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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/19 in all areas

  1. Since Shady showed interest in City of Heroes, here is me earning the Shady badge in game
    3 points
  2. My wife has been making fun of me because every song I sing to our son ends with " in a half shell, turtle power."
    3 points
  3. Also, coming to the forum, one doesn't need to ASK for very much at all. There's a lot out there that's been given away for free. That's how sharing works. I haven't had much unique to contribute- the only thing I believe I have independently discovered is the ability to instant-cast cast-time spells in turn-based mode in some circumstances by hovering the cursor over the Delay Turn button but not clicking it. I don't know if that's even of any use for any Ultimate attempts, but I put it out there anyway. Hell, I don't even know if it's enough of an exploit to get disqualified over, because it kind of feels like it. I, too, question Fuze's motivation in trying to dangle "discoveries" in the thread. It doesn't seem like anything but a cry for attention. It seems to be working, after a fashion, but it's not exactly positive attention.
    2 points
  4. (implied explosions behind my character)
    2 points
  5. I really want to see a satanic Ewok cult worshipping Palpatine. That sounds awesome. Heh.
    2 points
  6. Citzal's Spirit Lance. Clear Out. Done. Seriously, though, it's a pretty intuitive build. Fighter-side needs Disciplined Barrage & Strikes, Knockdown/Mule Kick, Two-handed style, Fighter Stances (Cleaving), Vigorous & Refreshing Defense, Armored Grace, and Clear Out. Charge can also be quite handy. For Wizard abilities, look for Grimoires with the gishy spells, then supplement as-needed. Lots of folks like Katrenn's or Llengrath's Martial Masteries (IIRC, they're identical), as they have a critical mass of the good melee-use spells and are available early. The buffs I'd suggest casting at the start of every fight are Infuse with Vital Essense, Mirrored Images, Deleterious Alacrity of Motion, one of Spirit Shield or Ironskin, then Citzal's Spirit Lance and go to town. Situationally, slot in an Arcane Reflection and/or Flame Shield before the Lance if the fight looks like one where those would help. (No need for Eldritch Aim, as you get a PER inspiration from the Fighter side, and I've never felt that Merciless Gaze was all that worthwhile.) Llengrath's Displaced Image is nice to have, too-- particularly in situations where you expect REF-targeting attacks-- but it's not necessary. (The DEF bonus will be suppressed by Mirrored Image, but MI does degrade as you take hits, and the hit-to-graze and REF bonuses are useful.) Before you get the Spirit Lance, Concelhaut's Staff can be OK. Beyond buffs, you might want to cast an occasional Ryngrim's Repulsive Visage for some close-range CC. Pull of Eora can cluster the enemies together for your AoE Lance attacks. An Essential or Substantial Phantom is really nice when cast after you've summoned your weapon of choice. (Phantoms come with a copy of your weapons/armor, including summoned items, and the copied items always last as long as the Phantom does.) It's also nice to have a backup Grimoire or two with more ranged nukes and/or debuffs. (Or just Kalakoth's Minor Blights!) Good to have the flexibility to switch to a more traditional wizard role, when tactically appropriate. Also, spending an occasional ability point on a general-use spell that you want to have available without switching books can be a good idea-- e.g., Thrust of TV for the ranged interrupt; Arcane Dampener for enemy buff-suppression.
    2 points
  7. https://variety.com/2019/tv/news/warhammer-40000-series-eisenhorn-in-the-works-the-x-files-frank-spotnitz-1203270041/ Frank Spotnitz (X-Files) and his production company Big Light in conjunction with Games Workshop will be making a Warhammer 40,000 tv series based on the Dan Abnet penned novels about Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn.
    1 point
  8. Good news for sure, no need to worry about rodents.
    1 point
  9. The game opened up on Private Servers open to the public. Being European my characters are on Reunion (EU), naturally - more so since I used to play on Union back in the days. Graphically the game hasn't aged all that well obviously. But the old mmo gameplay actually works.
    1 point
  10. Yeah, flying mounts. They've locked that away behind grinding achievements since WoD, I believe, as people complaiend it ruined the game (WoW players say everything does though). Not too hard a grind, took me 3 weeks of half-assed grinding that wasn't overbearing. Portal was not, being begged constantly to port people too lazy to even come to you for it.
    1 point
  11. President of European Commission is not head of EU and she isn't replacing Donald Tusk, but Jean-Claude Juncker. Donald Tusk is president of President of the European Council which also isn't head of EU but comes closest to be one.
