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  1. Pets are an amazing part of this game that are extremely underutilized. They act as a storage unit, provide buffs, and travel with you as an adorable companion. These are great features for a pet to have but they dont do them well. The buffs they provide range from pretty great, to outright useless buffs. The storage is useful, but one minute your collecting things off the ground and the next your accidentally throwing gear into its inventory cause it walked into your crosshair. Speaking of their pathing, they constantly push you off whatever your building and can easily, accidentally kill you. Finally, the lack of variety for this little travel companion. There are 6 pets, and 4 helmets. FOUR!!! All the helmets do is increase their healthpool so why not add variety. As for the pets, why no pet spiders? What if to tame a spider you had to get a spider egg as a lucky drop from an egg sack and/or a special spider miniboss that summons through waft invasions. Then to tame the spider you had to feed it another pet. The ability to pick up and move your pets, along with the ability to set them to stay mode or wander mode, would be a great QOL change. The customization aspect of both the pet house and the pet should exist. Maybe an upgradable size for the pethouse using higher level materials. How about different types of pethouses to match the pets that is purely cosmetic. The accidental accessing of inventory could be easily fixed using a toggle button in your own inventory next to the pet inventory button. The issue of pathing could be fixed by turning of its collision. Then no matter where it moves, it won't be interfering with the player in a negative way. Finally buffs, please just make them usefull. They can be for extremely niche situations, and that would be amazing. The gnat is literally useless as of now, except for being extremely cute, because of the change to dandelion tufts. The hauling strength is good and in combination with red ant armor is perfect for building. In fact, all of the ant babies have very useful buffs. That is why I wish that same usefulness was seen with the other pets in the game. If all pets are unlocked, then why not reward the players with mutation that allows for your pet to have your armor and/or mutation bonuses. If balancing is a concern, then make a way for players to upgrade their pets using a renewable, or limited, high tier materials and/or a leveling system for each individual pet. The leveling could involve experience points, a friendship score, certain items to be fed to them, or a combination of the sorts. Maybe if maxed out on friendship and fed fungus snacks, it could become an infected variant. Pets that take weirdly specific requirements to obtain, almost like easter eggs, would be both engaging and rewarding to many players. Overall, pets were one of my favorite parts of the game when i started but quickly took a backseat after obtaining them. With some changes to the quality of what players are rewarded with for interacting with the mechanic, pets would easily move to my, and many other players', number one spot. People love small little critters that remind them of their pets in real life and, if done right, could easily draw in many new players to this already intricate and engaging game.
  2. Here is a longer version of my suggestion that was posted on the Grounded Discord (that received 35+ likes ^-^) [https://discord.com/channels/675491639804035089/786708112978477076/1181007520924446762] with additional ideas included: More items to craft or acquire using O.R.C. Receivers and/or more things to do with them: **Tiered Reward System:** - Collect enough O.R.C. Receivers to unlock rewards depending on how many O.R.C. receivers you collect (5, 10, 25, 50 etc., can be redeemed by an NPC such as BURG.L or new scientist mentioned below) - "One of the scientists that helped freed you, in order to hide from Ominent, is now in the backyard ready to help you (along with teaming up with Dr. Tully) by trading in your saved up O.R.C. Receivers to them." **O.R.C. Enhanced ZIP.R:** (Could work along with others' zipline upgrade ideas that suggest 2 aphids) - Trade in(?) for an upgraded zipline using O.R.C. Receivers - Aphids appear with O.R.C. Receiver on their head (default red lights changed to blue or green to show alliance) - Greatly Increase Zipline speed - Allows for transporting resources upward as well **Lil O.R.C. Receiver