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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/19 in all areas

  1. Ok, compiled (negative) feedback. Time to rework. Puh... My replies under each of the current points of feedback. Green means I agree and will try to change it. Yellow means I (partly) agree but need more input. Red means I don't want to change it at the moment - based on that feedback alone (but could turn green with better suggestions/ideas) I already reworked some icons based on earlier feedback (e.g. Deathblows, Devine Retribution and others). The original feedback on those I didn't include since they changed. There I would need new feedback - if the new versions are also not cool with you. If you are ok with an icon then I don't need feedback on that. Just post the negative stuff. Please discuss! I put the actual icons into the spoiler tags below the feedback list. Fighter: Black Jacket: too straight forward reply: agreed, will try to find something else. Shield Mastery: not liking stars, maybe remove one reply: it's consistent with Weapon Mastery - which also has those same two stars. I'd like to keep it because of that. Confident Aim: elements too small, too much free space, vanilla icon is better. reply: I agree. I also realized that the original icon of Confident Aim now is unique and can be used. Problem solved. Rogue: Slippery Mind: looks like snake in mouth reply: will try to do something else or to move the slippery eel around abit. Riposte: looks like a violin reply: wtf? But will try something else Barbarian: Berserker: doesn't reflect the enraged/confused nature of berserker frenzy. reply: will try to add something that is more telling Corpse Eater: no connection to corpse eating/cannibalism reply: several human cultures that are cannibalistic file their theeth, that's why I chose that. Will try something else. Am open to other suggestions. One Stands Alone: try to remove two pikes on top. reply: ok Monk: Helwalker: Looks like walking on pins/caltrops. reply: that was the intention. But am open to other suggestions. Crucible of Suffering: maybe not suitable for 42x42px. Try to make features more simplified and distinct. reply: will try Enervating Blows: kind of unsettling reply: unsettling enough to wanting to change it? Cipher: Ascendant: Could you apply here those "wings" from Soul Blade? Soul Blade: quite nice, but atm, SB looks more ascending than Ascendant himself. Psion: Gives an impression that he is looking at something in a strange window. The meditative state of Ascendant icon could fit here. reply (to all three points): I will use current Ascendant for Psion and draw a new one for Ascendant. Soul Blade's "wings" aren't meant to be wings. Will alter that. Iron Will: is suggestive, but feels a bit odd reply: agree, will alter a bit Greater Focus: gives an uncomfortable vibe, but is somewhat suggestive Keen Mind: gives an uncomfortable vibe, but is somewhat suggestive reply (both): they are based on the ingame symbol for focus (simple star in brain). Would like to keep them because of that. Protective Soul: looks great, but gives an impression that it gives bonus defenses on crit. That 25pt barrier it gives reminds me more of "Seven Men onto the Deck" chant icon. reply. That half-filled shield is the ingame symbol for damage reduction (in PoE and I think also in Deadfire - although you don't see it often). Would like to keep it because the dmg shield is a form of dmg reduction - and I don't know how I should depict those dmg shields in a suggestive way. Shared Nightmare: don't like it reply: please be more specific. All "soul ability" icons with skulls: don't like it (as symbol for "soul"). reply: the skulls stand for crits. This is consistent for nearly all symbols I drew. A skull means there are crits involved. I don't use a dedicated symbol for "soul" - because it's used very broadly, often has nothing to do with what that ability actually does and it already has "soul" in the name - so after thinking more about it I guess I don't have to repeat that in the symbol. "Soul" and also "Echo" just sound "cipherish" I guess and that's why they named some abilities that way. So... basically I want to keep the skulls. Paladin: Goldpact Knights: will turn into a grey mess in 42x42. Try to simplify. reply: ok, will try Frermàs mes Canc Suolias: 5 stars will turn into a 5 blurry rounds in 42x42. Try to make them more distinct, with less rays count. reply: it's 5 suns actually. The rays are a 1:1 copy from Palleginas armor (which depicts those 5 suns). However - don't make sense to stick to it if you can't see it anyway. In order to prevent mushiness