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Everything posted by Tychoxi

  1. I think there should be off-hand weapons (ie. smaller, special). BUT if I want to equip two full, big, fat axes then I should be able to as long as I meet the requirements/feats/whatever and am willing to accept the penalties (I would expect bigish penalties until you reach certain levels/acquire feats/whatever, then smallish penalties). Dual wielding, I love 'em.
  2. yes! though I like to carry my torch in my off-hand and my axe in my other hand.
  3. that building (first pic) looks great, great, great. I must say, though, that I'm expecting different architectural styles for different areas from you fine and revered game designers. And the characters models look just like what I was expecting (I don't mean the character's design but the level of detail and such), so it's looking good to me! now, what had me going waaaa and WTF and wheeee was the "+3 medicine" flail, so I'm glad you guys removed Mark's blacksmithing privileges!
  4. I voted "levelled up", but I'm not sure what you mean. I want them to have more or less the same experience points as I have when I get them... but they should still be level 1 characters so that I get to level them all the way up *myself*, thus customizing them to my good taste. An Auto-level-up button should of course be there too.
  5. You know you are something else when your job prescription includes playing Arcanum in 2013AD.
  6. It should all come to your stats and skills (what you have equipped too). If you bluff or point to your super armor, muscles or magic prowess with varying requirements of speech, charisma, etc, the would-be mugger would just back away slowly.
  7. I'm pretty sure (I have NO basis for this) the main story will involve like three factions who will be much more gray and grey than the lightish gray and darkish gray of FNV.
  8. I'm all for less locations if it means they are better integrated and interconnected with each other. (I'm not talking about shoehorning connections just for it's own sake).
  9. It should be a wheel with two options: a Good Chap option, and a Slightly Less of a Good Chap option. These polar opposites should of course always be placed in the same part of the circle, so that I don't need to read what I'm saying, I'll just choose "leftie" or a "rightsie". Okay, sillyness aside, I honestly don't care so much about this, both ways can work for me. I'm more interested in my dialogue options being shaped in extreme ways by my attributes (with entire nodes being opened or closed depending on my stats for example) and there being a ****ton of skillchecks. Admitedly, this will work better in a Planescape-simile presentation because the descriptions (and their probably exclusive dialogue options) can also be utterly affected by my stats. So I vote PST style, but this is not a dealbreaker. *remembers he already said this in another poll* *digs through his posts history* * http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60207-dialogue-poll/ presents a handy link*
  10. To me it's more a matter of people actively dismissing/refusing to submit themselves to a deity (doesn't matter if they consider said deity to be all-powerful or not. Truth be told they'll most probably be virtually all-powerful, so it doesn't matter!). Though I wouldn't call it "nihilism" like the OP, that's far too general. It's something like "anti-deism": OK, I acknowledge your existence, but I don't consider you worthy of my worship, you can do your thing, but don't expect me to love/bow to/obey/woeship you. Or if I'm feeling a little more militant, not only do I not consider you worthy of my worship, I don't like the idea of anyone worshipping/following you at all, and I'll actively work against that (note this is not a believer in God A angsting against believers in God B, he would be against any believers of any deity). And this is what I always choose when RPGs let me, I always say "I don't follow any religion/care for the gods" when the dialog option comes up... so I like this. I also think it could be cool to have major players following this line of thought in the game. EDIT: also if I recall correctly, in PE Gods don't take much of an active role with humans, so - in general - they would just watch these anti-gods people do their thing undisturbed.
  11. I double-click: characters run. I single-click: characters walk.
  12. if it works organically given my actions and the NPC's personality I wouldn't mind this one bit! (well, I'd probably mind it if he steals a "quest item" and we never see 'em again, but I'm otherwise cool with it).
  13. yeah, I know we won't get destructible terrain, or something major, but furniture and stuff like that could be done rather easily if they were so inclined. If they manage to make it look good, I think it would be rather cool (I don't mean you going around bashing everything with your sword, just with fireballs and other explosions like OP says!) In any case I DO hope we get destroyable doors, I want to kick people's doors down.
  14. I care up to certain point, I was kinda happy when they said that map wasn't the definitive one (though later I started feeling that's pretty much the one we'll get!) because it feels a bit wrong. It does look like I don't care as much as you do, but if Obsidian can get a world that is both functional to their needs and has realistic geography all the better I say.
  15. It's one of those things they should/could put a switch for in "gameplay options", I say.
  16. Would I still support it? I would have preferred it to be a turn based game. I have no qualms about the Baldursgatesian combat mechanics, though. Especially of the guys are confindent in its implementation.
  17. I'm kinda ambivalent, but I prefer for the game to just finish. In the past I have always wanted to play a game where the world continues after you finish it and you get to witness the changes in each town and even get some small interactions or quests... but in the end I think that even if they were to dump resources into doing that it would just feel sterile and instead of going out with the bang of the endgame you go out with a limping meh... I say we save the witnessing of "changes" in the world for the expansion! And the sequels! I utterly abhor the "unlocking" of things via second (or third!!) playthrough. It just feels like the game is punishing me for... not having played it yet?? B- but... I just bought the damn thing! It's not my fault I haven't finished it yet! For you, I would finish ir a thousand times, and replay it a thousand more... but I can't do that before getting the game! You expect the IMPOSSIBLE. Oh, my Gods! Why?! I just, I can't... why can't I ever please you? What do you want FROM ME?!! Huh?!! Ahem, so, finishing the game is reward enough I say! Seriously think about it: in your example you are not being rewarded with some candy, you are being "rewarded" with features that should have been there in the first place! I remember in Dungeon Siege 2 (it's a very good game, no matter what you people say!) you had to finish the game like twice before you "unlocked" all the party-member slots, that's just plain wrong.
  18. I hope it's most like Arcanum, really. What the-? I hope you are joking, it should be like DA2: streamlined, recurrent, great QA...
  19. if there are any kind of race bonuses, then yes, every single race should have different bonuses (or, uh, whatever you call the reverse of a bonus? that too).
  20. in FO, for example, this was most certainly NOT a mere cosmetic choice. Though I would find it tedious if we had to sheath our weapons manually, I think, in general, I don't much care if the game were to auto-sheath weapons every time combat ends.
  21. Anyone should be killable. Now, accomplishing a large slaughter in a big ass city should be virtually impossible.
  22. I too was confused regarding when/what dealt damage to Stamina and/or Health! Glad it was so rapidly clarified.
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