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  1. I was playing Grounded PS5 Single Player and I managed to craft a few higher tier weapons, like the Mosquito Needle, Insect Axe, and such. When I saved and logged back in the following day, I loaded where I saved at, but all of my weapons were converted into Pebblet weapons (axe, spear, etc.) I have no idea how this happened, but I have lost my desire to continue playing until this is resolved.
  2. Here is a longer version of my suggestion that was posted on the Grounded Discord (that received 35+ likes ^-^) [https://discord.com/channels/675491639804035089/786708112978477076/1181007520924446762] with additional ideas included: More items to craft or acquire using O.R.C. Receivers and/or more things to do with them: **Tiered Reward System:** - Collect enough O.R.C. Receivers to unlock rewards depending on how many O.R.C. receivers you collect (5, 10, 25, 50 etc., can be redeemed by an NPC such as BURG.L or new scientist mentioned below) - "One of the scientists that helped freed you, in order to hide from Ominent, is now in the backyard ready to help you (along with teaming up with Dr. Tully) by trading in your saved up O.R.C. Receivers to them." **O.R.C. Enhanced ZIP.R:** (Could work along with others' zipline upgrade ideas that suggest 2 aphids) - Trade in(?) for an upgraded zipline using O.R.C. Receivers - Aphids appear with O.R.C. Receiver on their head (default red lights changed to blue or green to show alliance) - Greatly Increase Zipline speed - Allows for transporting resources upward as well **Lil O.R.C. Receiver Helmet:** - Used in taming larger pets? - Or just cosmetic. Or both. - Different color lights? (Default red, or blue/green to show alliance) **O.R.C. Receiver Arrows:** - O.R.C. Homing Arrows: Can automatically redirect arrows to the closest enemy to your crosshair (Or: Every consecutive Homing Arrow will automatically redirect to the target you last did damage to?) - O.R.C. EMP Arrows: Inflict static shock damage - O.R.C. Mind Control Arrows: Temporarily cause a certain creature to fight on your side (default red lights changed to blue or green to show alliance) **O.R.C. Receiver Trinket:** - Automatically give arrows a slight "homing" ability (such as Homing Arrow suggestion) Or: - Small % chance to "mark" certain creatures to temporarily fight on your side when using any O.R.C. Receiver crafted arrows (default red lights changed to blue or green to show alliance) **O.R.C. Receiver Bomb:** - Inflict AoE shock damage Or: - Will automatically "mark" certain creatures within the blast's AoE range to temporarily fight on your side (default red lights changed to blue or green to show alliance) **O.R.C. Mantis Boss:** - Self explainatory - Late to End-Game - Fits lore and story progression/timeline (Broodmother -> Haze Canister -> Infected; Mantis -> Schmector Experiments -> O.R.C. Technology) **O.R.C. Armor:** - Crafted from "the broken down materials of multiple O.R.C Receivers" (description when trading in?) Or: - Crafted from a large amount of O.R.C. Receivers - Other pieces can be acquired from possibly a new "O.R.C. Mantis" boss - Full set bonus: When an enemy is hit, small % chance to "mark" certain nearby creatures to temporarily fight on your side (toggle the hat on them? Default red lights changed to blue or green to show alliance) Note: When it comes to all Mind Control features (small % chance to "mark") ideas mentioned above, an alternative can be to spawn random small creatures nearby the enemy and have them "seemingly" been mind controlled (have the blue/green O.R.C. Receiver helmet to show) Reasoning: Just fun ideas for late to end-game tech usage, courtesy of Dr. Wendell Tully's expertise on reverse-engineering his adversaries devices.
  3. I wanted to bring up a major issue I'm having with my shared online multiplayer game. When I first started playing the other players went and farmed all the trinkets immediately and have them all on their characters personal inventory and have not logged back in since, therefore none are available for duplication for me. I would like a chance to have the Thor's pendant for myself without starting a whole new game as well as other things like rotten weapons that were thrown away early in the game without really knowing about the berry charm that goes with them. Please consider making it to where players can recreate items after they have been discovered instead of the current duplication method, or possibly add a recreation method as well for more raw science or something. Players holding items that never log back in or don't share items makes it so the current duplicating system doesn't really help me. I very much appreciate the effort being made by the development team for making such an enjoyable game, Thank you.
  4. I would like it if you can fix it we’re your broken armor or weapons don’t drop out of your inventory when broken can you please just just leave it equipped when broken and just make it have no protection or benefits from armor and just make the weapons unuseful till repaired it stuck when your items Drop when you are running away from stuff or die in game and lose it and than have to start over it is very upsetting please fix or fine a solution too this.