    1 point
  12. Couple of snakes seem to be living in the backyard. I call the bigger one Mr Snakey Cornelius S. Cornwallis Snakeypants III of the Connecticut Snakeypants and the smaller one Snek.
    1 point
  13. I totally agree that the sprites are too big. Frankly, I'm astonished that a problem like this can exist in a game of this kind. It beggars belief that directing characters in a battle can be difficult because the sprites are too big. I also agree on the haste thing. It is a built-in problem in the D&D world that casting a combination of haste on your own group and slow on your enemies is too effective. Hey, what about the "slow mode activating at random" thing? Does that bother you? That's another thing that frankly astonishes me -- I think it's nice that there's a slow movement mode in the game (although I never use it myself), but it's basically inexcusable that it tends to activate almost at will in battles simply because you occasionally press pause. I mean, there's no justification for that. Despite all that, I also enjoy the game a great deal. I think there's a lot of wonderful stuff in it, and I wouldn't want to be drawn to discussing which one's better, P:K or Deadfire. I mean, they're both really good if you're into games like this. As for the cheating that I mentioned, what I mean is something like this. I'm sure you remember the nymph encounter that you have to do alone -- right? I believe the location is called Verdant Chambers, or something pretty close to that, anyway. Well, once you enter the courtyard and sort of trigger the encounter, several things happen that are just blatant cheating and a definite no-no in my book. Traps appear in places that you walked over fifteen seconds ago, traps that definitely weren't there and you absolutely couldn't spot. A monster also appears outside the courtyard, just like that. You could argue that somebody teleports the monster there, but even that is a stretch, and there's just no justification for the sudden appearance of the traps. That's cheating. This is not the only example. There are spots where you walk in consecutive spaces or rooms, let's call them ABCD (so you start in a corridor or a sequence of rooms from spot A and travel into D; they're all connected to each other). When you travel from A to B, B is empty, but once you get to C, monsters appear in B, and there are also monsters in D, so you're attacked from both sides at once. And in most instances like these, there can be no outside agency that teleports the monsters there. I think this is a blemish on the game. I like challenges, even tough ones, but I also think that the game should play fair. Traps and monsters shouldn't appear out of nowhere in places you just checked and confirmed were safe.
    1 point
  14. I've been playing with it for all of my last playthrough (partway through Varnhold Vanishing, which is chapter 3 or 4...I never quite followed how people are determining the chapters in the game.) It works fine, the only thing I found weird is that if you choose to take a five foot step and then aren't in range of something, you can't do normal movement. Also, on rare occasions I had my ranged characters automatically fire their bows in the first round without me telling them to if I'd told the party to attack something before combat started. Oh, and it didn't work right at the end of the Season of Bloom chapter (as in, it never became turn-based) but there's some weirdness in how the chapter ends (not like anything broken, it's just something that doesn't occur anywhere previously in the game), and it wasn't really a big deal. It does seem to make the game somewhat easier (it's a lot easier to kill/disable enemies before they get a chance to act using turn-based) but some of the enemies are so ridiculous (seriously, what kind of DM uses enemies with +30 to hit against a 9th level party?), it's kind of nice. Edit: So, I kind of stopped playing for a bit, but that had nothing to do with the mod, the game is just really long and I got a little burnt out...also annoyed at how the quest I was on needed to be advanced.
    1 point
  15. Just finished a game of XCOM: Enemy Within. Hadn't played it in quite a while, so I didn't max out the difficulty. It was shorter than I remember, and easier than I remember (with the exception of sectopods, which, unlike XCOM 2, are actually scary.) Randomly picked up 5 achievements, all for stuff expansion related (3 modified soldier ones, one for kills with base personnel, and one for kills with a covert op.) Lost 1 country (I suffered from Brexit! ), but did fine other than that. I didn't remember it being this way, but I had 8 empty buildable spots in my base when I beat the game. Didn't build a single lab, and only built a second workshop because I remembered wanting lots of workshops, but I didn't actually need it. Still funny to see the stats at the end, since some people apparently cheated in ridiculous amounts of money and stuff, such that the average income per game was over 6 times what I earned (and I had like an extra 7000 supplies.) According to Steam I'm now at 200 hours in XCOM...so almost a quarter of what I've spent on XCOM 2.
