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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/19 in all areas

  1. Meet Isabella, or just Bela for short. She came to live with me today. She belonged to one of the guys in the VFW. Sadly he passed away last week. His only family is a daughter in St. Louis who can't take her. Her options were few... they were going to put her in a shelter. I couldn't let that happen. I know Bela and she knows Sunny and me so I offered to let he live out her days with us. She is 12 years old. John had her from 8 weeks, literally her whole life. I'm trying to keep her engaged and trying to make her feel comfortable. She is stressed at the transition and I think sad because she doesn't know where John is. He adored her. So right now she is getting lot of love and attention and hopefully she will adapt smoothly.
    8 points
  2. Count me in with those who hope PoE 3 will come. I would prefer it be a party-based isometric game like the first two as that's my preferred genre; to date, I've been unable to finish an aRPG regardless of its quality (that includes The Witcher 3, arguably one of the best aRPG released.) But so long as I can purchase the game from GoG, I'll buy anything that has the PoE brand as I want to see where the lore goes.
    3 points
  3. Thanks everyone but it was the least I could do. Someday, hopefully long from now I will leave this life and quite probably leave a dog or two behind. I've made the best arrangements I can for them but it would be of tremendous comfort knowing someone stepped up. John was a good man. He served as a Marine in Vietnam. But more than that he was a friend and so is Bela. What wouldn't we do for our friends?
    3 points
  4. I trace the problems with the show back to them deciding to do 'proper' battles. There's a reason the battles are obfuscated in the books, and it's a good reason. Whispering Woods wasn't actually shown and the show was a whole lot better for it, if it were done now we'd have an entire episode dedicated to it- and probably a whole ep of over written maudlin set up- and that would be 20% of the season gone. Apart from the Blackwater I haven't liked a single large scale battle except as a spectacle and even then if you've seen one confused shaky cam culminating in Lead Character(s) being saved by plotforce multiple times you've seen them all. I actually suspect we got the book ending in the episode, as it uses several guns on mantlepieces from the book:
    2 points
  5. You're right, it's an extremely odd choice to not use one of the two designated Prince(ss) That Was Promised. That's going back to subverting our expectations in a bad way. On the other hand, the show never made much use of the prophecy outside of a few pieces of dialogue with Melisandre, Stannis and Jon. I also spent the first 45 minutes raging at the screen. I'm far from a tactical genius and otherwise pretty bad in strategy games but even I know that's not the way to deal with defending a castle.
    2 points
  6. For people having trouble with linebreaks, you can use shift+enter for the old single linebreak instead.
    2 points
  7. Besides of multiplicative and additive, devs could also implement it as: v3. mixed: 60 * (1 + 0.05 * 20) / (1 + 0.03 * 25) = 68s v4. with double inversion (as Kaylon already mentioned): coef_1 = 1 + 0.05 * 20 = 2 coef_2 = 1 - 0.03 * 25 = 0.25 step_sum: (coef_1 - 1) + (1 - 1/coef_2) = 1 + -3 = -2 coef = 1 / (1 - step_sum) = 1/3 = 0.333 duration = 60 * coef = 20s I haven't tested in the game which variant is the right one. But judging by Obs love towards double inversion, and Kaylon's post above, would expect it to be v4... Yes. That's part of the reason why I don't really like double inversion; beside being complicated enough...
    2 points
  8. Making them fight in the dark did add to the tension. But I'm a little underwhelmed at the story choices. As TN said, no spoilers, but how do build up a confrontation between a protagonist and an antagonist over eight years, including some memorable stare down scenes, and then not pay it off one way or the other? That is kind of a big middle finger isn't it?