  5. I’ve got a few propositions as for new additions to the game that I think would add a great touch to the survival aspects as well as adventure portion of Grounded! ————————————————— Here are a few of my ideas: Hostile Creatures: Trapdoor Spider. (This would be a stealthy spiders that has hides in the ground, it is camouflaged but the player should be able to see it a bit considering maybe a change of color or texture on the ground that is subtle but affective enough to hide the spider inside. It should be able to hunt and catch any prey by popping out as a real trapdoor spider would. As for items maybe the player should be able to gain some type of supplies to make a digging tool. This maybe could be used to make underground burrows of a players own. Or create burrows to stalk and hunt other prey for valuable resources. If not that then maybe used to make drills that go into the ground and bring up underground resources for collecting.) Mantis. (A creature with great sense of sight that is also very large almost as big as a wolf spider in game. It’s sharp like arms swipe at the player and stun them. They also use their mouth as another attack against the player. The player can use the armor and items given to make a mantis claw weapon with good attack speed and mid range damage.) Neutral Creatures: Crickets. (Crickets will alert and sense danger by using the sounds they make, they should be fairly loud enough for a player to hear in the distance. They could also be a possible land terrain mount. Saddle them up maybe using a saddle made of Berry Leather or some other type of material with possibly the use of crude rope. This cricket should be able to ride and hop and go a bit faster than a player would walking. As for its attacks I think a jumping mechanism would suffice or perhaps it could swing its strong legs in some way. Or use their jaws to bite the player if the player were to hit them, otherwise they should be neutral and not harm the player without aggro.) Butterflies. (This elegant creature could make for a new type of flying insect that can also make cocoons using new materials the player could have new crafting abilities if they were to harvest the cocoon. It is also possible that you can mount a butterfly and perhaps I’d the butterfly is killed and collected its parts could make wings and allow the player to have another way of perhaps gliding. However, it is not like the dandelion tuffs as it is more like a wing suit instead and using to glide much farther and faster instead. The player will not be able to actively fly up but more descend down slowly but be able to turn quite fast and go farther. Now of course this is a Neutral species to make it harder to get its useful flight armor that makes them more weightless and also add speed to their movement. The attacks could be something such as a manipulation technique that may mess up and configure the players screen into confusion. Almost like an allusion effect to confuse and deter the player. They will be seen flying in the air with the bees at given moments.) Caterpillars. (The descendant of a butterfly it is the before form of the elegant mistress. In this form it can climb walls and wonders around the area. It’s large like body almost like a grub it could be green or some other color. It is also about the size of a Roly Poly/Pill Bug the difference being in the length and movement. I believe it should be able to lift its front or back body and slam back down onto the player as an attack of threatened of course. This attack will smash any surrounding grass blades from its strong blow. It’s armor given or drops could be some type of more squishy dodgy armor. It could have an ability that allows a chance of dodge for the player against enemies. Meaning the attack induced would not work, on chance. It’s fluids inside could be made for a type of potion/drink to give buffs to the player for more combat techniques. Could also be used as a harvesting mount that chews up grass and turns it into fiber and produces much faster than running around and grabbing plant fiber. The player can mount it and run into grass stems and chew them down into fiber. The way to tame this would be quite difficult and it cannot fight for you. It can only harvest if tamed.) Leaf Bug/Stick Bug. (In my own opinion adding more camouflaging creatures could add even more element of surprise to the game. As they can blend with their environment and surprise the player. Leaf armor after killing a Leaf bug and help disguise a player in the grass for a limited amount of time. The player can use this source of camouflage almost like ant armor in ant nests. If the player gets too close or runs into a hostile mob it will find them and attack however, this is to make sure the armor is not too op but useful. Stick bugs on the other hand carry sap on their body that can be picked off by the player. This bug attracts sticky sap to its body that is harvested when nearby. Lead bugs have an ability to stun or put a player down for a moment using a toxic gas like ability. Very similar to a stink bug or beetle. Stick bugs can hit you with their long legs that give them wide range. Not amazing for bow attacks since they are so thin and more or less better for tank abilities with hammers and mallets.) Items: - Bee Saddle (Flying saddle.) - Caterpillar Saddle (Harvesting saddle.) - Cricket Saddle (Jump boost saddle.) - Caterpillar Armor (Deflection armor.) - Caterpillar Hide. - Cricket Armor (Jump boost armor.) - Leaf bug Armor (Limited camouflage.) - Digging Tool/Machine Drill - Trapdoor Spider Random Drop Items (Stuff inside it’s burrow or in its system.) - Stick Bug Legs (Can be crafted into a tool or weapon.) - Caterpillar Potion Supplies —————————————————
  6. Hi, Is anyone able to explain how one might be able to "swap" armor graphics? Meaning 3d models not just the icon (that i have managed somehow). I've tried messing around with it after tese two tutorials (https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86034-tutorial-making-potions-usable-outside-of-combat/, https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86074-tutorial-editing-abilities-talents-and-items/). But because they don't really cover this matter, unfortunately I can't get it to work no matter what I try with swapping seamingly coresponding game object assets. Any help would be most welcome.