    1 point
  16. Everything and everyone is racist BruceVC. Welcome to the present Trump, Pelosi, Biden, breakfast cereal, climate, dolphins and that one bee from Paraguay. It's a race to who will pull racesism card first.
    1 point
  17. How The Outer Worlds Channels Fallout, Classic Sci-fi, and the Real World
    1 point
  18. I've been waiting for this one. Spoilers, obviously.
    1 point
  19. Playing through Skyrim again with a bunch of new mods. I made a character that is an absolute glass cannon. Maxed out in Archery, Sneak & Alchemy. No additional perks in armor or any melee or magic. Absolute death from sneak attacks. With Auriels bow she does 300+ per shot with ebony arrows. Take down a dragon in 20-25 shots (I use a mode that makes dragons a real fight). But that fight with Alduin on top of the mountain shows how flawed this build is. Can't use the Become Ethereal shout and no armor perks means no protection from him. Can't get far enough away to be effective and still keep him on the ground.
    1 point
  20. On the other hand, Dragon makes for a pretty decent melee mech. Punches harder than almost any other heavy, and is fiendishly fast at 150(!) speed. Max armor and depending on what you have available give it either more punching power or DFA damage reduction. Some JJ, and maybe 2x SRM6. Charge ALL the things! It's the Quickdraw you want to sell immediately, when it comes to heavies.
    1 point
  21. Generally anything 75ton. Thing is, this game is about getting them first, so the heavier mechs you bring the better (more firepower). Orion and Black Knight are best hevies, a lot of armor and tonnage to carry big guns
    1 point
  22. Well, Disney did give the second movie to just some guy so maybe they can give the 4th movie to these hack frauds. They literally can't do any worse. Literally.
    1 point
  23. Bruce, why not both? A racist distraction. I agree that racism and other isms being called a too freely and broadly but I don't think this is one of those cases He's not outright calling them names but he is saying they're not from here (3 were born here and 1 came as a child) and insinuating that they aren't "real" Americans (they're all Americans) because of that first point and therefore have no right to try to dictate US policy/law (that's pretty much what they were elected to do).
    1 point
  24. Involved in the Argo script? I'm obligated to label him an utter hack by Act of Parliament. I'd go so far as saying that JJ has done some decent writing as well, at least if you separate the plotting elements from the script. Plot wise his movies tend to be derivative as anything and his TV shows convoluted for the sake of obfuscating the lack of genuine progress and mystery resolution, but they're not badly scripted. Having said that, a decent script and plot for (what were they thinking?) 'Rise of Skywalker' would be a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.
    1 point
  25. My gripes, I get really annoyed with positioning, the sprites are too big. Graphically there is a lot of redundancy. The combat abilities that don't always work in RtWP but I want to use them as they seem awesome. The arms race to get the highest AC. The obsessive need for haste spells (this is every D&D game on computer I have ever played). The lack of take 10 or take 20 options for chests and such. There is so many good things and I really liked the game, totally hope they do a part two! Many people have mentioned the best parts, the biggest for me is the story is pretty fantastic!!!
    1 point
  26. A new day, a new article on the predatory practices of the AAA game industry is making the rounds. Here's hoping for legislation against this sort of thing.
    1 point
  27. This reminds me I have to read actual book.
    1 point
  28. Mike: "Script by J. J. Abrams and Chris Terrio, writer of Batman v. Superman, Dawn of Justice, and the Justice League." Rich: "...Is that a joke?" Mike: "No." Rich: "This movie is going to be awful. [...] None of these people have written anything good."
    1 point
  29. https://news.game.co.uk/the-outer-world-interview/ GAME: Have you put something in the game knowing that it will almost likely be never seen by someone? Dan McPhee: I love that stuff. I love the little details like that. Yeah, [in The Outer Worlds], there’s one town where there’s a little group of people just drinking around a little fire. And I put in some interactions where if you steal their drinks, they’ll yell at you about it. No one’s ever going to do that. But the few people who do I think will find it really funny. I like that stuff. So I kind of try and pepper it in wherever I can. More NPCs react in outer worlds
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Heya clstreak1, In order to get borderless windowed mode to work, you should only have to set it to "windowed" mode at your monitor's resolution. This should automatically change it to borderless windowed mode. For the mouse being locked to one screen, try unchecking the "caged cursor" box in the options menu. Let me know if that does the trick! =)
    1 point
  32. Shakespeare was just the sjw version of a bunch of greek plays.
    0 points
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