I can try remove some rays - or maybe make the suns bigger somehow? Retribution: first thought: ouch; second thought: getting arrow to the back makes one sad... well, I guess. Retribution kinda associates for me with this image. reply: I don't think the linked image is telling you what this ability is about. The face of the "sad man" is supposed to look angry. Aegis of Loyalty: it's ok. But not suggestive. reply: any suggestions? I think it's fine. Difficult to depict the act of slapping sense into your companion. Iron Gut: weird reply: changed it a bit. Still not superhappy but maybe ok now? Ranger: Defensive Bond: without rays reply: ok Strenghtened Bond: like current Defensive Bond to prevent too "roundish" and bright symbol reply: ok Driving Flight: It looks like that xaurip is being fired in point blank or impaled by a pike, and an arrow comes from his back. Don't like it at all. I'll try to find some additional suggestion. reply: Tried to remove some lines to make it more clear that it's not a pike but just an arrow-shwoosh. Additional suggestions: I'm waiting...  Distracting Training: Don't like it at all. I'll try to find some additional suggestion. reply: I'm waiting...  Shot on the Run: bowstring too thin, bow too short reply: ok, will alter that Druid: Fury: looks like Predator (from the movie). Fury might rather associate with Storm from X-Men. reply: will try to depict a face that looks a bit like "Storm". Maybe sparkle-eyes and raised hair or something... Wildstrike: make claws a bit simpler. reply: okay Wizard: Transmuter: weird reply: need more concrete/specific feedback Evoker: the fireball looks a bit like an onion reply: will try a different fireball depiction Chanter: Bellower: too straight interpretation reply: "to bellow" means to shout, to yell, to roar, to scream etc. I think the shouting face fits very well. This subclass is all about "bellowing" invocations. If there is a better suggestion I'm totally open for it though. Icons:
    3 points
  2. Sewers were the worst part of the game, but getting to the Nosferatu warrens was worth.The lighting, the cramped corridors, I always liked the feel of the warrens.
    2 points
  3. In other news Nevada bacame to latest state to change how it's electors are chosen. All of Nevada's electoral votes will be awarded to the national popular vote winner. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/may/22/nevada-senate-passes-national-popular-vote-bill-pa/?234 If you want to eliminate the electoral college then THIS is how you do it. Not the Tyrant-on-the-Potomac commanding "Thou shalt do this"
    2 points
  4. By the way: Josh said on Twitter that if your character's name is offensive or silly or if they simply don't like it they will disqualify you as well (if you refuse to change it). Stuff like "Donald Trump" will def. get you disqualified given Josh's political alignment. I guess "Hold my beer" will not be valid as well. Maybe restart before finding out the hard way. The recomendation was to pick the usual "boring" fantasy name. Source: Tweet
    2 points
  5. To me PoE 1 is an overall better experience and a vastly superior game, plus a much better tribute to the old classics. I recently finished a PoE 1 playthrough and jumped straight to PoE 2. This is what I immediately missed: - linearity > in my opinion linearity is a trademark of classic cRPG's. semi-open / free worlds do not work for me in these games as they take away the core elements of immersion and intimacy that are inherently linked to the rest of systems (e.g. character development) in cRPG's. - pacing > a bit related to the above, the pacing in PoE 1 is much better as it's organically embedded into the main quest development. This is a critical element where PoE 2 fails tremendously imo - dungeon crawling > horrible in PoE 2. the hyper simplification of combat really kills this integral part of any cRPG. The injury mechanic and the rest system was what made PoE 1 good and what justifyed in my opinion a really weak character creation / develoment system. I do not know why Obsidian decided to go for a console-dumbed version for combat / dungeon crawling and a multiclassing system that is close to pointless given how simple the whole character development is. - story > to me this is very subjective so I will not comment in detail. I honestly expected something different in PoE 2 and was very disappointed to see that it is just the same again but made worse as everything you do is loosely connected (being generous) to the main quest. Basically the best PoE 3 experience possible to me would be PoE 1 with the technical aspects and artwork expertise from PoE 2.