  7. I couldn't find a list of recommendations for these items. I made my own list up to Raedric's Hold, but aside from Stalker's Torc and of course the infamous Gloves of Manipulation, I got just some general stuff there.
  8. I have killed atleast 5 ladybugs and haven't looted a ladybug head yet. Is it a small chance that you get one or not in-game yet? I have the tier 2 bow, hammer, and club; i just want the insect axe.....
  9. Latest release is live on nexus. 50 items total at this time. Player feedback to address any balancing issues is appreciated. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/415/
  10. I'm not a fan of how the descriptions of items completely cover up the rest of the items in the inventory. With Fallout you had the item list and the image and description to the right. I think you can still have the item images, but using the space to the right to show the descriptions would make it much easier to navigate while seeing what items you have.
  11. Hey guys, Absolutely love the game! Although I'm not nearly done with it I'm already hoping this turns into a franchise. It's great how Obisidian looked back at how RPG used to be and what we loved about them. I feel like this entire project has been one big nice gesture from them to us, the fans. Anyway, I know there is no 3rd person view whatsoever but I believe this should be implemented at some point. There's so much cool looking gear in the game, but what's the point if the only place you can see this at is the menus. Yikes! Maybe a future patch? I'm not asking for a full third person combat mode, but the ability to walk around in third person while out of combat would be appreciated. Even just being able to zoom out while standing still would be cool, I guess? ':D Also, I play on PC and I love micromanaging, is there any way to compare gear from vendors to what you are currently wearing? Seems like right now I need have the item in my inventory before I can compare it. Peace!
  12. I have been playing Deadfire since launch on the "Veteran" difficulty setting and have loved it so far, I'm hundreds of hours into the game and have collected tons of unique items and loot. Yesterday I decided to increase the difficulty setting to "Path of the Damned", and I'm enjoying the increased difficulty now that my characters are level 20. But a few hours of playtime after I increased the difficulty to Path of the Damned, I noticed that ALL ITEMS in my inventory had their monetary value decrease approximately 98% or more. An item worth 3,000 CP yesterday is now worth around 50 cp today. Also, I've completed new battles against Naga and other enemies, and I used to be able to sell fine, extraordinary, superb loot/gear/weapons etc... and make a couple thousand CP after a large battle, but now I can only sell loot for 2% of its former value. Is this part of the Path of the Damned difficulty setting? If not, then there must be some sort of bug. I have NO MODS enabled that alter the price/value of loot, weapons, or gear in any way. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
  13. The Bonus from the item Wise Teeth Necklace, Old Wisdom (+1 Intellect, +1 History, +1 Insight) does not show up on the Character Sheet under Current Effects. The bonuses are applied to the stats and skills, but the modifiers are not documented under Current Effects, making it more difficult to manage equipment in order to avoid Suppression.
  14. So I quicksave outside Neretaka, land at Neretaka and select Supply to gain access to the merchant. I open the Stash and dump a bunch of armor into the trade window. I then reload the game (F8) and land again at Neretaka and open the supply merchant - At this point all of the items that I had in the trade window are duplicated into my avatars inventory and I can sell them again. I do not enter the town, I do all of this from the map screen. This does not happen if I open the inventory before landing at Neretaka, I have to land and open the supply to see the duplicated items. If I then leave the supply and go back to the world map, I can move all of the items from the character inventory into the stash, quicksave again, and then land at Neretaka, put the items from stash into the trade window and reload again for even more items... I cannot attach the save file as it is larger than the allowed size even zipped.
  15. Good afternoon! I've been thinking about getting back into Pillars of Eternity, but I had a question about two items. 1. Does the Lavender Wreath and the Binding Rope still cancel each other out? 2. Does the Eyestrike on Elryn's Jacket still trigger against party members as well as enemies? Thanks in advance!