    2 points
  9. Yeah, watched it a few days ago. Far more interesting than some of the other debates Peterson has been in, the Harris one's are generally pulling teeth and devolve into very esoteric hair splits over epistemology and language gate-keeping (semantics). A few things I found salient beyond the points that they clearly outright agreed on. Peterson's criticism of Zizek's adherence to Marxism as opposed to standing under his own (and better) brand of Zizekism. Yes Zizek has many times in the past said he is more of a Hegelian, but he always gets back to try to recover Marxism. I don't think he properly lays out it's follies. I think Zizek is right to criticize Peterson for continuing with the cultural-marxism label, which mostly obfuscates the particulars that Peterson is trying to argue against. Zizek says he knows what Peterson means by it, and he himself criticizes those same things rightly. Zizek and Peterson both agree that people operate on behalf of ideas they aren't even fully aware of, and I think because Peterson's terminology names some of the history that influenced that era's thought, it conflicts with getting at the content of those thoughts. I think Peterson narrows in on a far better modus operandi than Zizek, where Zizek mostly sits in a position of deep pessimist analysis as to why things are fraught. He comes off a lot like a left version of Peter Hitchens in some regards. While Peterson's position starts to feel a bit Kantian in the whole maximize well-being analog, but now it's about maximizing the meta-game that generates well-being. Zizek does counter with saying that it is at the precise point that Peterson arrives at where things can become corrupted. However I find that everything which can be articulate can and will be corrupted or co-opted. I see no reason to throw one's hands up, really we have no choice but to be sincere and run the red-queen's race. Living is ultimately about maintenance, not achieve a sustained nirvana. I guess with Zizek's philosophy, there is always a argument as to why you are a victim of your environment. Where as Jordan's philosophy, there is always something you could be doing better or different and there is no end to have far you could push your utility given the constrains of a single life-time. Which means under Jordan, there are clear winners and losers based on one's actions, where with Zizek it gives people an out. Even if Zizek wouldn't enjoy people taking advantage of that escape hatch, I think it's a reason he is generally more popular with media channels that try to sell their audience on being right and fine they way they are. Peterson has a ton of fans, but no media channel wants to admonish those that suckle narrative. At the end of the day I think these two a better for exploring thought together, I don't see a clear winner of the debate. Simply a conversation and understanding as been publicly advanced.
    2 points
  10. PoE3 is a "Schrödinger's game": it's both in development and not in development.
    2 points
  11. By modifying Assembly-CSharp.dll one can achieve with ease many frequently requested things that are otherwise not possible or very difficult. I have decided to make this tutorial instead of mods since mods for Assembly-CSharp.dll have some drawbacks (see below). Difficulties with Assembly-CSharp.dll modding - A modified Assembly-CSharp.dll won't be properly recognized by patches. So one has to use the BACKUP and patch the game or reinstall it. After that one has to redo all modifications to the new Assembly-CSharp.dll. It helps if one keeps track of the changes in a text file. - Assembly-CSharp mods are incompatible with any other mod that modifies Assembly-CSharp.dll Getting started - Assembly-CSharp.dll is located in "...\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\Managed". - MAKE A BACKUP of Assembly-CSharp.dll !!!!! - To modify the dll you need a de/compiler like dnspy. - Launch up dnspy and open Assembly-CSharp.dll. The rest should be self explanatory for everyone with little programming skills (else leave your hands out of it!!! and learn programming). What can be done? 1. Helms for godlike 2. Does "waiting" from the rest menu take to long? 3. XP Gain. You dislike PoE2 xp system? The lines you need to edit are under "Partymanager" "AddPartySizeBonusXP" and "AssignXPToInactiveParty" I prefer no party size and no inactive penalty (changes for that below). This lines can also be modified to have a difficult scaling. 4. Difficulty scaling under "DifficultyScaling" "public class ScaleData" right click on the token and chose "edit class" this things can be changed... CreatureAttributeBonus CreatureLevelMult = 1f; DetectableDifficultyMult = 1f; DisarmDifficultyMult = 1f; TrapEffectMult = 1f; TrapDamageMult = 1f; SkillCheckMult = 1f;
    1 point
  12. I was very disappointed by the GoT episode too.
    1 point
  13. I just tested Wildstrike Frenzy. Only kills with your wildstrike-infused claws/tusks/horns/etc. will trigger the effect. Not kills from spells.
    1 point
  14. Back from Sicily, did some rework on the existing icons (no additional ones yet except a few of the PL-0 abilites). I rearranged them all and sorted them by class:
    1 point
  15. Still, playing Septerra Core, getting closer and closer to the Endgame. The closer to the end to bigger “dungeons” are in game. Some are fine, some are tedious and mind numbing. Still the story is good enough to continue.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. have a root beer. HA! Good Fun! ps am pretty sure they sell the real sugar stuff in mega-bulk at costco.