Helmet:** - Used in taming larger pets? - Or just cosmetic. Or both. - Different color lights? (Default red, or blue/green to show alliance) **O.R.C. Receiver Arrows:** - O.R.C. Homing Arrows: Can automatically redirect arrows to the closest enemy to your crosshair (Or: Every consecutive Homing Arrow will automatically redirect to the target you last did damage to?) - O.R.C. EMP Arrows: Inflict static shock damage - O.R.C. Mind Control Arrows: Temporarily cause a certain creature to fight on your side (default red lights changed to blue or green to show alliance) **O.R.C. Receiver Trinket:** - Automatically give arrows a slight "homing" ability (such as Homing Arrow suggestion) Or: - Small % chance to "mark" certain creatures to temporarily fight on your side when using any O.R.C. Receiver crafted arrows (default red lights changed to blue or green to show alliance) **O.R.C. Receiver Bomb:** - Inflict AoE shock damage Or: - Will automatically "mark" certain creatures within the blast's AoE range to temporarily fight on your side (default red lights changed to blue or green to show alliance) **O.R.C. Mantis Boss:** - Self explainatory - Late to End-Game - Fits lore and story progression/timeline (Broodmother -> Haze Canister -> Infected; Mantis -> Schmector Experiments -> O.R.C. Technology) **O.R.C. Armor:** - Crafted from "the broken down materials of multiple O.R.C Receivers" (description when trading in?) Or: - Crafted from a large amount of O.R.C. Receivers - Other pieces can be acquired from possibly a new "O.R.C. Mantis" boss - Full set bonus: When an enemy is hit, small % chance to "mark" certain nearby creatures to temporarily fight on your side (toggle the hat on them? Default red lights changed to blue or green to show alliance) Note: When it comes to all Mind Control features (small % chance to "mark") ideas mentioned above, an alternative can be to spawn random small creatures nearby the enemy and have them "seemingly" been mind controlled (have the blue/green O.R.C. Receiver helmet to show) Reasoning: Just fun ideas for late to end-game tech usage, courtesy of Dr. Wendell Tully's expertise on reverse-engineering his adversaries devices.
  3. Upon obtaining the Bee armor I have noticed that the pollen shot set perk procs from my character instead of the arrow I shot. Not sure if this is intented. If it is does the effect linger like a gas arrow? Or is it actually bugged and should instead happen where the arrow lands much like gas arrows do. I personally don't understand what good pollen shot does if the intended effect is supposed to proc at the players location instead of the arrow as currently it just makes visibility a pain when it procs. Especially when it procs on multiple arrows in a row.
  4. It is very annoying to be fighting an insect with my friends and that the ability of the helmet, poison nova, damages my friends a lot.
  5. Why doesn't the Mask of the Mother Demon complete the other spider armors? Why not take away poison nova, considering it already has poison coating, and replace it with Spider Queen (Name Idea) so it completes the other spider sets giving you the set bonus.
  6. I play on xbox one. I'm on a multiplayer save with 3 people total (might be 4 soon). My gamer tag is MenRfromMagmar. Was being chased by an orb weaver spider by the red ant hill and my game fully crashed. I came back on and collected my backpack and I was missing my entire ant armor set. I made a new set (which was annoying but had to be done). Nothing else that I saw was missing from the backpack. I'm afraid to wear better armor now in case it happens again.
  7. Many people have been discussing the armor upgrades and some key points seem to be that they cost too much to upgrade and most early game armors will not be upgraded and used in the later game. I enjoy some of the early game armors and the perks could be viable so a suggestion I would like to make is possibly having armors have up to 6 levels of upgrades instead of 10. But while doing this is you have a tier 1 armor it would then be upgraded to a tier 2 armor and have to be leveled again. So yes it would take a lot to upgrade a lower tier armor but they are easier to get vs not having to level up a tier 3 armor as much but it was harder to make as well. And this leaves the possibility of then making that tier 3 armor tier 7000 or however many tiers are made to go. Then if you really like an armor set you can continue to make it viable if you wish to upgrade it.