  16. In this thread, I'm going to list all the graphics glitches I find. I tried doing individual threads, but there are too many, so perhaps one thread would be better. Feel free to post your own. In this one, as you can see, the Mercenary Priest is casting Consecrated Ground, while the Mercenary Fighter is preparing Into the Fray. However, the little icon showing the current action shows that the fighter is also casting Consecrated Ground
  17. 1. Character creation, level up and character screen attribute descriptions. Some words are autotagged wrong: 2. Character creation. Pale elf face is absent: 3. User interface and options. When selecting Solid HUD in options the UI is made of different parts. When deselecting Solid HUD in options the UI is one block: 4. Level up screen. It is possible to get wrong numbers (UI only, real numbers are not changed) when using Previous button. Example: - selecting Athletics and Diplomacy skills (screen 1a) - clicking Next till summary screen (screen 1b), Athletics and Diplomacy are 1 - clicking Previous and rearranging skills, selecting Alchemy and History (screen 2a) - clicking Next till Summary screen (screen 2b), Alchemy is 1, History is 2, but Athletics and Diplomacy are still 1 - clicking Previous and rearranging skills, selecting Arcana and Survival (screen 3a) - clicking Next till Summary, then Previous till skills and not changing them, then Next again, then Previous again, etc. Summary screen (screen 3b) has Arcana 5, Survival 4, Athletics 1, Diplomacy 1, Alchemy 1, History 2. 5. Skill descriptions. Survival is +0% or +20% (see previous screen). What percent? 6. Grimoire. Apprentice Enchanter's Grimoire has Transmutation spell (other school grimoires have only relevant spells): 7. Dual-wielding Dual-wielding decreases Recovery time:
  18. I have run across several issues while playing the Beta on my 27” IMac, one of which makes it impossible to continue: —During the fight with the Titan, at some point a Scarab pops up. As soon as the scarab fires a projectile, the game crashes to the desktop. —Whenever I quit the game, it goes to a black screen and freezes, instead of taking me back to the main menu. —I have gotten random freezes and issues at the end of deck to deck fights at the end of ship battles. In a few instances the end summary shows no items gained and lists no information, on one instance the game froze on the summary page. —On two occasions, dialogues indicated that a character was going to give me an item but I could not find the item anywhere in my inventory. One is the dwarf I rescue from the cannibal pirates in the temple ruins. It sounds like he rewards me with a cloak but I can’t find it anywhere. I can’t recall the other occasion (it’s not the broodmother, I know to find her item on the ground) but I’m 100% sure there is a 2nd occasion.
  19. I bought huge amount of supplies like water, rum, rice, fish (500 in every stack) but I'm getting constant information about dehydrated and starving crew because of no food/water supplies. All items are in stash, can't be split into lesser stacks. I didn't have this issue with other Watcher during exploration even with 500 items of all types.
  20. Just want to ask if irregular scaling is intended or not? img bb code seems to be disabled here, so here's the link to comparison: image
  21. As it turns out, summoned weapons will take a -10 Accuracy penalty from the Devoted subclass unless the correspondent proficiency is taken even though their description clearly states that they are universal: Similarly, the Devoted's bonuses don't apply to summoned weapons unless the correct proficiency is chosen. Two issues with this approach: There are weapons like Kalakoth's Minor Blight that don't correspond to any proficiency, so it's impossible for the Devoted to be proficient with them. If you want to play a Devoted/Conjurer who focuses on summoned weapons, you must select a specific type of summoned weapons beforehand. Staff is the only summoned weapon type available from the get-go; if you want a pike, you must wait until past 10th level to get a summoned one (Citzal's Spirit Lance, unobtainable by a multiclass in the beta.) If you want a bow, assuming the black bow is still a thing in Deadfire, you must wait even longer. So basically you're strong-armed into choosing the staff and ignoring other summoned weapons if you're a Devoted. Also it doesn't make a great deal of sense to state that these weapons are universal if they actually aren't I believe the assumption here is that if you've conjured up the weapon yourself with your magic, you're proficient in its use? Shouldn't this apply to the Devoted as well?
  22. My character turned invisible (with only an outline of her feet) after equipping a fine breastplate. Computer Specs.txt
  23. Is it intended for Devotions for the Faithful to suppress both Warrior Stance and Potion of Deftness? I reckon its wording was changed from adding to "melee Accuracy" and "ranged Accuracy" separately to just adding to Accuracy, but I wanted to double check to make sure it's not a bug. In the first game it would have stacked at least with the stance; probably with both.
  24. 1. Start a new game. 2. Equip the same character with both a Potion of Relentless Striking and a Potion of Deftness. 3. Make lewd comments on a Tikawara warrior's sister's chosen profession to start a fight. 4. Drink both potions. 5. Observe that the attack speed bonus from both potions stacks. 6. Let the record show that I dearly hope this is intended.
  25. Based on their description and lore (from the first game as well), Soulbound weapons should be universal and any character whose soul is bound to them should be considered proficient in their use. Hence, I would expect a Devoted not to take the -10 Accuracy penalty when wielding a Soulbound weapon, regardless of whether it is of the kind they are devoted to. Currently, that is not the case: Is this intended (i.e. the Devoted's restriction is meant to apply to Soulbound weapons too) or are Soulbound weapons mistakenly not flagged as universal in the current beta build?
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