    2 points
  6. Woohah) Leave those one poor icon from vanilla it's an act of mercy) Strange. One of my favorite icons. Ok. I get your point. I blame Alice for that) Yes, yes... Hmmm... MMM... I look on this icon and see some kind of waves or lines... (of course i understand it's a human figure, but very indistinguishable one, with some kind of force field, or maybe emmiting those waves or lines...) All in all, this icon don't telling me: "Hey, i'm Transmuter!" Maybe worth a look for some symbol? https://www.google.com/search?q=transmutation+circle&newwindow=1&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjK4Z3l3K7iAhW8xMQBHeFuAS04FBD8BQgOKAE&biw=1920&bih=983 Of course! I share the same opinion.
    2 points
  7. Newest model I'm about to edge highlight. I hope somewhere down the line I look at this and don't think "Man, the half-and-half stripes and diamonds scheme looks stupid" because these guys are a bastard to paint once all the pieces are glued together.
    2 points
  8. So... been gone a while. Lost my job last month, have an offer letter for a new job (about 7k less per year). Added another cat to my family and am examining my options for the future. Have four more interviews this week that I'm hoping turn into something, and I need to replace my 20 year old acrua integra with something newer. Hopefully the interview with a dealership for an Ops Administrator will get me some traction.
    2 points
  9. Nope. I was forced to implement additional condition scripts to make it work stable in our CP.
    2 points
  10. Seconded and thirded—this community patch is the best thing (and I’m including sliced bread)
    2 points
  11. I'd say that the auto follow camera is my favourite upgrade to this genre, and think it would improve every other old crpg. Least favourite... ehhh the boat mini game. It's just not very interesting. You lot?
    1 point
  12. Let me say at the outset that I have nothing against turn-based games; I thoroughly enjoy DOS and DOS 2, however, this is not what this post is about. POE was conceived and developed on the very basic concept of pause and play, which is, by its very nature, fundamentally different from turn-based. Look at duration; in turn-based, such as DOS 2, negative and positive effects are based on, logically, turns. It makes sense. In pause and play, duration is based on basic time units. This is just to cite one example among many that would naturally lead to a clash of visions and more importantly, implementation. The prominent Affliction Bug, which remains to this day, as we wait on the patch to fix it, seems to be highly correlated with the emergence of turn-based mode. Whatever ambitions Obsidian might have had, and one can well laud them for it, turn-based was an unnecessary diversion of resources that could have been funneled into the base game by improving pause and play game-play , stability and all other aspects of the core game. To the best of my knowledge, very few people of the most devoted player-base actually cared excessively for turn-based in POE, which won us all over via pause and play, not turn-based. I sincerely hope in the future, IF there is a POE future that turn-based is avoided as an unnecessary distraction from the core game.
    1 point
  13. This is fantastic stuff... Really looking forward to the community patch. Do you have a rough estimate for release ? Thx !
    1 point
  14. Reddit user requested all the personal info Epic Games has on him and Epic sent that info to a random person "Oops!"
    1 point
  15. https://www.gog.com/news/bgog_galaxy_20b_all_your_games_and_friends_in_one_place_copy3
    1 point
  16. I could replace the boar with a fox if that helps. The ability triggers if the animal companion gets missed by an attack. I think my version shows that better than the picture above which looks like the fox waits to get petted but the guy with the sword is like "what the fox?".
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. I meant the 'marrying their sibling' part, seemed obvious with the quote.
    1 point
  19. Why would they have the kids attend a wedding, you mean? Seems like a pretty typical event for a TV show to have.
    1 point
  20. Dealt with a screaming baby half the evening. Thank baby whatever you believe in for a mamaroo. At least my dogs and I are bonding over this shared misery.