  8. I’ve got a few propositions as for new additions to the game that I think would add a great touch to the survival aspects as well as adventure portion of Grounded! ————————————————— Here are a few of my ideas: Hostile Creatures: Trapdoor Spider. (This would be a stealthy spiders that has hides in the ground, it is camouflaged but the player should be able to see it a bit considering maybe a change of color or texture on the ground that is subtle but affective enough to hide the spider inside. It should be able to hunt and catch any prey by popping out as a real trapdoor spider would. As for items maybe the player should be able to gain some type of supplies to make a digging tool. This maybe could be used to make underground burrows of a players own. Or create burrows to stalk and hunt other prey for valuable resources. If not that then maybe used to make drills that go into the ground and bring up underground resources for collecting.) Mantis. (A creature with great sense of sight that is also very large almost as big as a wolf spider in game. It’s sharp like arms swipe at the player and stun them. They also use their mouth as another attack against the player. The player can use the armor and items given to make a mantis claw weapon with good attack speed and mid range damage.) Neutral Creatures: Crickets. (Crickets will alert and sense danger by using the sounds they make, they should be fairly loud enough for a player to hear in the distance. They could also be a possible land terrain mount. Saddle them up maybe using a saddle made of Berry Leather or some other type of material with possibly the use of crude rope. This cricket should be able to ride and hop and go a bit faster than a player would walking. As for its attacks I think a jumping mechanism would suffice or perhaps it could swing its strong legs in some way. Or use their jaws to bite the player if the player were to hit them, otherwise they should be neutral and not harm the player without aggro.) Butterflies. (This elegant creature could make for a new type of flying insect that can also make cocoons using new materials the player could have new crafting abilities if they were to harvest the cocoon. It is also possible that you can mount a butterfly and perhaps I’d the butterfly is killed and collected its parts could make wings and allow the player to have another way of perhaps gliding. However, it is not like the dandelion tuffs as it is more like a wing suit instead and using to glide much farther and faster instead. The player will not be able to actively fly up but more descend down slowly but be able to turn quite fast and go farther. Now of course this is a Neutral species to make it harder to get its useful flight armor that makes them more weightless and also add speed to their movement. The attacks could be something such as a manipulation technique that may mess up and configure the players screen into confusion. Almost like an allusion effect to confuse and deter the player. They will be seen flying in the air with the bees at given moments.) Caterpillars. (The descendant of a butterfly it is the before form of the elegant mistress. In this form it can climb walls and wonders around the area. It’s large like body almost like a grub it could be green or some other color. It is also about the size of a Roly Poly/Pill Bug the difference being in the length and movement. I believe it should be able to lift its front or back body and slam back down onto the player as an attack of threatened of course. This attack will smash any surrounding grass blades from its strong blow. It’s armor given or drops could be some type of more squishy dodgy armor. It could have an ability that allows a chance of dodge for the player against enemies. Meaning the attack induced would not work, on chance. It’s fluids inside could be made for a type of potion/drink to give buffs to the player for more combat techniques. Could also be used as a harvesting mount that chews up grass and turns it into fiber and produces much faster than running around and grabbing plant fiber. The player can mount it and run into grass stems and chew them down into fiber. The way to tame this would be quite difficult and it cannot fight for you. It can only harvest if tamed.) Leaf Bug/Stick Bug. (In my own opinion adding more camouflaging creatures could add even more element of surprise to the game. As they can blend with their environment and surprise the player. Leaf armor after killing a Leaf bug and help disguise a player in the grass for a limited amount of time. The player can use this source of camouflage almost like ant armor in ant nests. If the player gets too close or runs into a hostile mob it will find them and attack however, this is to make sure the armor is not too op but useful. Stick bugs on the other hand carry sap on their body that can be picked off by the player. This bug attracts sticky sap