    1 point
  18. Belfetto! That is awesome. Agracima, Aimico.
    1 point
  19. Although I am Belgian myself, I couldn't get into either DOS or DOS 2. The major turn-off is the turn-based mode. I don't mind the turn-based nature of tabletop games with friends but I just can't stomach it in a pc game. It is really boring and static and it reminds me of colonial duals where each opponent takes a shot at each turn. I very much appreciate PoE 2 Deadfire having so well designed RTWP combat. Thank you so much Obsidian !!!
    1 point
  20. It's not under Edit Profile, it's under Account Settings.
    1 point
  21. So I wound up finding Conan Exiles at 50% off and wound up buying the PC version. It looks better on PC (not that it was ugly on PS4), runs better, has full nudity (for the authentic Conan experience I need nudity, sex, debauchery, slavery, and ritual sacrifices in my game), and is moddable. No native Linux version, but it runs flawlessly via Steam Play's Proton, exactly as it does on Windows with zero hoops to jump through to get it working. Now I'm scouring Steam Workshop for mods to install. I'm not going to do any total conversions yet, I'm mainly looking for an expansion of cosmetic options and weapon/armor/construction piece types. I mean, the base-game already has a plethora of building pieces for you to work with allowing you to make anything from huts to elaborate castles. I've really fallen in love with this game and will likely spend countless hours playing it going forward. I play solo on a custom difficulty which is normal difficulty minus the purge. I'm not trying to grief other players or get griefed by them (hence solo offline), nor do I want the purge ruining all my hard work periodically. I'm just looking to slowly tame the land and build a giant sprawling castle, complete with opulent keep and its own town full of my thralls (I treat em well, so long as they do their jobs well, otherwise they become a gift to the Old Serpent ).
    1 point
  22. Interesting, if the resolve really uses double inversion formula, that means no matter how high your INT is, as long as enemy has high Resolve, u cannot land debuff that has reasonable duration. Because even if u have 35 INT, the duration would be 1 / (1 - (1 + 125% - 400%)) = 36.4% of original duration... Edit: Verified with my save and man.... this system is tedious... If target has 35 Resolve, with 10 INT your debuff has 25% of its original duration, with 30 INT, its 33% of original duration, 35 INT = 36.4% of original duration! This makes INT really sucks in front of high resolve enemies.
    1 point
  23. After a rather bumpy and luckluster regular season, which had many people asking "what's wrong with the Celtics?", "are the Celtics falling apart?", and "do you blow the team up?", Boston has hit another gear in the playoffs. Did they just happen to find a magic formula at the exact right time, or were they sandbagging during the regular seasons, ala Spurs?
    1 point
  24. It's Obsidian, remember? Surely, they will complicate things for themselves by being creative.
    1 point
  25. Obama enjoyed 8 quarters above 3%, which is why we tend to look at annual growth: 2.9% growth last year, 2.2% the year before that - same as 2015 and 2012 respectively. As for unemployment, the previous president could have made the same claim in 2016 and the current unemployment rate is continuing on a years-long linear trend (it's currently around 0.8% lower than when Trump took office). Jobs are a mixed bag as well, with Trump creating fewer in his first two years than Obama did in his last two years (and on track to go 0-4 by 2020 if projections hold). The trade deficit, meanwhile, is now the highest in U.S. history. I won't respond/debate this further since it's obviously way off-topic, but when I see pro-Trump myth-making I can't help but drop some data. Have a nice day.
    1 point
  26. Did you complete the three additional Seeker trials which are unlocked by finding the items requested by Engari? If I recall correctly, you have to complete those fights in addition to the default ones, but I could be misremembering this.