    1 point
  21. Another thing: Chanter's phrases all have their unique icons which are a lot different from the "simplistic" passive ones. They stand on the passive side ofthe ability tree and thus should share the same style. On the other hand they are not really passives - more like modals. They also don't stack like passives in most cases. I would like to keep those icons and NOT rework the as black/white versions like i did with some others (Unbending for example). Because this way you can immediately tell them apart from the "real" passives. So: even though they break the style of that passive side of the tree I would like to leave them as is. But what do you think?
    1 point
  22. Decided to make a voyage through the highlands, into the frozen north, and toward the volcano: M... Maybe I shouldn't be here... Shhhhh... I never did make it to the volcano. The trip ended very poorly for me. I wound up getting into a fight with a skeleton soldier. I had fought skellies before, but this one was way tougher than the ones I faced earlier. He's not what killed me, though. I wound up dying to cold exposure. I need different gear to go into the deep frozen north. My Hykarian Raider Armor gives some cold resistance and it's fine for the outskirts of the snow area, but it's not enough when you get deeper. Even with having the 20 vitality diminished temp effects perk I still froze to death. Meanwhile, back home I have completed the base fortress and have begun construction of my tower. My throne room will naturally be at the top, because I am totally not a megalomaniac.
    1 point
  23. There are mods for that. Speaking of mods, I wound up installing the Lev 140 mod. The reason I chose that one over the many other level cap extension mods is that the Lev 140 mod preserves the leveling curve of the vanilla game. a lot of the other mods get wacky past lev 60 (the vanilla lev cap), but this mod scales the xp needed and stat and feat points gained at the same curve as lev 1-60 in vanilla (meaning it takes a metric ****ton of XP to get to the really high levs).
    1 point
  24. Babylon 5 had one of the best endings of a TV series.
    1 point
  25. General love for IE style RPGs. I don't know if I'd call it a diamond in the rough, but maybe a lesser gemstone. It's actually frustrated me at a few points where I call BS on the bosses. But I think the pacing of the game is the only true turnoff.
    1 point
  26. Maybe they didn't reveal anything about the Night King because they will do it in the prequel. Stupid idea if it is the case. Even worse if it is not. Edit: sending Jon to the wall is the same as sentencing someone to prison by giving them a one way ticket to Australia. lol
    1 point
  27. The problem in theory is the perceived value of the product. While you are paying less and the publisher/developer getting the same, your expectations of what a good pre-order deal is may be altered. So in the future, when Epic isn't offering that deal anymore, your expectations will be for a better deal than the publisher/developer were prepared to offer.
    1 point
  28. Thanks for al the work guys, when this is finished it will enlighten many generations to come!
    1 point
  29. My Death Star Fortress is starting to come together: I intended to have it come to a smooth point, but the limitations of how far out I could build from the cliff wall and not being able to flip corner ramp pieces upside down forced me to alter the design a bit. From above: On the side closer you can see the vertical elevator that is the main means of entry. On the far side is a placeholder horizontal elevator that will connect to a future structure. I may need to move it a bit since I doubt I'll be able to build that far out, but we'll see. The bottom floor immediately after stepping off the elevator: All the floors in my fortress are double height. Here I'm standing on what will be the top covered floor: The area above will be an open rooftop terrace with a tower and likely some awnings for shade. Once I finish the main building, before I begin on the tower, I'll likely set building aside for a while and go on an adventuring/exploration run. Between my Flawless Hykarian Raider Armor, Flawless Heater Shield, and Flawless Cimmerian Steel War Axe, I'm armed and armored to the teeth and ready for action. As an aside, the building pieces are from the Treasures of Turan DLC, the one DLC I purchased for the game. I got it because they're the most opulent looking building pieces. I'm living oil sheik style, except in my kingdom men & women have equal rights. And by equal rights, I mean the right to do as I command. My national motto is "Work Hard. Orgy Harder."
