out since the jump (with attached AoE) will reach them. If you even have Driving Flight AND Fire in the Hole you'll have 3*AoE² which usually totally annihilates everything. This last thing is only doable with basic Clear Out though (since the upgrades are PL8).
    1 point
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