    1 point
  27. ^ I was checking Disintegration yesterday. At 10MIG/10INT it was ticking for x raw damage. I have consoled the INT to 30, and casted it again. It was ticking for the same x amount. But there were almost twice as much ticks. After that I have also checked Combusting Wounds. And yes, increasing INT, was increasing amount of ticks, while the tick damage was the same. So yes: at the moment total damage of DoTs of ApplyOverTime does indeed benefit from longer duration. Also, I have made a few searches on this topic right now, and here's a bit of history: - on release: ApplyOverTime had higher dps on grazes and on lower INT. This was first mentioned: here (on August 17 2018) - later it was reported: here (on September 10 2018) - it was quickly "fixed", and rolled out in the patch v2.1.0 (on September 12 2018). It was mentioned as: "Having higher intellect no longer penalizes effects that apply over time." Now the thing is... it could be a wrong fix. Why?: - because "total damage" displayed in tooltip for such ApplyOverTime was not synchronized with this change. - because what becomes the point of ApplyOverTime, if we have ApplyOnTick? It would make more sense to just switch those 8 ApplyOverTime effects listed by Phenomenum to ApplyOnTick. This would result in correct tooltips, and better consistency. - and because the [total damage dealt] part of initial bug report could be solved by fixing the ratio. Look: As I said previously, the problem with ratio is that it doesn't take into account 0-tick. So, how much damage would Disintegration above deal, if there was no this 0-tick? graze: 175 + 65 = 240 crit: 70 + 70 + 70 + 31 = 241 hit: 87 + 87 + 65 = 239 And that makes sense, no? I mean I was speculating above that ApplyOverTime is probably for DoTs whose total damage is not affected by change in duration (i.e. INT, PL, graze/crit). Although, this still leaves the problem of higher dps, on graze/lower INT. And this could only be solved by having a completely fixed duration. TL.DR. What gives? Fix ApplyOverTime ratio and make it's duration fixed (i.e. not affectable by INT/PL/Graze/Crit/Anything)? Or get rid of ApplyOverTime completely and migrate to ApplyOnTick?
    1 point
  28. Cinema in the American Bible Belt:
    1 point
  29. am suspecting there were more to taylor's drop than only health concerns. am knowing we mentioned earlier how we thought dk metcalf were way over-hyped-- his film did not warrant the top 10 pick kinda attention he were getting. am glad the league caught wise. were a few baffling high picks and some precipitous drops, as is usual. may need to wait and see if a few o' the drops were having reuben foster issues. will give our thoughts on the draft overall soonish, but for now, am linking the increasing important ufa list https://walterfootball.com/draft/UDFASigningsByTeam were a few big name players who didn't get drafted and such players is increasing likely to stick as teams skew towards youth. however, for mannock will address gb first round... whether he wants or not. greenbay got kinda screwed over by circumstances with their first round picks. needed a te, an edge guy and a safety. once bosa and allen and clellin ferrell (didn't expect that)were off the board, there were only a few other true edge guys deserving a first round selection, and montez sweat had his possible heart condition. hockerson went a bit earlier than gb hoped(?) and clear they weren't enamored enough with fant to take him early round 1... and by the time gb made their second pick, fant were gone. is arguable that none o' the safeties deserved round 1 consideration, but were no way the good ones were gonna be available when gb picked in the second round. rashan gary were top 10 talent, but he were never even the best edge guy at michigan. way underproduced for his kinda ability. even so, for a true edge guy, were gonna need choose gary, burns or sweat... or trade down. jonathan abram and darnell savage were the only two safeties getting even a sniff at the first round-both were round 1-2ish kinda prospects. rapp, adderley, thornhill and gardner-johnson all looked like 2-3 round guys. gb had to either choose a safety a bit early, or risk missing on any quality safeties... though gardner-johnson had one o' those inexplicable drops which suggest there were some public unknown problem. am thinking gb did fine, but circumstances put them in a tough position. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  30. Good answers by Beverley and Lou WIlliams. and then, there's this...