to its body that is harvested when nearby. Lead bugs have an ability to stun or put a player down for a moment using a toxic gas like ability. Very similar to a stink bug or beetle. Stick bugs can hit you with their long legs that give them wide range. Not amazing for bow attacks since they are so thin and more or less better for tank abilities with hammers and mallets.) Items: - Bee Saddle (Flying saddle.) - Caterpillar Saddle (Harvesting saddle.) - Cricket Saddle (Jump boost saddle.) - Caterpillar Armor (Deflection armor.) - Caterpillar Hide. - Cricket Armor (Jump boost armor.) - Leaf bug Armor (Limited camouflage.) - Digging Tool/Machine Drill - Trapdoor Spider Random Drop Items (Stuff inside it’s burrow or in its system.) - Stick Bug Legs (Can be crafted into a tool or weapon.) - Caterpillar Potion Supplies —————————————————
  9. We have a lot of resources that could be made into new weapons and armor for the game. Here's just some ideas. Standalone gear: Berry Leather Vest: This is a standalone T2 piece of gear that increases your resistance to damage. as well as give a defense boost. It has the same defensive capability as the grub vest and would be awesome as we currently have no standalone chest pieces, only for head and feet. Spider Pants: A standalone T2 piece of gear. Allows the player to jump much higher. Gnat Facemask: This is a standalone piece of T1 gear that allows you to see in the dark but makes bugs track you from further away. Spider Grips: A T2 attachment for the chest slot that allows you to climb up steeper surfaces but offers little protection. Armor sets: Petal Armor: A T1 offensive armor set made from flower petals as the main ingredient. Each piece grants a defense slightly worse than grub armor. Wearing each piece makes attacks consume less stamina. Wearing the set gives the Graceful Caress buff, allowing you to dodge an unblocked attack 30% of the time. Dewbug Armor: A T2 defensive armor set made from aphid honeydew, sap and stinkbug parts. Each piece grants a defense on par with acorn armor. Wearing each piece gives you 1/3 poison resistance. Wearing all 3 pieces gives you the Airtight buff, which makes you immune to stinkbug gas. Silk Armor: A T2 balance armor set made from spider silk, spider webbing and spider parts. Each piece grants a defense slightly better than acorn but worse than spider armor. Wearing each piece gives you a +10% chance to land a critical hit. Wearing all 3 pieces gives you the Webbed buff, which slows down an attacker if they land a hit on you. Weed Armor: A T2 offensive armor set made from weed stems, spider silk and larva spikes. Each piece grants a defense on par with grub armor. Wearing each piece gives you +10% attack reach, allowing your attacks to hit targets further away. Wearing all 3 pieces gives you the Battle Ready buff, which makes regular blocking worse, but grants a higher attack power and faster attack speed on heavy weapons. Thornberry Armor: A T2 defensive armor set made from berry leather, thorns and bombardier parts. Each piece grants a defense on par with grub armor. Wearing each piece gives you a 1/3 chance to damage the attacker if the attack is unblocked. Wearing all 3 pieces gives you the Pointy buff, which allows you to do 3x damage with spears and 10x recoil damage on perfect block. As there are now a lot of T2 armors, spider and ladybug armor could then be classed as T3. Weapons: Quartzite Spear: A T2 spear made from quartizite, berry leather and a weed stem. Has slightly better attack than a regular pebblet spear, but a much longer reach. ... mre coming soon
  10. Hello, Thank you very much for the great DLC “Peril on Gorgon”. After a few teething problems with the Epic Store, I have a lot of fun with “The Outer Worlds” again. I noticed that when I go to the Unreliable at the Sprat Shack, my armor disappears. I tidied up my inventory and sorted the things in refrigerators, lockers and the container in the captain's cabin, went to the workbench and the title crashed without an error message (crash to desktop). After restarting “The Outer Worlds”, 2 manual save points were always created and the armor was gone. When I quit the game, the Epic store gives me the following error message: "Files too big The saved data is too large to upload. Error code: CS-03 Search our knowledge base to find out more ”. If I restart the title and click on "continue", an old save is loaded onto Gorgon before I cleared up my inventory (manual and quick save points that I have created since then are still available, but twice) - the armor is still at the suggested save point there. Is that a mistake or have I already broken the universe? Thank you for your support and the wonderful, fun games from your house [translated with the google translator]
  11. Some sort of head slot armor that has a slime mold light or a sap light, so you can fight with two handed weapons and still see what your doing.