    1 point
  30. Thank you for all your works done, finally can play some new Arcane Archer builds
    1 point
  31. On the second thought, maybe it's worth to add priest's keywords to Spiritual Weapons attacks, depending of god. Eothas -Restoration Beras - Protection Magran - Cleansing Skaen - Condemnation Woedica - Punishment Wael - Inspiration ...and the keywords might work together with Prayerbook's PL bonuses, that we plan to add. But this is just another idea.
    1 point
  32. Yeah, Conan Exiles looks downright breathtaking at times. The game has some spectacular lighting effects on ultra settings. I've learned a lot about building while making my new fortress jutting out of the cliff. I wasn't able to have it protrude out of the cliff as far as I initially planned. Building pieces have an amount of structural integrity and they lose a percentage the further you get away from landmasses and foundations, especially when building horizontally over empty space. You can compensate a bit with pillars, but there's a limit to how far you can stretch that. I'm also disappointed that it seems you can't flip the ramp corner block upsidedown and I've found no mod that allows me to do that. I wanted to make the fortress come to a sloping sharp corner, but since I couldn't flip the ramp corner piece around to make it fit I had to go for a different effect that still looks cool, but wasn't my initial plan. I'll throw up another picture soon as it's looking much closer to a completed building... the base part, anyway. I plan to put a tower on the roof of it and I might get crazy with making it tall, assuming the game allows me to do it. And yes
    1 point
  33. Game can look really pretty 't Is but a scratch! I've been exploring, looking for a new location to settle more north since the enemies near my initial location (barring bosses) have become a tad too easy. Ran into some nice looking locations on my hikes. Cave full of crystal, with a definitely not ominous looking room at the bottom Unnamed City, early morning (iirc) Think I found a good building spot, close to the center of the map, very close to massive amounts of iron and coal and not surrounded by really tough enemies (like the rhinos and tigers a little bit further north). Planning to build a fortress all along that pillar. Going to try using T3 mostly (due to it having to withstand the Purge) but the initial scaffolding and stuff is in sandstone for now. In case you're wondering about the bare feet/hands/head: a bunch of my gear broke on the trip. I also found a really nice spot (at least as far as the view is concerned) north of "the wall" up on a cliff (basically behind the huge statues in the northern tiger area) that I might end up building at once I'm strong enough to explore around there a bit more so I can figure out whether there's any crafting materials or whether it'll be a pain to actually live there. Oh, and I've found a bunch of journals, mostly written by random Exiles, but
    1 point
  34. ... for some reason in this new editor can't add a spoiler after another spoiler ... So, CommunityPatch: Extra: General: Slog Zone movement speed debuff no longer lingers on rest Prone duration was increased from 1s to 1.5s. Slicken interval was changed from 3.0s to 4.5s Sabre Proficiency malus was changed from +50% recovery time to -10 Deflection Barbarian: Carnage originated from offhand, no longer uses main hand's base damage Chanter: Dragon Thrashed base damage increased from 4 to 5 Cipher: Body Attunement AR malus increased from 2 to 3 Mental Binding duration increased from 6s to 7s Puppet Master recovery time decreased from 4s to 3s (to match Whisper of Treason and Ringleader) Druid: Spiritshift Boar's regeneration passive tooltip adjusted Rot Skulls base penetration increased from 0 to 6 Monk: Forbidden Fist is now considered a weapon attack (rather than spell). FF/Ciphers can generate focus now. Base penetration decreased from 9 to 7. Priest: Cleansing Flames changed from ApplyOverTime to ApplyOnTick DoT. The damage and duration remains the same. It mainly affects tooltip. Ranger: Arcane Archer's Imbue spells now get +0.25 Penetration per point in Arcana Wounding Shot DoT changed from ApplyOverTime to ApplyOnTick. It still deals 10% dealt damage per tick, but it fixes it's tooltip. Wounding Shot DoT was set to fixed duration. It is no longer affected by INT/Graze/Crit. It always is 3 ticks for 10%. Wounding Shot DoT now stacks with itself. Rogue: Deep Wounds was changed to a ApplyOnTick with fixed duration. Instead of doing varying damage (from 28% to 80%) over varying duration, it now always deals 4 ticks for 5% of crush/slash/pierce damage dealt, for 20% total, just as it's tooltip was always saying CommunityPatch: Keywords:
    1 point