    1 point
  31. The "like" should be something other than a "heart". I don't "love" the post, Im just nodding/agreeing.
    1 point
  32. Frankly, I'll be waiting a year, then, if I ever buy it. Chief objection is that whatever savings Epic is providing Obsidian/Microsoft will not be passed on to the customer--so it makes buying at the Epic Store a real yawner for me...;) I like to buy from GOG, actually, because GOG provides me with my very own installable copy of the game and guarantees it to be free of pesky DRM. So if the Epic store isn't saving *me* any money--I have no incentive to buy from them, eh? Not only that, but in a year I can buy it much cheaper as it will probably be on GOG by then. So I can wait. But by then I may not even want it. I'm simply not playing the "Help the publisher/dev but screw the customer" game. Sorry--nope--not interested. Why any *game customer* would think year-long exclusives on Epic is "good thing" beats me.
    1 point
  33. Almost all the information about Deadfire or TOW that has been cross-posted from Discord was from the official Obsidian server, straight from Aarik or Mikey. The setting may be a little more informal due to its nature as a real-time chat, but the comms team understands their role as an official spokesperson for the company even if appears to be an off-the-cuff remark. I’d like to think that at the time they were made, to the best of their knowledge, such statements were both accurate and sincere.
    1 point
  34. agreed. sadly, obsidian isn't making even that amount o' effort. ethics gradient and draego did what you ask of obsidian. is not a new trend. developers posts info at reddit or discord or something awful or wherever, and then a boardie imports. has become the new normal. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  35. You know, people sometimes act like patching is some kind of definitive thing. "Tell us when the next patch will come out." Or whatever. They can't! They literally cannot! Patching is problem solving done by humans. Sure, these Obsidian peeps are good at their job, but if there's a problem that's stumping them, they can't tell you when it'll be solved. They literally can't give you a date. It will always be approximate, as who knows when they'll figure it out? I think it's enough to give us a few lines like "We're close" or "We're working on it", because that's the best anyone could do. Keep it up, Obsidian! I'm excited to see what's next for PoE II.
    1 point
  36. a week ago, when similar news were made available by the obsidians, draego were the one who posted obsidian's discord reveal, and the boards were not down at the time. a one-line post here or a one-line post... somewheres else. is a choice. am not understanding the choice, but am hopeful you are correct and the obsidians change course sooner rather than later. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  37. the release o' info by obsidian employees, info which would interest many posters at the obsidian boards, typical appears not at the obsidian site. this reality, which has been ordinary course o' business for awhile now, still manages to be... irksome. regardless, ty for doing that which one would expect the obsidians to do. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  38. Hey everyone! Just an update to let you know that the QA team was able to pin this down and the issue has gotten a fix for the next patch(coming soon). It is currently undergoing testing to make sure everything is the way it should be and that it doesn't break something else. Thanks again for all the help!
    1 point
  39. Whenever I finally win the lotto, Ill take you guys somewhere nice.
    1 point
  40. Pillars of Eternity is owned by Dark Rock Industries Limited. Dark Rock Industries Limited is a synonym for Black Isle, and it is a personal company of no other than Feargus Uquhart himself. Obsidian owns only the Project Eternity codename from the Kickstarter times. Why? Let's check the facts regarding all the games that Feargus or his buddies worked on: Infinity Engine games (BG, IwD, P:T) are in the hands of Atari Fallout is in the hands of Bethesda Arcanum went form Sierra to Activision Temple of Elemental Evil is in the hands of Atari Vampire is in the hands of Paradox Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic was in LucasArts, but Disney shut it down Neverwinter Nights is in the hands of Atari, as other Forgotten Realms titles Alpha Protocol is in the hands of SEGA Pathfinder is in the hands of Paizo Dungeon Siege is in the hands of Square Enix South Park is in the hands of Ubisoft 20 years of gamedev and all of this great work gone to some other companies. Most of them are not interested in doing anything with their franchise. Feargus Uquhart made this decision so Pillars would be safe in case of something went wrong in the future (as you know something DID GO wrong with Black Isle in the past). Feargus, you cheeky Black Isle Bastard I salute You
    1 point
  41. Okauro, Sacred Stairs Nungata, Serpent's Crown (NW) Dessiral, Radiant Court (Dunnage) Abocco, Wild Mare (Queen's Berth) Fleet Master Wakoyo, Brass Citadel Aenia, Queen's Berth Udita, Lifter's Refugee (Dunnage) Barati, Palace (Serpent's Crown)
    1 point
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