  12. Hi guys, I have a few comments/suggestions that I'm not sure have been posted before: Equipped Armor should not take up inventory space - it should only take up the armor slots when equipped Food should be stackable inventory - I find it pointless to waste inventory slots on having more than 1 of the same piece of food Upgradable backpack maybe? - So you can increase inventory space, and maybe it slows you down a little I also would like to share some bugs/glitches I have encountered: Audio bug - when logging into the game the audio is sometimes scratchy and staticy - not just for a few minutes, but the whole entire time until you restart Building items sometimes disappear when I put them on the ground - they just go right through the ground and I am unable to pick them up after My friends armor disappeared after he died (I didn't take it I swear) - he went back to his backpack and his armor was not in it. I am playing the game preview on my Xbox One console. Those are just some of the things I would like to see and some bugs I have encountered, let me know if these are good suggestions or not.
  13. I equipped a new leather helmet with medicine +3 for Nyoka which had medicine listed in skills but it does not show the +3 in brackets. It works for sneaking with armor. But why not with helmet stats?
  14. Hi. I upgraded a standard soldier helmet from Aramid Ballistics. It's level 11 and tooltip shows 9 armor. But on the right it shows armor 18>19 when I upgrade it.
  15. I can hopefully explain this without the need for a screenshot. The shoulder pads added by an Armoring Mod to the Halcyon Holdings (black & white) version of the Ordnance Control Armor are the wrong colour. It currently uses the bright blue and yellow shoulder pads that the MSI version of the armour also uses. It's pretty jarring and unsightly to see bright yellow shoulder pads on an otherwise monochrome piece of gear. I don't know if other shoulder pad colour schemes are wrong for any other armours but for the Ordnance Control Armor I managed to test the Rizzo's (pink & blue), C&P (red & gold), Spacer's Choice (green & grey) and MSI (blue & yellow) versions and they are all fine. I get that there are probably more pressing bugs to deal with and this is only a minor bug, but I thought I should report it in case it hasn't been already.
  16. There are currently 2 bugs with armoring mods. 1 is if you apply armoring to your armor first, then add skill kit, gadget, or utility it will negate the armoring value back to the default. For example if you add a plasma resistance then add the other mods it will reset the plasma value back to default. The way around this for now is to add armoring AFTER skill kit, gadget, and utility. 2 is when you add armoring after tinkering. For example, if you tinker your armor up by 5 levels then later decide you want to add plasma resistance, it will actually reset the value for that element back to what it was before you tinkered. So be sure to add armoring mods AFTER skill kit, gadget, and utility. BUT BEFORE you start tinkering. Cheers
  17. Hi, I doubt that anything will be done about it at this point since the game came out several years ago. Nevertheless, I just bought some armor (exceptional mail, exceptional scale, and exceptional breast plate) from the Crucible Knights smith and placed each one individually on my main character, who's female, to see how they each looked, and found that I'm only able to customize the colors with the exceptional breast plate. I tried this on my male NPC companions (four of them) and am able to change the colors of the exceptional male and exceptional scale on them, but when it tried this on my female NPC companion, I was, again, only able to customize the colors of the exceptional breast plate. Has anyone else dealt with this bug? It's a little disappointing since I'd likely choose the exceptional mail - for now, at least - if it weren't for this.
  18. I found this helmet I believe in Orson Shaw's back room. The Skill bonuses don't seem to be correct since when wearing it the lockpick skill doesn't increase (not to mention that would be a pretty powerful item to max out your lockpick skill...) On Xbox One X
  19. Starting topic of any/all ideas & suggestions for possible future games & DLC content. Here are a few things that I'd like to see in future installments or DLC content. 12 Companions Weapons/Armor DLC Archer companion that switches between standard crossbow & bow with power based weapons that include elemental damage ex: fire, plasma, shock, etc. Mimic/Shapeshifter companion that can take on identity/form of anyone in game which could be used for missions or to infiltrate a group/faction or replace someone in game or be used for humor aspects.