  35. We have completed with Phenomenum, quite a few changes/suggestions from this thread, poll and tech forums. At the moment we have organized them into 4 mods: CommunityPatch: Basic - includes suggestions from the Polishing Poll, which we could mod, with more than 66% votes pro / less than 34% votes against. CommunityPatch: Extra - includes suggestions that have more pro votes than against, but didn't make it into Basic package. Additionally it address a few issues we have found in Tech Forums. CommunityPatch: Keywords - adds an array of missing keywords to various spells and abilities; and additionally adjusts a few (in our opinion) misplaced ones CommunityPatch: Typos - fixes several typos found through the game. (thanks to AndreaColombo for assistance and bringing this out) You can download them all in one archive: HERE Please note, that at the moment they are in BETA state. We still have a few little things to finish, and address localization (at the moment there might be a few Missing Strings in languages other than EN/RU). As usually any feedback is highly welcome. The list of included changes is the following: CommunityPatch: Basic:
    1 point
  36. Standing fast against the invasion of Conan Exiles screenshots: The Mordheim Inquisition went to the library
    1 point
  37. Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir
    1 point
  38. The Mordheim Inquisition clearing out heretics in witch hunter clothing
    1 point
  39. Yeah, I really only care about more meta stuff like that if I enjoyed the underlying movie to begin with, which I sadly didn't. I was rapidly switching between impatient, bewildered, and tense (that was then often deflated by the other two feelings) too often to like it. I'm not against slow movies, but I was internally groaning at where the plot was heading from nearly the start (for the record, I did not know Harrison Ford was in this movie, and kind of expected a plot completely separate from the original's), there weren't any particularly interesting or likeable characters for me to latch onto, and I'm just not the type of person that's very intrigued or wow-ed by 3D CGI in of itself, even though this movie's seemed very good. Didn't come together for me. (e): Also, I should repeat (since I've said it a few times before) that generic or bland male sole protagonists is very often one the biggest death knells in fiction for me, and well, yeah, K (Gosling) in this was bland and underacted (no doubt deliberately following the original movie, but still) to the extreme.
    1 point
  40. Not sure I agree with your take. I think the movie mostly explored a world whose structure hollows out the individual person, and explored different pursuits of actualization within those confines. Whether as human, or replicant. The complexity lies within the characters conception of what the world around them is, but they all watch as the facade falls past their face and they are left only with their hopes, dreams, and egos shattered. I think the main character and Love are the two that most exemplar the extremes of this. It was a film of unknowns and possibilities being whittled down the closer one got to a truth that was mean't to never be uncovered. The happenstance that defined the plot was a fluke, an accident. That the viewer get's to watch play out; taken for the ride just as the character is. A replicant with an echo of another's memory sent on a path he was never supposed to go down. Knowing something was hidden, but mistakenly reading in a conspiracy that isn't there because otherwise you'd have come up shore and your journey would meet it's end. With the risk involved in such a world, there was never a chance to admit the gamble was fraught. It was an all-in gamble, and a race, the only question was if he'd see the end. The character didn't lead an interesting life, but he took an interesting leap of faith, and the humanity underneath that was explored along was very much interesting. It was very plodding, I'll give you that. I occasionally like a movie like that.
    1 point
  41. Found a great band while looking for background music for my Conan tabletop sessions.
    1 point
  42. How much are we betting that English fans are about to provide us yet another sublime example of how truly civilized people ought to behave?
    1 point
  43. You can side with the Huana by siding with Rauatai and then backing out instead of agreeing to killing the queen. Rauataians will go hostile, you kill them, Maia does not object. You go back to the queen, she gives you the 'go to Ukaizo' speech without wanting Pallegina gone. I suspect more stuff like this can be done to side with the other factions.
    1 point
  44. Slightly corrected version of Death godlike
    1 point
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