  20. This is an armor tier list i threw together. It's just my opinion based on reading their ingame description. Most of them i've never worn. Some can go up or down a tier depending if you use them in a specific build. List will be updated for Beast of Winter when I have time. Channel links: Twitch Channel Youtube Channel Donate via Streamlabs Reddit Discussion Steam Guide S - tier: Best in Slot Miscreant's Leathers: Hands down the best armor for dps due to the reduced recovery time Sharpshooter's Garb: Best Armor for Arbalest/Arquebus/Crossbow users. Reduces reload time. Devil of Caroc Breastplate: Reduced Recovery time and +2 Power Pool. Especially good on Multi class since both classes benefit from the increased Power Pool Reckless Brigandine: Increased Action speed per engaged target. Best armor for tanks with a lot of engagement slots A - tier: Very strong but is probably either situational or outperformed by a similar armor The Bloody Links: Exceptionally strong on Streetfighter/Humans due to proccs on bloodied Swift Hunter's Garb: Reduced Recovery Time. Outperformed by Miscreant's Leathers. Pale Hide: Very good on dps off tank. Incoming hit to grazes conversion and low recovery time. AoE fear Hearth Defender's Scale: Bonuses if good Relations with the Watcher, Penalties if bad. Very strong on a frontline support. Casità Samelia's Legacy: Deflection scaling with Intimidate. Very strong if stacking Intimidate & Deflection Patinated Plate: Chance to Stun attackers when hit with melee weapon. +armor against melee attacks. Strong on a pure tank but makes you super slow. Very good on chanter tanks, less useful on builds that care more about recovery. Deltro's Cage: +2 All Electricity Power Levels could have been great on Fury (Druid subclass) but 55% recovery time makes it garbage. Apparently you can make some very powerful builds with this armor. 55% recovery time keeps it out of beeing S - Tier. Sidenote, outside those synergies the armor is fairly useless. B - Tier: For when all your other good armors are taken Fleshmender: Health/sec and Incoming hit to grazes conversion Very good on dps off tank. Effigy's Husk: Decent on a Ranged Streetfighter but Bloody Links is way better. Does have 0% Recovery though Furrante's Breastplate: Reduces damage taken by party memebers and increases healing. Grants Concentration. Good for frontline Casters Blackened Plate Armor - Grants damage or heal over time aura. Random Mind Inspiration when bloodied. Second Aura deals damage over time and reduces armor by 1. Gipon Prudensco: +25 defense vs disengagement attacks. +1 deflection/+2 reflex when hit in combat (stacks 10x). Immunity to Flanked. Can get Immunity to disengagement attacks instead. Good if you want to rush past frontline to get into backline with your frontliner or to retreat with your backliner. Imo best used as a defensive option for a squishy frontliner. C - Tier: Decent to wear before you get the good armors. Can be situationally good Garari Cuirass: Incoming hit to grazes conversion. Reduced damage from weapons. Cabalist's Gambeson: Very good against spellcasters. Spider Silk Robe: Immune to Dexterity afflictions and Grants Binding Web. Magnera's Chain: Increases recovery time on attacker when getting crit with melee weapons. Resistant to Might affliction. Ok for tank. Iridescent Scale: Can be enchanted to be exceptionally strong vs a specific dmg type. Conjure Greater Blight. Saint's War Armor: Revives the wearer when they get knocked unconcious 1/per combat. Decent but with correct play they shouldn't be knocked unconcious in the first place Desgraza Breastplate: Reduced Damage the lower health the wearer has. Ok for tanking Five Suns Breastplate: See above Honor Guard Breastplate: See above Humility: 20% Resist Slash/Pierce attacks. Not bad on a backliner just not very good either D - Tier: Don't waste your money on enchants Nomad's Brigandine: Can get Immunity to disengagement attacks but if you are a dedicated tank you probably dont care about that. Too much recovery for an offtank Edit: Moved Patinated Plate into tier A. More useful on chanter tanks or builds that doesn't care about recovery then i gave it credit for. Moved Humility to Tier C. Slash/Pierce attacks are rather common in the game. Moved Casita Samelia's Legacy into tier A. Moved Deltro's Cage up to Tier A based on siggestions for build synergies. Moved Gipon Prudensco to Tier B
  21. Hello guys, Remember the old Baldur's Gate days where your monk would gain Armor Class with levels ? Now you can do the very same here in Deadfire. Transcendent Suffering now provides +1 universal Armor Rating at level 1, with a further +1 bonus every 2 Power Levels hereafter. I have not modded the inability for Monks to wear armor, whether you want to play your monk naked à la Baldur's Gate or not is your decision. Mod over here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1677798476
  22. The whole armor system is pretty much ResidentSleeper. Especially on POTD. Stacking armor, especially when using some spells like the RANK1??? wizard spell that gives +3 for 60seconds+ is too good too fast. If you overcap enemy pen by 3 points you literally become invincible. Its pretty stupid. Meanwhile if you dont go over pen, armor does nothing. Literally nothing. On the other hand the game basically forces you to gear up really early (i have seen guys with 10 armor regularly even early on), makes low pen weapons effectively useless (e.g. Greatswords) and while you technically CAN reduce armor through other means, there really arent that many good spells/abilities for doing that in the game. Basically just the Chanter spell at rank 3 and the Cipher spell later on. Theres a rank 7??? druid spell that does it as well i mean WUT? rank 7? reduce by 2? can miss?? limited duration? Or you know... you could just get a mace with the mace weapon ability instead of spending your rank 7 spell... There is also absolutely no payoff for stacking penetration since getting twice the enemies armor in penetration is pretty much impossible on POTD (maybe some random instakill trash like the devoted slaves idk) and even if it was theoretically possible it gives 30%?? bonus damage? What this means is you always want to have your penetration exactly equal to the enemies armor since you probably pay somewhere else with stats/abilities otherwise. Why not just make armor give a consistent %damage reduction that is reasonable (not 70% instantly for 3 points over pen). The breakpoint is extremely annoying to play around and on the defensive end makes characters invincible way too fast. While it has no impact at all before going over that breakpoint as long as you dont run around i a shirt. (And even then its only 30% bonus damage...)
  23. I just started a new game on turn based mode, when you come back to life you are wearing clothes but can pick up some armor and weapons before heading up to the fight. I switched to armor and then back to clothes and that caused my character to change her look, the hair became white, the skin color became either white or just very bright and my character got taller. I tried it a few times and it seemed to happen every 3rd or 4th time I switched to clothes. I was unable to make the bug happen again after the boat fight or after reloading the game.
  24. The Enchantment "Pride of the Ducs" for Pallegina's "Honor Guard Breastplate" is either bugged or worded incorrectly. It claims to give +8 all defenses but it doesn't affect Deflection. See images for details. Enchantment: https://imgur.com/jJrd8Js With Armor: https://imgur.com/Se618gt Withour Armor: https://imgur.com/t1EK6s6
  25. All of the pirate uniforms, hand and key armor and several other armors will display correctly on females when equipped but do not on male characters. Can someone help me find the root of this issue - Some capes also won't adopt any color changes at all... I checked the "hd" folder in PoE and saw, for example that the texture for hand and key (m_bp02_boots_v02_c_hd.unity3d) was dark red, different from almost all others that do inherit color changes (they looked like an off-white/grey color) . And that red shows that way in-game. I want this to not show red, but inherit the colors i choose for my character in-game. For females color changes do work, strangely enough and the pirate uniforms are correct as well. There is no similar file equivilent ("f_bp02_boots_v02_c_hd.unity3d" like the above file) for female in the "hd" folder. Any color female characters have will show up on armor correctly, as will the correct patterns on armor, etc. Like I said, there is a long list of capes and armor that refuse to show color changes correctly. I deleted all of the corresponding files associated with the hand and key armor for males thinking it would mimic the female hand and key armor but it did nothing...as if deleting the files had no effect at all? Are they even used? They must be. Any help from seasoned modder or a programmer would be greatly appreciated. Just point me in the proper direction is all I ask. I don't want to simply change to a new color so much as I want any color chosen to change according to color selections in-game. As a last resort I could edit the colors individually and re-import them into the unity.3d file but I'm looking for a more complete solution for all characters. Some help on this please. I bought the Champion Edition from GOG -
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